2,735 research outputs found

    Massive scalar states localized on a de Sitter brane

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    We consider a brane scenario with a massive scalar field in the five-dimensional bulk. We study the scalar states that are localized on the brane, which is assumed to be de Sitter. These localized scalar modes are massive in general, their effective four-dimensional mass depending on the mass of the five-dimensional scalar field, on the Hubble parameter in the brane and on the coupling between the brane tension and the bulk scalar field. We then introduce a purely four-dimensional approach based on an effective potential for the projection of the scalar field in the brane, and discuss its regime of validity. Finally, we explore the quasi-localized scalar states, which have a non-zero width that quantifies their probability of tunneling from the brane into the bulk.Comment: 14 pages; 5 figure

    Serial reproduction reveals the geometry of visuospatial representations

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    An essential function of the human visual system is to locate objects in space and navigate the environment. Due to limited resources, the visual system achieves this by combining imperfect sensory information with a belief state about locations in a scene, resulting in systematic distortions and biases. These biases can be captured by a Bayesian model in which internal beliefs are expressed in a prior probability distribution over locations in a scene. We introduce a paradigm that enables us to measure these priors by iterating a simple memory task where the response of one participant becomes the stimulus for the next. This approach reveals an unprecedented richness and level of detail in these priors, suggesting a different way to think about biases in spatial memory. A prior distribution on locations in a visual scene can reflect the selective allocation of coding resources to different visual regions during encoding (“efficient encoding”). This selective allocation predicts that locations in the scene will be encoded with variable precision, in contrast to previous work that has assumed fixed encoding precision regardless of location. We demonstrate that perceptual biases covary with variations in discrimination accuracy, a finding that is aligned with simulations of our efficient encoding model but not the traditional fixed encoding view. This work demonstrates the promise of using nonparametric data-driven approaches that combine crowdsourcing with the careful curation of information transmission within social networks to reveal the hidden structure of shared visual representations

    Bulk gravitons from a cosmological brane

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    We investigate the emission of gravitons by a cosmological brane into an Anti de Sitter five-dimensional bulk spacetime. We focus on the distribution of gravitons in the bulk and the associated production of `dark radiation' in this process. In order to evaluate precisely the amount of dark radiation in the late low-energy regime, corresponding to standard cosmology, we study numerically the emission, propagation and bouncing off the brane of bulk gravitons.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, minor corrections. Final versio

    Why do we watch? The role of emotion gratifications and individual differences in predicting rewatchability and movie recommendation

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    Background: The present study’s main aim was to determine the predictors of movie rewatchability and recommendations. Methods: Using a sample of 318 participants, we first tested the structure of a gratification scale from watching a movie. Then, we examined the role of age, need for cognition, need for affect, extraversion, and emotional gratifications, in predicting individuals’ interest in rewatching the movie and in making recommendations. Results: As in the original proposal of the emotional gratification scale, the following dimensions were identified: fun, thrill, empathic sadness, release of emotions, social sharing, contemplative experiences, and character engagement, with acceptable model fit and reliability, convergent and divergent validity. Social sharing, contemplate experiences, need for affect and age were significant predictors of movie recommendation; whereas social sharing, thrill, extraversion, and age contributed most to explaining rewatching interest. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of considering distinct gratifications and individual differences in predicting rewatching and movie recommendation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Non-Gaussian isocurvature perturbations in dark radiation

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    We study non-Gaussian properties of the isocurvature perturbations in the dark radiation, which consists of the active neutrinos and extra light species, if exist. We first derive expressions for the bispectra of primordial perturbations which are mixtures of curvature and dark radiation isocurvature perturbations. We also discuss CMB bispectra produced in our model and forecast CMB constraints on the nonlinearity parameters based on the Fisher matrix analysis. Some concrete particle physics motivated models are presented in which large isocurvature perturbations in extra light species and/or the neutrino density isocurvature perturbations as well as their non-Gaussianities may be generated. Thus detections of non-Gaussianity in the dark radiation isocurvature perturbation will give us an opportunity to identify the origin of extra light species and lepton asymmetry.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Primordial gravitational waves in inflationary braneworld

