158 research outputs found

    The Grizzly, January 29, 1982

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    Two Alumni Join Administration • So Much, POD, in College Bowl Finals • Hermann Eilts on The Middle East • College Receives $500,000 • Teachers Audition For EC/BA Positions • Honor Societies Meet to Discuss Future Plans • Union Undergoes Attractive Renovations • Evening School Expands • Spiritwood Returns for Coffeehouse • German Students Sample American College Life • Mozart Concert to Conclude Winterfest! • Myrin Exhibits Storybook Etchings • Collegeville Claustrophobia? • Schaff Plagued With Repeated Break-ins • Forums, Forums, Forums • Mens Basketball Has Good Vacation • Gymnasts\u27 Work Pays Off • Badminton Opens Season With Temple • Grapplers Impressive in Latest Victories • Hoopsters Lose to Widener • Karas Resigns; New Coach Expected Soon • Widener Drownshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1070/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, December 4, 1981

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    Dealing With Financial Pressure • EcBA Department Interviews for New Positions • Freshman Relates Pre-Collegiate Experiences in Japan • Union Evaluation Prompts Improvement • Campus-wide Planning Meeting Sets Competitive Goals for UC • Residents Fix Up Curtis Hall • Lucas Named To PaCIE • \u27Messiah\u27 Rehearsal Open to Public • Jarvis and Rutherford in Last Coffeehouse • Best Albums of 1981 • Senior Poet Honored Nationally • New Wrestlers Lead the Way • Girls B-Ball Prime for Opener • Baseball Team Has New Skipper • Men\u27s Swimmers Take Third Place • Hoopsters Off to Slow Start • Gymnasts Pleasing • Women\u27s Swim Team Prepares for Tough Schedule • Mike Fagan All-MAChttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1069/thumbnail.jp

    The Grizzly, October 22, 1982

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    Ferry Named Ursinus Queen • Unique Course Offered • U.C. Choir Presents Bach • Night School Enrollment Up • 1983 Spring Registration • Letters to the Editor • President\u27s Corner • Lewis on Wall Street • Half a Great Show • Watching the Boob Tube • Homecoming \u2782 • And to Prove My Point • New Bus Schedule • Washington Semester: Get Out of Here • Bear Pack Falls to Stiff Competition • Soccer Conquers Albright and Alumni • Grapplers Take to the Mats • Grizzlies Suffer Homecoming Setback • Delaware tops Lady Bearshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1085/thumbnail.jp

    Effects of Scavenging, Entrainment, and Aqueous Chemistry on Peroxides and Formaldehyde in Deep Convective Outflow over the Central and Southeast U.S.

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    Deep convective transport of gaseous precursors to ozone (O3) and aerosols to the upper troposphere is affected by liquid- and mixed-phase scavenging, entrainment of free tropospheric air, and aqueous chemistry. The contributions of these processes are examined using aircraft measurements obtained in storm inflow and outflow during the 2012 Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) experiment combined with high resolution (dx <= 3 km) WRF-Chem simulations of a severe storm, an airmass storm, and a mesoscale convective system (MCS). The simulation results for the MCS suggest that formaldehyde (CH2O) is not retained in ice when cloud water freezes, in agreement with previous studies of the severe storm. By analyzing WRF-Chem trajectories, the effects of scavenging, entrainment, and aqueous chemistry on outflow mixing ratios of CH2O, methyl hydroperoxide (CH3OOH), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are quantified. Liquid-phase microphysical scavenging was the dominant process reducing CH2O and H2O2 outflow mixing ratios in all three storms. Aqueous chemistry did not significantly affect outflow mixing ratios of all three species. In the severe storm and MCS, the higher than expected reductions in CH3OOH mixing ratios in the storm cores were primarily due to entrainment of low background CH3OOH. In the airmass storm, lower CH3OOH and H2O2 scavenging efficiencies (SEs) than in the MCS were partly due to entrainment of higher background CH3OOH and H2O2. Overestimated rain and hail production in WRF-Chem reduces the confidence in ice retention fraction values determined for the peroxides and CH2O

    The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE): Mission Description and Initial On-orbit Performance

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    The all sky surveys done by the Palomar Observatory Schmidt, the European Southern Observatory Schmidt, and the United Kingdom Schmidt, the InfraRed Astronomical Satellite and the 2 Micron All Sky Survey have proven to be extremely useful tools for astronomy with value that lasts for decades. The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer is mapping the whole sky following its launch on 14 December 2009. WISE began surveying the sky on 14 Jan 2010 and completed its first full coverage of the sky on July 17. The survey will continue to cover the sky a second time until the cryogen is exhausted (anticipated in November 2010). WISE is achieving 5 sigma point source sensitivities better than 0.08, 0.11, 1 and 6 mJy in unconfused regions on the ecliptic in bands centered at wavelengths of 3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22 microns. Sensitivity improves toward the ecliptic poles due to denser coverage and lower zodiacal background. The angular resolution is 6.1, 6.4, 6.5 and 12.0 arc-seconds at 3.4, 4.6, 12 and 22 microns, and the astrometric precision for high SNR sources is better than 0.15 arc-seconds.Comment: 22 pages with 19 included figures. Updated to better match the accepted version in the A

    A Vulnerability Assessment of Fish and Invertebrates to Climate Change on the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf

