362 research outputs found

    Форми минулого часу в пам’ятках Середньої Наддніпрянщини

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    У статті розглянуто роль говірок північного та південно-західного наріч в історії формування середньонаддніпрянського говору. На матеріалі пам’яток староукраїнської мови кінця XVII − початку XVIII ст. з території Середньонаддніпрянщини досліджено форми минулого особового часу в зіставленні з такими ж формами давньоукраїнської мови та з сучасним діалектним матеріалом.В статье рассмотрена роль говоров северного и юго-западного наречий в истории формирования среднеподнепровского диалекта. На материале письменных памятников староукраинского языка конца XVII и начала XVIII вв. из территории Среднего Поднепровья исследованы формы прошедшего личного времени в сопоставлении с такими же формами древнеукраинского языка и современного диалектного материала.The article deals with the role of dialects of the northern and the south-western narich in the history of forming of the middlenaddnipryanskyi manner of speaking. The forms of the past tense in comparison with the same forms of modern language were investigated on the material of pam’yatok of staroukrainian language of the end of the XVII to the beginning of the XVIII centuries

    Efficient sweet pepper transformation mediated by the BABY BOOM transcription factor

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    Pepper (Capsicum L.) is a nutritionally and economically important crop that is cultivated throughout the world as a vegetable, condiment, and food additive. Genetic transformation using Agrobacterium tumefaciens (agrobacterium) is a powerful biotechnology tool that could be used in pepper to develop community-based functional genomics resources and to introduce important agronomic traits. However, pepper is considered to be highly recalcitrant for agrobacterium-mediated transformation, and current transformation protocols are either inefficient, cumbersome or highly genotype dependent. The main bottleneck in pepper transformation is the inability to generate cells that are competent for both regeneration and transformation. Here, we report that ectopic expression of the Brassica napus BABY BOOM AP2/ERF transcription factor overcomes this bottleneck and can be used to efficiently regenerate transgenic plants from otherwise recalcitrant sweet pepper (C. annuum) varieties. Transient activation of BABY BOOM in the progeny plants induced prolific cell regeneration and was used to produce a large number of somatic embryos that could be converted readily to seedlings. The data highlight the utility of combining biotechnology and classical plant tissue culture approaches to develop an efficient transformation and regeneration system for a highly recalcitrant vegetable crop

    Berufs- und Arbeitswelt in der politischen Bildung

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    Dieses open access-Buch analysiert den Zusammenhang von Berufsorientierung und politischer Bildung von Jugendlichen. Der Anspruch der Mündigkeitsbildung stellt die Ausgangsposition für die Vorstellungsforschung subjektiver Sinnbilder über die Berufs- und Arbeitswelt von Jugendlichen in der Sekundarstufe I dar. Dabei zeichnen sich Unterschiede in den Vorstellungen entlang der Trennlinien von sozioökonomischem Hintergrund, Herkunft, Geschlecht und Schulform ab. Die empirische Studie liefert wichtige Erkenntnisse zu den Vorstellungen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten von Schüler*innen und hilft zu verstehen, wovon diese abhängen und welche didaktischen Ansätze sich für die Berufsorientierung ableiten lassen

    Biosynthesis of Diterpenoids in Tripterygium Adventitious Root Cultures

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    Adventitious root cultures were developed from Tripterygium regelii Sprague & Takeda and growth conditions optimized for the abundant production of diterpenoids, which can be collected directly from the medium. An analysis of publicly available transcriptome data sets collected with T. regelii roots and root cultures indicated the presence of a large gene family (with 20 members) for terpene synthases (TPSs). Nine candidate diterpene synthase genes were selected for follow-up functional evaluation, of which two belonged to the TPS-c, three to the TPS-e/f and four to the TPS-b subfamily. These genes were characterized by heterologous expression in a modular metabolic engineering system in E. coli. Members of the TPS-c subfamily were characterized as copalyl diphosphate (diterpene) synthases and those belonging to the TPS-e/f family catalyzed the formation of precursors of kaurane diterpenoids. The TPS-b subfamily encompassed genes coding for enzymes involved in abietane diterpenoid biosynthesis and others with activities as monoterpene synthases. The structural characterization of diterpenoids accumulating in the medium of T. regelii adventitious root cultures, facilitated by searching the Spektraris online spectral database, enabled us to formulate a biosynthetic pathway for the biosynthesis of triptolide, a diterpenoid with pharmaceutical potential. Considering the significant enrichment of diterpenoids in the culture medium, fast-growing adventitious root cultures may hold promise as a sustainable resource for the large-scale production of triptolide

