55 research outputs found

    Study on the Optimum Flushing Volume of the Sewer System in South Tangerang City

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    Aims: This planning aims to obtain the optimum flush volume on the design of sewerage in South Tangerang City. Methodology and results: Factors affecting this flushing are the length of pipelines, the service area, and topographic conditions. The sewer drain that needs flushing is Line 1–WWTP since the minimum velocity is not eligible due to its relatively low average topographic slope. The flushing is required particularly for the Section 1–2. Hence, two alternatives were devised by dividing the Population Equivalent (PE) in Section 1–2 into three segments. Those alternatives were differentiated by the PE—20%, 5%, and 75% for Alternative 1; whereas 10%, 15%, and 75% for Alternative 2. Alternative 1 requires flushing on Section 1–1.1 since it has a dmin of 7 cm and vmin of 0.2585 m/s, yielding a flush volume of 3.94 m3 (0.0193 m3/s). Section 1.1–1.2 still needs flushing because this channel has a vmin of 0.4281 m/s and a qualified dmin of 15 cm, generating a flush volume of 7.89 m3 (0.2113 m3/s). Flushing is not necessary for Section 1.2–2 due to its sufficient dmin of 63 cm and vmin of 0.88 m/s. Alternative 2 requires flushing on Section 1–1.1 since it has a dmin of 7 cm and a vmin of 0.2585 m/s, resulting in a flush volume of 2.63 m3 (0.0193 m3/s). Section 1.1–1.2 still requires flushing on account of its vmin of 0.3877 m/s and the yielded flush volume of 18.4 m3 (0.2625 m3/s), though its dmin of 13 cm complies with the standard. Section 1.2–2 does not need flushing as it already has a dmin of 63 cm and a vmin of 0.88 m/s. The total flush volumes for Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 are 11.83 m3 and 21.04 m3, respectively. Conclusion, significance, and impact of the study: The total flush volume for Alternative 1 is 11.83 m3, while Alternative 2 is 21.04 m3. Thus, the optimum design having the least flush volume is Alternative 1

    Azoospermia: a Genomic Review

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    Azoospermia or the absence of sperm in semen is one of the sperm disorders that results in male infertility. There are two types of azoospermia, the first one isazoospermia caused by obstruction of the vas deferens (obstructive azoospermia) and the second one is azoospermia due to the damage of testes (nonobstructive azoospermia). The etiology of azoospermia could be genetic or non-genetic. Genetic factors may occur in genomics starting from chromosome until gene level or single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs). At the chromosome level, there is Klinefelter’s syndrome (47, XXY) to the Y chromosome microdeletion, whereas at the gene level there is mutation of jsd, Bmp8b and other genes. At the level of SNPs, Genome Wide SNP Association Study (GWAS) had uncovered 20 SNPs which were related significantly to azoospermia. Extensive knowledge of genomics review on male infertility, is expected to promote the development of investigation and management of azoospermia

    Analisis Perbandingan Partisipasi Masyarakat Kawasan Perumahan dengan Kawasan Perkampungan dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan

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    : Participatory development planning is an important issue of development that become demand of the people. This is related to the result of the evaluation that the approach of the development that is top-down rated less answer the basic issues and the needs of the community. The type of research is qualitative research with data collection technique by interview, observation and documentation, while the informants in this study is the Village Authorities and the Communities with Snowball sampling. The public participation of the housing area with the township area in the perspective of development in the Village of Landungsari, Sub-district of Dau, Malang Regency as follows: Planning of development through Musrenbangdes participation or level of community participation residential/housing area in development planning is still low, this is happening because in general people of the housing area have activities or work either as an entrepreneur, lecturer, teacher as well as Government Employee. While the level of participation of the people live in the township area in development planning through Musrenbangdes is larger both involved as an object or as a subject. Factors that affect the role of community participation in the housing area and the township/village area in the development planning in the Village of Landungsari: education, awareness, level of income. Keywords: Participation, People/Community, Developmen

