48 research outputs found

    Perspectiva del estudiantado de Medicina sobre los contenidos LGBT en el curriculum del Grado de Medicina en España en 2019: un estudio observacional transversal

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    Introduction: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals face significant barriers in accessing appropriate and comprehensive medical care. The objective of this study is to evaluate the degree of preparedness and comfort autoperceived by spanish medical students and the factors that most determine their learning. Method: An online questionnaire (2019) was distributed to students (n=349) at 41 spanish medical schools. Results: Of 349 survey respondents, 326 were included in the final analysis. Globally, LGBT-related curricular content is taught to 16% (45/282) of medical students. Students often felt prepared addressing human immunodeficiency virus (170/309; 55%) and sexual orientation (149/305; 49%). They felt least prepared discussing barriers to accesing medical care (53/307; 17%) and sex reassignment surgery (61/306; 20%). Medical education helped 26,5% (82/310) of students feel “more prepared” and 22,4% (66/295) of students feel “more comfortable” to care for LGBT patients. Conclusion: sample size doesn’t allow us to make generalizations. However, our results show a trend that generally, Spanish medical students feel as comfortable as students from other countries but less prepared to care for LGBT patients. Interaction with their peers has been shown as the most important source of formation.Introducción: Las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT) se enfrentan a barreras en el acceso a una asistencia médica adecuada. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el grado de preparación y comodidad autopercibido del estudiantado de Medicina y los factores que más han determinado su aprendizaje. Métodos: En 2019 se realizó una encuesta online a estudiantes de Medicina de las 43 Facultades de Medicina españolas (n=349). Resultados: De 349 respuestas, 326 fueron finalmente analizadas. Globalmente el contenido referente a la salud de las personas LGBT se enseña a un 16% (45 de 282) de estudiantes de Medicina. Los estudiantes se sienten más preparados para abordar VIH en personas LGBT (170/309; 55%) y orientación sexual (149/305; 49%). Se sintieron menos preparados para abordar las dificultades en el acceso a los servicios de salud por parte de personas LGBT (53/307; 17%) y cirugías de reafirmación de sexo (61/306; 20%). La educación médica ayudó a que el 26,5% (82/310) de los estudiantes se sintiesen más preparados y a que el 22,4% (66/295) se sintiesen más cómodos en el trato con pacientes LGBT. Discusión: el tamaño de nuestra muestra no permite considerar los resultados como generalizables, pero sí que muestra una tendencia de que en general el estudiantado de medicina español, se siente igual de cómodo, pero menos preparado para abordar temas de salud LGBT que los estudiantes de medicina de otros países y que lo que más ha fomentado su formación en este sentido ha sido su interacción con otros estudiantes

    Age-Dependent Serotype-Associated Case-Fatality Rate in Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in the Autonomous Community of Madrid between 2007 and 2020

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the serotype-associated fatality rate in cases of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in the Spanish region of Madrid between 2007 and 2020. Serotyping was performed by Pneumotest Latex and the Quellung reaction using commercial antisera. Case-fatality rate was estimated as the ratio between the number of deaths at hospital discharge and the number of cases attributable to each serotype. To evaluate the association measures, the odds ratios with a 95% confidence interval were calculated. Twenty five pneumococcal serotypes were associated to mortality and comprised 87.8% of the total number of isolates characterized. Serotypes 8, 3, 19A, 1, 7F, 22F, 12F, and 11A were the most prevalent (≥3% each). Serotypes 31, 11A, and 19F were significantly associated to high case-fatality rates (>20% each). The lower significantly associated case-fatality rate (<10% each) was found in serotypes 5, 1, 12B, 7F, 12F, 8, 33, and 10A. The serotypes with higher mortality levels (≥0.04 per 100,000 population) were 11A (fatality 24.0%), 3 (fatality 18.7%), 19A (fatality 12.5%), and 8 (fatality 7.2%). Serotype 3 was worrisome because it is associated with important fatality levels combined with very high incidence and mortality rates. Serotype 11A also showed a high fatality with marked incidence and mortality levels. Some few frequent serotypes as 31, 19F, and 15A despite its high fatality had low levels of mortality. By contrast other serotypes as 8 showing low fatality had high mortality ranges because it shows a wide extended distribution. Finally, common serotypes, such as 1 and 5, presented small mortality length, due to their low case-fatality rates.This research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), grant PID2020-119298RB-I00 and by internal funding from Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM).S

    Interpersonal violence in Spain through national hospital discharge survey.

