11,501 research outputs found

    What I Read on My Summer Vacation (Part II)

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    Moving across the country (from Irvine, California to State College, Pennsylvania) meant that most of my books—even the new ones—spent the summer packed in boxes. But alongside a rapid inhalation of all three Stieg Larsson novels, I still did a little China reading. Here, a few recommendations

    The Death of a Virtual Muslim Discussion Group : Issues and Methods in Analysing Religion on the Internet

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    In his article, Göran Larsson discusses and tests the way an Islamic online discussion group could be analyzed. The contribution deals both with theoretical and methodological questions. All the suggested approaches are tested against data taken from the Swedish Muslim discussion group, Sveriges Förenade CyberMuslimer (SFCM), which was the largest Muslim discussion group in Swedish at the time of writing. Larsson argues that it is necessary to develop fresh approaches and combine online research with traditional fieldwork (in particular interviews) in order to be able to use data taken from the Internet. Larsson also demonstrates that analyzing a Swedish Muslim discussion group requires recognition of the significant exchange with the global Muslim community in different languages and on many ”global” topics

    A practical approach to the design, construction and operation of midwater trawl used in Kainji Lake, Nigeria

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    En fyrsprÄkig 1700-talsordbok och dess bakgrund

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    Anmeldt vÊrk:Lennart Larsson: VarifrÄn kom svenskan? Om den svenska vokabulÀren i enfyrsprÄkig ordbok utgiven i Riga 1705. Uppsala 2003

    An analysis of the life, work, and social change created by author Stieg Larsson

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the life of Swedish author Stieg Larsson and how his career as a journalist and activist lead him to create the global phenomenon, The Millennium Trilogy. Through writing about international political themes, Larsson successfully tells a tale of a female heroine, Lisbeth Salander, who overcomes her tragic destiny. Originally written in Swedish, Larsson creates a cultural assimilation through writing about universal themes, such as computer hacking and crimes against humanity. The three novels, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest are together called the Millennium Trilogy, and after only 6 years of publication, sold more than 65 million copies in more than 44 different languages. The novels are additionally the first major block buster books about social networking. Unfortunately, Larsson never saw the success of his novels, having died before their publication. This thesis will search for the truth behind the fiction by using current events that reflect the issues he proposes. It will also explore the idea of writing as a medium for social change by enlightening readers through journalism and literature. Through discussing the international success of the novels, this thesis aims to show the power of universal themes in transcending cultural barriers to create awareness of global issues. The books have not only become a symbol of pop culture, but also a symbol for social justice. The Millennium Trilogy is a series of crime novels that are a delivery system for social activism in the 21st century that incorporates contemporary technology as well as traditional “who dun it” story lines

    Hvordan forholder sykepleier seg til Yrkesetiske retningslinjer i klinisk praksis?

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    Denne oppgaven har etikk som tema, med fokus pÄ hvordan sykepleiere forholder seg til de yrkesetiske retningslinjene i praksis. Ut i fra det har jeg valgt fÞlgende problemstilling: Hvordan forholder sykepleier seg til yrkesetiske retningslinjer i klinisk praksis? FormÄlet med oppgaven er Ä sette lys pÄ sykepleiers praktiske hverdag og videre se hvordan det grunnlaget sykepleier har i form av etiske retningslinjer og teorier innvirker pÄ sykepleiers mÄte Ä forholde seg til yrkesetiske retningslinjer. Oppgaven er et litteraturstudie som er bygget pÄ kvalitativ metode. Jeg har valgt Ä bruke Kari Martinsen sin omsorgsteori og syn pÄ etikk. Oppgaven har en teoridel og en drÞftingsdel. I teoridelen sier jeg litt om hva de yrkesetiske retningslinjene er og hva de inneholder. Jeg tar for meg menneskesyn i sykepleien og beskriver etikk og allmennmoral. Videre presenteres det etisk teori for Ä fÄ frem sykepleiers teoretiske grunnlag. Til slutt tar jeg for meg tre ulike studier som omhandler sykepleiers bruk av yrkesetiske retningslinjer. I drÞftingsdelen presenterer jeg de funn opp i mot problemstillingen, og drÞfter videre de funn opp i mot etisk teori og Kari Martinsen

