225 research outputs found

    De nye mediers pÄvirkning pÄ form og funksjon i historiefortelling

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    Hvordan har dataspillet forandret mĂ„ten vi forteller en historie pĂ„? For Ă„ svare pĂ„ det spĂžrsmĂ„let er det nĂždvendig Ă„ se dataspillet i sammenheng med den narrative tradisjon og den litterĂŠre arv som all historiefortelling bĂŠrer med seg. Dataspillet er et barn av en digital revolusjon som markerer et paradigmeskifte som har fĂžrt til at bĂ„de produksjon, distribusjon og kommunikasjon av kultur i stor grad er blitt digitalisert, og i forhold til denne oppgaven; ogsĂ„ et paradigmeskifte for hvordan det er mulig Ă„ fortelle en historie. Overgangen fra middelalderen til renessansen markerte ogsĂ„ et paradigmeskifte. Middelalderen slapp ikke latteren til i noen av de offisielle sfĂŠrer, det var en tid som var preget av alvor og lĂždighet. Som en motvekt til kirkens og det offisielle livs alvor oppstod det pusterom hvor den folkelige latterkultur fikk utfolde seg i sin radikalisme, frihet og nĂžkternhet pĂ„ markedsplassene, under karnevalsfeiringer og hĂžytider og i den folkelige litteraturen som var skrevet pĂ„ folkesprĂ„ket, i motsetning til den hĂžyverdige litteraturen som var skrevet pĂ„ latin. Men sĂ„, i renessansen, greide latterkulturen, Ă©n gang, over en periode pĂ„ cirka femti Ă„r, Ă„ presse seg opp fra folkedypet og inn i den store litteraturen og det hĂžyverdige og bidra til tilblivelsen av de store verker fra Shakespeare, Cervantes, Bocaccio og Rabelais. Grensene mellom den offisielle og den uoffisielle litteraturen mĂ„tte falle, delvis fordi sprĂ„ket gikk over fra latin til folkesprĂ„ket i litteraturen og i noen av de offisielle sfĂŠrer, men ogsĂ„ bortfallet av den fĂžydale struktur bidro til den sammensmeltning av det offisielle og det uoffisielle som gjorde det mulig for folkekunsten som var formet gjennom Ă„rhundrer for fĂžrste gang Ă„ kunne heve seg til de hĂžyere ideologiske og litterĂŠre sfĂŠrer. Det er pĂ„ denne tiden den vestlige romanen blir oppfunnet, med Cervantes Don Quixote og Rabelais roman om de to kjempene Gargantua og Pantagruel. Et sted mellom rennesansen og den digitale revolusjon fatter en russer ved navn Mikhail Bakhtin igjen interesse for den folkelige kultur og middelalderens karneval som lĂ„ til grunn for Rabelais vulgĂŠre og groteske estetikk. Han mener at karnevalets symbolsystem ble glemt, men at det han kaller karnevaliseringen av litteraturen, altsĂ„ hvordan latteren og det folkelige ble sublimert inn i litteraturen, ble en viktig del av den vestlige romantradisjon. Bakhtin, som selv opplevde et paradigmeskifte i form av sovjetregimet hvor det offisielle liv var preget av det samme alvoret vi hadde i middelalderen, og hvor det ble vedtatt at all skjĂžnnlitteratur skulle skrives i den sosialrealistiske Ă„nd, eller med Partiets stemme, utarbeidet pĂ„ denne tid en teori om romanens poetikk, eller snarere hvilke muligheter og hvilket repertoar romanen har for Ă„ fortelle en historie. Han peker pĂ„ to forskjellige retninger. Den ene retningen er den monologiske diskurs, hvor forfatteren stĂ„r frem som den allvitende skaper av sitt eget verk og er verkets siste betydningsinstans. Den andre retningen er den dialogiske diskurs, hvor forfatterens autoritet er opphevet, og hvor mening blir til i dialogen mellom karakterene i romanen og deres selvstendige stemmer og bevisstheter. Bakhtin hevder at den dialogiske diskurs har sitt opphav i karnevalet, og at det er karnevalets ambivalente logikk som kjennetegner den dialogiske roman som nĂ„r sitt hĂžydepunkt med det han kaller Dostojevskijs polyfoniske roman. I denne oppgaven skal jeg se pĂ„ hvilke muligheter dataspillet har til Ă„ fortelle en historie innenfor den monologiske og den dialogiske diskurs. To spill er gjenstand for analysen; God of War fra Sony Entertainment og World of Warcraft fra Blizzard. God of War er et sĂ„kalt actionspill som vi skal se har mange likheter med den monologiske roman. World of Warcraft er et sĂ„kalt MMORPG; et spill hvor tusener av mennesker mĂžtes og spiller sammen i en virtuell verden. PĂ„ samme mĂ„te som menneskene i middelalderen skapte seg et liv utenfor det offisielle ved Ă„ delta pĂ„ karnevalsfeiringer og det frie liv pĂ„ markedsplassene hvor alle hierarkier var opphevet, ser vi i dag at store deler av befolkningen skaper seg et liv utenfor det offisielle ved Ă„ logge seg inn i en virtuell verden hvor de gestalter en digital middelalderlignende karakter i det jeg har gitt navnet ”VĂ„r tids karneval”. Der skapes mening gjennom interaksjon og dialog mellom de forskjellige stemmene og bevissthetene som mĂžtes, i noe som minner svĂŠrt om den dialogiske diskurs som kjennetegner Dostojevskijs polyfoniske romaner


