3,295 research outputs found

    Resonances, radiation pressure and optical scattering phenomena of drops and bubbles

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    Acoustic levitation and the response of fluid spheres to spherical harmonic projections of the radiation pressure are described. Simplified discussions of the projections are given. A relationship between the tangential radiation stress and the Konstantinov effect is introduced and fundamental streaming patterns for drops are predicted. Experiments on the forced shape oscillation of drops are described and photographs of drop fission are displayed. Photographs of critical angle and glory scattering by bubbles and rainbow scattering by drops are displayed

    Rigid Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of Condensed Molecular Matter: Water Clusters in the n=2 ―˃ 8 Range

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    The numerical advantage of quantum Monte Carlo simulations of rigid bodies relative to the flexible simulations is investigated for some simple systems. The results show that if high frequency modes in molecular condensed matter are predominantly in the ground state, the convergence of path integral simulations becomes nonuniform. Rigid body quantum parallel tempering simulations are necessary to accurately capture thermodynamic phenomena in the temperature range where the dynamics are influenced by intermolecular degrees of freedom; the stereographic projection path integral adapted for quantum simulations of asymmetric tops is a significantly more efficient strategy compared with Cartesian coordinate simulations for molecular condensed matter under these conditions. The reweighted random series approach for stereographic path integral Monte Carlo is refined and implemented for the quantum simulation of water clusters treated as an assembly of rigid asymmetric tops

    Contributions from DMS and ship emissions to CCN observed over the summertime North Pacific

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    Measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) made over the North Pacific Ocean in July 2002 are analysed with concurrent measurements of aerosol number, mass and composition. Overall the CCN are controlled by the sulphate, including one case that suggests particle nucleation and growth resulting from dimethyl sulphide oxidation that enhanced CCN concentrations. Hourly CCN concentrations are correlated with concentrations of sulphate plus methanesulphonic acid (MSA) over the entire study period (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup>=0.43 and 0.52 for supersaturations of 0.34% and 0.19%, respectively), and are not well correlated with other organics (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup><0.2). One case study reveals elevated mass and number concentrations of ultrafine and fine organic particles due to regional ship emissions, identified through quadrupole aerosol mass spectrometer (Q-AMS) measurements, during which organic mass concentrations are correlated with CCN values (<i>r</i><sup>2</sup>=0.39 and 0.46 for supersaturations of 0.19% and 0.34%, respectively). The evolution of the time series and mass distributions of organics, sulphate and MSA over this timeframe indicate that the regional distribution of small, diffuse ship-sourced organic particles act as condensation sites for sulphur species, resulting in a subsequent increase in number concentrations of CCN. We conclude that, where present, direct emissions of anthropogenic organic particles may exert a strong control on marine CCN concentrations once diffused into the marine atmosphere, by acting as condensation sites for biogenic and anthropogenic sulphur species

    Reduction of carboplatin induced emesis by ondansetron.

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    Ondansetron is a selective 5-HT3 antagonist with significant antiemetic properties in patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy. Patients who had suffered severe vomiting on carboplatin alone (23 patients with ovarian carcinoma) or in combination (two patients with testicular cancer) despite intensive antiemetic regimens were treated with ondansetron, given as 8 mg immediately prior to carboplatin followed by 8 mg orally, 8 hourly for 5 days. Twenty-five patients received 58 courses of ondansetron. In the first 24 h after the first course of chemotherapy with ondansetron, 17 patients (68%) experienced no vomiting, five patients (20%) had almost complete control and the other three patients had partial control. During the subsequent 4 days slightly lesser control was achieved. Nausea was similarly controlled in most patients. Twenty-two patients stated a preference for ondansetron with future chemotherapy. Fourteen patients received additional chemotherapy with ondansetron and in only three patients did the efficacy of therapy lessen. Toxicity was mild and transient with headache and constipation predominant. No extrapyramidal reaction was seen. Sedation was absent. Ondansetron is highly effective in refractory vomiting associated with carboplatin chemotherapy. It may be particularly beneficial when an extrapyramidal reaction has occurred on previous antiemetics and when sedation is unacceptable

    Reconstructing dynamical networks via feature ranking

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    Empirical data on real complex systems are becoming increasingly available. Parallel to this is the need for new methods of reconstructing (inferring) the topology of networks from time-resolved observations of their node-dynamics. The methods based on physical insights often rely on strong assumptions about the properties and dynamics of the scrutinized network. Here, we use the insights from machine learning to design a new method of network reconstruction that essentially makes no such assumptions. Specifically, we interpret the available trajectories (data) as features, and use two independent feature ranking approaches -- Random forest and RReliefF -- to rank the importance of each node for predicting the value of each other node, which yields the reconstructed adjacency matrix. We show that our method is fairly robust to coupling strength, system size, trajectory length and noise. We also find that the reconstruction quality strongly depends on the dynamical regime

    Comparative genomics in chicken and Pekin duck using FISH mapping and microarray analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The availability of the complete chicken (Gallus gallus) genome sequence as well as a large number of chicken probes for fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) and microarray resources facilitate comparative genomic studies between chicken and other bird species. In a previous study, we provided a comprehensive cytogenetic map for the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) and the first analysis of copy number variants (CNVs) in birds. Here, we extend this approach to the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos), an obvious target for comparative genomic studies due to its agricultural importance and resistance to avian flu. RESULTS: We provide a detailed molecular cytogenetic map of the duck genome through FISH assignment of 155 chicken clones. We identified one inter- and six intrachromosomal rearrangements between chicken and duck macrochromosomes and demonstrated conserved synteny among all microchromosomes analysed. Array comparative genomic hybridisation revealed 32 CNVs, of which 5 overlap previously designated "hotspot" regions between chicken and turkey. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest extensive conservation of avian genomes across 90 million years of evolution in both macro- and microchromosomes. The data on CNVs between chicken and duck extends previous analyses in chicken and turkey and supports the hypotheses that avian genomes contain fewer CNVs than mammalian genomes and that genomes of evolutionarily distant species share regions of copy number variation ("CNV hotspots"). Our results will expedite duck genomics, assist marker development and highlight areas of interest for future evolutionary and functional studies

    Structure of the sporulation histidine kinase inhibitor Sda from Bacillus subtilis and insights into its solution state

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    The crystal structure of the DNA-damage checkpoint inhibitor of sporulation, Sda, from Bacillus subtilis, has been solved by the MAD technique using selenomethionine-substituted protein. The structure closely resembles that previously solved by NMR, as well as the structure of a homologue from Geobacillus stearothermophilus solved in complex with the histidine kinase KinB. The structure contains three molecules in the asymmetric unit. The unusual trimeric arrangement, which lacks simple internal symmetry, appears to be preserved in solution based on an essentially ideal fit to previously acquired scattering data for Sda in solution. This interpretation contradicts previous findings that Sda was monomeric or dimeric in solution. This study demonstrates the difficulties that can be associated with the characterization of small proteins and the value of combining multiple biophysical techniques. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding the physical principles behind these techniques and therefore their limitations