20 research outputs found

    Chapter 17. Guatemala: community seed reserves restore maize diversity

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    Implementing access and benefit sharing in eight countries

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    Since 2012, national teams in eight countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have been identifying options for policy, legal and administrative mechanisms for the implementation of the multilateral system of access and benefit sharing (MLS) for plant genetic resources. This article summarises if and how access and benefit sharing has been strengthened in the eight countries, and to what extent this has benefited family farmers

    Vulnerability of Newborns to Environmental Factors: Findings from Community Based Surveillance Data in Bangladesh

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    Infection is the major cause of neonatal deaths. Home born newborns in rural Bangladeshi communities are exposed to environmental factors increasing their vulnerability to a number of disease agents that may compromise their health. The current analysis was conducted to assess the association of very severe disease (VSD) in newborns in rural communities with temperature, rainfall, and humidity. A total of 12,836 newborns from rural Sylhet and Mirzapur communities were assessed by trained community health workers using a sign based algorithm. Records of temperature, humidity, and rainfall were collected from the nearest meteorological stations. Associations between VSD and environmental factors were estimated. Incidence of VSD was found to be associated with higher temperatures (odds ratios: 1.14, 95% CI: 1.08 to 1.21 in Sylhet and 1.06, 95% CI: 1.04 to 1.07 in Mirzapur) and heat humidity index (odds ratios: 1.06, 95% CI: 1.04 to 1.08 in Sylhet and, 1.03, 95% CI: 1.01 to 1.04 in Mirzapur). Four months (June–September) in Sylhet, and six months in Mirzapur (April–September) had higher odds ratios of incidence of VSD as compared to the remainder of the year (odds ratios: 1.72, 95% CI: 1.32 to 2.23 in Sylhet and, 1.62, 95% CI: 1.33 to 1.96 in Mirzapur). Prevention of VSD in neonates can be enhanced if these interactions are considered in health intervention strategies

    Guidelines: Access and benefit sharing in research projects.

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    The influence of stress on growth instabilities on Si substrates

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    International audienc

    New insights on SiGe growth instabilities

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    International audienc

    Avaluació d'intervencions de promoció de la salut per a la millora de la qualitat de vida en gent gran