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    Background Mutation(s) in genes involved in the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) pathway are typically the underlying cause of familial hypercholesterolemia. Objective The objective of the study was to examine the influence of genotype on treatment responses with alirocumab. Methods Patients from 6 trials (n = 1191, including 758 alirocumab-treated; Clinicaltrials.gov identifiers: NCT01266876; NCT01507831; NCT01623115; NCT01709500; NCT01617655; NCT01709513) were sequenced for mutations in LDLR , apolipoprotein B ( APOB ), proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 ( PCSK9 ), LDLR adaptor protein 1, and signal-transducing adaptor protein 1 genes. New mutations were confirmed by Sanger sequencing. Results One or more specific gene mutations were found in 898 patients (75%): 387 and 437 patients had heterozygous LDLR defective and negative mutations, respectively; 46 had a heterozygous APOB -defective mutation; 8 patients had a heterozygous PCSK9 gain-of-function mutation; 293 (25%) had no identifiable mutation in the genes investigated. LDL cholesterol reductions at Week 24 were generally similar across genotypes: 48.3% (n = 131) and 54.3% (n = 89) in LDLR -defective heterozygotes with alirocumab 75 mg Q2W (with possible increase to 150 mg at Week 12) and 150 mg Q2W, respectively; 49.7% (n = 168) and 60.7% (n = 88) in LDLR -negative heterozygotes; 54.1% (n = 20) and 50.1% (n = 6) in APOB -defective heterozygotes; 60.5% (n = 5) and 94.0% (n = 1) in PCSK9 heterozygotes; and 44.9% (n = 85) and 55.4% (n = 69) in patients with no identified mutations. Overall rates of treatment-emergent adverse events were similar for alirocumab vs controls (placebo in 5 trials, ezetimibe control or atorvastatin calibrator arm in 1 trial), with only a higher rate of injection-site reactions with alirocumab. Conclusions In this large patient cohort, individuals with a wide spectrum of mutations in genes underlying familial hypercholesterolemia responded substantially and similarly to alirocumab treatment

    Alirocumab efficacy in patients with double heterozygous, compound heterozygous, or homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

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    Background Mutations in the genes for the low-density lipoprotein receptor ( LDLR ), apolipoprotein B, and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 have been reported to cause heterozygous and homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Objective The objective is to examine the influence of double heterozygous, compound heterozygous, or homozygous mutations underlying FH on the efficacy of alirocumab. Methods Patients from 6 alirocumab trials with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and FH diagnosis were sequenced for mutations in the LDLR , apolipoprotein B, proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9, LDLR adaptor protein 1 ( LDLRAP1 ), and signal-transducing adaptor protein 1 genes. The efficacy of alirocumab was examined in patients who had double heterozygous, compound heterozygous, or homozygous mutations. Results Of 1191 patients sequenced, 20 patients were double heterozygotes (n = 7), compound heterozygotes (n = 10), or homozygotes (n = 3). Mean baseline LDL-C levels were similar between patients treated with alirocumab (n = 11; 198 mg/dL) vs placebo (n = 9; 189 mg/dL). All patients treated with alirocumab 75/150 or 150 mg every 2 weeks had an LDL-C reduction of ≄15% at either week 12 or 24. At week 12, 1 patient had an increase of 7.1% in LDL-C, whereas in others, LDL-C was reduced by 21.7% to 63.9% (corresponding to 39–114 mg/dL absolute reduction from baseline). At week 24, LDL-C was reduced in all patients by 8.8% to 65.1% (10–165 mg/dL absolute reduction from baseline). Alirocumab was generally well tolerated in the 6 trials. Conclusion Clinically meaningful LDL-C–lowering activity was observed in patients receiving alirocumab who were double heterozygous, compound heterozygous, or homozygous for genes that are causative for FH

