200 research outputs found

    Einfluss von Euterinfektionen auf Enzymaktivitäten in Ziegenmilch in der Frühlaktation

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    At present the analysis of somatic cell count (SCC) used for the detection of intramammary infections in cows is also recommended for goats, but due to various factors influencing SCC it allows only limited conclusions on the udder health of goats. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of infection status on different milk enzyme activities and SCC throughout the early lactation. 60 dairy goats were sampled at weekly intervals over a period of six weeks after kidding and the bacteriological status, milk SCC and the activity of N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase), ß-glucuronidase (ß-glu) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) of udder halves were analysed. The infection status had a highly significant effect on SCC, ß-glu and LDH activity, but ß-glu was not influenced by the stage of lactation. Therefore the usefulness of ß-glu in the assessment of udder health status should be further proved

    Anticancer and antifungal compounds from <em>Aspergillus</em>, <em>Penicillium</em> and other filamentous fungi

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    This review covers important anticancer and antifungal compounds reported from filamentous fungi and in particular from Aspergillus, Penicillium and Talaromyces. The taxonomy of these fungi is not trivial, so a focus of this review has been to report the correct identity of the producing organisms based on substantial previous in-house chemotaxonomic studies

    A Bayesian hierarchical approach for multiple outcomes in routinely collected healthcare data

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    Clinical trials are the standard approach for evaluating new treatments, but may lack the power to assess rare outcomes. Trial results are also necessarily restricted to the population considered in the study. The availability of routinely collected healthcare data provides a source of information on the performance of treatments beyond that offered by clinical trials, but the analysis of this type of data presents a number of challenges. Hierarchical methods, which take advantage of known relationships between clinical outcomes, while accounting for bias, may be a suitable statistical approach for the analysis of this data. A study of direct oral anticoagulants in Scotland is discussed and used to motivate a modeling approach. A Bayesian hierarchical model, which allows a stratification of the population into clusters with similar characteristics, is proposed and applied to the direct oral anticoagulant study data. A simulation study is used to assess its performance in terms of outcome detection and error rates

    Isolation, Structural Analyses and Biological Activity Assays against Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia of Two Novel Cytochalasins - Sclerotionigrin A and B

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    Two new cytochalasins, sclerotionigrin A (1) and B (2) were isolated together with the known proxiphomin (3) from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus sclerotioniger. The structures and relative stereochemistry of 1 and 2 were determined based on comparison with 3, and from extensive 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic analysis, supported by high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). Compounds 2 and 3 displayed cytotoxic activity towards chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in vitro, with 3 being the most active

    Udviklingen af inklusionskapacitet på arbejdsmarkedet.:Et trygt arbejdsliv - nu og i fremtiden

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    I forskning og politik har man ofte talt om virksomhedernes sociale engagement eller arbejdsgivernes vilje til at løfte et social t ansvar. Sådanne perspektiver peger på problematikken som et udtryk for arbejdsgiveres valg om at udvise socialt ansvar el ler ej. I den eksisterende forskningslitteratur om tilknytningen til arbejdsmarkedet for personer med begrænsninger i arbejdsevnen, har der særligt været fokus på a) indgange til arbejdsmarkedet i form af ansættelse, og b) barrierer for ansættelse og – i nogen grad – for fastholdelse i jobbet (se fx Bredgaard &amp; Shamshiri-Pedersen 2018; Nagtegaal et al. 2022 om personer med handicap).I denne analyse sætter vi primært fokus på de medarbejdere, som al lerede er ansat og fokuserer på, hvordan man på arbejdspladserne aktivt kan arbejde for at fastholde medarbejdere med begrænsninger i arbejdsevnen. Vi fokuserer således på arbejdspladsernes inklusionskapacitet, forstået som den praktiske og sociale kapacitet hos en virksomhed til at inkludere personer med begrænsninger i arbejdsevnen i ansættelser, der er bæredygtige i den enkeltes livssammenhæng og bæredygtig for virksomhedens forretningsmæssige og sociale virkelighed.Selve begrebet inklusionskapacitet er nyt, men i den eksisterende litteratur anvendes en del forskellige begreber, der betegner tilsvarende eller delelementer af det, vi her betegner som inklusionskapacitet. En ny fremvoksende forskning peger nemlig på, at der er grund til at se nærmere på, hvordan inklusion foregår på arbejdspladser, og hvad det er, der gør, at nogle virksomheder er særligt gode til at praktisere bæredygtig inklusion af mennesker med forskellige udfordringer (Enehaug et al., 2022; Larsen et al., 2022). Internationale studier peger på, at virksomheder som arbejder aktivt med at inkludere personer med begrænsninger i arbejdsevnen (og andre former for udsathed), ikke alene formår at fastholde personer med diverse udfordringer i ansættelse, men også opnår generelt bedre trivsel og samarbejde på arbejdspladsen, såvel som forbedret effektivitet og økonomisk præstation (Boehm &amp; Dwertmann 2015)

