103 research outputs found

    La santé mentale par la gestion des projets personnels : une intervention auprÚs de jeunes retraités

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    Une intervention axĂ©e sur les buts personnels est offerte Ă  des retraitĂ©s de 50 Ă  65 ans en vue d’augmenter leur bien-ĂȘtre psychologique et leur santĂ© mentale. Plus spĂ©cifiquement, le programme prĂ©sentĂ© ici a pour objectif de promouvoir l’expression, la planification et la rĂ©alisation de projets personnels Ă  travers une dĂ©marche d’apprentissage basĂ©e sur une approche cognitive. À la suite de l’intervention, les participants du groupe expĂ©rimental (n = 117) se sont amĂ©liorĂ©s significativement comparativement au groupe contrĂŽle (n = 177) sur tous les indices relatifs aux buts et au bien-ĂȘtre subjectif, et cette amĂ©lioration s’est maintenue six mois aprĂšs la fin de l’intervention. Certaines indications permettront une application plus efficace du programme Gestion des buts personnels.A personal goal-based intervention was offered to retired people aged 50 to 65 years with the objective of increasing their subjective well-being and their mental health. More specifically, the program presented here was aimed to promote the setting, planning, and realization of personal projects through a learning process based on a cognitive approach. At the end of the program, the experimental group (n = 117) had improved significantly more than the control group (n = 177) on all the goal and subjective well-being indicators, and this gain was maintained six months later. Some ideas to make the program more effective are discussed.Se ofrece una intervenciĂłn centrada en las metas personales a jubilados de 50 a 65 años, con el objetivo de aumentar su bienestar psicolĂłgico y su salud mental. MĂĄs especĂ­ficamente, el programa aquĂ­ presentado tiene como objetivo promover la expresiĂłn, planificaciĂłn y realizaciĂłn de proyectos personales a travĂ©s de un proceso de aprendizaje basado en un enfoque cognitivo. DespuĂ©s de la intervenciĂłn, los participantes del grupo experimental (n = 117) mejoraron significativamente en comparaciĂłn con el grupo de control (n = 177) en todos los Ă­ndices relativos a las metas y al bienestar subjetivo, y esta mejora se mantuvo seis meses despuĂ©s de terminada la intervenciĂłn. Ciertas indicaciones permitirĂĄn una aplicaciĂłn mĂĄs eficaz del programa de GestiĂłn de metas personales.Uma intervenção baseada nos objetivos pessoais Ă© oferecida aos aposentados de 50 a 65 anos com a finalidade de aumentar seu bem-estar psicolĂłgico e sua saĂșde mental. Mais especificamente, o programa apresentado aqui tem por objetivo promover a expressĂŁo, o planejamento e a realização de projetos pessoais atravĂ©s de uma abordagem de aprendizagem baseada em uma abordagem cognitiva. ApĂłs a intervenção, os participantes do grupo experimental (n=117) melhoraram muito, em relação ao grupo de controle (n=177), em todos os Ă­ndices relativos aos objetivos e ao bem-estar subjetivo; esta melhoria manteve-se durante seis meses apĂłs o fim da intervenção. Algumas indicaçÔes permitirĂŁo uma aplicação mais eficaz do programa GestĂŁo dos objetivos pessoais

    Isotope geochemistry and petrogenesis of peralkaline Middle Miocene ignimbrites from central Sonora: relationship with continental break-up and the birth of the Gulf of California

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    Middle Miocene peralkaline ignimbrites constitute a specific geodynamic marker of the early stage of opening of the Gulf of California, preserved either in central Sonora or the Puertecitos area, in Baja California. Very uniform ages (12-12.5 Ma) obtained on these rocks show that this volcanic episode corresponds to a specific stage in the tectonic evolution of the proto-gulf area. Field observations and slightly different Sr and Nd isotopic signatures support eruptions from several small volume magma batches rather than from a large-volume caldera forming event. Isotopic ratios help to constrain the petrogenesis of the peralkaline liquids by fractional crystallization of transitional basalts in a shallow reservoir, with slight contamination by Precambrian upper crustal material. Less differentiated glomeroporphyritic icelandites erupted at about 11 Ma, mark an increase in the magma production rate and highlight an easier access to the surface, illustrating an advanced stage in the weakening of the continental crust. The tilting of the Middle Tertiary sequences results from a major change in the tectonic regime, from E-W extension giving rise to N-S grabens, to NNW-SSE strike-slip motion that can be related to the transfer of Baja California from North America to the Pacific plate. The location of peralkaline volcanism coincides with the southern edge of the Precambrian crust and the southernmost extension of the California slab window at 12.5 Ma

