46 research outputs found

    Implementation of INSPIRE Schema Transformation Service

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    This paper studies three different approaches for the implementation of INSPIRE Schema Transformation Service. The first approach uses a WPS application for serving a custom-built transformer application that uses a custom-built schema mapping language for defining the transformations. It performs the schema transformations on-the-fly and it is implemented as an individual service. The other two approaches are based on different versions of the deegree WFS application and they use custom XSLT scripts for executing the schema transformations. One of these approaches is incorporated inside a Download Service and it performs the transformations on-the-fly, whereas the other approach relies on off-line transformations and works as a Download Service that serves the pre-transformed data

    ELF GeoLocator Service

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    Ponencias, comunicaciones y pósters presentados en el 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science "Connecting a Digital Europe through Location and Place", celebrado en la Universitat Jaume I del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.This paper describes the implementation of a gazetteer service, GeoLocator, developed in the project ‘European Location Framework’ (ELF). The GeoLocator service contains data from the INSPIRE/ELF themes Geographical Names, Administrative Units and Addresses. The functionalities of the service include geocoding, administrative unit-limited geocoding, fuzzy geocoding, reverse geocoding and administrative unit-limited reverse geocoding

    Associations Between Cohabitation, Marriage, and Suspected Crime : a Longitudinal Within-Individual Study

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    The effects of marriage on criminal behavior have been studied extensively. As marriages today are typically preceded by cohabiting relationships, there is a growing need to clarify how different relationship types are associated with criminality, and how these effects may be modified by relationship duration, partner's criminality, and crime type. We used Finnish longitudinal register data and between- and within-individual analyses to examine how cohabitation and marriage were associated with suspected crime. The data included 638,118 residents of Finland aged 0-14 in 2000 and followed for 17 years for a suspected crime: having been suspected of violent, drug, or any crime. Between-individual analyses suggested that those who were cohabiting or married had a 40-65% lower risk of being suspected of a crime compared to those who were single, depending on the type of crime. The within-individual analysis showed a 25-50% lower risk for suspected crime when people were cohabiting or married compared to time periods when they were single. Those in a relationship with a criminal partner had 11 times higher risk for suspected crime than those in a relationship with a non-criminal partner. Forming a cohabiting relationship with a non-criminal partner was associated with reduced criminality. The risk reduction was not fully explained by selection effects due to between-individual differences. Marriage did not introduce further reduction to criminality. Our findings demonstrate that selection effects partly explain the association between relationship status and criminality but are also compatible with a causal effect of cohabitation on reduced risk of being suspected of a crime.Peer reviewe

    Integrating Statistical Databases with Geospatial Datasets

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    European Cartographic Conference – EuroCarto 202

    Producing and visualizing a country-wide 3D data repository in Finland

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    The amount and the quality of 3D spatial data are growing constantly, but the data is collected and stored in a distributed fashion by various data collecting organizations. This may lead to problems regarding interoperability, usability and availability of the data. Traditionally, national spatial data infrastructures have focused on 2D data, but recently there has been great progress towards introducing also 3D spatial data in governmental services. This paper studies the process of creating a country-wide 3D data repository in Finland and visualizing it for the public by using an open source map application. The 3D spatial data is collected and stored into one national topographic database that provides information for the whole society. The data quality control process is executed with an automated data quality module as a part of the import process to the database. The 3D spatial data is served from the database for the visualization via 3D service and the visualization is piloted in the National Geoportal

    Metabolomics profile of 5649 users and nonusers of hormonal intrauterine devices in Finland

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Background: Use of hormonal intrauterine devices has grown during the last decades. Although hormonal intrauterine devices act mostly via local effects on the uterus, measurable concentrations of levonorgestrel are absorbed into the systemic circulation. The possible metabolic changes and large-scale biomarker profiles associated with hormonal intrauterine devices have not yet been studied in detail. Objective: To examine through the metabolomics approach the metabolic profile of patients using hormonal intrauterine devices and how this metabolic profile is affected by duration and discontinuation of use. Study Design: The study consisted of cross-sectional analyses of 5 population-based surveys (FINRISK and FinHealth studies), spanning from 1997 to 2017. All fertile-aged participants (18–49 years) in the surveys with available information on hormonal contraceptive use and metabolomics data (n=5649) were included in the study. Altogether, 211 metabolic measures of users of hormonal intrauterine devices (n=1006) were compared with those of nonusers of hormonal contraception (n=4643) via multivariable linear regression models. To allow comparison across multiple measures, association magnitudes were reported in standard deviation units of difference in biomarker concentration compared with the reference group. Results: After adjustment for covariates, levels of 141 metabolites differed in current users of hormonal intrauterine devices compared with nonusers of hormonal contraception (median difference in biomarker concentration, 0.09 standard deviation): lower levels of particle concentration of larger lipoprotein subclasses, triglycerides, cholesterol and derivatives, apolipoproteins A and B, fatty acids, glycoprotein acetyls, and aromatic amino acids. The metabolic pattern of hormonal intrauterine device use did not change according to duration of use. When comparing previous users and never-users of hormonal intrauterine devices, no significant metabolic differences were observed. Conclusion: The use of hormonal intrauterine devices was associated with several moderate metabolic changes previously associated with reduced arterial cardiometabolic risk. The metabolic effects were independent of duration of use of the hormonal intrauterine devices. Moreover, the metabolic profiles were similar after discontinuation of hormonal intrauterine device use and in never-users.Peer reviewe

