615 research outputs found

    Mapeando a politização da União Europeia no Parlamento Europeu (1999 – 2014)

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    It is often claimed that, since the Maastricht Treaty, the European Union (EU) has become a politicised issue. As issues of European integration become more salient and contested, both in public opinion and in inter-party competition, politicisation takes root in the various national political and public spheres. This research examines how the dynamics of EU politicisation are translated to the EU’s institutions themselves, specifically in its only directly elected legislative institution - the European Parliament (EP). By applying automated text analysis techniques, such as Wordfish, to analyse the debates in the EP plenary between the 5th and 7th terms (1999-2014), the research assesses the factors that explain the politicisation of the EU in the EP. As far as the internal factors to political parties are concerned, the analysis shows that party ideology and party type are a significant predictor of EU politicisation in the EP. Furthermore, regarding the external factors to parties, the research demonstrates that the transfer of political authority from the member state to the supranational level is less relevant than the degree of institutional misfit between the two levels in explaining the politicisation of the EU in parties’ EP speeches.É comum afirmar-se que, desde o Tratado de Maastricht, a União Europeia (UE) tem-se tornado cada vez mais uma questão politizada. À medida que os temas associados à integração europeia se tornam mais salientes e contestados, tanto na opinião pública como na competição interpartidária, a politização enraíza-se nas várias esferas políticas e públicas dos estados membros. Esta investigação examina como as dinâmicas da politização da UE se fazem sentir dentro das próprias instituições da UE, especificamente na sua única instituição legislativa eleita diretamente - o Parlamento Europeu (PE). Ao aplicar técnicas automatizadas de análise de texto, como o Wordfish, a investigação analisa os debates no plenário do PE, entre o 5º e o 7º mandato (1999-2014) e a pesquisa ilumina sobre quais são os fatores que explicam a politização da UE no PE. No que diz respeito aos fatores internos aos partidos políticos, a análise mostra que a ideologia partidária e o tipo de partido são um preditor significativo da politização da UE no PE. Igualmente, no que concerne aos fatores externos aos partidos, os resultados demonstram que a transferência de autoridade política dos estados membros para o nível supranacional é menos relevante do que o grau de desajuste institucional entre os dois níveis na explicação da politização da UE, nos discursos dos partidos no PE.Programa Doutoral em Ciência Polític

    Fototransistores de cristal único em substrato flexível

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    Mestrado em Engenharia FísicaNeste trabalho foram desenvolvidos fototransístores em substrato flexível baseados numa estrutura de dupla camada cristal único/filme fino entre o 5,6,11,12-tetrafenilnaftaleno (rubreno) e o [6,6]-fenil-C61-ácido butilato metil ester (PCBM). Foi efetuada uma caracterização optoelectrónica destes. Estes revelam baixas mobilidades 5×10-3 cm2 V-1 s-1 e uma responsividade na ordem dos 0,1 mAW-1 a 1000 W m-2. Os substratos foram investigados com recurso à microscopia eletrónica de varrimento, microscopia térmica de varrimento e a um perfilómetro ótico. Esta análise revelou várias irregularidades nos filmes de PCBM e que podem ser estendidas aos filmes inferiores. As irregularidades encontradas explicam a baixa mobilidade e as correntes de fuga, estas surgiram devido a vários problemas existentes no substrato e no sistema de medição.Phototransistors on flexible substrates were developed based on single-crystal/thin-film bilayer junctions between 5,6,11,12-tetraphenyletracene (Rubrene) and [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). The electro optical characterization revealed low mobility 5×10-3 cm2 V-1 s-1 and a responsivity on the order of 0,1 mAW-1 at 1000 W m-2. The substrates were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, scanning thermal microscopy and 3D optical profilometer. This analysis revealed several irregularities in the PCBM film that can be extended to the lower films. The irregularities explain the low mobility and the leakage currents, these arose from various problems in the substrate and in the measurement system

