676,403 research outputs found

    On a Multiplicative Algorithm for Computing Bayesian D-optimal Designs

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    We use the minorization-maximization principle (Lange, Hunter and Yang 2000) to establish the monotonicity of a multiplicative algorithm for computing Bayesian D-optimal designs. This proves a conjecture of Dette, Pepelyshev and Zhigljavsky (2008)

    Revision of Dadagulella gen. nov., the “Gulella radius group” (Gastropoda: Streptaxidae) of the eastern Afrotropics, including six new species and three new subspecies

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    The genus Dadagulella gen. nov. is described to include 16 species of small, dentate, ovateacuminate Afrotropical snails. An identification key is provided and biogeography, anatomy and systematics are discussed. The type species is the Kenyan D. radius (Preston, 1910) comb. nov., whose name has informally been used for part of the group in the past. Substantial intraspecific variation occurs in three species: D. radius itself, D. browni (van Bruggen, 1969) comb. nov. and D. minuscula (Morelet, 1877) comb. nov. (= Ennea fi scheriana Morelet, 1881) (non Gulella minuscula Emberton & Pearce, 2000) . We recognise subspecies within each of these: D.radius radius (Preston, 1910) comb. nov., D. r. calva (Connolly, 1922) comb. et stat. nov., D. browni browni (van Bruggen, 1969) comb. nov., D. b. mafi ensis subsp. nov., D. b. semulikiensis subsp. nov., D. minuscula minuscula (Morelet, 1877) comb. nov., D. m. mahorana subsp. nov. Six new Tanzanian species are described: D. cresswelli sp. nov., D. delta sp. nov., D. ecclesiola sp. nov., D. frontierarum sp. nov., D. minareta sp. nov., and D. pembensis sp. nov. The genus includes seven other previously described species: D. cuspidata (Verdcourt, 1962) comb. nov.; D. rondoensis (Verdcourt, 1994) comb. nov.; D. conoidea (Verdcourt, 1996) comb. nov.; D. selene (van Bruggen & Van Goethem, 1999) comb. nov.; D. meredithae (van Bruggen, 2000) comb. nov.; D. nictitans (Rowson & Lange, 2007) comb. nov.; and D. delgada (Muratov, 2010) comb. nov

    Noves dades per a la flora valenciana

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    Es dóna notícia de la troballa d"algunes localitats noves de plantes amb valor corològic per a la flora de la Comunitat Valenciana, destacant Armeria trachyphylla Lange com a novetat per a la flora valenciana. Data about some new localities of plants with chorological interest for the valencian flora are reported, highlighting Armeria trachyphylla Lange as a new species for the valencian list

    Noves dades sobre fongs ibèrics

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    Noves dades sobre fongs. Es presenten cinc espècies de fongs interessants per la seva raresa: Craterellus konradii Bourdot et Maire, Lepiota fuscovinacea F. H. Möller et J. E. Lange, Lepiota hystrix Möller et J. E. Lange, Lyophyllum fumosum (Pers.) P. D. Orton i L. rhopalopodium Clémençon, trobades a Barcelona, Girona i Cuenca (Espanya). Els diferents tàxons tractats van acompanyats de descripcions i iconografia original, així com de comentaris taxonòmics.New records of Iberian fungi. Five interesting rare species of fungi are reported: Cra terellus konradii Bourdot et Maire, Lepiota fuscovinacea F.H. Móller et J.E. Lange, Lepiota hystrix Möller et J.E. Lange, Lyophyllum fumosum (Pers.) P.D. Orton and L. rhopalopodium Clemençon, collected in Barcelona, Cuenca and Giron a (Spain). Descriptions, original iconography and comments are provided

    Noves dades sobre fongs ibèrics

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    Noves dades sobre fongs. Es presenten cinc espècies de fongs interessants per la seva raresa: Craterellus konradii Bourdot et Maire, Lepiota fuscovinacea F. H. Möller et J. E. Lange, Lepiota hystrix Möller et J. E. Lange, Lyophyllum fumosum (Pers.) P. D. Orton i L. rhopalopodium Clémençon, trobades a Barcelona, Girona i Cuenca (Espanya). Els diferents tàxons tractats van acompanyats de descripcions i iconografia original, així com de comentaris taxonòmics.New records of Iberian fungi. Five interesting rare species of fungi are reported: Cra terellus konradii Bourdot et Maire, Lepiota fuscovinacea F.H. Móller et J.E. Lange, Lepiota hystrix Möller et J.E. Lange, Lyophyllum fumosum (Pers.) P.D. Orton and L. rhopalopodium Clemençon, collected in Barcelona, Cuenca and Giron a (Spain). Descriptions, original iconography and comments are provided

