8 research outputs found

    Allochthonous species of Turtles in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Alohtone vrste gmazova postale su tijekom posljednjih godina normalna pojava u prirodnim staništima diljem Svijeta kao posljedice puštanja jedinki uzgojenih i uvezenih za trgovinu kućnim ljubimcima. Upravo kornjače su jedna od najpopularnijih grupa gmazova u trgovini kućnim ljubimcima. Prve pouzdane bilješke o uvozu i prisutnosti alohtonih vrsta kornjača (Trachemys scripta), na području Balkanskog poluotoka, potječu od prije 20 - 30 godina. Prvi nalazi o prisutnosti Pelodiscus sinensis, u Hrvatskoj, potječu iz 2014. godine a podatci o prisutnosti Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii neslužbeno su poznati još od 2006. godine ali nisu bili objavljeni. Ovim radom okupili smo sve dostupne i nove podatke o rasprostranjenosti Trachemys scripta elegans, Trachemys scripta scripta, G. p. kohnii, G. p pseudogeographica. i P. sinensis, te izradili nove precizne karte distribucije. Podatci ukazuju na heterogenost nalaza u odnosu na ruralna/urbana područja. Največa pojedinačna populacija alohtonih kornjača (uglavnom sačinjena od T. scripta) u Hrvatskoj nalazi se u gradskom parku u Maksimiru (grad Zagreb) koja broji preko 300 jedinki.The release of reptiles imported for pet trade, by their owners, over decades has caused allochthonous species to become widespread in natural habitats all over the World. The turtles are among the most popular reptiles in the pet trade. There are reports of the presence of one allochthonous species of turtle (Trachemys scripta) on the Balkan Peninsula for the past 20-30 years. The presence of Pelodiscus sinensis, in Croatia was officially published in 2014 and the presence of Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii has been known since 2006 but not scientifically published. We gathered data on distribution and presence of Trachemys scripta elegans, Trachemys scripta scripta, G. p. kohnii, G. p pseudogeographica. and P. sinensis and produced the distribution map which shows heterogeneity in terms of rural/urban territories. The single largest allochtonous population (mostly comprised of T. scripta) in Croatia is found in Maksimir park (city of Zagreb) numbering over 300 individuals


