38 research outputs found

    Star colloids in nematic liquid crystals

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    We present a study of the elastic alignment, accompanying director field distortions, and elastic pair interactions of star-shaped colloids suspended in aligned nematic liquid crystals. We design and fabricate lithographic colloids, “N-stars”, containing N rod-like protrusions (i.e. “rays” or “arms”) each having a constant angle between adjacent rays. N-star geometries contain concave regions while retaining the rotational and mirror symmetries of regular polygonal platelets having N sides. Planar anchoring of the nematic director at N-star surfaces induces elastic deformations of the uniform background director, resulting in distinct orientational states and pair interactions that depend upon N. Director fields around isolated N-stars are characterized using polarized optical microscopy. For each N-star, we observe long-lived metastable orientational states with accompanying metastable director configurations, which are topologically distinct from the ground state director field. We develop a model, based on a superposition of the elastic energy of rod-like inclusions at appropriate angles to the far-field director, to estimate the energies in both cases. Numerical calculations of the director field around an individual ray elucidate the effect of azimuthal degeneracy in the anchoring and cross-sectional shape of the ray. The analytical results agree with the simulations, however, we find that the total elastic energy must be rescaled to account for weaker anchoring. The long-range elastic pair interactions between N-stars are probed using optical tweezers and video microscopy. We observe a distinct multipole depending on whether N is even or odd, which dominates the distance-dependence for attractive elastic forces between pairs of N-stars. Finally, we discuss assemblies made up of mixtures of different types of N-stars that display a variety of aggregated states

    Brownian dynamics of colloidal microspheres with tunable elastic properties from soft to hard

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    We study the Brownian thermal motion of a colloidal model system made by emulsifying hot liquid α-eicosene wax into an aqueous surfactant solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). When this waxy oil-in-water emulsion is cooled below α- eicosene's melting point of Tc ≃ 25 °C, the microscale emulsion droplets solidify, effectively yielding a dispersed particulate system. So, the interiors of these wax droplets can be tuned from a viscous liquid to an elastic solid through very modest changes in absolute temperature. Using the multiple light scattering technique of diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS), which is very sensitive to small-scale motion and shape fluctuations of dispersed colloidal objects, we show that the thermal fluctuations of the interfaces of these liquid droplets at higher temperature, seen in the DWS intensity–intensity correlation function at early times, effectively disappear when these droplets solidify at lower temperature. Thus, we show that the early-time behavior of this DWS correlation function can be used to probe mechanical properties of viscoelastic soft materials dispersed as droplets

    Healing of defects at the interface of nematic liquid crystals and structured Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers

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    We use Langmuir-Blodgett molecular monolayers and nematic liquid crystals as model two-and three-dimensional orientationally ordered systems to study the stability and healing of topological defects at their contact interfaces. Integer-strength defects at the monolayer induce disclinations of similar strength in the nematic that, however, do not propagate deep into the bulk, but rather form single- or double-split arch-shaped loops pinned to the interface. This behavior is qualitatively independent of the far-field director orientation and involves either half-integer singular or twist-escaped unity-strength nonsingular nematic disclinations. These two defect configurations can be selected by varying sample preparation given their comparable free energy, consistently with direct probing by use of laser tweezers

    Calcineurin Selectively Docks with the Dynamin Ixb Splice Variant to Regulate Activity-dependent Bulk Endocytosis

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    Depolarization of nerve terminals stimulates rapid dephosphorylation of two isoforms of dynamin I (dynI), mediated by the calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin (CaN). Dephosphorylation at the major phosphorylation sites Ser-774/778 promotes a dynI-syndapin I interaction for a specific mode of synaptic vesicle endocytosis called activity-dependent bulk endocytosis (ADBE). DynI has two main splice variants at its extreme C terminus, long or short (dynIxa and dynIxb) varying only by 20 (xa) or 7 (xb) residues. Recombinant GST fusion proteins of dynIxa and dynIxb proline-rich domains (PRDs) were used to pull down interacting proteins from rat brain nerve terminals. Both bound equally to syndapin, but dynIxb PRD exclusively bound to the catalytic subunit of CaNA, which recruited CaNB. Binding of CaN was increased in the presence of calcium and was accompanied by further recruitment of calmodulin. Point mutations showed that the entire C terminus of dynIxb is a CaN docking site related to a conserved CaN docking motif (PXIXI(T/S)). This sequence is unique to dynIxb among all other dynamin variants or genes. Peptide mimetics of the dynIxb tail blocked CaN binding in vitro and selectively inhibited depolarization-evoked dynI dephosphorylation in nerve terminals but not of other dephosphins. Therefore, docking to dynIxb is required for the regulation of both dynI splice variants, yet it does not regulate the phosphorylation cycle of other dephosphins. The peptide blocked ADBE, but not clathrin-mediated endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. Our results indicate that Ca(2+) influx regulates assembly of a fully active CaN-calmodulin complex selectively on the tail of dynIxb and that the complex is recruited to sites of ADBE in nerve terminals

    Numerical study of Anderson localization of terahertz waves in disordered waveguides

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    We present a numerical study of electromagnetic wave transport in disordered quasi–one-dimensional waveguides at terahertz frequencies. Finite element method calculations of terahertz wave propagation within LiNbO3 waveguides with randomly arranged air-filled circular scatterers exhibit an onset of Anderson localization at experimentally accessible length scales. Results for the average transmission as a function of waveguide length and scatterer density demonstrate a clear crossover from diffusive to localized transport regime. In addition, we find that transmission fluctuations grow dramatically when crossing into the localized regime. Our numerical results are in good quantitative agreement with theory over a wide range of experimentally accessible parameters both in the diffusive and localized regime opening the path towards experimental observation of terahertz wave localization

    Healing of defects at the interface of nematic liquid crystals and structured Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers

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    We use Langmuir-Blodgett molecular monolayers and nematic liquid crystals as model two-and three-dimensional orientationally ordered systems to study the stability and healing of topological defects at their contact interfaces. Integer-strength defects at the monolayer induce disclinations of similar strength in the nematic that, however, do not propagate deep into the bulk, but rather form single- or double-split arch-shaped loops pinned to the interface. This behavior is qualitatively independent of the far-field director orientation and involves either half-integer singular or twist-escaped unity-strength nonsingular nematic disclinations. These two defect configurations can be selected by varying sample preparation given their comparable free energy, consistently with direct probing by use of laser tweezers