371 research outputs found

    Neurological Soft Signs in Individuals with Pathological Gambling

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    Increased neurological soft signs (NSSs) have been found in a number of neuropsychiatric syndromes, including chemical addiction. The present study examined NSSs related to perceptual-motor and visuospatial processing in a behavioral addiction viz., pathological gambling (PG). As compared to mentally healthy individuals, pathological gamblers displayed significantly poorer ability to copy two- and three-dimensional figures, to recognize objects against a background noise, and to orient in space on a road-map test. Results indicated that PG is associated with subtle cerebral cortical abnormalities. Further prospective clinical research is needed to address the NSSs' origin and chronology (e.g., predate or follow the development of PG) as well as their response to therapeutic interventions and/or their ability to predict such a response

    KATANA - a charge-sensitive triggering system for the Sπ\piRIT experiment

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    KATANA - the Krakow Array for Triggering with Amplitude discrimiNAtion - has been built and used as a trigger and veto detector for the Sπ\piRIT TPC at RIKEN. Its construction allows operating in magnetic field and providing fast response for ionizing particles, giving the approximate forward multiplicity and charge information. Depending on this information, trigger and veto signals are generated. The article presents performance of the detector and details of its construction. A simple phenomenological parametrization of the number of emitted scintillation photons in plastic scintillator is proposed. The effect of the light output deterioration in the plastic scintillator due to the in-beam irradiation is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Solar Jet Hunter: a citizen science initiative to identify coronal jets in EUV data sets

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    Context. Solar coronal jets seen in EUV are ubiquitous on the Sun, have been found in and at the edges of active regions, at the boundaries of coronal holes, and in the quiet Sun. Jets have various shapes, sizes, brightness, velocities and duration in time, which complicates their detection by automated algorithms. So far, solar jets reported in the Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase (HEK) have been mostly reported by humans looking for them in the data, with different levels of precision regarding their timing and positions. Aims. We create a catalogue of solar jets observed in EUV at 304 {\AA} containing precise and consistent information on the jet timing, position and extent. Methods. We designed a citizen science project, "Solar Jet Hunter", on the Zooniverse platform, to analyze EUV observations at 304 {\AA} from the Solar Dynamic Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA). We created movie strips for regions of the Sun in which jets have been reported in HEK and ask the volunteers to 1) confirm the presence of at least one jet in the data and 2) report the timing, position and extent of the jet. Results. We report here the design of the project and the results obtained after the analysis of data from 2011 to 2016. 365 "coronal jet" events from HEK served as input for the citizen science project, equivalent to more than 120,000 images distributed into 9,689 "movie strips". Classification by the citizen scientists resulted with only 21% of the data containing a jet, and 883 individual jets being identified. Conclusions. We demonstrate how citizen science can enhance the analysis of solar data with the example of Solar Jet Hunter. The catalogue of jets thus created is publicly available and will enable statistical studies of jets and related phenomena. This catalogue will also be used as a training set for machines to learn to recognize jets in further data sets

    Makorin 1 controls embryonic patterning by alleviating Bruno1-mediated repression of oskar translation.

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    Makorins are evolutionary conserved proteins that contain C3H-type zinc finger modules and a RING E3 ubiquitin ligase domain. In Drosophila, maternal Makorin 1 (Mkrn1) has been linked to embryonic patterning but the mechanism remained unsolved. Here, we show that Mkrn1 is essential for axis specification and pole plasm assembly by translational activation of oskar (osk). We demonstrate that Mkrn1 interacts with poly(A) binding protein (pAbp) and binds specifically to osk 3' UTR in a region adjacent to A-rich sequences. Using Drosophila S2R+ cultured cells we show that this binding site overlaps with a Bruno1 (Bru1) responsive element (BREs) that regulates osk translation. We observe increased association of the translational repressor Bru1 with osk mRNA upon depletion of Mkrn1, indicating that both proteins compete for osk binding. Consistently, reducing Bru1 dosage partially rescues viability and Osk protein level in ovaries from Mkrn1 females. We conclude that Mkrn1 controls embryonic patterning and germ cell formation by specifically activating osk translation, most likely by competing with Bru1 to bind to osk 3' UTR

    DNA damage signalling prevents deleterious telomere addition at DNA breaks

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    The response to DNA damage involves regulation of multiple essential processes to maximize the accuracy of DNA damage repair and cell survival 1. Telomerase has the potential to interfere with repair by inappropriately adding telomeres to DNA breaks. It was unknown whether cells modulate telomerase in response to DNA damage, to increase the accuracy of repair. Here we report that telomerase action is regulated as a part of the cellular response to a DNA double-strand break (DSB). Using yeast, we show that the major ATR/Mec1 DNA damage signalling pathway regulates telomerase action at DSBs. Upon DNA damage, MEC1-RAD53-DUN1-dependent phosphorylation of the telomerase inhibitor Pif1 occurs. Utilizing a separation of function PIF1 mutation, we show that this phosphorylation is required for the Pif1-mediated telomerase inhibition that takes place specifically at DNA breaks, but not telomeres. Hence DNA damage signalling down-modulates telomerase action at a DNA break via Pif1 phosphorylation, thus preventing aberrant healing of broken DNA ends by telomerase. These findings uncover a novel regulatory mechanism that coordinates competing DNA end-processing activities and thereby promotes DNA repair accuracy and genome integrity


