908 research outputs found

    Application of analysis techniques for low frequency interior noise and vibration of commercial aircraft

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    Finite element analysis (FEA), statistical energy analysis (SEA), and a power flow method (computer program PAIN) were used to assess low frequency interior noise associated with advanced propeller installations. FEA and SEA models were used to predict cabin noise and vibration and evaluate suppression concepts for structure-borne noise associated with the shaft rotational frequency and harmonics (less than 100 Hz). SEA and PAIN models were used to predict cabin noise and vibration and evaluate suppression concepts for airborne noise associated with engine radiated propeller tones. Both aft-mounted and wing-mounted propeller configurations were evaluated. Ground vibration test data from a 727 airplane modified to accept a propeller engine were used to compare with predictions for the aft-mounted propeller. Similar data from the 767 airplane was used for the wing-mounted comparisons

    Field experiments on individual adaptation of the spider crab Inachus phalangium to its sea anemone host Anemonia viridis in the northern Adriatic Sea

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    We studied the adaptation of the spider crab Inachus phalangium (Fabricius, 1755) to one of its sea anemone host species, Anemonia viridis (Forsskål, 1775) in the coastal region of Rovinj, Croatia. Similar to other brachyuran species, Inachus spp. generally lives within the anemone to obtain protection from possible predators. Using removal and reintroduction experiments, this study investigates the protection mechanism and shows a loss of adaptation after a period of 10 days when the crabs are taken out of their host and kept solitary. Thirty-nine anemones from two different trial sites were marked individually and the inhabiting crabs were isolated to be released back into their individual hosts later. The reactions of the anemones were closely observed and characterized to determine the respective state of crab adaptation. As 35 out of 39 individuals provoked a defense /attack reaction of the anemone, it is concluded that the crabs possessed some sort of non-permanent protection mechanism that was lost during the test run (chi-square test, p < 0.00014). All tested crabs re-inhabited their host anemones within a maximum of 20 minutes after they had been reintroduced and stung by the anemones. Therefore, habituation to the host’s defense / attack mechanism is acquired individually and not genetically inherent to the species. The results are compared to adaptation and protection data on other decapod crustaceans and some anemonefishes

    Nichtdermatomgebundene somatosensorische Defizite bei chronischen Schmerzpatienten

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    Zusammenfassung: Nichtdermatomgebundene somatosensorische Defizite (NDSD) sind bei chronischen Schmerzpatienten häufig und weisen auf Schmerzsensibilisierung und Schmerzzentralisierung hin. Klinisch findet sich in der Regel eine Berührungs- und Thermhypästhesie mit oftmals quadrantenartiger oder halbseitiger Ausbreitung. Bei der Mehrzahl der Patienten liegt anamnestisch ein somatisch-nozizeptives Auslöseereignis vor, das aber wie das komplexe regionale Schmerzsyndrom (CRPS) in keiner eindeutigen Relation zur nachfolgenden Schmerzstörung steht. Wie bei vielen chronischen Schmerzstörungen weisen auch Patienten mit NDSD oft eine überdurchschnittliche psychobiografische Stressbelastung auf. Die Ergebnisse der funktionellen Bildgebung weisen auf ein komplexes Muster zentralnervöser Dysregulationen hi

    The value of different resistance parameters in distinguishing biopsy-proved dysfunction of renal allografts

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    The data concerning the value of duplex sonography in diagnosing parenchymatous renal allograft dysfunction are controversial. Most early studies did not take into consideration the many factors influencing resistance parameters. We therefore performed a prospective, biopsy-controlled study with exclusion of all known sources of error regarding resistance parameters. Furthermore we investigated the value of a new resistance parameter, the systolic deceleration percentage. Forty-seven duplex sonographic studies were performed on 43 patients (30 male, 13 female, median age 47 years, range 7-70). Fourteen studies were done on normally functioning grafts (control group) an average of 33 days after transplantation. Thirty-three studies were performed on dysfunctional grafts immediately prior to biopsy. Grafts which had been transplanted more than a year previously or with vascular findings or any other clinical or sonographic pathology probably explaining function deterioration were excluded. In all patients, the resistive index (RI), pulsatility index (PI) and systolic deceleration percentage (DP) were calculated in the main renal artery and in the interlobar artery. Of the 33 grafts with dysfunction, nine had vascular rejection (VR), 11 interstitial rejection (IR), 11 cyclosporin A toxicity (CAT) and two other histologies (OR). The mean RI in normal grafts (NO) was 0.71±0.06 in the main artery and 0.68±0.06 in the interlobar artery, in VR 0.86±0.12 and 0.80±0.18, in IR 0.72±0.05 and 0.70±0.07, in CAT 0.67±0.06 and 0.65±0.07 and in OR 0.64±0.07 and 0.60±0.01. For PI, the values were 1.45±0.23 and 1.41±0.28 (NO), 3.5±2.13 and 2.92±2.16 (VR), 1.55±0.26 and 1.46±0.33 (IR), 1.32±0.25 and 1.27±0.26 (CAT) and 1.30±0.34 and 1.13±0.04 (OR). For DP we calculated 28±5% and 29±6% (NO), 43±14% and 36±6% (VR), 29±9% and 27±9% (IR), 31±8% and 32±7% (CAT ) and 32±4% and 28±3% (OR). The sensitivity/specificity for VR with a cutoff mean+2 SD was 0.44/1 for RI, 0.55/0.97 for PI and 0.33/0.89 for DP. It was concluded that:(1) despite the high selection of our patient group, diagnostic accuracy of duplex sonography for diagnosing parenchymatous function disorder in renal allograft remains insufficient; (2) in vascular rejection only, the resistance parameters differ significantly from the values of normal allografts; (3) the higher the cutoff of resistance parameters, the better the specificity and the worse the sensitivity for diagnosing vascular rejection; (4) of all investigated resistance parameters, the RI is the most practical due to a simple measurement techniqu

    Early renal transplant dysfunction due to arterial kinking stenosis

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    The main differential diagnoses of early renal trans-plant dysfunction include ischaemic damage, cyclospo-rin toxicity, and rejection [1]. Rarer causes include bleeding, ureteral obstruction, urinary leak, venou

    Induction of apoptosis in host cells: a survival mechanism for Leishmania parasites?

