112 research outputs found
On computing the Gromov hyperbolicity
International audienceThe Gromov hyperbolicity is an important parameter for analyzing complex networks which expresses how the metric structure of a network looks like a tree. It is for instance used to provide bounds on the expected stretch of greedy-routing algorithms in Internet-like graphs. However, the best known theoretical algorithm computing this parameter runs in O(n^3.69) time, which is prohibitive for large-scale graphs. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for determining the hyperbolicity of graphs with tens of thousands of nodes. Its running time depends on the distribution of distances and on the actual value of the hyperbolicity. Although its worst case runtime is O(n^4), it is in practice much faster than previous proposals as observed in our experimentations. Finally, we propose a heuristic algorithm that can be used on graphs with millions of nodes. Our algorithms are all evaluated on benchmark instances
Roles of local He concentration and Si sample orientation on cavity growth in amorphous silicon
International audience(111)- and (100)-oriented Si samples are implanted with Si+ ions at 1 MeV to a dose of 1Ă1016 cm-2 and with 5Ă1016 He+ cm-2 at 10keV or 50 keV and eventually annealed in the 800 °C-1000 °C temperature range. Sample characterization is carried out by cross section transmission electron microscopy, positron annihilation spectroscopy, and nuclear reaction analysis. In addition to the formation of He bubbles at the projected range of He, bubbles are observed after solid phase epitaxial growth (SPEG) of the embedded amorphous Si layer. The He threshold concentration required to get thermally stable bubbles in amorphized Si is between one and four orders of magnitude lower than in c-Si. Since bubble formation and growth take place in the a-Si phase, the interaction with SPEG during annealing is studied by considering (100) and (111) Si. Both the SPEG velocity and the resulting defects play a role on bubble spatial distribution and size, resulting in bigger bubbles in (111) Si with respect to (100) Si
La protection du consommateur en Finlande
Lancin Bernard. La protection du consommateur en Finlande. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 32 N°2, Avril-juin 1980. pp. 373-390
Study of complex networks properties for the optimization of routing models
Cette thĂšse sâintĂ©resse aux problĂ©matiques de routage dans les rĂ©seaux, notamment dans le graphe des systĂšmes autonomes (AS) dâInternet. Nous cherchons dâune part aÌ mieux comprendre les propriĂ©tĂ©s du graphe de lâInternet qui sont utiles dans la conception de nouveaux paradigmes de routage. Dâautre part, nous cherchons aÌ Ă©valuer par simulation les performances de ces paradigmes. La premiĂšre partie de mes travaux porte sur lâĂ©tude dâune propriĂ©tĂ©Ì mĂ©trique, lâhyperbolicitĂ©Ì selon Gromov, utilisĂ©e dans la conception de nouveaux paradigmes de routage. Je prĂ©sente dans un premier temps une nouvelle approche pour le calcul de lâhyperbolicitĂ©Ì dâun graphe utilisant une dĂ©composition du graphe par les cliques-seÌparatrices et la notion de paires Ă©loignĂ©es. Je propose ensuite un nouvel algorithme pour le calcul de lâhyperbolicitĂ©Ì qui, combineÌ avec la mĂ©thode de dĂ©composition par les cliques-seÌparatrices, permet son calcul sur des graphes composĂ©s de 58 000 sommets en quelques heures. La deuxiĂšme partie de mes travaux porte sur le dĂ©veloppement de DRMSim, une nouvelle plate-forme de simulation de modĂšles de routage dynamiques. Celle-ci permet lâĂ©valuation des performances des schĂ©mas de routage et leur comparaison au protocole de rĂ©fĂ©rence, le protocole de routeur frontiĂšre, BGP. DRMSim a permis lâĂ©tude par simulation de diffĂ©rents schĂ©mas de routage compact sur des topologies aÌ O(10k) nĆuds. Je dĂ©taille lâarchitecture de DRMSim et quelques exemples dâutilisation. Puis, je prĂ©sente une Ă©tude rĂ©alisĂ©e en vue de dĂ©velopper une version parallĂšle et distribuĂ©e de DRMSim dans le cadre de la simulation de BGPThis thesis considers routing issues in networks, and particularly the graph of the autonomous systems (AS) of the Internet. Firstly, we aim at better understanding the properties of the Internet that are useful in the design of new routing paradigms. Secondly, we want to evaluate by simulation the performance of these paradigms. The first part of my work concerns the study of the Gromov hyperbolicity, a useful metric property for the design of new routing paradigms. I show how to use a decomposition of the graph by clique-separators as a pre-processing method for the computation of the hyperbolicity. Then, I propose a new algorithm to compute this property. Altogether, these methods allows us for computing the hyperbolicity of graphs up to 58 000 nodes. The second part of my work concerns the development of DRMSim, a new Dynamic Routing Model Simulator. It facilitates the evaluation of the performances of various routing schemes and their comparison to the standard routing scheme of the Internet, the border router protocol BGP. Using DRMSim, we performed simulations of several compact routing schemes on topologies up to O(10k) nodes. I describe its architecture and detail some examples. Then, I present a feasibility study for the design of a parallel/distributed version of DRMSim in order to simulate BGP on larger topologies
GĂ©omorphologie des plages marines
