36 research outputs found

    Association of childhood type 1 diabetes mellitus with a variant of PAX4: possible link to beta cell regenerative capacity

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    Aims/hypothesis: Loss of pancreatic beta cells is the crucial event in the development of type 1 diabetes. It is the result of an imbalance between autoimmune destruction and insufficient regeneration of islet cells. To study the role of islet cell regeneration in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes, we focused on PAX4, a paired homeodomain transcriptional repressor that is involved in islet cell growth. Methods: The study included 379 diabetic children and 1,070 controls from two distinct populations, and a cohort of children who had not developed type 1 diabetes, despite the presence of islet cell antibodies. Genomic DNA analysis of PAX4 was carried out via direct sequencing of PCR-amplified fragments and allelic discrimination. We compared the transrepression potential of the PAX4 variants in βTC3 cells and analysed their influence on beta cell growth. Results: The type 1 diabetic subjects are different from the normal individuals in terms of the genotype distribution of the A1168C single nucleotide polymorphism in PAX4. The C/C genotype is frequent among type 1 diabetic children (73%) and rare among the control population (32%). Conversely, the A/C genotype is prevalent among control subjects (62%) and antibody-positive children without type 1 diabetes (73.6%), but uncommon among subjects with type 1 diabetes (17.5%). The combination of PAX4A and PAX4C is functionally more active than PAX4C alone (the ‘diabetic' variant). Beta cells expressing PAX4A and PAX4C efficiently proliferate when stimulated with glucose, whereas cells expressing the PAX4C variant alone do not. Conclusions/interpretation: We have identified a link between beta cell regenerative capacity and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. This finding could explain the fact that not all of the individuals who develop autoimmunity against beta cells actually contract the disease. The C/C genotype of the A1168C polymorphism in PAX4 can be viewed as a predisposition marker that can help to detect individuals prone to develop type 1 diabete

    Aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Therapie des Typ-1-Diabetes beim Kind

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    Das 1921 entdeckte Insulin wurde 1922 erstmals als Therapie für Typ-1-Diabetes eingeführt. Hundert Jahre später wird es immer noch als einzige medikamentöse Behandlung eingesetzt. Die jüngsten Fortschritte haben zu einer erheblichen Optimierung der Stoffwechselkontrolle beigetragen. Einleitung Typ-1-Diabetes (T1D) ist eine der häufigsten chronischen Erkrankungen bei Kindern, mit einer jährlichen Inzidenzzunahme von 3% [1]. Die Ätiologie des T1D ist unbekannt, aber eine Dysregulation der Autoimmunität, dokumentiert durch die Zirkulation von Autoantikörpern, sowie eine genetische Prädisposition sind ursächlich beteiligt. Das Risiko, an T1D zu erkranken, beträgt bei Kindern 0,4%; gibt es bereits an T1D-erkrankte Familienangehörige, steigt das Risiko um das Zehnfache. Neueste Daten weisen auf einen deutlichen Anstieg der weltweiten Inzidenz während der Corona-Pandemie hin [2–5]. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die neuesten Entwicklungen und aktuellen Herausforderungen bei der Behandlung des T1D bei Kindern darzustellen

    Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and constitutional delay of growth and puberty have distinct genetic architectures

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    Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) and constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP) represent rare and common forms of GnRH deficiency, respectively. Both CDGP and CHH present with delayed puberty, and the distinction between these two entities during early adolescence is challenging. More than 30 genes have been implicated in CHH, while the genetic basis of CDGP is poorly understood. We characterized and compared the genetic architectures of CHH and CDGP, to test the hypothesis of a shared genetic basis between these disorders. Exome sequencing data were used to identify rare variants in known genes in CHH ( <i>n</i>  = 116), CDGP ( <i>n</i>  = 72) and control cohorts ( <i>n</i>  = 36 874 ExAC and <i>n</i>  = 405 CoLaus). Mutations in at least one CHH gene were found in 51% of CHH probands, which is significantly higher than in CDGP (7%, <i>P</i>  = 7.6 × 10 <sup>-11</sup> ) or controls (18%, <i>P</i>  = 5.5 × 10 <sup>-12</sup> ). Similarly, oligogenicity (defined as mutations in more than one gene) was common in CHH patients (15%) relative to CDGP (1.4%, <i>P</i>  = 0.002) and controls (2%, <i>P</i>  = 6.4 × 10 <sup>-7</sup> ). Our data suggest that CDGP and CHH have distinct genetic profiles, and this finding may facilitate the differential diagnosis in patients presenting with delayed puberty

    Loss-of-function and missense variants in NSD2 cause decreased methylation activity and are associated with a distinct developmental phenotype

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    PURPOSE: Despite a few recent reports of patients harboring truncating variants in NSD2, a gene considered critical for the Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) phenotype, the clinical spectrum associated with NSD2 pathogenic variants remains poorly understood. METHODS: We collected a comprehensive series of 18 unpublished patients carrying heterozygous missense, elongating, or truncating NSD2 variants; compared their clinical data to the typical WHS phenotype after pooling them with ten previously described patients; and assessed the underlying molecular mechanism by structural modeling and measuring methylation activity in vitro. RESULTS: The core NSD2-associated phenotype includes mostly mild developmental delay, prenatal-onset growth retardation, low body mass index, and characteristic facial features distinct from WHS. Patients carrying missense variants were significantly taller and had more frequent behavioral/psychological issues compared with those harboring truncating variants. Structural in silico modeling suggested interference with NSD2’s folding and function for all missense variants in known structures. In vitro testing showed reduced methylation activity and failure to reconstitute H3K36me2 in NSD2 knockout cells for most missense variants. CONCLUSION: NSD2 loss-of-function variants lead to a distinct, rather mild phenotype partially overlapping with WHS. To avoid confusion for patients, NSD2 deficiency may be named Rauch–Steindl syndrome after the delineators of this phenotype