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    Leishmania parasites invade host macrophages, causing infections that are either limited to skin or spread to internal organs. In this study, 3 species causing cutaneous leishmaniasis, L. major, L. aethiopica and L. tropica, were tested for their ability to interfere with apoptosis in host macrophages in 2 different lines of human monocyte-derived macrophages (cell lines THP-1 and U937) and the results confirmed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). All 3 species induced early apoptosis 48 h after infection (expression of phosphatidyl serine on the outer membrane). There were significant increases in the percentage of apoptotic cells both for U937 and PBMC following infection with each of the 3 species. Early apoptotic events were confirmed by mitochondrial membrane permeabilization detection and caspase activation 48 and 72 h after infection. Moreover, the percentage of infected THP-1 and U937 macrophages increased significantly (up to 100%) following treatment with an apoptosis inducer. Since phosphatidyl serine externalization on apoptosing cells acts as a signal for engulfment by macrophages, induction of apoptosis in the parasitized cells could actively participate in spreading the infection. In summary, parasite-containing apoptotic bodies with intact membranes could be released and phagocytosed by uninfected macrophages

    Nichtdermatomgebundene somatosensorische Defizite bei chronischen Schmerzpatienten

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    Nondermatomal somatosensory deficits (NDSDs) are frequently found in chronic pain patients and allude to pain sensitization and pain centralization. In the clinical examination NDSDs are as a rule accompanied by hyposensitivity to touch and heat perception often with a quadrantal or hemibody distribution. The majority of NDSD patients show a trigger episode with a somatic nociceptive trauma in the case history. These somatic findings, however, never fully explain the pain disorder, analogue to the complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Most patients with chronic pain disorders as well as those with NDSD often report an antecedent period of high psychobiological stress. The data from functional imaging reveal a complex pattern of a central nervous dysregulation

    Strontium as a tracer of weathering processes in a silicate catchment polluted by acid atmospheric inputs, Strengbach, France

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    This paper determines the weathering and atmospheric contributions of Ca in surface water from a small spruce forested silicate catchment (N–E France) receiving acid atmospheric inputs. The bedrock is a granite with K-feldspar and albite as dominant phases. The calcium content in plagioclase is low and the Ca/Na ratio in surface water is high, reflecting other sources of calcium from those expected from the weathering of major mineral phases. The biotite content is low. Only traces of apatite were detected while no calcite was found in spite of a major hydrothermal event having affected the granite. The strontium isotopic ratio 87Sr/86Sr and Sr content was used as a tracer of weathering and was determined in minerals and bulk bedrock, open field precipitation, throughfall, soil solution, spring and stream water. The Sr isotopic ratio of the reacting weathering end-member was predicted by simulating the alteration of the granite minerals by incorporating strontium into the water–rock interaction kinetic code KINDIS. In the early stages of water–rock interaction, K-feldspar and biotite strongly influence the isotopic composition of the weathering solution whereas, the Na-rich plagioclase appears to be the main long-term reactive weathering end-member. Approximately 50% of dissolved Sr in streamwater are atmospherically derived. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of exchangeable Sr in the fine fraction at 1-m depth from a soil profile indicate that the amount of exchangeable Sr seems essentially controlled by atmospheric inputs. The exception is the deep saprolite where weathering processes could supply the Sr (and Ca). Na-Plagioclase weathering obviously control the chemistry and the isotopic composition of surface waters. The weathering of trace mineral plays a secondary role, the exception is for apatite when plagioclase is absent. Our hydrochemical, mineralogical and isotopic investigations show that a major part of the strong Ca losses detected in catchment hydrochemical budgets that result from the neutralization of acid precipitation has an atmospheric origin. Consequently, in the long term, in such areas, the availability of such an exchangeable base cation might be strongly limited and surface waters consequently acidified

    fMRI evidence of ‘mirror’ responses to geometric shapes

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    Mirror neurons may be a genetic adaptation for social interaction [1]. Alternatively, the associative hypothesis [2], [3] proposes that the development of mirror neurons is driven by sensorimotor learning, and that, given suitable experience, mirror neurons will respond to any stimulus. This hypothesis was tested using fMRI adaptation to index populations of cells with mirror properties. After sensorimotor training, where geometric shapes were paired with hand actions, BOLD response was measured while human participants experienced runs of events in which shape observation alternated with action execution or observation. Adaptation from shapes to action execution, and critically, observation, occurred in ventral premotor cortex (PMv) and inferior parietal lobule (IPL). Adaptation from shapes to execution indicates that neuronal populations responding to the shapes had motor properties, while adaptation to observation demonstrates that these populations had mirror properties. These results indicate that sensorimotor training induced populations of cells with mirror properties in PMv and IPL to respond to the observation of arbitrary shapes. They suggest that the mirror system has not been shaped by evolution to respond in a mirror fashion to biological actions; instead, its development is mediated by stimulus-general processes of learning within a system adapted for visuomotor control
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