19 research outputs found

    Discovery of shale gas in organic rich Jurassic successions, Adventdalen, Central Spitsbergen, Norway

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    Thermogenic dry gas flowed from Jurassic sections in the DH5R research well drilled onshore in Adventdalen, central Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway. The DH5R gas originates from the organic-rich units of the mudstone-dominated Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Agardhfjellet Formation, which is the onshore equivalent to the Fuglen Formation and the prolific oil and gas generating Hekkingen Formation in the southern Barents Shelf. Low-permeable, low-porosity sandstones from the Upper Triassic De Geerdalen Formation of the neighbouring DH4 well were oil-stained and gas was also collected from this interval. Gas from the two stratigraphic intervals have different compositions; the gas from the Agardhfjellet Formation is drier and isotopically heavier than the gas from the Upper Triassic succession. Both gases originated from source rocks of maturity near the end of the oil window (1.1 < Ro < 1.4% Ro). Maceral analyses of the Agardhfjellet Formation indicate that the more silty parts contain a high percentage of vitrinite-rich type III kerogen, whereas the clay-dominated parts are rich in liptinitic type II kerogen. The Agardhfjellet Formation has therefore the potential to generate both oil and gas. Several simulations based on pressure data and flow rates from the DH5R well were run to evaluate if the gas accumulation in the Agardhfjellet Formation is producible, i.e., can it be commercial shale gas. The models demonstrate how changes in the drainage area size and form, well types (vertical versus horizontal), number and length of induced fractures and thickness of the Agardhfjellet Formation affect gas production rates and producible volumes. Despite uncertainties in the input data, simulations indicate that the shale gas accumulation characterised in Adventdalen is producible. This gas can have major environmental benefits as an alternative for local power generation compared to coal.publishedVersio

    Still Arctic? — The changing Barents Sea

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    The Barents Sea is one of the Polar regions where current climate and ecosystem change is most pronounced. Here we review the current state of knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological systems in the Barents Sea. Physical conditions in this area are characterized by large seasonal contrasts between partial sea-ice cover in winter and spring versus predominantly open water in summer and autumn. Observations over recent decades show that surface air and ocean temperatures have increased, sea-ice extent has decreased, ocean stratification has weakened, and water chemistry and ecosystem components have changed, the latter in a direction often described as “Atlantification” or “borealisation,” with a less “Arctic” appearance. Temporal and spatial changes in the Barents Sea have a wider relevance, both in the context of large-scale climatic (air, water mass and sea-ice) transport processes and in comparison to other Arctic regions. These observed changes also have socioeconomic consequences, including for fisheries and other human activities. While several of the ongoing changes are monitored and quantified, observation and knowledge gaps remain, especially for winter months when field observations and sample collections are still sparse. Knowledge of the interplay of physical and biogeochemical drivers and ecosystem responses, including complex feedback processes, needs further development.Still Arctic? — The changing Barents SeapublishedVersio

    Underholdningens gunst: Leif Juster og filmkomedien

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    Artikkelen belyser karrieren til komikeren Leif Juster med særlig henblikk på endringer i komisk stil i hans filmkomedier. I tillegg til å sette hans filmkomikk inn i en filmisk og scenisk tradisjon, belyses det ambivalente forholdet mellom norsk filmbransje, Juster og kinopublikum

    Du store alpakka! Komiske lærere i norsk film

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    Artikkelen er en studie av hvordan læreren er framstilt i norske filmkomedier fra 1920-tallet. Læreren er en utbredt, komisk figur fram til 1970-tallet, og analyser beskriver kjennetegn ved typen i ulike perioder. Gjennom fortelle- og humorteoretiske tilganger, diskuterer artikkelen narrative funksjoner og hvilke gleder den komiske av læreren har gitt publikum, men spør også om hva denne stereotypen sier om akademikerens status i norsk kultur

    Humor pĂĄ samlebĂĄnd

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    Situasjonskomedien er fjernsynets lattermaskin. Komiske elementer finnes mange steder i mediets mangfoldige programflate, men det særlige med denne sjangeren er at den har som sitt overordnede mål å mosjonere seernes lattermuskler. I programoversikten finner vi den under betegnelsene ’komiserie’, ’familiekomedie’ eller ’ungdomsserie’. Snart et halvt århundre etter sjangerens fødsel med ’Burns and Allen-show’ og ’I love Lucy’, Har den en mer sentral plass i billedboksen enn noen gang

    I reklamens forheksede skog

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    Berit von der Lippe (1995) Reklame i grenselaus knoppskyting. Kritiske analysar av medietekstar. Oslo: Det Norske Samlage

    Etter profetene. Respons til Daniel Apollon

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    Respektløs moro?

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    Sommeren 1965, i et portrettintervju i VG under overskriften "Med venstrevri og det onde øyet", lanserte Rolv Wesenlund sitt program for en fornyelse av norsk revyhumor: tøff, ondskapsfull og tabuoverskridende. Ett år senere viet Stortinget en hel dag til en interpellasjon om NRKs programvirksomhet. Sentralt i debatten sto en Wesenlund-sketsj som interpellanten hevdet på det groveste krenket så vel fedrelandskjærlighet og nasjonalfølelse som kongehuset

    Kunnskapens gjerder

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    Hvem eier en forelesning? Foreleseren, universitetet eller allmennheten? For noen år siden ville spørsmålet vært absurd. Slik er det ikke lenger. I informasjonssamfunnets økonomi er kunnskap, informasjon og ideer verdifulle produkt. Kontroll over bruken av Mikke Mus er avgjørende for Disneys økonomi. Vil kontroll over akademisk kunnskap ha en tilsvarende rolle for økonomien i et kommersialisert universitet? I begge tilfeller handler det om kontroll over immaterielle produkter, såkalt intellektuell eiendom

    Jon Raundalen: Mellom Ersatzprodukt og Massenwirksamkeit – Genrefilmen som kulturelt felt i DDR 1966–1976

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