    PRISMA, The Size-Class Module

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    PRISMA is�een macrosector-model van de Nederlandse economie, geijkt op het CPB-model Athena. Het is geschikt voor analyses voor de middellange en lange termijn. Meerwaarde van het model is het onderscheiden van grootteklassen en de module die�aantallen ondernemers verklaart. Actueel gebruik�van het�model is�analyse van economische effecten van R&D-subsidies, analyse van economische effecten van administratieve lasten, en�het vaststellen van drie scenario's voor de middellangetermijn�met betrekking tot de ontwikkeling van het MKB en het aantal ondernemers. Dit rapport geeft een update van de opzet en een uitgebreide beschrijving van de logica.

    Split radius-form blocks for tube benders

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    Two-piece, radius-form block permits accurate forming and removing of parts with more than a 180 degree bend. Tube bender can shape flexible metal tubing in applications dealing with plumbing, heating, and pressure transmission lines

    Impact of rest intervals on maximal power output in different sports during repeated maximal effort contractions at varied loads in the Keiser leg press machine

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    Bakgrunn/hensikt: Studien har undersøkt betydningen av korte og lange pauser i Keisers 10-repetisjons kraft-hastighetstest ved tre ulike belastningsnivåer, samt test-retest reliabiliteten. Tidligere Keiser-studier har ikke benyttet lange pauser. Metode: Totalt deltok 30 idrettsutøvere, hvorav 14 var menn og 16 var kvinner (17.1 ± 0.9 år, 177.8 ± 8.8 cm, 71.7 ± 11.3 kg). Deltakerne gjennomgikk 3 dager med fysisk testing (totalt ~ 900 repetisjoner) i en Keiser A300 benpress-maskin, med 4 til 8 dagers mellomrom. Testdag 1 bestod av en 1RM-test, etterfulgt av en 10-repetisjons kraft-hastighetstest med korte pauser mellom repetisjonene. Testdag 2 og 3 bestod av kraft-hastighetstesten, gjennomført med enten korte pauser eller lange pauser mellom repetisjonene. Resultater: Signifikante forskjeller (p < .001) ble funnet mellom hvert av de tre belastningsnivå av 1RM innenfor de ulike gruppene. Prestasjonen forbedret seg med 2-8% ved lav (15-35% av 1RM) og moderat (45-72% av 1RM) belastning med lange pauser. Utenom for håndball og menn, var prestasjonen ved høy (82-100% av 1RM) belastning signifikant lavere (p < .05) med lange pauser med små effektstørrelser (Cohen's D, -.45 til -.29). Menn presterte bedre med lange pauser ved alle belastningsnivåer. Test-retest reliabiliteten forbedret seg signifikant (p < .001) med en gjennomsnittlig endring på 1.0 (watt/kg kroppsvekt) ± .3 standardfeil og en moderat positiv effektstørrelse (Cohen's D = .61). Konklusjon: Pausetidene i Keisers 10-repetisjons kraft-hastighetstest ser ikke ut til å være gunstig for å oppnå valide resultater ved ulike belastningsnivåer for idrettsutøvere. Individuelle forutsetninger og ytre belastninger bør vurderes for å optimalisere testresultatene.Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the impact of short and long rest intervals on Keiser's 10-repetition force-velocity test and examine test-retest reliability. Methods: A total of 30 participants, including both male (n=14) and female (n=16) athletes (17.1 ± .9 years, 177.8 ± 8.8 cm, 71.7 ± 11.3 kg), underwent physical testing 3 times (~ 900 repetitions) in a Keiser A300 leg press machine, separated by 4 to 8 days. Test day 1 included a 1RM test followed by a 10-repetition force-velocity test with short rest intervals between the repetitions. Test days 2 and 3 involved the force-velocity test, either with pre-programmed short rest intervals, or with manually conducted long rest intervals. Results: Significant differences (p < .001) between each load level within subgroups. Performance improvement ranged from 2-8% at low (15-35% of 1RM) and moderate (45-72% of 1RM) loads with long rest intervals. Long rest intervals significantly (p < .05, Cohen's D -.45 to -.29) reduced high (82-100% of 1RM) load performance compared to short rest intervals, except for handball players and men. Males showed greater performance improvement with long rest intervals at all load levels. Test-retest reliability improved significantly (p < .001) with a moderate positive effect size (Cohen's D = .61). Conclusions: Rest intervals in Keiser's 10-repetition force-velocity test may not be optimal for obtaining valid results across varied loads for athletes, highlighting the importance of considering rest intervals in relation to load level and making individual adjustments during physical testing