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Ampas Kecap dalam Ransum terhadap Performa Itik Mojosari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh dari penggunaan ampas kecap dengan beberapa level pemberian (0%; 5%; 7,5% dan 10%) dalam ransum terhadap performa (konsumsi, produksi telur, konversi ransum) itik Mojosari umur 20 minggu sebanyak 240 ekor dengan bobot badan rata-rata 1.385,0 ± 130,85 gram (CV=9,44%). Bahan pakan yang digunakan yaitu campuran ampas kecap, bekatul, bungkil kedelai, jagung kuning, tepung ikan,pollard dan premix. Perlakuan yang diterapkan yaitu penggunaan ampas kecap 5%, 7,5% dan 10%. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah konsumsi ransum, produksi telur, konversi pakan. Data dianalisis dengan analisis ragam atau anova dengan uji F. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ampas kecap tidak berpengaruh terhadap performa itik Mojosari (konsumsi ransum, produksi telur, konversi ransum). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan ampas kecap dapat digunakan dalam ransum itik Mojosari sampai level 10%


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    Persaingan yang semakin ketat di dunia bisnis menyebabkan setiap perusahaan harus menempatkan orientasi pada kepuasan konsumen sebagai tujuan utama. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada Osiris Coffee dengan menggunakan metode SERVQUAL. Metode tersebut merupakan pengukuran kualitas jasa dalam model SERVQUAL yang didasarkan pada skala multi item dan dirancang untuk mengukur harapan serta persepsi konsumen pada lima dimensi kualitas jasa yaitu bukti langsung, kehandalan, daya tanggap, empati, dan jaminan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dimensi kualitas pelayanan yang paling penting terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Berdasarkan penggunaan metode SERVQUAL diperoleh hasil bahwa kepuasan konsumen yang terbesar hingga terkecil diantaranya adalah dimensi daya tanggap (Tangibles) sebesar -0,43 (Empathy) sebesar -0,21, (Responsiveness) sebesar -0,12, kehandalan (Reliability) sebesar -0,09 dan dimensi jaminan (Assurance) sebesar -0,02. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsumen pada Osiris Coffee menginginkan coffee shop diperluas, pelayanan lebih baik dan tepat waktu

    Pengaruh F/m Ratio Pada Produksi Biogas Dari Limbah Sekam Padi Dengan Metode Solid State Anaerobic Digestion (Ss-ad)

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    Solid-stateAnaerobic Digestion (SS-AD) umumnya terjadi pada konsentrasi padat lebih tinggi dari 15%. Sebaliknya, pencernaan anaerobik cair (AD) menangani bahan baku dengan konsentrasi solid antara 0,5% dan 15%. Dalam penelitian ini, pengaruh Makanan untuk Mikroorganisme (F / M) konten untuk produksi biogas dari sekam padi dengan padat anaerobik negara pencernaan (SS-AD) diselidiki. Skala laboratorium dari pencernaan anaerobik digunakan dalam penelitian ini dioperasikan dalam sistem batch dan pada suhu kamar. Rasio F / M yang ditetapkan sebesar 25%. Makanan untuk Mikroorganisme (F / M) bervariasi dari 25, 50, 75, dan 100%. Pretreatment enzimatik dilakukan dengan menggunakan enzim lignase. Biogas yang dihasilkan diukur dengan menggunakan metode perpindahan air setiap dua days.The produksi biogas tertinggi diperoleh pada F / M 50%. produksi biogas tertentu pada F / M dari 25, 50, 75 dan 100% adalah 8.03, 12.62, 11.71 dan 11.78 ml / gr (TS), masing-masing. SS-AD memiliki volumetrik pemuatan produksi biogas lebih tinggi dari pencernaan anaerobik cair (L-AD). Kebutuhan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk dipelajari adalah optimasi konsentrasi hidroksida enzim dan natrium

    Is Job productivity Determined by Incentives, Workloads, and Job Satisfaction?

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    Most of the retail industry at current time tend to utilize the advance technology adoption to enhance their job productivity. Advance technology utilization might lead to business competition in the retail industry. Thus, the study would like to analyse the determinants of job productivity at PT XYZ Department Store. The study aims to framed out the determinants factor of job productivity and to find out the mediating role of job satisfaction on incentives and workloads to job productivity. The study applies non-probability sampling method with 145 respondents collected. Smart-PLS is the statistical tools that is used to analyse the collected data. The proposed hypotheses in the study are all accepted. The results of this study prove that Incentives and Workloads have a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction; Incentives and Job Satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on Job Productivity; Workload has a negative and significant effect on Job Productivity; Job satisfaction plays a partial mediator role from incentives to Job Productivity; Last but not least, Job Satisfaction plays a full mediator role from Workload to Job Productivit
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