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    Anemija, posljedica kronične bubrežne bolesti, čija učestalost raste napredovanjem bubrežnog zatajenja, u završnom je stupnju kronične bubrežne bolesti zastupljena u čak do 95% bolesnika. Lijekovi izbora u liječenju bubrežne anemije su pripravci eritropoetina iz skupine lijekova za stimulaciju eritropoeze (LSE). Veliki napredak u liječenju je uporaba metoksipolietilenglikol-epoetina beta, kontinuiranog aktivatora receptora za eritropoetin (CERA). Cilj studije OPATIJA je usporediti postizanje ciljnih vrijednosti hemoglobina (Hb) kao i njegovu varijabilnost uz učinkovitost i sigurnost uporabe u dvije usporedne skupine bolesnika. U jednoj je skupini bolesnika učinjena konverzija s kratkodjelujućih stimulatora eritropoeze na doze CERA navedene na samom proizvodu, dok je druga skupina liječena alternativnim dozama prema individualnim potrebama bolesnika. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 79 bolesnika. Bolesnici su bili podijeljeni u dvije usporedne skupine ranije liječene kratkodjelujućim LSE, od kojih je 36 bolesnika bilo u skupini koja je izravno konvertirana na CERA prema preporučenom doziranju navedenom na samom proizvodu. Drugu su skupinu činila 43 bolesnika koji su konvertirani prema dozama prilagođenima prethodnom doziranju kratkodjelujućih LSE. Tijekom osamnaestomjesečnog razdoblja svakom bolesniku u razmacima od najdulje dva mjeseca evidentirani su laboratorijski parametri anemije – razine hemoglobina te parametara statusa željeza (serumsko željezo, TSAT, feritin). Prema navedenim vrijednostima, u slučaju potrebe, prilagođavana je doza CERA te primjenjivana supstitucijska terapija pripravcima željeza. Nakon završetka studije dvije je skupine činio ukupno 51 bolesnik, od kojih je 26 bilo u skupini koja je dobivala preporučenu dozu CERA-e, a 25 bolesnika u skupini koja je dobivala alternativnu dozu. U skupini bolesnika koji su primali preporučene doze CERA prosječna vrijednost hemoglobina tijekom studije iznosila je 104,41 g/L uz prosječne mjesečne doze CERA 104,33 mcg. U skupini bolesnika koji su primali alternativne doze CERA prosječna vrijednost hemoglobina iznosila je 105,33 g/L uz prosječne mjesečne doze CERA 113,08 mcg. U skupini bolesnika koja je dobivala alternativne doze CERA, u 33% slučajeva vrijednosti Hb bile su unutar uskog ciljnog raspona 110-120 g/L. U 30% slučajeva vrijednosti su bile 100-110 g/L, u 29% manje od 100 g/L, a u 8% slučajeva su prelazile 120 g/L. Prosječne vrijednosti Hb na početku i na kraju ispitivanja međusobno se nisu statistički razlikovale osim u skupini bolesnika s nepoželjnim vrijednostima Hb>120 g/L, gdje je 7% bolesnika u skupini s preporučenim doziranjem imalo takve vrijednosti, dok u skupini s alternativnim doziranjem nije bilo bolesnika sa Hb>120 g/L (P=0,017). Varijabilnost hemoglobina s odstupanjima ve im od 10 i 20 g/L zabilježena je u obje skupine uz trend manje pojavnosti u alternativnoj skupini doziranja CERA. U zaključku je preporučeno i alternativno doziranje ime se postižu i održavaju ciljne vrijednosti hemoglobina uz njegovu manju varijabilnost pri primjeni individualiziranog doziranja. Rezultati su potvrdili potrebu individualnog pristupa u liječenju anemije bolesnika koji boluju od završnog stupnja kroničnog bubrežnog zatajenja te se lije e postupcima hemodijalize sukladno najnovijim smjernicama nefrološke struke.Introduction: Anemia is a well-documented consequence of chronic kidney disease, its frequency increases with the progression of renal failure and occurs in up to 95% of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). Erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESAs) have become the standard of care in the treatment of renal anemia. The use of methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta, continuous erythropoietin receptor activator, represents an important beneit in clinical practice. Aim: The aim of the OPATIJA study was to compare the eficacy and safety of maintaining hemoglobin levels in dialysis patients and to assess its variability in a parallel-group design. Patients were randomly assigned to receive methoxy polyethylene glycolepoetin beta once monthly in “normal” dose conversion according to the label of record or “low” or “alternative” dose conversion widely spread according to previous ESA doses. Subjects and Methods: A total of 79 patients were included in the study. The patients who had undergone continuous maintenance intravenous ESA therapy were divided into two parallel groups: group 1 including 36 patients directly switched to CERA according to the manufacturer recommended dosage; and group 2 including 43 patients that were switched by using “low” or “alternative” dose conversion widely spread according to previous ESA doses. During the18-month period, each patient’s anemia parameters, i.e. hemoglobin level, serum iron concentration, TSAT and ferritin, were monitored at intervals not longer than two months. According to hemoglobin levels, the dosage of CERA was adjusted if needed along with oirn supplementation. Results: At the end of the study, the two groups consisted of 51 patients: 26 of those treated with the recommended dose of CERA and 25 treated with the alternative dose. In the normal conversion group, the mean hemoglobin level during the course of the study was 104.41 g/L with the mean monthly dose of 104.33 mcg CERA. In the alternative conversion group, the mean hemoglobin level during the course of the study was 105.33 g/L with the mean monthly dose of 113.08 mcg CERA. In the alternative conversion group, 33% of patients had Hb levels in the tight recommended range of 110-120 g/L. In 30% of patients, Hb levels were 100-110 g/L, in 29% less than 100 g/L, and in 8% more than 120 g/L. The mean Hb levels at the beginning and the end of the study did not differ signiicantly, except for the patient group with Hb levels >120 g/L, where 7% of patients with recommended dosing and none of the patients from the alternative dosing group had such levels (P=0.017). Hemoglobin variability higher than 10 and 20 g/L was recorded in both groups, but less frequently in the alternative CERA dosing group. Conclusion: Both treatments with the recommended and alternative conversion dosing achieved and maintained target hemoglobin level. Study results conirmed the need of individualized approach in the treatment of anemia in ESRD patients receiving hemodialysis, resulting in less potentially harmful hemoglobin variability

    Faraday tomography of LoTSS-DR2 data: I. Faraday moments in the high-latitude outer Galaxy and revealing Loop III in polarisation