    Aspectos da Posição Dominante Correlatas ao Abuso de Atos Anticoncorrenciais no Mercado Europeu

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    The study of the present investigation consists on an initial approach to the general aspects of the concept of dominant position on the European Competition Law, 5 whose assumptions are gathered on the analysis of several criteria referred to in Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Such article declares that “any abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position within the internal market or in a substantial part of it shall be prohibited as incompatible with the internal market in so far as it may affect trade between Member States.” However, it is not given, nor in this article nor in any other from the above Treaty, a definition of dominant position, which in fact constitutes a problem. Thus, one will approach the concept of abuse of this dominant position, which dissuades itself on the abusive practices that compromise the Member States structural balance, and which at the end affect the consumers as potential direct victims of the exercise of market power. Nonetheless, one can point out, from the point of view of the Treaty, that the notion of abuse is itself contrary to any idea of contribution to the economic progress, and that the body of the article does not prohibit the existence of dominant positions, but only its abusive exploitation, as one will verify

    O dever de informação dos atos bancários e a culpa in contrahendo

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    A análise trazida neste artigo tem como perspectiva norteadora a responsabilidade pré-contratual do banqueiro, justamente porque é no cerne desta que se desenvolve a premissa da culpa in contrahendo. Assim, analisase este pressuposto como critério de aferição da culpabilidade do banqueiro quando direcione sua conduta sem tomar a específica diligência. No presente estudo esta diligência está circunscrita no dever de informação dos atos bancários precedentes à formação do contrato. Neste ponto, tomamos como referencial o princípio da boa-fé como irradiador dos fundamentos éticojurídicos na consecução dos contratos bancários. Sublinha-se que o paradigma de estudo adotado se refere ao ordenamento jurídico português, bem como a grafia adotada é o português de Portugal. [ABSTRACT]The analysis brought in this article has as mainspring perspective the pre-contractual responsibility of the banker, precisely because is in its core that is developed the premise of the guilt in contrahendo. Thus, one analyses this assumption as a benchmarking of the banker’s culpability when directing his conduct without applying the specific diligence. At the present essay, this diligence is circumscribed at the duty to inform of the bank acts previous to the creation of the contract. At this point, we take as referential the principle of good faith as the spreading point of the ethical juridical fundamentals on the pursuance of the bank contracts. One must mention that the study paradigm adopted is referred to the Portuguese legal system, and the language adopted is Portuguese (of Portugal)

    Female sexual dysfunction in patients with sub-stance-related disorders

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of female sexual dysfunction symptoms and the associated risk factors in a sample of patients with substance-related disorders admitted to a specialized in-patient care unit. METHODS: This study used a cross-section design, with eight months of data collection, conducted with substance-dependent women using structured questionnaires to collect socio-demographic data and identify their drug of choice. The Drug Abuse Screening Test, Short Alcohol Dependence Data questionnaire, Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence, and Arizona Sexual Experience Scale were also administered. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 105 women who had a mean age of 34.8 years (SD = 12.1, range = 18-65) and were predominantly heterosexual (74.3%), single (47.6%), Caucasian (50.5%), catholic (36.2%), and educated only to the level of primary education (40%), with a monthly family income of up to one minimum salary (37.5%). In 42.9% of the patients, crack was the drug of choice; 47.6% of the sample qualified for the Drug Abuse Screening Test (substantial problems related to drugs), 43.8% exhibited Short Alcohol Dependence Data (moderate or severe dependency), 47.6% exhibited Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (high or very high nicotine dependence). The prevalence of sexual dysfunction symptoms was 34.2% (95% CI = [25.3, 44.1]), and a high level of nicotine dependence and low income increased the chances of having sexual dysfunction by 2.72-fold and 2.54 fold, respectively. An association was also observed between female sexual dysfunction symptoms and schooling and levels of drug dependence. CONCLUSIONS: Female sexual dysfunction symptoms were common among this sample and primarily associated with high levels of nicotine use.Federal University of São Paulo Psychiatry Department Alcohol and Drug Research UnitUNIFESP, Psychiatry Department Alcohol and Drug Research UnitSciEL

