157 research outputs found

    Post-ischemic brain damage: NF-kappaB dimer heterogeneity as a molecular determinant of neuron vulnerability

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    Nuclear factor-kappaB (NFkB) has been proposed to serve a dual function as a regulator of neuron survival in pathological conditions associated with neurodegeneration. NF-jB is a transcription family of factors comprising five different proteins, namely p50, RelA ⁄ p65, c-Rel, RelB and p52, which can combine differently to form active dimers in response to external stimuli. Recent research shows that diverse NF-jB dimers lead to cell death or cell survival in neurons exposed to ischemic injury. While the p50 ⁄ p65 dimer participates in the pathogenesis of post-ischemic injury by inducing pro-apoptotic gene expression, c-Rel-containing dimers increase neuron resistance to ischemia by inducing anti-apoptotic gene transcription. We present, in this report, the latest findings and consider the therapeutic potential of targeting different NF-kB dimers to limit ischemia-associated neurodegeneration

    Efectos del destete precoz sobre el ternero

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    En el Campo Experimental de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, se llevó a cabo entre julio de 1994 y marzo de 1995 un ensayo de destete precoz con temeros hijos de vaquillonas. El objetivo de este trabajo, fue determinar el efecto de la lactancia reducida en los temeros (ganancia de peso y el peso al destete ajustado a los 210 días). Se contrastaron dos fechas de destete (60 y 210 días) en lotes que fueron agrupados por fecha de parto y sexo del ternero. Se utilizaron treinta temeros machos y hembras cruzas que tenían un setenta y cinco por ciento (75%) de sangre Aberdeen Angus y un veinticinco por ciento (25%) de Jersey. No se encontraron diferencias en el peso de destete ajustado, aunque si se encontraron diferencias significativas en ganancias de pesos parciales.Director: lng. Agr. Gustavo D. Fernández, y Codirector: Ing. Agr. Abel E. Zuccari (Cátedra de Zootecnia 1)

    Brain insulin resistance triggers early onset Alzheimer disease in Down syndrome

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    Dysregulation of insulin signaling pathway with reduced downstream neuronal survival and plasticity mechanisms is a fundamental abnormality observed in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain. This phenomenon, known as brain insulin resistance, is associated with poor cognitive performance and is driven by the uncoupling of insulin receptor (IR) from its direct substrate (IRS1). Considering that Down syndrome (DS) and AD neuropathology share many common features, we investigated metabolic aspects of neurodegeneration, i.e., brain insulin resistance, in DS and whether it would contribute to early onset AD in DS population. Changes of levels and activation of main brain proteins belonging to the insulin signaling pathway (i.e., IR, IRS1, PTEN, GSK3β, PKCζ, AS160, GLUT4) were evaluated. Furthermore, we analyzed whether changes of these proteins were associated with alterations of: (i) proteins regulating brain energy metabolism; (ii) APP cleavage; and (ii) regulation of synaptic plasticity mechanisms in post-mortem brain samples collected from people with DS before and after the development of AD pathology (DSAD) compared with their age-matched controls. We found that DS cases were characterized by key markers of brain insulin resistance (reduced IR and increased IRS1 inhibition) early in life. Furthermore, downstream from IRS1, an overall uncoupling among the proteins of insulin signaling was observed. Dysregulated brain insulin signaling was associated with reduced hexokinase II (HKII) levels and proteins associated with mitochondrial complexes levels as well as with reduced levels of syntaxin in DS cases. Tellingly, these alterations precede the development of AD neuropathology and clinical presentations in DS. We propose that markers of brain insulin resistance rise earlier with age in DS compared with the general population and may contribute to the cognitive impairment associated with the early development of AD in DS

    The dysregulation of OGT/OGA cycle mediates Tau and APP neuropathology in down syndrome

