2,579 research outputs found

    Automatic Identification of Synonym Relations in the Dutch Parliament’s Thesaurus

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    For indexing archived documents the Dutch Parliament uses a specialized thesaurus. For good results for full text retrieval and automatic classification it turns out to be important to add more synonyms to the existing thesaurus terms. In the present work we investigate the possibilities to find synonyms for terms of the parliaments thesaurus automatically. We propose to use distributional similarity (DS). In an experiment with pairs of synonyms and non-synonyms we train and test a classifier using distributional similarity and string similarity. Using ten-fold cross validation we were able to classify 75% of the pairs of a set of 6000 word pairs correctly

    The Proctolin Gene and Biological Effects of Proctolin in the Blood-Feeding Bug, Rhodnius prolixus

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    We have reinvestigated the possible presence or absence of the pentapeptide proctolin in Rhodnius prolixus and report here the cloning of the proctolin cDNA. The transcript is expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) and some peripheral tissues. The proctolin prepropeptide encodes a single copy of proctolin along with a possible proctolin-precursor-associated peptide. We have biochemically identified proctolin in CNS extracts and shown its distribution using proctolin-like immunoreactivity. Immunostained processes are found on the salivary glands, female and male reproductive tissues, and heart and associated alary muscles. Proctolin-like immunoreactive bipolar neurons are found on the lateral margins of the common oviduct and bursa. Proctolin is biologically active on R. prolixus tissues, stimulating increases in contraction of anterior midgut and hindgut muscles, and increasing heartbeat frequency. Contrary to the previous suggestion that proctolin is absent from R. prolixus, proctolin is indeed present and biologically active in this medically important bug

    Ethylene-responsive element binding protein (EREBP) expression and the transcriptional regulation of class I β-1,3-glucanase during tobacco seed germination

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    Class I β-1,3-glucanase (βGLU I) is transcriptionally induced in the micropylar endosperm just before its rupture prior to the germination (i.e. radicle emergence) of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. ‘Havana 425' seeds. Ethylene is involved in endosperm rupture and high-level βGLU I expression; but, it does not affect the spatial and temporal pattern of βGLU I expression. A promoter deletion analysis of the tobacco βGLU I B gene suggests that (1) the distal −1452 to −1193 region, which contains the positively acting ethylene-responsive element (ERE), is required for high-level, ethylene-sensitive expression, (2) the regions −1452 to −1193 and −402 to 0 contribute to down-regulation by abscisic acid (ABA), and (3) the region −402 to −211 is necessary and sufficient for low-level micropylar-endosperm-specific expression. Transcripts of the ERE-binding proteins (EREBPs) showed a novel pattern of expression during seed germination: light or gibberellin was required for EREBP-3 and EREBP-4 expression; EREBP-4 expression was constitutive and unaffected by ABA or ethylene; EREBP-3 showed transient induction just before endosperm rupture, which was earlier in ethylene-treated seeds and inhibited by ABA. No expression of EREBP-1 and EREBP-2 was detected. In contrast to βGLU I, EREBP-3 and EREBP-4 were not expressed specifically in the micropylar endosperm. The results suggest that transcriptional regulation of βGLU I could depend on: activation of ethylene signalling pathways acting via EREBP-3 with the ERE as the target, and ethylene-independent signalling pathways with targets in the proximal promoter region that are likely to determine spatial and temporal patterns of expressio

    Factores asociados al síndrome de fragilidad en ancianos rurales

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    determine the prevalence and factors associated with frailty syndrome (FS) in the elderly in the rural population of Pelotas.Objetivo: determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados à síndrome da fragilidade em idosos (SFI) da população rural de Pelotas. Método: estudo quantitativo, analítico e transversal realizado com 820 idosos cadastrados na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) na zona rural do município de Pelotas, no período de julho a outubro de 2014. Resultados: entre os avaliados, 43,41% apresentaram SFI. Consolidaram-se como fatores associados à condição a baixa renda (RP: 1,54, p ≤ 0.001), a baixa escolaridade (RP: 1,45, p ≤ 0.001), o estado nutricional (obesidade) (RP: 1,89, p ≤ 0,001), a inatividade física (RP: 1,93, p = 0.003), a apresentação de déficit cognitivo (RP: 2,07, p = 0.005) e a autopercepção de saúde baixa (RP: 8,21, p ≤ 0,001). Conclusão: os achados podem contribuir efetivamente para o estabelecimento de medidas de prevenção e rastreamento da fragilidade entre as pessoas idosas por parte dos profissionais de saúde, principalmente dos enfermeiros, visando evitar a ocorrência da síndrome e dos desfechos adversos e indesejáveis.Objetivo: determinar el predominio y los factores asociados al síndrome de fragilidad en ancianos (SFI) de la población rural de Pelotas. Método: estudio cuantitativo, analítico y transversal realizado con 820 ancianos registrados en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF) en la zona rural del municipio de Pelotas, entre julio y octubre de 2014. Resultados: entre los evaluados, el 43,41% presentó SFI. Se han consolidado como factores asociados a la condición: la baja renta (RP: 1,54, p ≤ 0.001), la baja escolaridad (RP: 1,45, p ≤ 0.001), el estado nutricional (obesidad) (RP: 1,89, p ≤ 0,001), la inactividad física (RP: 1,93, p = 0.003), la presencia de déficit cognitivo (RP: 2,07, p = 0.005) y la autopercepción de salud baja (RP: 8,21, p ≤ 0,001). Conclusión: los hallazgos pueden contribuir efectivamente al establecimiento de medidas de prevención y rastreo de la fragilidad entre las personas mayores por parte de los profesionales de salud, principalmente de los enfermeros, con el fin de evitar la ocurrencia del síndrome y de los resultados adversos e indeseables.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bayesian robust analysis for genetic architecture of quantitative traits

