289 research outputs found

    La prensa española como fuente histórica para el problema de Tacna y Arica (1880-1901): heurística y método

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    Al finalizar el dominio colonial español, la consecuencia política más relevante para América del Sur fue la organización de los Estados Nacionales. En ese proceso se sucedieron guerras territoriales que intentaron fijar las fronteras de los países. Un ejemplo de éstas fue la Guerra del Pacífico entre Chile, Perú y Bolivia (1879-1883) la que al finalizar estipuló en el Tratado de Paz que los territorios peruanos de Tacna y Arica quedarían bajo la soberanía chilena por diez años para luego realizar un plebiscito que definiría su pertenencia nacional. Así se generó el 'problema de Tacna y Arica' que no se resolvería hasta 1929. El interés demostrado por la prensa española en este conflicto no fue menor. Desde 1880 las informaciones de la guerra, en noticias breves o extensos reportajes con algunas ilustraciones, nos permiten entender qué importancia tuvo para España el conflicto de los tres países 'hijos' de la 'madre patria'. En la etapa de la posguerra la situación continuó atrayendo a la prensa hispana sobre todo por la novedad de que en 1898, ante los fracasos de la diplomacia chileno-peruana para efectuar el plebiscito, se dejó en manos de la Reina de España, María Cristina, el arbitraje que resolvería el problema de Tacna y Arica.En el marco de la historia de la prensa, el artículo ejercita reflexiones sobre la heurística que sustenta un problema histórico escasamente estudiado en España, seguido de algunas cuestiones esenciales de método.With the end of the dominance of Spanish colonialism, the most relevant political consequence for South America was the organization of the national states. Throughout this process there were territorial wars whose intention was to fix the borders between the emerging countries. One example of the aforementioned territorial wars was the War of the Pacific between Chile, Bolivia and Peru (1879 - 1883). After the conclusion of the war it was stipulated in the peace treaty that the Peruvian territories of Tacna and Arica would remain under Chilean sovereignty for 10 years, after which a plebiscite would be undertaken in order to define their nationality. This created the 'problem of Tacna and Arica', which would not be resolved until 1929. The interest shown by the Spanish press in this conflict was by no means minimal. From 1880 news of the war, in the form of brief reports or extensive articles along with some illustrations, allows us to understand the importance to Spain of the conflict between the three 'child' countries of the 'motherland'. In the postwar period the situation continued to attract the attention of the Spanish press, most significantly in 1898 with the news that, in the face of the failure of the Chilean-Peruvian diplomacy to enact the plebiscite, the arbitration that would eventually resolve the problem of Tacna and Arica was put in the hands of the Queen of Spain, Maria Cristina. In the context of the history of the press, this article reflects on the heuristic that supports a historical problem, scarcely studied in Spain, followed by an explanation of some the essential characteristics of the method used

    La campaña de Tacna y Arica en la prensa española (1879-1880)

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    Se analiza desde la historia cultural de la prensa la construcción de imágenes públicas sobre Chile, Perú y Bolivia en diarios y revistas españolas entre 1879 y 1880. Durante esas fechas, en el marco de la Guerra del Pacífico, se desarrolló la Campaña de Tacna y Arica, cubierta por la prensa de España. Por esa razón, el objetivo general se propone detectar y discutir los rasgos principales constituyentes de la identidad nacional chilena, peruana y boliviana pensados por la prensa. El problema histórico, enfocado desde la teoría de las representaciones sociales, interroga fuentes hemerográficas, rescatando información mediante la metodología de análisis de contenido. La conclusión corrobora el poder de la prensa en la elaboración de identidades diferenciadas para los países enfrentados.This investigation deals with the cultural history of the press and the construction of public images about Chile, Peru and Bolivia in newspapers and Spanish journals between 1879 and 1880. During this dates the campaign of Tacna and Arica developed within the frames of the pacific war, covered by the Spanish press. For this reason the general goal is to detect and discuss the constituting characteristics from the national Chilean, Peruvian and Bolivian identity under the focus of the press. The historical problem which is viewed from the theory of social representations, questions journalistic sources recollecting information with the methodology of analysis of the content. The conclusion encourages the power of the press at the elaboration of different identities for the enemy countries

    Mortuary advertising and regulation of funerals: an approach from the press of Santiago (1862-1917)