The author considers beach geomorphology as a determinating factor in seaside tourism. Sediment granulometry, beach profile kinematics and the factors of beach dynamics are treated successively. The morphogenetic hypotheses used are illustrated by examples from the littĂ©rature or personal observations both on the french Atlantic and Channel coasts and the Pacific shores of Mexico.L'auteur envisage la gĂ©omorphologie des plages marines comme facteur dĂ©terminant du tourisme balnĂ©aire. La granulomĂ©trie des sĂ©diments, la cinĂ©matique des profils et les fadeurs de la dynamique des plages sont successive ment envisagĂ©s. Les hypothĂšses morpho gĂ©nĂ©tiques avancĂ©es sont illustrĂ©es d'exemples empruntĂ©s Ă la littĂ©rature ou tirĂ©s d'observations personnelles effectuĂ©es tant sur les cĂŽtes françaises de l'Atlantique et de la Manche que sur le littoral Pacifique du Mexique.En el presente trabajo la geomorfologia de las playas marinas se interpreta como elemento determinante del turismo balneario. Se consideran diferenles factores, tal como granulometria de los sedimentos, cinemĂĄtica de los perfiles y agentes de la dinĂĄmica de las playas. Las ipĂłtesis morfogenĂ©ticas presentadas vienen ilustradas con ejemplos tornados en la bibliografĂa o sacados de observaciones personales en las costas francesas del AtlĂĄntico, del Canal de la Mancha asĂ como en el litoral pacifico de MĂ©xico.Lancin Monique. GĂ©omorphologie des plages marines. In: Norois, n°91, Juillet-Septembre 1976. pp. 357-379
EÌtude de reÌseaux complexes et de leurs proprieÌteÌs pour lâoptimisation de modeÌles de routage
This thesis considers routing issues in networks, and particularly the graph of the autonomous systems (AS) of the Internet. Firstly, we aim at better understanding the properties of the Internet that are useful in the design of new routing paradigms. Secondly, we want to evaluate by simulation the performance of these paradigms. The first part of my work concerns the study of the Gromov hyperbolicity, a useful metric property for the design of new routing paradigms. I show how to use a decomposition of the graph by clique-separators as a pre-processing method for the computation of the hyperbolicity. Then, I propose a new algorithm to compute this property. Altogether, these methods allows us for computing the hyperbolicity of graphs up to 58 000 nodes. The second part of my work concerns the development of DRMSim, a new Dynamic Routing Model Simulator. It facilitates the evaluation of the performances of various routing schemes and their comparison to the standard routing scheme of the Internet, the border router protocol BGP. Using DRMSim, we performed simulations of several compact routing schemes on topologies up to O(10k) nodes. I describe its architecture and detail some examples. Then, I present a feasibility study for the design of a parallel/distributed version of DRMSim in order to simulate BGP on larger topologies.Cette thĂšse sâintĂ©resse aux problĂ©matiques de routage dans les rĂ©seaux, notamment dans le graphe des systĂšmes autonomes (AS) dâInternet. Nous cherchons dâune part aÌ mieux comprendre les propriĂ©tĂ©s du graphe de lâInternet qui sont utiles dans la conception de nouveaux paradigmes de routage. Dâautre part, nous cherchons aÌ Ă©valuer par simulation les performances de ces paradigmes. La premiĂšre partie de mes travaux porte sur lâĂ©tude dâune propriĂ©tĂ©Ì mĂ©trique, lâhyperbolicitĂ©Ì selon Gromov, utilisĂ©e dans la conception de nouveaux paradigmes de routage. Je prĂ©sente dans un premier temps une nouvelle approche pour le calcul de lâhyperbolicitĂ©Ì dâun graphe utilisant une dĂ©composition du graphe par les cliques-seÌparatrices et la notion de paires Ă©loignĂ©es. Je propose ensuite un nouvel algorithme pour le calcul de lâhyperbolicitĂ©Ì qui, combineÌ avec la mĂ©thode de dĂ©composition par les cliques-seÌparatrices, permet son calcul sur des graphes composĂ©s de 58 000 sommets en quelques heures. La deuxiĂšme partie de mes travaux porte sur le dĂ©veloppement de DRMSim, une nouvelle plate-forme de simulation de modĂšles de routage dynamiques. Celle-ci permet lâĂ©valuation des performances des schĂ©mas de routage et leur comparaison au protocole de rĂ©fĂ©rence, le protocole de routeur frontiĂšre, BGP. DRMSim a permis lâĂ©tude par simulation de diffĂ©rents schĂ©mas de routage compact sur des topologies aÌ O(10k) nĆuds. Je dĂ©taille lâarchitecture de DRMSim et quelques exemples dâutilisation. Puis, je prĂ©sente une Ă©tude rĂ©alisĂ©e en vue de dĂ©velopper une version parallĂšle et distribuĂ©e de DRMSim dans le cadre de la simulation de BG
Defects created in N-doped 4H-SiC by flexion in the brittle regime: Stacking fault multiplicity and dislocation cores.
International audienceDefects are introduced in N-doped 4H-SiC by surface scratching and bending at 823K or 973K. They are characterized by weak beam-dark field TEM, HRTEM, LACBED, image analysis and dislocation core reconstructions. They consist of double stacking faults (DSFs) dragged by PD pairs in planes in which the Si-C dumbbells have the same orientation. The PDs forming a pair always have the same Burgers vectors. The reconstructions prove that their core composition depends on the dislocation character, the expansion direction and the orientation of the dumbbells in the glide planes. Only Si(g) are mobile, the lack of mobility of C(g) explaining why only three kinds of half-loops expand and why one DSF is always edged by two identical PDs. It is shown that the line morphology is not a sufficient criterion to determine the core composition. Though mechanical stresses are applied, extra thermodynamic and/or electronic driving forces influence the DSF formation in our experiments
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