    Expression of Viral Antigen by the Liver Leads to Chronic Infection Through the Generation of Regulatory T Cells

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    Referred to by David E. Kaplan " Does Massive Antigen Burden Allow Hepatic Viruses to Induce Regulatory T Cells and Their Tolerance and Persistence?" CMGH Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Volume 1, Issue 3, May 2015, Pages 259-261International audienceThe constant exposure of the liver to food and bacterial antigens through the mesenteric circulation requires it to maintain tolerance while preserving the ability to mount an effective immune response against pathogens. We investigated the contribution of the liver's tolerogenic nature on the establishment of chronic viral infections. Methods: TTR-NP mice, which express the nucleoprotein (NP) of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) specifically in hepatocytes under control of a modified transthyretin (TTR) promoter, were infected with the Armstrong (Arm) or WE acute strains of LCMV. Results: The infection persisted for at least 147 days in TTR-NP mice. Expression of NP by the liver induced a strong peripheral tolerance against NP that was mediated by interleukin-10-secreting CD4+ regulatory T cells, leading to high PD-1 (programmed death-1) expression and reduced effector function of virus-specific T cells. Despite an active immune response against LCMV, peripheral tolerance against a single viral protein was sufficient to induce T-cell exhaustion and chronic LCMV Armstrong (Arm) or WE infection by limiting the antiviral T-cell response in an otherwise immunocompetent host. Regulatory T-cell depletion of chronically infected TTR-NP mice led to functional restoration of LCMV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ Tcell responses and viral clearance. Conclusions: Expression of a viral antigen by hepatocytes can induce a state of peripheral tolerance mediated by regulatory Tcells that can lead to the establishment of a chronic viral infection. Strategies targeting regulatory T cells in patients chronically infected with hepatotropic viruses could represent a promising approach to restore functional antiviral immunity and clear infection

    Mobilization and transformation of mercury across a dammed boreal river are linked to carbon processing and hydrology

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    Reservoirs are known to accelerate the mobilization and cycling of mercury and carbon as aresult of flooding of terrestrial organic matter, which can lead to environmental concerns at local andbroader spatial scales. We explored the covariation of mercury (Hg) and carbon (C) functional pools innatural and recently dammed portions of the aquatic network of the Romaine River watershed in NorthernQuebec, Canada, to understand how the fate of these elements varies across systems with contrastinghydrology and environmental conditions. We found that total Hg (THg) concentrations in surface waterswere relatively constant along the network, whereas both the concentrations and proportions of MeHgtended to increase in reservoirs compared to surrounding nonooded systems, and along the cascade ofreservoirs. Whereas THg was related to total and terrestrial pools of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), MeHgwas weakly related to DOC but strongly linked to surface concentrations of CO2, as well as toconcentrations of iron and manganese. The latter are proxies of cumulative organic matter processing withinthe network, presumably in anoxic portions of shallow bays, deep reservoir waters, and river sediments,as well as in prior seasons (e.g., under ice). Our results suggest that these deep boreal reservoirs acted more astransformation sites for Hg that was already present than as mobilizers of new Hg, and that under icemetabolism plays a role in MeHg production in these systems as we found strong dichotomies in MeHgpatterns between spring and summer

    Older women's perceptions of a programmable video monitoring system at home : a pilot study

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    IntroductionïŒšă€€Developing technologies to help older adults to age in place is paramount in coping with health challenges related to the ageing population. Camera-based technologies are efficient for home monitoring; however, few studies exist of users’ perceptions of these technologies. To monitor night walks and the person-environment interaction, a programmable video monitoring system (VS) was implemented at home. This study explores users’ perceptions of this VS. MethodsïŒšă€€For this multiple case study, six older women were recruited according to these criteria: (1) ≄65 years old; (2) ≄ one fall within the last 12 months; (3) woke up at night to go to the toilet; (4) lived alone. The VS was implemented for seven nights. Perceptions were explored with semi-structured interviews before and after the experiment. Data were analysed qualitatively following a cross-case method. Results Participants had positive opinions of the VS before the implementation; they appreciated three features: (1) the programmable movement detection during chosen time slots, respecting privacy; (2) the LED indicating the recording; (3) the small cameras. After the experiment, participants reported positive experiences, though some expressed some discomfort. During the experiment, participants’ perceptions changed because they got used to the system. ConclusionïŒšă€€Older women’s favourable opinion of programmable VS supports the use of ambient technologies to facilitate ageing in place. Future research should involve larger samples to confirm the possibility of using programmable VS with community-dwelling older adults