    Alirocumab efficacy in patients with double heterozygous, compound heterozygous, or homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

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    Background: Mutations in the genes for the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), apolipoprotein B, and proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 have been reported to cause heterozygous and homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Objective: The objective is to examine the influence of double heterozygous, compound heterozygous, or homozygous mutations underlying FH on the efficacy of alirocumab. Methods: Patients from 6 alirocumab trials with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and FH diagnosis were sequenced for mutations in the LDLR, apolipoprotein B, proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9, LDLR adaptor protein 1 (LDLRAP1), and signal-transducing adaptor protein 1 genes. The efficacy of alirocumab was examined in patients who had double heterozygous, compound heterozygous, or homozygous mutations. Results: Of 1191 patients sequenced, 20 patients were double heterozygotes (n = 7), compound heterozygotes (n = 10), or homozygotes (n = 3). Mean baseline LDL-C levels were similar between patients treated with alirocumab (n = 11; 198 mg/dL) vs placebo (n = 9; 189 mg/dL). All patients treated with alirocumab 75/150 or 150 mg every 2 weeks had an LDL-C reduction of ≄15% at either week 12 or 24. At week 12, 1 patient had an increase of 7.1% in LDL-C, whereas in others, LDL-C was reduced by 21.7% to 63.9% (corresponding to 39–114 mg/dL absolute reduction from baseline). At week 24, LDL-C was reduced in all patients by 8.8% to 65.1% (10–165 mg/dL absolute reduction from baseline). Alirocumab was generally well tolerated in the 6 trials. Conclusion: Clinically meaningful LDL-C–lowering activity was observed in patients receiving alirocumab who were double heterozygous, compound heterozygous, or homozygous for genes that are causative for FH

    Parallel languages in the history of language ideology in Norway and the lesson for Nordic higher education

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    This chapter compares recent policy on the use of English and Norwegian in Higher Education with earlier policies on the relationship between the two standard varieties of Norwegian, and it charts how and why English became a policy issue in Norway. Based on the experience of over a century of language planning, a highly interventionist approach is today being avoided and language policies in the universities of Norway seek to nurture a situation where English and Norwegian may be used productively side-by-side. However, there remain serious practical challenges to be overcome. This paper also builds on a previous analysis (Linn 2010b) of the metalanguage of Nordic language policy and seeks to clarify the use of the term ‘parallelingualism’

    Empagliflozin cardiovascular and renal effectiveness and safety compared to dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors across 11 countries in Europe and Asia : Results from the EMPagliflozin compaRative effectIveness and SafEty (EMPRISE) study

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    Background: Continued expansion of indications for sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors increases importance of evaluating cardiovascular and kidney efficacy and safety of empagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes compared to similar therapies. Methods: The EMPRISE Europe and Asia study is a non-interventional cohort study using data from 2014 -2019 in seven European (Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom) and four Asian (Israel, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan) countries. Patients with type 2 diabetes initiating empagliflozin were 1:1 propensity score matched to patients initiating dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. Primary end-points included hospitalization for heart failure, all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction and stroke. Other cardiovascular, renal, and safety outcomes were examined.Findings: Among 83,946 matched patient pairs, (0.7 years overall mean follow-up time), initiation of empagli-flozin was associated with lower risk of hospitalization for heart failure compared to dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (Hazard Ratio 0.70; 95% CI 0.60 to 0.83). Risks of all-cause mortality (0.55; 0.48 to 0.63), stroke (0. 82; 0.71 to 0.96), and end-stage renal disease (0.43; 0.30 to 0.63) were lower and risk for myocardial infarc-tion, bone fracture, severe hypoglycemia, and lower-limb amputation were similar between initiators of empagliflozin and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. Initiation of empagliflozin was associated with higher risk for diabetic ketoacidosis (1.97; 1.28 to 3.03) compared to dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. Results were consistent across continents and regions.Interpretation: Results from this EMPRISE Europe and Asia study complements previous clinical trials and real-world studies by providing further evidence of the beneficial cardiorenal effects and overall safety of empagliflozin compared to dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors.(c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)Peer reviewe