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    Indexación: Revista UNAB.Esta investigación analiza las características de la publicidad de las pompas fúnebres en Santiago, mostrando los diversos servicios que ofrecieron, además de el desarrollo y las contradicciones de este comercio sobre la muerte. A través del estudio de la prensa abordamos los avisajes como catalizadores de los discursos de higiene, progreso y modernidad. Desarrollamos tres conflictos entre los dueños de las funerarias con la Intendencia por la propaganda (1864), con la Junta de Beneficencia por el uso de las carrozas fúnebres (1902) y con la Municipalidad (1913) y el Congreso (1917) por el aumento de las cargas tributarias sobre los funerales.In this research the characteristics of the publicity of the funeral trade in Santiago are analyzed, showing the diverse services that they offered, the development and the contradictions of a trade on the death. Through the study of the press we approach the warnings as catalysts of the discourses of hygiene, progress and modernity. In this context we developed three conflicts between the owners of funeral homes with: the Intendance for propaganda (1864), the Board of Beneficence for the use of funeral carriages (1902) and the Municipality (1913)-Congress (1917) by the Increased tax burdens on funerals

    Naciones de papel: el conflicto entre Chile y Perú por Tacna y Arica en la prensa de España (1880-1929)

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    En esta tesis se analizan las representaciones sociales construidas por la prensa de España sobre el conflicto de Tacna y Arica acaecido entre Chile y Perú durante 1880 y 1929. La hipótesis puesta a prueba plantea que las noticias referidas al conflicto de Tacna y Arica publicadas por la prensa española durante 1880 y 1929 permitieron construir discursivamente un conjunto de representaciones sociales sobre el diferendo y, por extensión, sobre los países directa e indirectamente partícipes. En efecto, la prensa española fabricó parte de la identidad nacional chilena y peruana, pero también boliviana, estadounidense y española. Éstas, desde un plano ético, eran diferenciables a causa del desarrollo de funciones estatales opuestas en el conflicto, las que fueron informadas y opinadas por la prensa, acumulando conocimientos y cristalizando representaciones. No obstante, el dinamismo político de los países interesados en la solución del diferendo, así como la evolución de la industria periodística española, pasado el tiempo, matizaban la singularidad de la litis y las identidades nacionales. Por tal razón, sostendremos hipotéticamente que la prensa española construyó, en torno al problema de Tacna y Arica, la idea de su carácter amenazante para la paz americana, desestabilizando la región y distanciándola del “progreso”. Vio también en éste un diferendo que evidenció la incapacidad resolutiva de los gobiernos de Chile y el Perú frente a los inconvenientes derivados del artículo tercero del Tratado de Ancón de 1883. Así, pasado el tiempo, sin desatenderlo durante medio siglo, lo calificó de antiguo, eterno y vio en él una justificación de la política exterior imperialista de los Estados Unidos hacia Hispanoamérica. Para corroborar la hipótesis planteamos como objetivo general de la investigación analizar las representaciones sociales construidas y comunicadas por la prensa de España durante los años 1880 y 1929 en torno al problema entre Chile y Perú por Tacna y Arica. Esta meta supone detectar las ideas centrales y de mayor proyección del discurso periodístico español referidas a las identidades nacionales de Chile, Perú, Bolivia, Estados Unidos y España.Doctorado en Europa y el Mundo Atlántico: Poder, Cultura y Socieda

    Washington conferences opening between Chile and Peru in the American newspapers (1922)

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    Se describen y analizan los discursos periodísticos estadounidenses durante la apertura de las conferencias de Washington celebradas entre Chile y Perú en 1922. Partiendo del supuesto teórico que la prensa es un actor político que construye los acontecimientos que tematiza, se efectuó un análisis de contenido a 120 noticias. La conclusión sostiene que la prensa representó las conferencias en un plano epistémico, proyectivo y político.The American journalistic discourses are described and analyzed during the opening of the Washington conferences held between Chile and Peru in 1922. Starting from the theoretical assumption that the press is a political actor that constructs the events that it thematizes, a content analysis was carried out on 120 news. The conclusion holds that the press represented the conferences on an epistemic, projective and political level

    Harnessing the power of the de mayo reaction: unveiling a photochemical and photocatalytic masked [2+2] methodology for organic synthesis