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    Protein O-GlcNAcylation is a nutrient-related post-translational modification that, since its discovery some 30 years ago, has been associated with the development of neurodegenerative diseases. As reported in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), flaws in the cerebral glucose uptake translate into reduced hexosamine biosynthetic pathway flux and subsequently lead to aberrant protein O-GlcNAcylation. Notably, the reduction of O-GlcNAcylated proteins involves also tau and APP, thus promoting their aberrant phosphorylation in AD brain and the onset of AD pathological markers. Down syndrome (DS) individuals are characterized by the early development of AD by the age of 60 and, although the two conditions present the same pathological hallmarks and share the alteration of many molecular mechanisms driving brain degeneration, no evidence has been sought on the implication of O-GlcNAcylation in DS pathology. Our study aimed to unravel for the first time the role of protein O-GlcNacylation in DS brain alterations positing the attention of potential trisomy-related mechanisms triggering the aberrant regulation of OGT/OGA cycle. We demonstrate the disruption of O-GlcNAcylation homeostasis, as an effect of altered OGT and OGA regulatory mechanism, and confirm the relevance of O-GlcNAcylation in the appearance of AD hallmarks in the brain of a murine model of DS. Furthermore, we provide evidence for the neuroprotective effects of brain-targeted OGA inhibition. Indeed, the rescue of OGA activity was able to restore protein O-GlcNAcylation, and reduce AD-related hallmarks and decreased protein nitration, possibly as effect of induced autophagy

    Targeted acetylation of NF-kappaB/RelA and histones by epigenetic drugs reduces post-ischemic brain injury in mice with an extended therapeutic window.

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    Nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-κB) p50/RelA is a key molecule with a dual effect in the progression of ischemic stroke. In harmful ischemia, but not in preconditioning insult, neurotoxic activation of p50/RelA is characterized by RelA-specific acetylation at Lys310 (K310) and deacetylation at other Lys residues. The derangement of RelA acetylation is associated with activation of Bim promoter. Objective: With the aim of producing neuroprotection by correcting altered acetylation of RelA in brain ischemia, we combined the pharmacological inhibition of histone deacetylase (HDAC) 1-3, the enzymes known to reduce global RelA acetylation, and the activation of sirtuin 1, endowed with a specific deacetylase activity on the K310 residue of RelA. To afford this aim, we tested the clinically used HDAC 1-3 inhibitor entinostat (MS-275) and the sirtuin 1 activator resveratrol. Methods: We used the mouse model of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) and primary cortical neurons exposed to oxygen glucose deprivation (OGD). Results: The combined use of MS-275 and resveratrol, by restoring normal RelA acetylation, elicited a synergistic neuroprotection in neurons exposed to OGD. This effect correlated with MS-275 capability to increase total RelA acetylation and resveratrol capability to reduce RelA K310 acetylation through the activation of an AMP-activated protein kinase-sirtuin 1 pathway. The synergistic treatment reproduced the acetylation state of RelA peculiar of preconditioning ischemia. Neurons exposed to the combined drugs totally recovered the optimal histone H3 acetylation.Neuroprotection was reproduced in mice subjected to MCAO and treated with MS-275 (20μg/kg and 200μg/kg) or resveratrol (6800μg/kg) individually. However, the administration of lowest doses of MS-275 (2μg/kg) and resveratrol (68μg/kg) synergistically reduced infarct volume and neurological deficits. Importantly, the treatment was effective even when administered 7h after the stroke onset. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis of cortices harvested from treated mice showed that the RelA binding and histone acetylation increased at the Bcl-x L promoter and decreased at the Bim promoter. Conclusion: Our study reveals that epigenetic therapy shaping acetylation of both RelA and histones may be a promising strategy to limit post-ischemic injury with an extended therapeutic window

    Multi-Targeting Bioactive Compounds Extracted from Essential Oils as Kinase Inhibitors

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    Essential oils (EOs) are popular in aromatherapy, a branch of alternative medicine that claims their curative effects. Moreover, several studies reported EOs as potential anti-cancer agents by inducing apoptosis in different cancer cell models. In this study, we have considered EOs as a potential resource of new kinase inhibitors with a polypharmacological profile. On the other hand, computational methods offer the possibility to predict the theoretical activity profile of ligands, discovering dangerous off-targets and/or synergistic effects due to the potential multi-target action. With this aim, we performed a Structure-Based Virtual Screening (SBVS) against X-ray models of several protein kinases selected from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) by using a chemoinformatics database of EOs. By evaluating theoretical binding affinity, 13 molecules were detected among EOs as new potential kinase inhibitors with a multi-target profile. The two compounds with higher percentages in the EOs were studied more in depth by means Induced Fit Docking (IFD) protocol, in order to better predict their binding modes taking into account also structural changes in the receptor. Finally, given its good binding affinity towards five different kinases, cinnamyl cinnamate was biologically tested on different cell lines with the aim to verify the antiproliferative activity. Thus, this work represents a starting point for the optimization of the most promising EOs structure as kinase inhibitors with multi-target feature