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    [ES] Describir la epidemiología de la violencia interpersonal en España. Estudio descriptivo de los casos de pacientes con diagnóstico secundario de agresión registrados en el Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos de altas hospitalarias, entre 1999 y 2011, utilizando los códigos E960 a E969 de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE-9). Se describe la distribución por sexo, edad y tipo de alta y de atención requerida, morbilidad asociada, mortalidad y comunidad autónoma. Se estudia la calidad del registro en función de su variación temporal. El perfil de agresión en hombres (85%) es el de un paciente de entre 15 y 44 años, que en un 93,7% de los casos precisa atención urgente y cuya gravedad es moderada (95% alta a domicilio). El 2,5% de los pacientes reingresa, y se produce la muerte en el 1,1% de las ocasiones. El perfil en las mujeres (15%) difiere ligeramente: edad comprendida entre 31 y 52 años, el 94% requiere atención urgente (si bien el 96% tiene una gravedad moderada), el 3% reingresa y en el 1,7% de las ocasiones la paciente muere. Aunque necesitan ser mejorados para evitar ciertas limitaciones, los sistemas de información sanitaria constituyen una riquísima fuente de datos que pueden ser utilizados para la investigación en salud y, a través de sus resultados, para el desarrollo de planes de prevención e intervención sociosanitaria en temas de violencia. [EN] To describe the epidemiology of interpersonal violence in Spain. Descriptive study of the cases of patients with secondary diagnosis of aggression registered on a national hospital discharge database, between 1999 and 2011, using the codes from E960 to E969 of the ICD-9. The distribution by sex, age and type of discharge, associated morbidity, mortality and by autonomous community is described. The quality of the record is studied according to its temporal variation. The case profile of aggression in men (85%) is of a patient between 15 and 44 years old, who in 93.7% of cases requires urgent care and whose severity is moderate (95% discharge home). Two point five percent of patients are readmitted and death occurs in1.1%. The profile in women (15%) differs slightly, with an age between 31 and 52 years, 94% require urgent attention, although 96% have moderate severity; 3% are readmitted and 1.7% die. Although they need to be improved to avoid certain limitations, health information systems are a rich source of data that can be used for research in health and, through their results, for the development of prevention plans and intervention in matters of violence.S

    Approach to the causes of discharge and health needs of transgender people through the National Hospital Discharge Survey in Spain during the period 2001 to 2013

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    OBJECTIVE: The health of transgender people is a little studied topic and hospital records can be an opportunity to make an approach. The aim of this study was to describe the cause for admission and the associated comorbidities of transgender people in Spain between 2001 and 2013. METHODS: Retrospective observational study with population-based administrative records (Minimum Basic Data Set). The discharges generated by the transgender in Spanish public and private hospitals were selected using one of the following ICD-9-CM codes in any diagnostic field: Trans-sexualism (302.5), Disorders of psychosexual identity (302.6) and Gender identity disorder in adolescents or adults (302.85). The causes of admission and comorbidity according were described. The qualitative variables were described in their frequency distribution according to their number(n) and proportion(%) and the quantitative variables according to their mean and standard deviation (SD) or median (MD) and interquartile range (RIQ) according to their distribution. RESULTS: A total of 2,010 highs were recorded corresponding to 1,878 patients. The mean age was 33 years (SD = 10). 51% were male, 46% female and 3% undetermined or unspecified. The discharges were motivated in 59% by the process of body modification, followed by HIV (4%) and personality disorders (3%). The most common comorbidities were those associated with body modification (49%), mental health problems (40%) and infectious diseases (15%). CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to address the health of transgender people in a comprehensive way that takes into account their specific health needs, including bodily modification, mental health, HIV and other infections, through strategies that include improve research, tailor health information systems and develop guidelines and training of healthcare providers in this transgender health.S

    Hate violence in the emergency rooms of third level hospitals. First data in Spain