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    Climate change and decadal variability are impacting marine fish and invertebrate species worldwide and these impacts will continue for the foreseeable future. Quantitative approaches have been developed to examine climate impacts on productivity, abundance, and distribution of various marine fish and invertebrate species. However, it is difficult to apply these approaches to large numbers of species owing to the lack of mechanistic understanding sufficient for quantitative analyses, as well as the lack of scientific infrastructure to support these more detailed studies. Vulnerability assessments provide a framework for evaluating climate impacts over a broad range of species with existing information. These methods combine the exposure of a species to a stressor (climate change and decadal variability) and the sensitivity of species to the stressor. These two components are then combined to estimate an overall vulnerability. Quantitative data are used when available, but qualitative information and expert opinion are used when quantitative data is lacking. Here we conduct a climate vulnerability assessment on 82 fish and invertebrate species in the Northeast U.S. Shelf including exploited, forage, and protected species. We define climate vulnerability as the extent to which abundance or productivity of a species in the region could be impacted by climate change and decadal variability. We find that the overall climate vulnerability is high to very high for approximately half the species assessed; diadromous and benthic invertebrate species exhibit the greatest vulnerability. In addition, the majority of species included in the assessment have a high potential for a change in distribution in response to projected changes in climate. Negative effects of climate change are expected for approximately half of the species assessed, but some species are expected to be positively affected (e.g., increase in productivity or move into the region). These results will inform research and management activities related to understanding and adapting marine fisheries management and conservation to climate change and decadal variability

    The effects of applied water at various fractions of measured evapotranspiration on reproductive growth and water productivity of Thompson Seedless grapevines

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    The reproductive growth and water productivity (WPb) of Thompson Seedless grapevines were measured as a function of applied water amounts at various fractions of measured grapevine ETc for a total of eight irrigation treatments. Shoots were harvested numerous times during the growing season to calculate water productivity. Berry weight was maximized at the 0.6–0.8 applied water treatments across years. As applied water amounts increased soluble solids decreased. Berry weight measured at veraison and harvest was a linear function of the mean midday leaf water potential measured between anthesis and veraison and anthesis and harvest, respectively. As applied water amounts increased up to the 0.6–0.8 irrigation treatments there was a significant linear increase in yield. Yields at greater applied water amounts either leveled off or decreased. The reduction in yield on either side of the yearly maximum was due to fewer numbers of clusters per vine. Maximum yield occurred at an ETc ranging from 550 to 700 mm. Yield per unit applied water and WPb increased as applied water decreased. The results from this study demonstrated that Thompson Seedless grapevines can be deficit irrigated, increasing water use efficiency while maximizing yields

    The Seventh Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    This paper describes the Seventh Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), marking the completion of the original goals of the SDSS and the end of the phase known as SDSS-II. It includes 11663 deg^2 of imaging data, with most of the roughly 2000 deg^2 increment over the previous data release lying in regions of low Galactic latitude. The catalog contains five-band photometry for 357 million distinct objects. The survey also includes repeat photometry over 250 deg^2 along the Celestial Equator in the Southern Galactic Cap. A coaddition of these data goes roughly two magnitudes fainter than the main survey. The spectroscopy is now complete over a contiguous area of 7500 deg^2 in the Northern Galactic Cap, closing the gap that was present in previous data releases. There are over 1.6 million spectra in total, including 930,000 galaxies, 120,000 quasars, and 460,000 stars. The data release includes improved stellar photometry at low Galactic latitude. The astrometry has all been recalibrated with the second version of the USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC-2), reducing the rms statistical errors at the bright end to 45 milli-arcseconds per coordinate. A systematic error in bright galaxy photometr is less severe than previously reported for the majority of galaxies. Finally, we describe a series of improvements to the spectroscopic reductions, including better flat-fielding and improved wavelength calibration at the blue end, better processing of objects with extremely strong narrow emission lines, and an improved determination of stellar metallicities. (Abridged)Comment: 20 pages, 10 embedded figures. Accepted to ApJS after minor correction

    Topoisomerase II alpha gene copy loss has adverse prognostic significance in ERBB2-amplified breast cancer: a retrospective study of paraffin-embedded tumor specimens and medical charts

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Amplification of the <it>ERBB2 </it>(<it>Her-2/neu</it>) oncogene, which occurs in approximately 25% of breast carcinomas, is a known negative prognostic factor. Available data indicate that a variable number of nearby genes on chromosome 17q may be co-amplified or deleted, forming a continuous amplicon of variable size. In approximately 25% of these patients, the amplicon extends to the gene for <it>topoisomerase II alpha </it>(<it>TOP2A</it>), a target for anthracyclines. We sought to understand the significance of these associated genomic changes for breast cancer prognosis and predicting response to therapy.</p> <p>Methods and patients</p> <p>Archival tissue samples from 63 breast cancer patients with <it>ERBB2 </it>amplification, stages 0–IV, were previously analyzed with FISH probes for genes located near <it>ERBB2</it>. In the present study, the clinical outcome data were determined for all patients presenting at stages I–III for whom adequate clinical follow up was available.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four amplicon patterns (Classes) were identified. These were significantly associated with the clinical outcome, specifically, recurrence of breast cancer. The Amplicon class IV with deleted <it>TOP2A </it>had 67% (6/9) cases with recurrence, whereas the other three classes combined had only 12% (3/25) cases (p-value = 0.004) at the time of last follow-up. <it>TOP2A </it>deletion was also significantly associated with time to recurrence (p-value = 0.0002). After adjusting for age in Cox regression analysis, the association between <it>TOP2A </it>deletion and time to recurrence remains strongly significant (p-value = 0.002) whereas the association with survival is marginally significant (p-value = 0.06).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>TOP2A </it>deletion is associated with poor prognosis in <it>ERBB2</it>-amplified breast carcinomas. Clarification of the mechanism of this association will require additional study.</p
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