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    Modern Cooling Towers (CT) may utilize different aerodynamic elements (deflectors, windbreak walls etc.) aimed to improvement of its heat performance especially at the windy conditions. In this paper the effect of flow rotation in overshower zone of CT and windbreak walls on a capacity of tower evaporating unit in the windy condition is studied numerically. Geometry of the model corresponds to real Woo-Jin Power station, China. Analogy of heat and mass transfer was used that allowed to consider aerodynamic of one-dimension flow and carried out detailed 3D calculations applying modern PC. Heat transfer coefficient of irrigator and its hydrodynamic resistance were established according to experimental data on total air rate in cooling tower. Numerical model is tested and verified with experimental data.Nonlinear dependence of CT thermal performance on wind velocity is demonstrated with the minimum (critical wind velocity) at ucr ~ 8 m/s for simulated system. Application of windbreak walls does not change the value of the critical wind velocity, but may improves performance of cooling unit at moderate and strong wind conditions. Simultaneous usage of windbreak walls and overshower deflectors may increase efficiency up to 20–30 % for the deflectors angle a = 60o. Simulation let one analyze aerodynamic patterns, induced inside cooling tower and homogeneity of velocities’ field in irrigator’s area.Presented results may be helpful for the CT aerodynamic design optimization, particularly, for perspective hybrid type CTs.Современные башенные испарительные градирни могут использовать разнообразные аэродинамические элементы (дефлекторы, ветроперегородки и др.) для улучшения тепловой работы, особенно в условиях ветра. В статье численно исследуется влияние завихрителей в надоросительном пространстве и ветроперегородок на производительность башенной испарительной градирни в условиях ветра. В качестве прототипа взята действующая башенная испарительная градирня ТЭС «Ву-Джин», Китай. При расчетах использовали аналогию тепло- и массопереноса, что позволило рассмотреть аэродинамику однофазного потока и выполнить детальные трехмерные расчеты на современных персональных вычислительных машинах. Коэффициент теплоотдачи оросителя и его гидродинамическое сопротивление устанавливали в соответствии с экспериментальными данными по общему расходу воздуха в градирне. Численная модель протестирована с использованием экспериментальных данных.Продемонстрирована нелинейная зависимость тепловой производительности башенной испарительной градирни от скорости ветра с минимумом (критическая скорость ветра) при ucr ~ 8 м/с для моделируемой системы. Использование крестообразных ветроперегородок существенно не изменяет критическую скорость ветра, но улучшает тепловую работу при умеренном и сильном ветре. Совместное использование ветроперегородок и завихрителей в надоросительном пространстве может повысить эффективность башенной испарительной градирни на величину до 20–30 % при угле установки завихрителей α = 60o. Расчеты позволяют анализировать аэродинамические структуры, возникающие в башенной испарительной градирне, и однородность поля скоростей в области оросителя.Результаты исследования могут быть полезны для оптимизации конструкции градирен, в том числе и перспективных градирен гибридного типа

    The ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: investigating the symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities

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    The elliptic-flow ratio of neutrons with respect to protons in reactions of neutron rich heavy-ions systems at intermediate energies has been proposed as an observable sensitive to the strength of the symmetry term in the nuclear Equation Of State (EOS) at supra-saturation densities. The recent results obtained from the existing FOPI/LAND data for 197^{197}Au+197^{197}Au collisions at 400 MeV/nucleon in comparison with the UrQMD model allowed a first estimate of the symmetry term of the EOS but suffer from a considerable statistical uncertainty. In order to obtain an improved data set for Au+Au collisions and to extend the study to other systems, a new experiment was carried out at the GSI laboratory by the ASY-EOS collaboration in May 2011.Comment: Talk given by P. Russotto at the 11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (NN2012), San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 27-June 1, 2012. To appear in the NN2012 Proceedings in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    The piRNA-pathway factor FKBP6 is essential for spermatogenesis but dispensable for control of meiotic LINE-1 expression in humans

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    Infertility affects around 7% of the male population and can be due to severe spermatogenic failure (SPGF), resulting in no or very few sperm in the ejaculate. We initially identified a homozygous frameshift variant in FKBP6 in a man with extreme oligozoospermia. Subsequently, we screened a total of 2,699 men with SPGF and detected rare bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in FKBP6 in five additional persons. All six individuals had no or extremely few sperm in the ejaculate, which were not suitable for medically assisted reproduction. Evaluation of testicular tissue revealed an arrest at the stage of round spermatids. Lack of FKBP6 expression in the testis was confirmed by RT-qPCR and immunofluorescence staining. In mice, Fkbp6 is essential for spermatogenesis and has been described as being involved in piRNA biogenesis and formation of the synaptonemal complex (SC). We did not detect FKBP6 as part of the SC in normal human spermatocytes, but small RNA sequencing revealed that loss of FKBP6 severely impacted piRNA levels, supporting a role for FKBP6 in piRNA biogenesis in humans. In contrast to findings in piRNA-pathway mouse models, we did not detect an increase in LINE-1 expression in men with pathogenic FKBP6 variants. Based on our findings, FKBP6 reaches a "strong" level of evidence for being associated with male infertility according to the ClinGen criteria, making it directly applicable for clinical diagnostics. This will improve patient care by providing a causal diagnosis and will help to predict chances for successful surgical sperm retrieval