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    To describe the cases of hate violence attended in emergency services. A cross-sectional study of a series of cases of aggression treated in the emergency rooms of two hospitals in Madrid, between April 2015 and March 2018. The cases of hate violence are described in terms of their sociodemographic, clinical-epidemiological and incident data and compared with other types of violence within the study. A total of 147 patients were included and 49% reported having been victims of hate violence. Among the victims, 61% were men, the average age was 36 years and 48% had a medium-high level of education. The most frequent motivations were physical appearance, nationality and ethnic origin. The place of aggression was the street in 50%, and in 61% of the cases it was perpetrated by more than one person (83% by men). The most common injury was contusion (71%) and the most frequent location the head and neck (71%). Only 8% required admission. The surveillance of hate violence would foster more accurate knowledge of the real magnitude and characteristics of this health problem and improve the quality of care for victims.Este estudio ha sido financiado por la Acción Estratégica en Salud (PI13/02267) y cofinanciado con fondos FEDER.S

    Coordination for an affective and sexual diversity approach to monkeypox

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    En mayo de 2022 se detectaron las primeras cadenas de transmisión de la viruela del mono fuera de los países endémicos. Este brote presenta características clínicas y epidemiológicas diferentes de las observadas en los brotes anteriores, con un mayor impacto en el grupo de hombres que tienen sexo con hombres. El abordaje de brotes epidémicos que conlleva intervenciones sobre comunidades o poblaciones en riesgo de estigmatización resulta un desafío. La independencia y la capacidad profesional de las sociedades científicas permiten adoptar iniciativas para dar respuestas rápidas a este tipo de desafíos. Mediante el trabajo colaborativo y la iniciativa profesional se elaboró un documento orientado a evitar la estigmatización a la vez que se promovían la prevención y el control de la enfermedad. Para su divulgación se emplearon distintos canales y se contó con los agentes de interés. El trabajo en equipo, dentro de las estructuras de participación de una sociedad científica, permite impulsar acciones rápidas basadas en recomendaciones técnicas.In May 2022, the first monkeypox transmission chains were detected outside endemic countries. This outbreak presents clinical and epidemiological characteristics different from those observed in previous outbreaks, with a greater impact among the group of men who have sex with other men. The approach of epidemic outbreaks that requires interventions on communities or populations at risk of stigmatization is a major public health challenge. The independence and professional capacity of scientific societies allow to be take initiatives to provide rapid responses to this type of challenges. Through collaborative work and professional initiative, a document was issued aimed at avoiding stigmatization while promoting the prevention and control measures. For its dissemination, different channels were used counting with key partners. Teamwork, within the participation structures of a scientific society, allows to promote rapid public health actions based on technical recommendations

    Skills for Preventive Medicine and Public Health: Proposal after a comparative and participative approach

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    Parte de este trabajo fue presentado en la XXXV Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología y XII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia celebrada el 6 de septiembre de 2017 en Barcelona, en formato póster, con el título «Competencias de la especialidad medicina preventiva y salud pública: una nueva visión». También en el XIX Congreso Nacional y VIII Internacional de la SEMPSPH celebrado en Valencia el 16 de mayo de 2017 fue presentado en la ponencia titulada «Pasado, presente y futuro de la formación MIR».[ES] Introducción: El desarrollo normativo de la Ley 44/2003, a través del Real Decreto 639/2014, inició el proceso de reorganización de la Formación Sanitaria Especializada (FSE). El objetivo de este trabajo es elaborar una propuesta de competencias específicas para la especialidad de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública mediante un análisis comparado y proceso participativo. Métodos: Cuatro fases: 1) análisis y extracción de competencias de documentación de organismos oficiales; 2) consulta dirigida a personas clave; 3) consulta abierta a residentes y personas implicadas en la FSE, y 4) difusión a la Comisión Nacional de la Especialidad y público general. Resultados: 1) Se extrajeron 543 competencias y 67 categorías de 7 fuentes primarias (Austria, Canadá, ECDC, Estados Unidos, Francia, Reino Unido y OPS). Se produjeron 126 competencias en 12 categorías. 2) Participaron 10 personas clave, 64 competencias fueron modificadas, 10 eliminadas y 9 nuevas. 3) Hubo 32 respuestas: 132 competencias en 12 categorías. Propuesta final: 145 competencias en 21 categorías, organizadas en 3 bloques: competencias genéricas, técnicas y específicas. Conclusión: La propuesta final es producto de la participación de residentes y personas implicadas en la FSE, partiendo del actual marco y del análisis del desarrollo de la especialidad en el contexto internacional. Se han incorporado conceptos presentes en países de nuestro entorno y cercanos a la práctica. [EN] Introduction: The Royal Decree 639/2014 (‘Core Curriculum’ Decree) has amongst its objectives to modify Specialist Training in Medicine Disciplines. The aim of this project is to elaborate a proposal of specific skills for the specialty of Preventive Medicine and Public Health using a comparative and participative approach. Methods: 1) Comparative analysis of documents published by official institutions; 2) consultation with key informants; 3) open consultation with residents and trainers, and 4) presentation to the National Commission of the Specialty and the general public. Results: 1) 126 competencies were found in 12 categories. 2) 10 key informants, 64 skills modified, 10 removed, and 9 added; 3) 32 responses the first draft contained 132 skills in 12 categories. The final proposal included 145 skills in 21 categories, classified into 3 areas: generic, technical, and specific skills. Conclusion: The final proposal is the product of participation of residents and individuals involved in specialised training, starting from the current framework and international context analysis. Concepts present in countries in this field and close to our professional activity have been included.S