    Collisional perturbation of radio-frequency E1 transitions in an atomic beam of dysprosium

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    We have studied collisional perturbations of radio-frequency (rf) electric-dipole (E1) transitions between the nearly degenerate opposite-parity levels in atomic dysprosium (Dy) in the presence of 10 to 80 Ό\muTorr of H2_\text{2}, N2_\text{2}, He, Ar, Ne, Kr, and Xe. Collisional broadening and shift of the resonance, as well as the attenuation of the signal amplitude are observed to be proportional to the foreign-gas density with the exception of H2_2 and Ne, for which no shifts were observed. Corresponding rates and cross sections are presented. In addition, rates and cross sections for O2_2 are extracted from measurements using air as foreign gas. The primary motivation for this study is the need for accurate determination of the shift rates, which are needed in a laboratory search for the temporal variation of the fine-structure constant [A. T. Nguyen, D. Budker, S. K. Lamoreaux, and J. R. Torgerson, Phys. Rev. A \textbf{69}, 22105 (2004)].Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    EgMYB2, a new transcriptional activator from Eucalyptus xylem, regulates secondary cell wall formation and lignin biosynthesis

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    International audienceEgMYB2, a member of a new subgroup of the R2R3 MYB family of transcription factors, was cloned from a library consisting of RNA from differentiating Eucalyptus xylem. EgMYB2 maps to a unique locus on the Eucalyptus grandis linkage map and co-localizes with a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for lignin content. Recombinant EgMYB2 protein was able to bind speciïŹcally the cis-regulatory regions of the promoters of two lignin biosynthetic genes, cinnamoyl-coenzyme A reductase (CCR) and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD), which contain MYB consensus binding sites. EgMYB2 was also able to regulate their transcription in both transient and stable expression assays. Transgenic tobacco plants over-expressing EgMYB2 displayed phenotypic changes relative to wild-type plants, among which were a dramatic increase in secondary cell wall thickness, and an alteration of the lignin proïŹles. Transcript abundance of genes encoding enzymes speciïŹc to lignin biosynthesis was increased to varying extents according to the position of individual genes in the pathway,whereas core phenylpropanoid geneswere not signiïŹcantly affected. Together these results suggest a role for EgMYB2 in the co-ordinated control of genes belonging to the monolignol-speciïŹc pathway, and therefore in the biosynthesis of lignin and the regulation of secondary cell wall formation

    Correlation and Quantum Electrodynamic Effects on the Radiative Lifetime and Relativistic Nuclear Recoil in ArÂčÂłâș and ArÂč⁎âș Ions

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    The radiative lifetime and mass isotope shift of the 1s22s22p 2P3/2 - 2P1/2 M1 transition in Ar13+ ions have been determined with high accuracies using the Heidelberg electron beam ion trap. This fundamentally relativistic transition provides unique possibilities for performing precise studies of correlation and quantum electrodynamic effects in many-electron systems. The lifetime corresponding to the transition has been measured with an accuracy of the order of one per thousand. Theoretical calculations predict a lifetime that is in significant disagreement with this high-precision experimental value. Our mass shift calculations, based on a fully relativistic formulation of the nuclear recoil operator, are in excellent agreement with the experimental results and cofirm the absolute necessity to include relativistic recoil corrections when evaluating mass shift contributions even in medium-Z ions

    Benchmarking High-Field Few-Electron Correlation and QED Contributions in Hg⁷⁔âș to Hg⁷⁞âș Ions. I. Experiment

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    The photorecombination of highly charged few-electron mercury ions Hg75+ to Hg78+ has been explored with the Heidelberg electron beam ion trap. By monitoring the emitted x rays (65-76 keV) and scanning the electron beam energy (45-54 keV) over the KLL dielectronic recombination (DR) region, the energies of state-selected DR resonances were determined to within ±4 eV (relative) and ±14 eV (absolute). At this level of experimental accuracy, it becomes possible to make a detailed comparison to various theoretical approaches and methods, all of which include quantum electrodynamic (QED) effects and finite nuclear size contributions (for a 1s electron, these effects can be as large as 160 and 50 eV, respectively). In He-like Hg78+, a good agreement between the experimental results and the calculations has been found. However, for the capture into Li-, Be-, and B-like ions, significant discrepancies have been observed for specific levels. The discrepancies suggest the need for further theoretical and experimental studies with other heavy ions along these isoelectronic sequences