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    La proporció de gent gran ha augmentat i s'espera que els propers anys seguirà creixent. A més, les projeccions demogràfiques i socials indiquen un increment global de persones grans que pateixen de manca de relacions socials i de sentiment de solitud. Això suposa un repte per l'impacte que aquestes condicions suposen en la qualitat de vida de les persones grans i pels canvis en les necessitats sanitàries i socials. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és avaluar dues intervencions de promoció de la salut dirigides a gent gran de barris desafavorits de Barcelona: a) L'"Escola de Salut per a Gent Gran", dirigida a combatre l'aïllament social i solitud i les seves conseqüències negatives en la salut; i b) El "Taller de Salut", dirigida a promoure hàbits saludables. Es tracta d'un treball que combina: d'una banda una metodologia qualitativa amb les persones coordinadores i les participants en la intervenció de l'Escola de Salut, fent entrevistes en profunditat i grups de discussió, respectivament. Les principals dimensions treballades van ser: barreres i facilitadors, aspectes positius i negatius de la intervenció, beneficis percebuts i propostes de millora. D'altra banda, metodologia quantitativa amb un disseny quasi-experimental comparant un grup de persones que van participar en l'Escola de Salut, amb un altre grup de característiques similars que no van rebre la intervenció. En aquest cas, la informació va ser recollida abans i després de la intervenció. Es va mesurar la salut mental, la qualitat de vida, el suport social, la salut percebuda, i la freqüentació als Centres d'Atenció Primària. Tanmateix, es van recollir dades sobre el procés d'implementació (assistència i satisfacció) i variables sociodemogràfiques (edat, sexe, estat civil, convivència i nivell d'estudis). Tota la informació es va recollir mitjançant qüestionaris, excepte la informació sobre freqüentació sanitària, extreta de les històries clíniques informatitzades d'Atenció Primària. Aquest treball també avalua l'efectivitat d'un pilotatge del Taller de Salut en gent gran i en entorn comunitari analitzant els canvis en les mateixes variables que en el cas de l'Escola de Salut. Els nostres resultats mostren que l'Escola de Salut és efectiva en termes de qualitat de vida, salut mental i suport social. En canvi, l'ús de serveis sanitaris de l'atenció primària i la salut percebuda no van canviar després de la intervenció. Tanmateix, les principals barreres identificades per no participar en el programa eren les discapacitats individuals o obligacions com cites mèdiques o la cura de familiars, els principals facilitadors van ser les característiques organitzatives. Els aspectes ambivalents que podrien facilitar o dificultar la participació van ser el suport familiar i la dinàmica grupal. Els principals aspectes positius de la intervenció, van ser l'ampliació de coneixements sobre salut i recursos socials i sanitaris del barri, animar als participants a sortir de casa, promoure les relacions socials amb companys i establir vincles amb ponents. Les principals característiques negatives van ser alguns dels continguts senzills o repetitius. Els beneficis identificats van ser trencar la dinàmica de quedar-se a casa i no relacionar-se amb altres persones, la disminució de solitud/aïllament social per noves connexions, l'augment del coneixement d'activitats al barri i el sentiment de pertinença a una comunitat. Els resultats del pilotatge del Taller de Salut en entorn comunitari van mostrar un efecte positiu de la intervenció sobre la qualitat de vida, tant en la seva dimensió mental com física, així com millores en l'activitat física. Les dades generades en aquesta tesi aporten una evidència sòlida, rellevant i necessària en relació al paper fonamental que les intervencions comunitàries poden jugar en la millora de la qualitat de vida i benestar de les persones grans, especialment aquelles que viuen a barris de nivell socioeconòmic més desafavorit.The proportion of older people has increased and it is expected that the next years will continue to grow. In addition, demographic and social projections indicate a global increase in elderly people suffering from lack of social relationships and loneliness. This is a challenge to the impact these conditions pose on the quality of life of the elderly and on the changes in health and social needs. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate two health promotion interventions aimed at the elderly in disadvantaged neighborhoods in Barcelona: a) The "School for Health for Older People", aimed at combating social isolation and solitude and its negative consequences on health; and b) The "Health Workshop", aimed at promoting healthy habits. This is a work that combines: on the one hand a qualitative methodology with the coordinating persons and the participants in the intervention of the School of Health, conducting in-depth interviews and focus groups, respectively. The main dimensions worked were: barriers and facilitators, positive and negative aspects of the intervention, perceived benefits and proposals for improvement. On the other hand, a quantitative methodology with a quasi-experimental design comparing a group of people who participated in the School of Health, with another group of similar characteristics that did not receive the intervention. In this case, the information was collected before and after the intervention. The mental health, the quality of life, the social support, the perceived health, and the frequentation in the Primary Care Centers were measured. Moreover, data on the implementation process (attendance and satisfaction) and sociodemographic variables (age, sex, marital status, cohabitation and level of studies) were collected. All the information was collected through questionnaires, except for the information on health frequentation, extracted from the computerized medical records of Primary Care. This work also evaluates the effectiveness of a piloting of the Health Workshop in older people and in the community environment, analyzing the changes in the same variables as in the case of the School of Health. Our results show that the School of Health is effective in terms of quality of life, mental health and social support. In contrast, the use of health services of primary care and perceived health did not change after the intervention. However, the main barriers identified to not participate in the program were individual disabilities or obligations such as medical appointments or caring for relatives, the main facilitators were organizational characteristics. The ambivalent aspects that could facilitate or hamper participation were family support and group dynamics. The main positive aspects of the intervention were the extension of health knowledge and social and health resources in the neighborhood, encourage participants to leave their homes, promote social relationships with colleagues and establish links with speakers. The main negative characteristics were some of the simple or repetitive contents. The identified benefits were to break the dynamics of staying at home and not relate to other people, the diminution of solitude / social isolation for new connections, the increased knowledge of activities in the neighborhood and the feeling of belonging to a community The results of the piloting of the Health Workshop in the community environment showed a positive effect of the intervention on the quality of life, both in its mental and physical dimensions, as well as improvements in physical activity. The data generated in this thesis provide solid, relevant and necessary evidence in relation to the fundamental role that community interventions can play in improving the quality of life and wellbeing of older people, especially those who live in disadvantaged neighborhoods

    Microcontroller-based security system using swarm robotics

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    This paper presents the design and construction of a system consisted of five mobile robots (mobots) and a communications system that will serve as a security surveillance system. This is implemented using a microcontroller as the core that enables the mobots to work cooperatively. The mobots are free to move within their designated areas and are capable of relaying messages via ZigBee communication to a base controller system. The purpose of this system is to have an alternative or even a complement to regular CCTV surveillance, especially in buildings with several rooms. This would enhance the security as the system utilizes a database to store the information gathered from intrude alerts. Furthermore, the communication radios used transmit with low power over a long range. The mobots are enabled to relay data via mobot-to-PC and mobot-to-mobot paths up to five hops. The data transmitted allows the base controller system to identify its source for intrusion detection