    Within-sibship genome-wide association analyses decrease bias in estimates of direct genetic effects

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Estimates from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of unrelated individuals capture effects of inherited variation (direct effects), demography (population stratification, assortative mating) and relatives (indirect genetic effects). Family-based GWAS designs can control for demographic and indirect genetic effects, but large-scale family datasets have been lacking. We combined data from 178,086 siblings from 19 cohorts to generate population (between-family) and within-sibship (within-family) GWAS estimates for 25 phenotypes. Within-sibship GWAS estimates were smaller than population estimates for height, educational attainment, age at first birth, number of children, cognitive ability, depressive symptoms and smoking. Some differences were observed in downstream SNP heritability, genetic correlations and Mendelian randomization analyses. For example, the within-sibship genetic correlation between educational attainment and body mass index attenuated towards zero. In contrast, analyses of most molecular phenotypes (for example, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol) were generally consistent. We also found within-sibship evidence of polygenic adaptation on taller height. Here, we illustrate the importance of family-based GWAS data for phenotypes influenced by demographic and indirect genetic effects.Peer reviewe

    Geografiska data i nationell informationsled

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    Kansallisen Palveluarkkitehtuurin (KaPA) puitteissa on määritelty palvelujen harmonisointiin ja yhteentoimivuuteen tähtääviä periaatteita mm. tiedonsiirtoon, käyttäjätunnistukseen, käyttöliittymiin ja palvelujen metatietoihin liittyen. Osana valtionhallinnon tietoarkkitehtuurin kehittämistä on tehty päätös ottaa käyttöön hallinnon sähköisten palvelujen hyödyntämistä tukeva palveluväylä (Suomi.fi-palveluväylä). Paikkatietoaineistot muodostavat yhden keskeisen tietovarannon, joka olisi tärkeää kytkeä palveluväylän kautta sovellusten saavutettavaksi. Paikkatietoihin liittyen on kehitetty yhteisiä standardeja tukevia palvelutoteutuksia viime vuosien aikana monissa eri organisaatioissa osana INSPIRE-prosessia tukevaa kansallisen paikkatietoinfrastruktuurin rakentamista. Haasteena nykytilanteessa on erityisesti se, miten voitaisiin sovittaa yhteen paikkatietoalan jo vakiintuneet yhteentoimivuuskäytännöt ja KaPA:n mukaiset sähköisten palvelujen toimintaperiaatteet. Olemassa olevien INSPIRE/OGC-yhteensopivien palvelujen näkökulmasta katsoen Suomi.fi -palveluväylä tulee nähdä mahdollisuutena paikkatietojen hyödyntämiseen uuden tyyppisissä sovelluksissa ja uusilla sovellusalueilla. Hankkeessa kehitetyn sovitinpalvelun avulla operatiivinen INSPIRE/ OGC-yhteensopiva rajapintapalvelu voidaan liittää palveluväylään ilman, että ao. palveluun tarvitsee tehdä mitään muutoksia. Luontevimmin Suomi.fi-palveluväylään kytkettäviksi soveltuvat INSPIRE kyselypalvelut ja OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) -palvelut. Avoimien tietoaineistojen ja palvelujen osalta on tärkeää, että niiden tuottama tietosisältö olisi KaPA-palvelujen hyödynnettävissä myös ilman kytkeytymistä Suomi.fi-palveluväylään. Palveluväylään liittymisen kustannusvaikutukset voivat olla tiedontuottajaorganisaatioille merkittäviä – erityisesti kiristyneiden palvelutasovaatimusten takia. On tärkeää, että KaPA:n tarjoamien tukipalveluiden hinnoittelu ei muodostu esteeksi niiden laajamittaiselle käyttöönotoll

    34. Rakennuttajakoulutuksen tutkielmat

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    Julkaisu koostuu kolmestatoista 34. rakennuttajakoulutuksen tutkielmasta: (1) Markus Aaltonen: Suunnitelmien yhteensovittaminen tietomallia hyödyntävässä rakennushankkeessa (2) Tapani Heiskanen: Turvallisuuskoordinaattorin tehtävät (3) Tero Kanervo: Suunnittelun ohjaus allianssiurakassa (4) Seppo Lappalainen: Turvallisuuskoordinaattorin tehtävät - Rakennuttajakonsultti turvallisuuskoordinaattorina (5) Jyrki Latvala: Tietomallinnuksen hyödyntäminen työmaatoiminnassa (6) Juha Lehtonen: Arkkitehtitoimiston rakennuttamispalvelu - Palvelun kehittäminen erilliseksi liiketoiminnaksi (7) Reijo Markkanen: Rakennuttajan sivu-urakoiden alistamismenettelyn mahdollisuuksia ja kehitysehdotuksia rakennusprojektin hallinnassa (8) Janne Pietarinen: Laadunvarmistusmittaukset tietomallipohjaisessa väylärakentamisessa (9) Petri Pirttilahti: Turvallisuuskoordinaattorin työturvallisuustehtävät ja -vastuut (10) Anni Rouvinen: Asiakaslähtöinen hankekehitys ja suunnittelu (11) Pekka Saarnio: Rakennuttajan määrälaskenta: Vaatimukset LVIA -töiden määrälaskenta-asiakirjoille (12) Pekka Salla: Rakennuttajan kustannusarvioiden laadinta (13) Satu Salonsaari: Turvallisuuskoordinaattorin tehtävät kohteessa Fazer Suklaa O