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    We study primordial gravitational waves from inflation in Randall-Sundrum braneworld model. The effect of small change of the Hubble parameter during inflation is investigated using a toy model given by connecting two de Sitter branes. We analyze the power spectrum of final zero-mode gravitons, which is generated from the vacuum fluctuations of both initial Kaluza-Klein modes and zero-mode. The amplitude of fluctuations is confirmed to agree with the four-dimensional one at low energies, whereas it is enhanced due to the normalization factor of zero-mode at high energies. We show that the five-dimensional spectrum can be well approximated by applying a simple mapping to the four-dimensional fluctuation amplitude.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, typos correcte

    Non-linear isocurvature perturbations and non-Gaussianities

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    We study non-linear primordial adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations and their non-Gaussianity. After giving a general formulation in the context of an extended delta N-formalism, we analyse in detail two illustrative examples. The first is a mixed curvaton-inflaton scenario in which fluctuations of both the inflaton and a curvaton (a light isocurvature field during inflation) contribute to the primordial density perturbation. The second example is that of double inflation involving two decoupled massive scalar fields during inflation. In the mixed curvaton-inflaton scenario we find that the bispectrum of primordial isocurvature perturbations may be large and comparable to the bispectrum of adiabatic curvature perturbations.Comment: 24 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    Dynamics of radiating braneworlds

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    If the observable universe is a braneworld of Randall-Sundrum type, then particle interactions at high energies will produce 5-dimensional gravitons that escape into the bulk. As a result, the Weyl energy density on the brane does not behave like radiation in the early universe, but does so only later, in the low energy regime. Recently a simple model was proposed to describe this modification of the Randall-Sundrum cosmology. We investigate the dynamics of this model, and find the exact solution of the field equations. We use a dynamical systems approach to analyze global features of the phase space of solutions.Comment: error in figures corrected, reference adde

    Non-gaussianity from the bispectrum in general multiple field inflation

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    We study the non-gaussianity from the bispectrum in multi-field inflation models with a general kinetic term. The models include the multi-field K-inflation and the multi-field Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) inflation as special cases. We find that, in general, the sound speeds for the adiabatic and entropy perturbations are different and they can be smaller than 1. Then the non-gaussianity can be enhanced. The multi-field DBI-inflation is shown to be a special case where both sound speeds are the same due to a special form of the kinetic term. We derive the exact second and third order actions including metric perturbations. In the small sound speed limit and at leading order in the slow-roll expansion, we derive the three point function for the curvature perturbation which depends on both adiabatic and entropy perturbations. The contribution from the entropy perturbations has a different momentum dependence if the sound speed for the entropy perturbations is different from the adiabatic one, which provides a possibility to distinguish the multi-field models from single field models. On the other hand, in the multi-field DBI case, the contribution from the entropy perturbations has the same momentum dependence as the pure adiabatic contributions and it only changes the amplitude of the three point function. This could help to ease the constraints on the DBI-inflation models.Comment: 16 pages, no figur

    Density perturbations in the brane-world

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    In Randall-Sundrum-type brane-world cosmologies, density perturbations generate Weyl curvature in the bulk, which in turn backreacts on the brane via stress-energy perturbations. On large scales, the perturbation equations contain a closed system on the brane, which may be solved without solving for the bulk perturbations. Bulk effects produce a non-adiabatic mode, even when the matter perturbations are adiabatic, and alter the background dynamics. As a consequence, the standard evolution of large-scale fluctuations in general relativity is modified. The metric perturbation on large-scales is not constant during high-energy inflation. It is constant during the radiation era, except at most during the very beginning, if the energy is high enough.Comment: Additional arguments and minor corrections; version accepted by Phys. Rev.