    Glutamatergic Reinnervation and Assembly of Glutamatergic Synapses in Adult Rat Skeletal Muscle Occurs at Cholinergic Endplates

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    After denervation of adult rat abdominal muscles, the postsynaptic apparatus of neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) retains its original architecture and clustering of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs). When descending fibers of the spinal cord are surgically diverted to this muscle by a nerve grafting procedure, supraspinal glutamatergic neurons can innervate muscle fibers and restore motor function; the newly formed NMJs switch from a cholinergic to a glutamatergic-type synapse. We show here that regenerating nerve endings contact the fibers in an area occupied by cholinergic endplates. These NMJs are morphologically indistinguishable from those in controls, but they differ in the subunit composition of AChRs. Moreover, by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy, new NMJs express glutamatergic synapse markers. The \u3b1-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunit GluR1 partially colocalizes with AChRs, and vesicular glutamate transporter 2 is localized in the presynaptic compartment. Immunoprecipitation analysis of membranes from reinnervated muscle showed that AMPA receptor subunits GluR1 and GluR2 coimmunoprecipitate with rapsyn, the AChR-anchoring protein at the NMJ. Taken together, these results indicate that cholinergic endplates can be targeted by new glutamatergic projections and that the clustering of AMPA receptors occurs there


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    Background:Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic-spread systemic infectious disease with prominent respiratory manifestations and significant associated morbidity and mortality. Elderly people are most significantly affected with mortality ranging from 2.4% (age 60-69) to 19.6% (age>80) in European Countries. The prevalence of COVID-19 and of its complications in patients with immune-mediated disorders, remains unclear. The frequency and impact of COVID-19 on patients with IgG4-related diease (IgG4-RD), many of whom are on concurrent immunosuppression has not been addressed.Objectives:To assess the epidemiological and clinical relevance of COVID-19 in patients with IgG4-RD.Methods:This is a multi-centre retrospective observational study of IgG4-RD patients from France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. Demographics, comorbidities, IgG4-RD features, current and past treatment along with COVID-19-suggestive symptoms and COVID-19 diagnoses from February 2020 to January 2021 were recorded by means of direct or phone interviews. Patients with reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction-confirmed (cCOVID) or presumed COVID-19 based on clinical, serological or imaging features (pCOVID) were pooled for analysis (totCOVID) and compared to patients who were not diagnosed with COVID-19. Inter-group comparison of categorical and quantitative variables were performed by using the chi-square test with Fisher's correction and the Mann-Whitney's test respectively. Data are expressed as median (interquartile range) unless otherwise specified.Results:A total of 305 patients [71% males, median age 64 (54-74) years] were studied. Pancreato-biliary disease was the most frequently observed IgG4-RD phenotype (39%). Fifty-one percent of patients were taking corticosteroids at time of interview and 30% were on biological or conventional immunosuppressants. Thirty-two totCOVID cases (23 cCOVID, nine pCOVID) were identified: 11/32 were hospitalised, two needed intensive care and four (13%; 3/4 aged >80 years) died. Having one or more infected family members was a risk factor for COVID-19 in patients with IgG4-RD (OR=19.9; p20mg) or rituximab administration.Conclusion:The prevalence and course of COVID-19 in IgG4-RD patients are similar to those of the general population of the same age, with no evident impact of disease- or treatment-related factors to the basal infectious risk. Effective public health countermeasures might be beneficial for patients with IgG4RD.References:[1]European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC): https://covid19-surveillance-report.ecdc.europa.eu/[2]Yang H, Ann Rheum Dis, 2021Disclosure of Interests:Giuseppe Alvise Ramirez: None declared, Marco Lanzillotta: None declared, Mikael Ebbo: None declared, Andreu Fernandez-Codina Consultant of: consulting fees from Atheneum Consulting, Gaia Mancuso: None declared, Fernando Martínez-Valle: None declared, Olimpia Orozco-Galvez: None declared, Nicolas Schleinitz: None declared, Lorenzo Dagna Consultant of: Abbvie, Amgen, Biogen, BristolMyers Squibb, Celltrion, Galapagos, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi-Genzyme, and SOBI, Grant/research support from: The Unit of Immunology, Rheumatology, Allergy and Rare Diseases (UnIRAR) received unresctricted research/educational grants from Abbvie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Celgene, GlaxoSmithKline,Janssen, Merk Sharp & Dohme, Mundipharma Pharmaceuticals, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi Genzyme, and SOBI, Emma L. Culver: None declared, Emanuel Della Torre: None declare