    Clinical, genetic and functional characteristics of three novel CYP17A1 mutations causing combined 17alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency

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    BACKGROUND: P450c17 has two distinct activities: 17alpha-hydroxylase activity and 17,20-lyase activity. Combined 17alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency leads to a severe defect in the production of cortisol and sex steroids. In affected males this results in impaired masculinization with ambiguous or female external genitalia. Female patients have normal genitalia but show a lack of pubertal development in adolescence. An increased production of mineralocorticoids often leads to hypertension and hypokalemia in both sexes. METHODS: To better understand the mechanisms of P450c17 deficiency, we studied 2 patients (both 46,XY) with combined 17alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase deficiency of different severity: one with complete lack of masculinization and one with ambiguous genitalia. RESULTS: Four mutations were identified by sequencing of the CYP17A1 gene: I332T and A355T in the less severely affected patient; G111S and R440H in the patient with complete lack of masculinization. The three novel mutations were expressed in COS1 cells and all mutant proteins except I332T showed a complete loss of both enzymatic activities. I332T retained some residual 17alpha-hydroxylase as well as 17,20-lyase activity. CONCLUSION: We identified 2 patients with the phenotypical spectrum of P450c17 deficiency. Three novel mutations in the CYP17A1 gene were identified and their functional characterization provided a good phenotype-genotype correlation. The location of the mutated residues in the three-dimensional model of P450c17 gave some additional insights into its structure-function relationship

    Atypical familial diabetes associated with a novel NEUROD1 nonsense variant

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    OBJECTIVES We aimed to identify the origin of atypical diabetes in a family with four generations of diabetes from South Asia. The family members showed different clinical phenotypes. Members of generation one to three were presumed to have type 2 diabetes and generation four to have type 1 diabetes. CASE PRESENTATION We performed a genetic analysis of the family using targeted high throughput sequencing. CONCLUSIONS We identified a novel nonsense variant in the neurogenic differentiation 1 (NEUROD1) gene, co-segregating with diabetes. The variant was located in the DNA-binding domain, altering a protein residue that was very well conserved among different species

    Exome sequencing identifies a de novo FOXA2 variant in a patient with syndromic diabetes.

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    When diabetes is associated with congenital malformations, without autoimmune antibodies, a genetic cause is suspected. Here, we aimed to identify a defective gene that led to diabetes. We performed an exome analysis of an index case and his healthy parents. The child presented with childhood-onset diabetes, congenital hypopituitarism, cardiac malformation, and anal atresia. A DNA analysis revealed a heterozygous de novo pathogenic variant in the developmental transcription factor, forkhead box A2 (FOXA2). The mutation resided in the DNA-binding domain, which is highly conserved among species. Tridimensional molecular dynamics simulation modeling predicted an altered interaction between the mutated protein and DNA. A defect in the FOXA2 DNA-binding domain was associated with childhood-onset diabetes and multiple congenital anomalies, which reflected the pleiotropic nature of the gene. This report extends the recently described phenotype of neonatal hypoglycemia to later-onset diabetes. We suggest to include FOXA2 analysis for neonatal hypoglycemia and to implement a long-term follow-up, particularly for the risk of diabetes

    P450c17 deficiency: Clinical and molecular characterization of six patients

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    PubMedID: 17192295Context: The characteristics of P450c17 deficiency include 46,XY disorder of sex development, hypertension, hypokalemia, and lack of pubertal development. Objective: To better understand this rare enzymatic deficiency, we analyzed the CYP17A1 gene in six affected patients. Design and Patients: We examined six patients, five 46,XY, and one 46,XX (age 9-29 yr) with complete lack of masculinization (female infantile external genitalia, no uterus) and delayed puberty, respectively, and different degrees of hypertension. Main Outcome Measurements: Genotype-phenotype correlation was measured. Results: Four homozygote mutations were identified by direct sequencing of the CYP17A1 gene corresponding to an alanin 302-proline (A302P) exchange; the loss of lysine 327 (K327del); the deletion of glutamate 331 (E331del); and the replacement of arginine 416 with a histidine (R416H). Both P450c17 activities were abolished in all the mutant proteins, except one, when expressed in COS1 cells. The E331del-mutated P450c17 retained 17?-hydroxylase activity. The mutant proteins were normally expressed, suggesting that the loss of enzymatic activity is not due to defects of synthesis, stability, or localization of P450c17 proteins. Conclusion: These studies confirm lack of masculinization in 46,XY individuals as the pathognomic sign of the complete P450c17 deficiency. In XX individuals P450c17 deficiency should be considered in cases of delayed puberty. Age of onset and the severity of hypertension do not seem to be constant. Careful examination of long-term followups in two of our patients suggested to us that estrogen treatment in P450c17-deficient patients might worsen the enzymatic defect, leading to aggravation of the hypertension. Copyright © 2007 by The Endocrine Society