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    In 1962, Paul J. de Mayo initially described the photochemical reaction involving 1,3- diketones and double bonds, resulting in the formation of 1,5-diketones. Since then, this reaction has been extensively utilized for the synthesis of a wide range of fascinating natural products. Over time, this synthetic methodology has been applied to various carbonyl systems, including locked enol-tautomers of diketones, β-keto esters, and β-enaminones. Additionally, it has found application in other unsaturated systems such as allenes and alkynes. In this review article, we provide a comprehensive overview of the classical de Mayo reaction, highlighting its scope and potential. Furthermore, we focus on recent advances achieved through photocatalytic conditions. Special emphasis is placed on the regioselectivity of the process and the underlying reaction mechanism, particularly within the context of photocatalysisFinancial support was provided by the Spanish Government (PID2021-122299NB-I00, TED2021-130470B-I00, TED2021- 129999B-C32), ‘Comunidad de Madrid’, European Structural Funds (S2018/NMT-4367), proyectos sinérgicos I+D (Y2020/NMT6469) and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (SI1/PJI/ 2019-00237). L. M. thanks for a Ramón y Cajal contract (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and N. S. thanks for a FPU-Spanish-Governmen

    The Spirit Is within Us! Ritual Practices of Latin American Pentecostals in Barcelona

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    Wilson Muñoz-Henríquez obtained funding by the UNESCO/Japan Young Researchers' Fellowship Programme, UNESCO-France and the Government of Japan, and the scholarship program Becas Chile N◦ 72150364, ANID-Chile.In recent years, Christian Pentecostalism has been one of the most successful religious movements in the province of Barcelona, while the high level of immigration from Latin America has clearly been an influential factor in its development. Yet, despite the fact that Pentecostalism has played a prominent role in religious diversification in Catalonia, it has been the subject of very few studies. This paper seeks to address this gap in research and shed light on an area of fundamental importance to the movement: its ritual dimension. Drawing on ethnographic information from the Iglesia Evangélica el Vallès (Canovelles), we describe and analyze the principal channels of communication with the sacred established by the Latin American Pentecostals. In our conclusions, we show that the communicative practices developed during worship are oriented toward manifesting the presence of the Holy Spirit, leading to the emergence of ritual condensation around this symbolic force. For this purpose, practices such as "praise", the "laying on of hands" and "speaking in tongues" establish sequential and progressive communication with the Holy Spirit throughout the process of worship, culminating in mimetic communication

    Predesigned covalent organic frameworks as effective platforms for Pd(II) coordination enabling cross-coupling reactions under sustainable conditions

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    The phenanthroline unit in an imine-based covalent organic framework (Phen-COF) offers a robust coordination site for Pd(OAc)2 centers. Coordination of palladium centers is demonstrated by a variety of techniques, including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and total X-ray fluorescence. The stable phenanthroline-Pd(II) coordination avoids leaching of metal centers to the reaction medium, where deactivation processes through nanoparticle formation limits the catalytic activities observed for homogeneous systems. Thus, because of isolation and immobilization of catalytic sites in the Pd@Phen-COF the performance of material, the catalytic outputs are dramatically increased with respect to the performance observed for analogous molecular catalysts. This concept is applied in this work to C-C cross-coupling reactions under mild and environmentally benign conditions. The activities found for Suzuki-Miyaura and Mizoroki-Heck reactions allow thousands of turnover numbers in the transformation of a wide scope of precursors with a high degree of recyclability. The results reported in this work contribute to the design of greener protocols for transformations that have a crucial role in the industrial synthesis of high-added value fine chemical

    Assessing the value of the information provision for enhancing the autonomy of mobility impaired users. Madrid pilot Site Study.

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    A City is the space where every person acquires the citizen condition, which demands access to multiple services and facilities, and develops social relations in a free and equal condition of options. A lack of accessibility limits independency and autonomy. Thus, the relationship between “sustainable development” and “accessibility for all” becomes clearer, and both goals reinforce each other. In this sense, information plays a key role in order to overcome existing barriers, specially for people who rarely use public transport, have impaired mobility, or make a particular journey for the first time. The impact and benefits is linked with public transport as a “facilitator” of mobility, and, in particular, for the aim of intermodality. The usefulness of information that should be provided (both the information itself and how is offered) to mobility impaired users (MI users) is discussed on this paper based on following of the ASK-IT project that has being carry out on Madrid. The work was done in close cooperation with representatives of all different types of MI user groups