199 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: Azélina JABOULET-VERCHERRE, The Physician, the Drinker, and the Drunk: Wine's Uses and Abuses in Late Medieval Natural Philosophy. Turnhout: Brepols, 2014

    Un proyecto de embajada navarra a Cerdeña. Cuestiones alimentarias de un viaje a mediados del siglo XIV

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    In this work, it has been studied the nourishment of some envoys from Navarre, during a frustrated journey to Cerdeña in 1355. Its has been paid special attention to the food they provided with, to social aspects that nourishment implied, and to food paces

    “Item perrexil, mostarda, lechugas et rauanos”. Notas sobre la alimentación de mineros alemanes en Pamplona a finales del siglo XIV (1392)

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    The present article represents an approximation to the food of some German miners settled in Pamplona at the end of the 14th century, to carry out a series of assays intended to determine the kind of metals present in the ore and their actual proportion, with the purpose to verify the profitability of some seams found at Five Villages. Their food accounting for approximately one and a half months, give us first hand information of their habits and of those sharing the table with them. To a certain extent, it is possible to extrapolate these practices to the ones of part of Navarra's salary earners. In them, we could sense certain customs or preferences characteristic of North Europe.El presente artículo es una aproximación a la alimentación de unos mineros alemanes que, a finales del siglo XIV, se asientan en Pamplona con el fin de realizar una serie de ensayos (averiguación de los metales que contiene la mena —el mineral metalífero—, y la proporción en que cada uno está con el peso de ella) en los que determinar la rentabilidad de algunos filones mineros encontrados en la zona de las Cinco Villas. Las cuentas de los gastos que realizan en alimentación, en aprox. mes y medio, nos acercan de primera mano a los hábitos de estos hombres y de quienes les acompañan en la mesa. Unas prácticas que es posible extrapolar, en cierta medida, a parte de la menestralía navarra, y en las que podemos intuir ciertas costumbres (o gustos) propios de la Europa del Norte

    Nonintrusive parametric solutions in structural dynamics

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    © 2022 Elsevier. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/A nonintrusive reduced order method able to solve a parametric modal analysis is proposed in this work. The main objective is being able to efficiently identify how a variation of user-defined parameters affects the dynamic response of the structure in terms of fundamental natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes. A parametric version of the inverse power method (IPM) is presented by using the proper generalised decomposition (PGD) rationale. The proposed approach utilises the socalled encapsulated PGD toolbox and includes a new algorithm for computing the square root of a parametric object. With only one offline computation, the proposed PGD-IPM approach provides an analytical parametric expression of the smallest (in magnitude) eigenvalue (or natural frequency) and corresponding eigenvector (mode shape), which contains all the possible solutions for every combination of the parameters within pre-defined ranges. A Lagrange multiplier deflation technique is introduced in order to compute subsequent eigenpairs, which is also valid to overcome the stiffness matrix singularity in the case of a free-free structure. The proposed approach is nonintrusive and it is therefore possible to be integrated with commercial finite element (FE) packages. Two numerical examples are shown to underline the properties of the technique. The first example includes one material and one geometric parameter. The second example shows a more realistic industrial example, where the nonintrusivity of the approach is demonstrated by employing a commercial FE package for assembling the FE matrices. Finally, a multi-objective optimisation study is performed proving that the developed method could significantly assist the decision-making during the preliminary phase of a new design process.This project is part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN-EJD ProTechTion funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program with Grant Number 764636. The work of Fabiola Cavaliere, Sergio Zlotnik and Pedro Díez is partially supported by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Spain (Grant Number: PID2020-113463RB-C32, PID2020-113463RB-C33 and CEX2018-000797-S). Ruben Sevilla also acknowledges the support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant Number: EP/P033997/1).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    «Y que es hombre idiota y fuera de toda razón segunt medeçina»

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    The interest in the practice of popular healers in Navarra during pre-industrial time is merely anecdotal. This study looks at the case of the French empiricist Juan Flor, based on court records preserved in the Archivo Real y General de Navarra. Special attention is given to his hectic biography, his healing practice, the doctor-patient relationship and the objections raised by Navarrese Protomedicato to his exercise of medicine until his departure from the kingdom.El interés por la práctica del curanderismo en Navarra durante épocas preindustriales no ha pasado de lo anecdótico. Basándome en la documentación procesal conservada en el Archivo Real y General de Navarra se aborda el caso de un empírico francés llamado Juan Flor. Se pone especial atención en su agitada biografía, su práctica sanadora, la relación médico-paciente y los problemas que tuvo para poder ejercer la medicina por parte del Protomedicato navarro hasta su abandono del reino


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    El presente artículo nos presenta una nueva opción de trabajo para las sesiones de educación física tanto en la etapa de primaria como en la de secundaria. Comenzamos con una breve descripción de su origen para después incidir en su utilidad. Para ello, se mencionarán aquellos aspectos que le dan al Artzikirol su justificación para la inclusión en los programas de aula. Para tener una noción sobre la actividad concluiremos citando las reglas básicas de la misma.This article presents a new option of work for the sessions of physical education in primary stage and in secundary education. We start with a brief description of their origin to then followed with its usefulness. Therefore be mentioned those aspects which give the Artzikirol their justification for inclusion in physical exercise´s classroom programs. To have a notion about the activity we will conclude quoting the basic rules of Artzikirola

    El testamento de Juan Moliner (†1403): un físico al servicio de la monarquía navarra durante la Baja Edad Media

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    This work is an approach to the life and socioeconomic context of Juan Moliner (doctor of kings Carlos II and Carlos III of Navarre), based on the study of his testament. The document provides enlightening information about this figure, quite unknown despite being one of the most important Christian doctors at the service of Carlos III ‘El Noble’. In addition, his last will has a religious and spiritual dimension that allows to have an overall perspective on the mentality and lifestyle of this historical character.A través del testamento de Juan Moliner, médico de los reyes Carlos II y Carlos III de Navarra, el presente estudio pretende acercarse a su persona, familia, ámbito social y nivel socioeconómico en el que desarrolla su vida. Los datos que aporta dicho documento arrojan algo de luz sobre su ciclo vital, hasta el momento bastante desconocido, pese a ser uno de los más importantes médicos cristianos que atendieron a Carlos III ‘el Noble’. A todo esto hay que añadir la dimensión espiritual y religiosa de sus últimas voluntades, que vienen a completar la mentalidad y el modo de vida de este personaje


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    At the trial of Jacques de Rue, the chamberlain of King Charles II of Navarre, after he was arrested in France (March 1378), we learn that the doctor Ángel de Costafort was implicated in several of the king of Navarre’s plans to poison people. The credibility of the testimonies given in this trial is questionable due to the use, or not, of torture, a fact about which historians disagree. Besides Costafort’s personal biography, constructed from the scant documentation conserved in the Royal and General Archive of Navarre (Pamplona, Spain), he is linked on the basis of his signature and personal seal to the practice of alchemy.Na suđenju Jacquesu de Rueu, komorniku kralja Karla II. Navarskog, nakon uhićenja u Francuskoj (ožujak 1378.), doznajemo da je liječnik Ángel de Costafort umiješan u nekoliko planova kralja Navare da otruje ljude. Vjerodostojnost danih svjedočanstava u ovom suđenju upitna je zbog provođenja ili neprovođenja mučenja, što je činjenica oko koje se povjesničari ne slažu. Osim osobne biografije, koja je sačinjena od oskudne dokumentacije sačuvane u Kraljevskom i Općem arhivu Navare (Pamplona, Španjolska), Costafort je i na temelju svoga potpisa i osobnog pečatapovezan s bavljenjem alkemijom