    Effectiveness of Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavaria Nordic Vaccination in a Population at High Risk of Mpox: A Spanish Cohort Study

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    Background: With over 7,500 cases notified since April 2022, Spain has experienced the highest incidence of mpox in Europe. From July 12th onwards, the Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavaria Nordic (MVA-BN) smallpox vaccine was offered as pre-exposure prophylaxis for individuals at high-risk of mpox, including those receiving pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (HIV-PrEP). Our aim was to assess the effectiveness of one dose of MVA-BN vaccine as pre-exposure against mpox virus (MPXV) infection in persons on HIV-PrEP. Methods: We conducted a national retrospective cohort study between July 12 and December 12, 2022. Individuals ≥18 years, receiving HIV-PrEP as of July 12 and with no previous MPXV infection or vaccination were eligible. Each day, we matched individuals receiving a first dose of MVA-BN vaccine and unvaccinated controls of the same age group and region. We used a Kaplan-Meier estimator and calculate risk ratios (RR) and vaccine effectiveness (VE = 1-RR). Results: We included 5,660 matched pairs, with a median follow-up of 62 days (interquartile range 24-97). Mpox cumulative incidence was 5.6 per 1,000 (25 cases) in unvaccinated and 3.5 per 1,000 (18 cases) in vaccinated. No effect was found during days 0-6 post-vaccination (VE -38.3; 95% confidence interval (95%CI): -332.7; 46.4), but VE was 65% in ≥7 days (95%CI 22.9; 88.0) and 79% in ≥14 days (95%CI 33.3; 100.0) post-vaccination. Conclusions: One dose of MVA-BN vaccine offered protection against mpox in a most-at-risk population shortly after the vaccination. Further studies need to assess the VE of a second dose and the duration of protection over time.S

    Effect of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on invasive disease in older adults of 10 European countries: implications for adult vaccination.

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    BackgroundPneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) have the potential to prevent pneumococcal disease through direct and indirect protection. This multicentre European study estimated the indirect effects of 5-year childhood PCV10 and/or PCV13 programmes on invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in older adults across 13 sites in 10 European countries, to support decision-making on pneumococcal vaccination policies.MethodsFor each site we calculated IPD incidence rate ratios (IRR) in people aged ≥65 years by serotype for each PCV10/13 year (2011-2015) compared with 2009 (pre-PCV10/13). We calculated pooled IRR and 95% CI using random-effects meta-analysis and PCV10/13 effect as (1 - IRR)*100.ResultsAfter five PCV10/13 years, the incidence of IPD caused by all types, PCV7 and additional PCV13 serotypes declined 9% (95% CI -4% to 19%), 77% (95% CI 67% to 84%) and 38% (95% CI 19% to 53%), respectively, while the incidence of non-PCV13 serotypes increased 63% (95% CI 39% to 91%). The incidence of serotypes included in PCV13 and not in PCV10 decreased 37% (95% CI 22% to 50%) in six PCV13 sites and increased by 50% (95% CI -8% to 146%) in the four sites using PCV10 (alone or with PCV13). In 2015, PCV13 serotypes represented 20-29% and 32-53% of IPD cases in PCV13 and PCV10 sites, respectively.ConclusionOverall IPD incidence in older adults decreased moderately after five childhood PCV10/13 years in 13 European sites. Large declines in PCV10/13 serotype IPD, due to the indirect effect of childhood vaccination, were countered by increases in non-PCV13 IPD, but these declines varied according to the childhood vaccine used. Decision-making on pneumococcal vaccination for older adults must consider the indirect effects of childhood PCV programmes. Sustained monitoring of IPD epidemiology is imperative