116 research outputs found

    Health Practitioners’ Perspective On Caring For Older Adults In Rural Maine – A Pilot Study

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    Research poster stemming from IPEC mini-grant funded student project Health Practioners’ Perspective on Caring for Older Adults in Rural Maine. This pilot study was designed to identify challenges and determine potential solutions for Maine practitioners delivering health care to rural Maine’s aging population. UNE students from several healthcare professions partnered to interview physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, social workers, occupational therapists, and physical therapists caring for community-dwelling older adults in Rural Maine. The student researchers then analyzed the interviews and identified themes.https://dune.une.edu/minigrant_hppoa/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Specialized rainforest hunting by Homo sapiens ~45,000 years ago

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    Defining the distinctive capacities of Homo sapiens relative to other hominins is a major focus for human evolutionary studies. It has been argued that the procurement of small, difficult-to-catch, agile prey is a hallmark of complex behavior unique to our species; however, most research in this regard has been limited to the last 20,000 years in Europe and the Levant. Here, we present detailed faunal assemblage and taphonomic data from Fa-Hien Lena Cave in Sri Lanka that demonstrates specialized, sophisticated hunting of semi-arboreal and arboreal monkey and squirrel populations from ca. 45,000 years ago, in a tropical rainforest environment. Facilitated by complex osseous and microlithic technologies, we argue these data highlight that the early capture of small, elusive mammals was part of the plastic behavior of Homo sapiens that allowed it to rapidly colonize a series of extreme environments that were apparently untouched by its hominin relatives

    Skull pathology in 10 cats with patellar fracture and dental anomaly syndrome

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    Case series summary: The aim of this case series is to describe the clinical and radiological features of mandibular and maxillary abnormalities in cats diagnosed with patellar fractures and dental anomalies, a condition that we have named ‘patellar fracture and dental anomaly syndrome’ (PADS), also known previously as ‘knees and teeth syndrome’. Where available, clinical records, skull and/or intraoral dental radiographs, head CT images, microbiology and histopathology reports were collected, and follow-up was obtained. Ten cats with mandibular or maxillary abnormalities were identified. Common clinical features included multiple persistent deciduous teeth, gingivitis and swellings of the jaw. Skull radiographs were available for 7/10 cats and head CT images were available for one cat. Findings included marked bony and periosteal proliferation, hypodontia, root resorption, root malformation and unerupted permanent teeth. Where available, microbiology and histopathology results were consistent with osteomyelitis. Relevance and novel information: Mandibular and maxillary abnormalities are an additional unreported clinical feature of the rare condition that we have termed PADS. Radiologically, these lesions can have an aggressive appearance, which can mimic neoplasia. Medical management with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy improves clinical signs in the short term; however, surgical extraction of persistent deciduous and unerupted permanent teeth, and debridement of proliferative and necrotic bone appear to be necessary for an improved outcome. Additional information on long-term outcome is required

    Aortic valve replacement in a young patient with essential thrombocytosis

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    Essential Thrombocythcythaemia (ET) is an uncommon type of myeloproliferative disorder, characterised by both thrombotic and haemorrhagic diathesis. No clear guidelines exist for the pre- and post-operative management of patients undergoing cardiac surgery in the haematological and surgical literature. This condition has profound implications in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass, where heparin is used for anti-coagulation. This dilemma is further compounded in the setting of a young patient undergoing aortic valve replacement (AVR), where insertion of a mechanical prosthesis would be the procedure of choice. This would require life-long anticoagulation with warfarin which can predispose these patients to catastrophic bleeding. Using a tissue valve will subject the patient to multiple redo operations in the patient's lifetime. We report a young patient with ET requiring AVR and discuss the dilemmas surrounding the choice of prosthesis in this patient

    Acceptability of bisphosphonates among patients, clinicians and managers: a systematic review and framework synthesis.

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore the acceptability of different bisphosphonate regimens for the treatment of osteoporosis among patients, clinicians and managers, payers and academics.DESIGN: A systematic review of primary qualitative studies. Seven databases were searched from inception to July 2019. Screening, data extraction and quality assessment of full-articles selected for inclusion were performed independently by two authors. A framework synthesis was applied to extracted data based on the Theoretical Framework of Acceptability (TFA). The TFA includes seven domains relating to sense-making, emotions, opportunity costs, burden, perceived effectiveness, ethicality and self-efficacy. Confidence in synthesis findings was assessed.SETTING: Any developed country healthcare settingPARTICIPANTS: Patients, healthcare professionals, managers, payers and academics.INTERVENTION: Experiences and views of oral and intravenous bisphosphonates.RESULTS: Twenty-five studies were included, mostly describing perceptions of oral bisphosphonates. We identified, with high confidence, how patients and HCPs make sense (coherence) of bisphosphonates by balancing perceptions of need against concerns, how uncertainty prevails about bisphosphonate perceived effectiveness and a number of individual and service factors that have potential to increase self-efficacy in recommending and adhering to bisphosphonates. We identified, with moderate confidence, that bisphosphonate taking induces concern, but has the potential to engender reassurance, and that both side effects and special instructions for taking oral bisphosphonates can result in treatment burden. Finally, we identified with low confidence that multi-morbidity plays a role in people’s perception of bisphosphonate acceptability.CONCLUSION: By using the lens of acceptability, our findings demonstrate with high confidence that a theoretically informed, whole-system approach is necessary to both understand and improve adherence. Clinicians and patients need supporting to understand the need for bisphosphonates, and clinicians need to clarify to patients what constitutes bisphosphonate treatment success. Further research is needed to explore perspectives of male patients and those with multi-morbidity receiving bisphosphonates, and patients receiving intravenous treatment

    Clinical outcomes of seasonal influenza and pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in pediatric inpatients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In April 2009, a novel influenza A H1N1 (nH1N1) virus emerged and spread rapidly worldwide. News of the pandemic led to a heightened awareness of the consequences of influenza and generally resulted in enhanced infection control practices and strengthened vaccination efforts for both healthcare workers and the general population. Seasonal influenza (SI) illness in the pediatric population has been previously shown to result in significant morbidity, mortality, and substantial hospital resource utilization. Although influenza pandemics have the possibility of resulting in considerable illness, we must not ignore the impact that we can experience annually with SI.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We compared the outcomes of pediatric patients ≤18 years of age at a large urban hospital with laboratory confirmed influenza and an influenza-like illness (ILI) during the 2009 pandemic and two prior influenza seasons. The primary outcome measure was hospital length of stay (LOS). All variables potentially associated with LOS based on univariable analysis, previous studies, or hypothesized relationships were included in the regression models to ensure adjustment for their effects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 133 pediatric cases of nH1N1 admitted during 2009 and 133 cases of SI admitted during the prior 2 influenza seasons (2007-8 and 2008-9). Thirty-six percent of children with SI and 18% of children with nH1N1 had no preexisting medical conditions (p = 0.14). Children admitted with SI had 1.73 times longer adjusted LOS than children admitted for nH1N1 (95% CI 1.35 - 2.13). There was a trend towards more children with SI requiring mechanical ventilation compared with nH1N1 (16 vs.7, p = 0.08).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study strengthens the growing body of evidence demonstrating that SI results in significant morbidity in the pediatric population. Pandemic H1N1 received considerable attention with strong media messages urging people to undergo vaccination and encouraging improved infection control efforts. We believe that this attention should become an annual effort for SI. Strong unified messages from health care providers and the media encouraging influenza vaccination will likely prove very useful in averting some of the morbidity related to influenza for future epidemics.</p