215 research outputs found

    Razonamiento covariacional aplicado a la modelación de eventos dinámicos: un marco conceptual y un estudio

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    Se desarrolla la noción de razonamiento covariacional y se propone un marco conceptual para describir las acciones mentales involucradas al aplicar razonamiento covariacional cuando se interpretan y representan funciones asociadas a eventos dinámicos. Se reporta la habilidad para razonar sobre cantidades covariantes en situaciones dinámicas, de estudiantes de alto desempeño en un curso de cálculo. El estudio reveló que ellos eran capaces de construir imágenes de la variable dependiente de una función que cambia simultáneamente con el cambio imaginado de la variable independiente, y en algunas ocasiones eran capaces de construir imágenes de la razón de cambio para intervalos contiguos del dominio de una función. Sin embargo, al parecer, tuvieron dificultad para formar imágenes de una razón cambiante de manera continua y no pudieron representar con exactitud o interpretar los puntos de inflexión ni la razón creciente y decreciente para funciones asociadas a situaciones dinámicas. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el currículo y la instrucción deberían aumentar el énfasis en el cambio que debe darse en los alumnos de una imagen coordinada de dos variables que cambian simultáneamente a una imagen coordinada de razón de cambio instantánea con cambios continuos en la variable independiente para funciones asociadas a situaciones dinámicas

    Museologi på AU. En evaluering af uddannelsen ud fra Knud Illeris’ kompetenceformel

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    På Aarhus Universitet (AU) har vi i regi af Center for Museologi (CfM) og vores bachelortilvalgsuddannelse i museologiske studier siden 2001 systematisk arbejdet med at bygge bro mellem akademisk, professionsrettet praksis og den faktiske praksis i museumssektoren. Det har vi gjort ved at sende de studerende i praktik på museer og tilsvarende kulturinstitutioner og ved at arbejde med problemorienteret ud-af-huset-undervisning i samarbejde med museer samt hands-on-øvelser på selve universitetet. I denne artikel vil vi ved hjælp af den danske læringsteoretiker Knud Illeris’ (2012, kap. 7) kompetencebegreb og “kompetenceformel” analysere og diskutere det anvendte kompetencebegreb i den aktuelle udgave af studieordningen for praktikmodulet i AU’s museologiske studier. Ligeledes vil vi ud fra samme kompetenceformel analysere og diskutere de studerendes arbejdsopgaver, som de fremgår af deres kontrakter med praktikmuseerne og praktikevalueringerne, som er blevet udfærdiget af de studerende og museerne i fællesskab

    Knowledge translation training opportunities : global scoping study insights

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    This brief provides an overview of knowledge translation (KT) and / or research communication training opportunities in post-secondary education curricula worldwide. The study focused on certificate, diploma and post-graduate level KT courses and programs and generated an inventory of those offered in various countries and contexts. In addition, the study considered key advantages and challenges associated with developing KT curricula in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and provided suggestions for enhancement of the global KT curriculum inventory

    From Globular Clusters to Tidal Dwarfs: Structure Formation in the Tidal Tails of Merging Galaxies

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    Using V and I images obtained with WFPC2/HST, we investigate compact stellar structures within tidal tails. Six regions of tidal debris in the four classic ``Toomre Sequence'' mergers: NGC 4038/39 (``Antennae''), NGC 3256, NGC 3921, and NGC 7252 (``Atoms for Peace'') have been studied in order to explore how the star formation depends upon the local and global physical conditions. These mergers sample a range of stages in the evolutionary sequence and tails with and without embedded tidal dwarf galaxies. The six tails are found to contain a variety of stellar structures, with sizes ranging from those of globular clusters up to those of dwarf galaxies. From V and I WFPC2 images, we measure the luminosities and colors of the star clusters. NGC 3256 is found to have a large population of blue clusters (0.2 < V-I < 0.9), particularly in its Western tail, similar to those found in the inner region of the merger. In contrast, NGC 4038/39 has no clusters in the observed region of the tail, only less luminous point sources likely to be individual stars. A significant cluster population is clearly associated with the prominent tidal dwarf candidates in the eastern and western tails of NGC 7252. The cluster-rich Western tail of NGC 3256 is not distinguished from the others by its dynamical age or by its total HI mass. However, the mergers that have few clusters in the tail all have tidal dwarf galaxies, while NGC 3256 does not have prominent tidal dwarfs. We speculate that star formation in tidal tails may manifest itself either in small structures like clusters along the tail or in large structures such as dwarf galaxies, but not in both. Also, NGC 3256 has the highest star formation rate of the four mergers studied, which may contribute to the high number of star clusters in its tidal tails.Comment: Accepted to Astronomical Journal. 34 pages including 15 figures and 4 table

    Sociocognitive factors associated with lifestyle intervention attrition after successful weight loss among participants with prediabetes—The PREVIEW study