    MuSIC: Multi-Sequential Interactive Co-Registration for Cancer Imaging Data based on Segmentation Masks

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    In gynecologic cancer imaging, multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences are acquired per patient to reveal different tissue characteristics. However, after image acquisition, the anatomical structures can be misaligned in the various sequences due to changing patient location in the scanner and organ movements. The co-registration process aims to align the sequences to allow for multi-sequential tumor imaging analysis. However, automatic co-registration often leads to unsatisfying results. To address this problem, we propose the web-based application MuSIC (Multi-Sequential Interactive Co-registration). The approach allows medical experts to co-register multiple sequences simultaneously based on a pre-defined segmentation mask generated for one of the sequences. Our contributions lie in our proposed workflow. First, a shape matching algorithm based on dual annealing searches for the tumor position in each sequence. The user can then interactively adapt the proposed segmentation positions if needed. During this procedure, we include a multi-modal magic lens visualization for visual quality assessment. Then, we register the volumes based on the segmentation mask positions. We allow for both rigid and deformable registration. Finally, we conducted a usability analysis with seven medical and machine learning experts to verify the utility of our approach. Our participants highly appreciate the multi-sequential setup and see themselves using MuSIC in the future. Best Paper Honorable Mention at VCBM2022publishedVersio

    An ecosystem-scale litter and microplastics monitoring plan under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)

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    Lack of knowledge on levels and trends of litter and microplastics in the Arctic, is limiting our understanding of the sources, transport, fate, and effects is hampering global activities aimed at reducing litter and microplastics in the environment. To obtain a holistic view to managing litter and microplastics in the Arctic, we considered the current state of knowledge and methods for litter and microplastics monitoring in eleven environmental compartments representing the marine, freshwater, terrestrial, and atmospheric environments. Based on available harmonized methods, and existing data in the Arctic, we recommend prioritization of implementing litter and microplastics monitoring in the Arctic in four Priority 1 compartments—water, aquatic sediments, shorelines, and seabirds. One or several of these compartments should be monitored to provide benchmark data for litter and microplastics in the Arctic and, in the future, data on spatial and temporal trends. For the other environmental compartments, methods should be refined for future sources and surveillance monitoring, as well as monitoring of effects. Implementation of the monitoring activities should include community-based local components where possible. While organized as national and regional programs, monitoring of litter and microplastics in the Arctic should be coordinated, with a view to future pan-Arctic assessments.publishedVersio

    Global Gene Expression Profiling and Transcription Factor Network Analysis of Cognitive Aging in Monozygotic Twins

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    Cognitive aging is one of the major problems worldwide, especially as people get older. This study aimed to perform global gene expression profiling of cognitive function to identify associated genes and pathways and a novel transcriptional regulatory network analysis to identify important regulons. We performed single transcript analysis on 400 monozygotic twins using an assumption-free generalized correlation coefficient (GCC), linear mixed-effect model (LME) and kinship model and identified six probes (one significant at the standard FDR < 0.05 while the other results were suggestive with 0.18 ≤ FDR ≤ 0.28). We combined the GCC and linear model results to cover diverse patterns of relationships, and meaningful and novel genes like APOBEC3G, H6PD, SLC45A1, GRIN3B, and PDE4D were detected. Our exploratory study showed the downregulation of all these genes with increasing cognitive function or vice versa except the SLC45A1 gene, which was upregulated with increasing cognitive function. Linear models found only H6PD and SLC45A1, the other genes were captured by GCC. Significant functional pathways (FDR < 3.95e-10) such as focal adhesion, ribosome, cysteine and methionine metabolism, Huntington's disease, eukaryotic translation elongation, nervous system development, influenza infection, metabolism of RNA, and cell cycle were identified. A total of five regulons (FDR< 1.3e-4) were enriched in a transcriptional regulatory analysis in which CTCF and REST were activated and SP3, SRF, and XBP1 were repressed regulons. The genome-wide transcription analysis using both assumption-free GCC and linear models identified important genes and biological pathways implicated in cognitive performance, cognitive aging, and neurological diseases. Also, the regulatory network analysis revealed significant activated and repressed regulons on cognitive function.Peer reviewe