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    Motivation: In most quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping studies, phenotypes are assumed to follow normal distributions. Deviations from this assumption may affect the accuracy of QTL detection and lead to detection of spurious QTLs. To improve the robustness of QTL mapping methods, we replaced the normal distribution for residuals in multiple interacting QTL models with the normal/independent distributions that are a class of symmetric and long-tailed distributions and are able to accommodate residual outliers. Subsequently, we developed a Bayesian robust analysis strategy for dissecting genetic architecture of quantitative traits and for mapping genome-wide interacting QTLs in line crosses

    Phthalate metabolites in urine of children and adolescents in Germany: human biomonitoring results of the German Environmental Survey GerES V, 2014-2017

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    During the population representative German Environmental Survey of Children and Adolescents (GerES V, 2014-2017) 2256 first-morning void urine samples from 3 to 17 years old children and adolescents were analysed for 21 metabolites of 11 different phthalates (di-methyl phthalate (DMP), di-ethyl phthalate (DEP), butylbenzyl phthalate (BBzP), di-iso-butyl phthalate (DiBP), di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP), di-cyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP), di-n-pentyl phthalate (DnPeP), di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), di-iso-nonyl phthalate (DiNP), di-iso-decyl phthalate (DiDP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DnOP)). Metabolites of DMP, DEP, BBzP, DiBP, DnBP, DEHP, DiNP and DiDP were found in 97%-100% of the participants, DCHP and DnPeP in 6%, and DnOP in none of the urine samples. Geometric means (GM) were highest for metabolites of DiBP (MiBP: 26.1 μg/L), DEP (MEP: 25.8 μg/L), DnBP (MnBP: 20.9 μg/L), and DEHP (cx-MEPP: 11.9 μg/L). For all phthalates but DEP, GMs were consistently higher in the 3–5 years old children than in the 14-17 years old adolescents. For DEHP, the age differences were most pronounced. All detectable phthalate biomarker concentrations were positively associated with the levels of the respective phthalate in house dust. In GerES V we found considerably lower phthalate biomarker levels than in the preceding GerES IV (2003–2006). GMs of biomarker levels in GerES V were only 18% (BBzP), 23% (MnBP), 23% (DEHP), 29% (MiBP) and 57% (DiNP) of those measured a decade earlier in GerES IV. However, some children and adolescents still exceeded health-based guidance values in the current GerES V. 0.38% of the participants had levels of DnBP, 0.08% levels of DEHP and 0.007% levels of DiNP which were higher than the respective health-based guidance values. Accordingly, for these persons an impact on health cannot be excluded with sufficient certainty. The ongoing and substantial exposure of vulnerable children and adolescents to many phthalates confirms the need of a continued monitoring of established phthalates, whether regulated or not, as well as of potential substitutes. With this biomonitoring approach we provide a picture of current individual and cumulative exposure developments and body burdens to phthalates, thus providing support for timely and effective chemicals policies and legislation

    Scoping Review-The Association between Asthma and Environmental Chemicals

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    Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide affecting all age groups from children to the elderly. In addition to other factors such as smoking, air pollution and atopy, some environmental chemicals are shown or suspected to increase the risk of asthma, exacerbate asthma symptoms and cause other respiratory symptoms. In this scoping review, we report environmental chemicals, prioritized for investigation in the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU), which are associated or possibly associated with asthma. The substance groups considered to cause asthma through specific sensitization include: diisocyanates, hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) and possibly p-phenylenediamine (p-PDA). In epidemiological studies, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organophosphate insecticides are associated with asthma, and phthalates, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), pyrethroid insecticides, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead are only potentially associated with asthma. As a conclusion, exposure to PAHs and some pesticides are associated with increased risk of asthma. Diisocyanates and Cr(VI) cause asthma with specific sensitization. For many environmental chemicals, current studies have provided contradicting results in relation to increased risk of asthma. Therefore, more research about exposure to environmental chemicals and risk of asthma is needed.Peer reviewe


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    O presente trabalho tem como tema a juventude brasileira e o Projeto de Lei de Conversão n. 17 de 2021 (MP n. 1.045). O problema é: de que forma o Projeto de Lei de Conversão n. 17 de 2021 impacta os direitos sociais dos trabalhadores jovensbrasileiros? A hipótese consiste no fato de que o Projeto de Lei de Conversão n. 17 de 2021, está alinhado à lógica neoliberal de retirada de direitos sociais, precarizando as condições de trabalho e suprimindo garantias de proteção social dos jovens trabalhadores brasileiros. O objetivo geral é investigar quais os potenciais riscos de supressão de direitos com a aprovação do Projeto de Lei de Conversão n. 17, de 2021 sobre a juventude trabalhadora brasileira. O método de abordagem será dedutivo e o método de procedimento monográfico com técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. A conclusão é de que há um projeto neoliberal de retirada de direitos em curso no Brasil; assim como o Projeto de Lei de Conversão n. 17 de 2021, que converte a MP n. 1045 do Poder Executivo, afronta à legislação juvenil e à teoria da proteção integral e à prioridade absoluta, retirando os seusdireitos trabalhistas e precarizando suas condições de trabalho que se mostra travestida de relação de qualificação profissional. Palavras-chave: juventudes; precarização; neoliberalismo; Priore; Requipe