    The Role of the Deposition in Military Justice

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    Detta Ă€r en studie av Ă„ldrande och minne i Sigrid CombĂŒchens trilogi VĂ€rme, Korta och lĂ„nga kapitel samt En simtur i sundet. Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen Ă€r att visa hur skönlitteratur kan bidra till forskningen om Ă„ldrande, och hur litteraturanalys som metod kan utveckla det forskningsfĂ€lt som i huvudsak har Ă€gnat sig Ă„t frĂ„gestĂ€llningar om Ă„ldrande utifrĂ„n ett skönlitterĂ€rt material, det vill sĂ€ga litteraturgerontologi. Syftet Ă€r Ă€ven att problematisera hur man gör litteraturstudier om Ă„ldrande och synliggöra antaganden om Ă„ldrande i skönlitteratur. Litteraturgerontologer har i stor utstrĂ€ckning intresserat sig för tvĂ„ företeelser i skönlitteratur: det ena Ă€r gestaltningar av Ă€ldre huvudpersoner och det andra Ă€r gestaltningar av ett liv i olika faser, vilka ofta har analyserats som antingen en positiv eller en negativ utveckling. Forskningsinriktningen har drivits sĂ„ lĂ„ngt att det finns anledning att frĂ„ga sig om det finns ett slags ”kronologisk mall” för gestaltningar av Ă„ldrande. Den kronologiska mallen gör sig gĂ€llande pĂ„ tre olika sĂ€tt. För det första har huvudpersonens Ă„lder fĂ„tt stor betydelse för om en roman ska komma ifrĂ„ga i en litteraturanalys om Ă„ldrande. För det andra ska romanens struktur ge illusionen av att huvudpersonen ser tillbaka pĂ„ sitt liv för att erfarenheter av att Ă„ldras ska synliggöras. Och till sist, gestaltningen av huvudperson och tidsmönster ska följa en utvecklingsordning som leder fram till resultatet Ă„ldrande. Analysen av huvudpersonen i Sigrid CombĂŒchens romaner visar att denne inte kan göras till föremĂ„l för en viss tidsmĂ€ssig mall. Gestaltningarna av Göran Sager-Larsson syftar inte till att framstĂ€lla en individ vars liv liknar en verklig mĂ€nniskas, utan Göran Sager-Larsson Ă€r framför allt ett tidsexempel som Ă„terkommer i tre romaner. Gestaltningarna av Göran Sager-Larsson i trilogin synliggör olika samtider och tidsuppfattningar, bland andra Ă„ldrande och minne. Analysen av Göran Sager-Larsson visar att analyser av Ă„ldrande inte nödvĂ€ndigtvis mĂ„ste kopplas till en viss Ă„lder eller en viss fas i livet, utan Ă€r nĂ„got som kan analyseras i skönlitteratur med huvudpersoner i olika Ă„ldrar.This is a study of ageing and memory in Sigrid CombĂŒchen’s trilogy VĂ€rme, Korta och lĂ„nga kapitel and En simtur i sundet. The overarching aim of this dissertation is to show how the literary arts can contribute to the study of ageing, and how literary analysis as a method can contribute to the development of a field that primarily uses literary material to shed light on issues of ageing – that is to say, literary gerontology. A further aim is to problematize the process of literary study and make visible the assumptions about ageing that are present in literary works. The direction of the research has led to a point where it has become necessary to ask the question of whether there is a chronological pattern for the representation of ageing. This pattern is emergent in three ways: Firstly, the old age of the main character has become an important criterion for a novel to be considered for the study of ageing. Secondly, it is taken that the structure of the novel should present an illusion of reminiscence, in order to make the experience of ageing visible. Lastly, the representation of the main character and the presentation of time should appear cumulative and leads to a result we recognize as ageing. The analysis of the trilogy shows that the function of the main character, Göran Sager-Larsson, is a temporal one. The narration of Göran Sager-Larsson is not an attempt to imitate a flesh-and-blood individual. Rather, he is a temporal example, or to be precise, three such examples in the trilogy. As such, the different narrations of Göran Sager-Larsson make it possible for us to notice other understandings of time and the present, among others ageing and memory. Furthermore, the analysis of ageing need not be tied to specific ages or a specific life stage. The analysis of Göran Sager-Larsson shows that ageing in literature can be analyzed using protagonists of all ages

    Svedjebruket i SmÄland

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