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    Abstract Introduction Major risk factors for type 2 diabetes are lifestyle choices such as lack of physical activity (PA) and poor diet. Many individuals either do not take part or struggle to complete interventions supporting lifestyle changes. Demographic and theory-based sociocognitive factors associated with PREVIEW intervention attrition after successful weight loss were examined. Methods Participants (1,856) who started the weight maintenance phase after completion of low-energy diet were retrospectively divided into three clusters depending on the point they left the trial. Discriminant analysis examined which demographic and theory-based sociocognitive variables were associated with cluster membership. Results Most of the participants were women and well-educated. Two discriminant functions were calculated (?2(24) = 247.0, p ≥ .05, d = 0.78). The demographic variables, such as age and ethnicity, and the social cognitive variable outcome expectancies on the other side were associated with cluster membership. Older age, Caucasian ethnicity, and fewer expected disadvantages of PA were associated with high success. Discussion The discriminant model gave insight into some factors associated with early attrition. For practitioners planning interventions it underlines the necessity to take extra attention to younger participants and to those being afraid that being physically active causes unpleasant ramifications.Peer reviewe

    The impact of sleep restriction and simulated physical firefighting work on acute inflammatory stress responses

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    OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the effect restricted sleep has on wildland firefighters\u27 acute cytokine levels during 3 days and 2 nights of simulated physical wildfire suppression work. METHODS: Firefighters completed multiple days of physical firefighting work separated by either an 8-h (Control condition; n = 18) or 4-h (Sleep restriction condition; n = 17) sleep opportunity each night. Blood samples were collected 4 times a day (i.e., 06:15, 11:30, 18:15, 21:30) from which plasma cytokine levels (IL-6, IL-8, IL-1&beta;, TNF-&alpha;, IL-4, IL-10) were measured. RESULTS: The primary findings for cytokine levels revealed a fixed effect for condition that showed higher IL-8 levels among firefighters who received an 8-h sleep each night. An interaction effect demonstrated differing increases in IL-6 over successive days of work for the SR and CON conditions. Fixed effects for time indicated that IL-6 and IL-4 levels increased, while IL-1&beta;, TNF-&alpha; and IL-8 levels decreased. There were no significant effects for IL-10 observed. CONCLUSION: Findings demonstrate increased IL-8 levels among firefighters who received an 8-h sleep when compared to those who had a restricted 4-h sleep. Firefighters\u27 IL-6 levels increased in both conditions which may indicate that a 4-h sleep restriction duration and/or period (i.e., 2 nights) was not a significant enough stressor to affect this cytokine. Considering the immunomodulatory properties of IL-6 and IL-4 that inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines, the rise in IL-6 and IL-4, independent of increases in IL-1&beta; and TNF-&alpha;, could indicate a non-damaging response to the stress of simulated physical firefighting work. However, given the link between chronically elevated cytokine levels and several diseases, further research is needed to determine if firefighters\u27 IL-8 and IL-6 levels are elevated following repeated firefighting deployments across a fire season and over multiple fire seasons

    Breast cancer risk reduction:is it feasible to initiate a randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle intervention programme (ActWell) within a national breast screening programme?

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    BackgroundBreast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second cause of cancer deaths amongst women in the UK. The incidence of the disease is increasing and is highest in women from least deprived areas. It is estimated that around 42% of the disease in post-menopausal women could be prevented by increased physical activity and reductions in alcohol intake and body fatness. Breast cancer control endeavours focus on national screening programmes but these do not include communications or interventions for risk reductionThis study aimed to assess the feasibility of delivery, indicative effects and acceptability of a lifestyle intervention programme initiated within the NHS Scottish Breast Screening Programme (NHSSBSP).MethodsA 1:1 randomised controlled trial (RCT) of the 3 month ActWell programme (focussing on body weight, physical activity and alcohol) versus usual care conducted in two NHSSBSP sites between June 2013 and January 2014. Feasibility assessments included recruitment, retention, and fidelity to protocol. Indicative outcomes were measured at baseline and 3 month follow-up (body weight, waist circumference, eating and alcohol habits and physical activity. At study end, a questionnaire assessed participant satisfaction and qualitative interviews elicited women¿s, coaches and radiographers¿ experiences. Statistical analysis used Chi squared tests for comparisons in proportions and paired t tests for comparisons of means. Linear regression analyses were performed, adjusted for baseline values, with group allocation as a fixed effectResultsA pre-set recruitment target of 80 women was achieved within 12 weeks and 65 (81%) participants (29 intervention, 36 control) completed 3 month assessments. Mean age was 58¿±¿5.6 years, mean BMI was 29.2¿±¿7.0 kg/m2 and many (44%) reported a family history of breast cancer.The primary analysis (baseline body weight adjusted) showed a significant between group difference favouring the intervention group of 2.04 kg (95%CI ¿3.24 kg to ¿0.85 kg). Significant, favourable between group differences were also detected for BMI, waist circumference, physical activity and sitting time. Women rated the programme highly and 70% said they would recommend it to others.ConclusionsRecruitment, retention, indicative results and participant acceptability support the development of a definitive RCT to measure long term effects.Trial registrationThe trial was registered with Current Controlled Trials (ISRCTN56223933)