    Wirksamkeit einer Kombinationsbehandlung bestehend aus Osteopathie und Hypnose bei Schmerzpatienten

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    Eine experimentelle Kontrollgruppenstudie untersucht die Wirksamkeit einer Kombinationsbehandlung bei Schmerzpatienten. Die Behandlungsintervention bestand aus Osteopathie als physischer und Hypnose als psychologischer Behandlung. Es wurden 56 Schmerzpatienten über 2-3 Therapiesitzungen osteopathisch behandelt. Zusätzlich hörte Gruppe eins während der Behandlung eine Hypnose-CD zur Schmerzreduktion, während die Kontrollgruppe eine Entspannungs-CD hörte. Die Untersuchung wurde als Doppelblindstudie an verschiedenen Behandlungszentren durchgeführt. Zur Überprüfung der kurzfristigen Wirksamkeit werden t-Tests über 2 Messzeitpunkte (Prä- und Post- Katamnesen), sowie Effektstärken berechnet. Folgende abhängige Variable werden mittels standardisierter Verfahren erfasst: Schmerzintensität, Schmerzempfindung, allgemeine psychische und physische Symptome und Lebenszufriedenheit. Für alle Variablen ergibt sich im Prä-Post-Vergleich eine signifikante Verbesserung beider Behandlungsgruppen mit mittleren Effektstärken. Differentielle Wirksamkeitsunterschiede zwischen den beiden Gruppen ergeben sich nicht. Es kann ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen den Behandelnden nachgewiesen werden. Anwendungsimplikationen werden diskutiert

    Reflection impulsivity in binge drinking: behavioural and volumetric correlates.

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    The degree to which an individual accumulates evidence prior to making a decision, also known as reflection impulsivity, can be affected in psychiatric disorders. Here, we study decisional impulsivity in binge drinkers, a group at elevated risk for developing alcohol use disorders, comparing two tasks assessing reflection impulsivity and a delay discounting task, hypothesizing impairments in both subtypes of impulsivity. We also assess volumetric correlates of reflection impulsivity focusing on regions previously implicated in functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. Sixty binge drinkers and healthy volunteers were tested using two different information-gathering paradigms: the beads task and the Information Sampling Task (IST). The beads task was analysed using a behavioural approach and a Bayesian model of decision making. Delay discounting was assessed using the Monetary Choice Questionnaire. Regression analyses of primary outcomes were conducted with voxel-based morphometry analyses. Binge drinkers sought less evidence prior to decision in the beads task compared with healthy volunteers in both the behavioural and computational modelling analysis. There were no group differences in the IST or delay discounting task. Greater impulsivity as indexed by lower evidence accumulation in the beads task was associated with smaller dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and inferior parietal volumes. In contrast, greater impulsivity as indexed by lower evidence accumulation in the IST was associated with greater dorsal cingulate and precuneus volumes. Binge drinking is characterized by impaired reflection impulsivity suggesting a deficit in deciding on the basis of future outcomes that are more difficult to represent. These findings emphasize the role of possible therapeutic interventions targeting decision-making deficits.The study was supported by theWellcome Trust grant to VV (093705/10/Z) and to NA Harrison. PB is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (individual fellowship to PB: SFRH/BD/33889/ 2009). YW is supported by the Fyssen Fondation. MM is supported by the Welcome Trust and the Biomedical Research Centre.Wewould also like to thank theWolfson Brain Imaging Center staff for their expertise with collecting the imaging data and all the participants for their involvement in this study. The Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute is supported by the Wellcome Trust and Medical Research Council.This is the final published version. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/adb.1222

    Measuring Strategic Uncertainty in Coordination Games

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    Lecture on the first SFB/TR 15 meeting, Gummersbach, July, 18 - 20, 2004This paper explores predictability of behavior in coordination games with multiple equilibria. In a laboratory experiment we measure subjects' certainty equivalents for three coordination games and one lottery. Attitudes towards strategic uncertainty in coordination games are related to risk aversion, experience seeking, gender and age. From the distribution of certainty equivalents among participating students we estimate probabilities for successful coordination in a wide range of coordination games. For many games success of coordination is predictable with a reasonable error rate. The best response of a risk neutral player is close to the global-game solution. Comparing choices in coordination games with revealed risk aversion, we estimate subjective probabilities for successful coordination. In games with a low coordination requirement, most subjects underestimate the probability of success. In games with a high coordination requirement, most subjects overestimate this probability. Data indicate that subjects have probabilistic beliefs about success or failure of coordination rather than beliefs about individual behavior of other players