    Female sexual dysfunction in patients with sub-stance-related disorders

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of female sexual dysfunction symptoms and the associated risk factors in a sample of patients with substance-related disorders admitted to a specialized in-patient care unit. METHODS: This study used a cross-section design, with eight months of data collection, conducted with substance-dependent women using structured questionnaires to collect socio-demographic data and identify their drug of choice. The Drug Abuse Screening Test, Short Alcohol Dependence Data questionnaire, Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence, and Arizona Sexual Experience Scale were also administered. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 105 women who had a mean age of 34.8 years (SD = 12.1, range = 18-65) and were predominantly heterosexual (74.3%), single (47.6%), Caucasian (50.5%), catholic (36.2%), and educated only to the level of primary education (40%), with a monthly family income of up to one minimum salary (37.5%). In 42.9% of the patients, crack was the drug of choice; 47.6% of the sample qualified for the Drug Abuse Screening Test (substantial problems related to drugs), 43.8% exhibited Short Alcohol Dependence Data (moderate or severe dependency), 47.6% exhibited Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (high or very high nicotine dependence). The prevalence of sexual dysfunction symptoms was 34.2% (95% CI = [25.3, 44.1]), and a high level of nicotine dependence and low income increased the chances of having sexual dysfunction by 2.72-fold and 2.54 fold, respectively. An association was also observed between female sexual dysfunction symptoms and schooling and levels of drug dependence. CONCLUSIONS: Female sexual dysfunction symptoms were common among this sample and primarily associated with high levels of nicotine use

    Análise da ruptura de cabos de protensão em vigas mistas de aço e concreto protendidas

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2019.Grande parte das estruturas na América Latina faz uso do concreto armado e protendido. O aço, entretanto, mostra-se como uma alternativa de utilização, seja isoladamente, seja em associação com estruturas de concreto, configurando as estruturas mistas de aço e concreto. O uso de estruturas de aço apresenta diversas vantagens, como redução do tempo da obra, redução ou eliminação da necessidade de escoramento, diminuição da altura da seção transversal e redução no peso-próprio. Para maior otimização pode-se recorrer ao expediente da protensão, que possibilita redução da altura dos perfis. A protensão também pode prover reforço para estruturas antigas. Deve-se ressaltar que no caso de vigas metálicas, a protensão deve, necessariamente ser externa. Portanto, deve-se tomar cuidado com relação a problemas de acidentes contra os cabos, podendo ocasionar sua ruptura e consequente ruína da estrutura. Este estudo objetiva analisar a ruptura dos cabos de protensão para o perfil I anti-simétrico (mesa inferior menor que mesa superior). A análise foi realizada por meio de formulação analítica do fenômeno com base na Transformada de Laplace e Funções de Heaviside, posteriormente validadas com modelagem numérica no programa ANSYS. Os resultados mostraram boa concordância entre os modelos analítico e numérico.A substantial portion of structures in Latin America uses either reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete. Steel, however, appears as an alternative, alone, or in association with concrete, the so-called composite concrete-steel structures. A few advantages of the use of concrete-steel structures are: reduction in construction time, reduction or even elimination the need for propping, a decrease in the cross section height, and reduction in overall self-weight. For better optimization, prestress appears as an option that allows a greater decrease in the height of the section. It can also provide reinforcement for old structures. It should be emphasized that in the case of steel beams, prestress must be applied externally. Therefore, caution has to be taken with respect to accidents against the tendons, which can cause rupture of the cables and consequent failure of the structure. This study aims to analyse the rupture of prestressing tendons for assimetrical I section, with superior flange wider than inferior flange. The analysis will be carried out by means of analytical formulation through the use of Laplace Transforms and Heaviside functions, and then validated with numerical modeling in the ANSYS simulation software. The results showed concordance between both models