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    Observations of synchrotron emission at low radio frequencies reveal a labyrinth of polarised Galactic structures. However, the explanation for the wealth of structures remains uncertain due to the complex interactions between the interstellar medium and the magnetic field. A multi-tracer approach to the analysis of large sky areas is needed. This paper aims to use polarimetric images from the LOFAR Two metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) to produce the biggest mosaic of polarised emission in the northern sky at low radio frequencies (150 MHz) to date. The large area this mosaic covers allows for detailed morphological and statistical studies of polarised structures in the high-latitude outer Galaxy, including the well-known Loop III region. We produced a 3100 square degree Faraday tomographic cube using a rotation measure synthesis tool. We calculated the statistical moments of Faraday spectra and compared them with data sets at higher frequencies (1.4 GHz) and with a map of a rotation measure derived from extragalactic sources. The mosaic is dominated by polarised emission connected to Loop III. Additionally, the mosaic reveals an abundance of other morphological structures, mainly {narrow and extended} depolarisation canals, which are found to be ubiquitous. We find a correlation between the map of an extragalactic rotation measure and the LoTSS first Faraday moment image. The ratio of the two deviates from a simple model of a Burn slab (Burn 1966) along the line of sight, which highlights the high level of complexity in the magnetoionic medium that can be studied at these frequencies.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    LOFAR Deep Fields: Probing faint Galactic polarised emission in ELAIS-N1

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    We present the first deep polarimetric study of Galactic synchrotron emission at low radio frequencies. Our study is based on 21 observations of the European Large Area Infrared Space Observatory Survey-North 1 (ELAIS-N1) field using the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) at frequencies from 114.9 to 177.4 MHz. These data are a part of the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey Deep Fields Data Release 1. We used very low-resolution (4.34.3') Stokes QU data cubes of this release. We applied rotation measure (RM) synthesis to decompose the distribution of polarised structures in Faraday depth, and cross-correlation RM synthesis to align different observations in Faraday depth. We stacked images of about 150 hours of the ELAIS-N1 observations to produce the deepest Faraday cube at low radio frequencies to date, tailored to studies of Galactic synchrotron emission and the intervening magneto-ionic interstellar medium. This Faraday cube covers 36 deg2\sim36~{\rm deg^{2}} of the sky and has a noise of 27 μJy PSF1 RMSF127~{\rm \mu Jy~PSF^{-1}~RMSF^{-1}} in polarised intensity. This is an improvement in noise by a factor of approximately the square root of the number of stacked data cubes (20\sim\sqrt{20}), as expected, compared to the one in a single data cube based on five-to-eight-hour observations. We detect a faint component of diffuse polarised emission in the stacked cube, which was not detected previously. Additionally, we verify the reliability of the ionospheric Faraday rotation corrections estimated from the satellite-based total electron content measurements to be of  0.05 rad m2~\sim0.05~{\rm rad~m^{-2}}. We also demonstrate that diffuse polarised emission itself can be used to account for the relative ionospheric Faraday rotation corrections with respect to a reference observation.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Educational Choices and Attitudes Towards Multiculturalism and Assimilationism of the Majority and Minorities in Four Croatian Multiethnic Communities

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    U ovom je radu ispitan odnos preferencija modela obrazovanja nacionalnih manjina i stavova prema multikulturalizmu i asimilacionizmu u četiri višeetničke zajednice u Hrvatskoj. Sudjelovalo je 1568 učenika od 11 do 19 godina, pripadnika hrvatske većine, i četiri nacionalne manjine, koje se školuju po tzv. obrazovnom modelu A, odnosno pohađaju cjelokupnu nastavu na manjinskom jeziku i pismu (Česi, Mađari, Srbi i Talijani), te 2000 njihovih roditelja. Ovo je prvi rad koji opisuje neka sociodemografska obilježja učenika u A modelu manjinske nastave, kao i neke aspekte njihove jezične kompetencije u hrvatskome i manjinskim jezicima, upotrebu jezika u obitelji te namjere nastavka školovanja u Hrvatskoj, odnosno u zemlji podrijetla. Rezultati pokazuju da su preferencije manjinskih obrazovnih modela donekle povezane sa stavovima prema multikulturalizmu i asimilacionizmu, ali i to da su grupni status (manjina ili većina), te višeetnički kontekst u kojem je istraživanje provedeno, važne odrednice ovih stavova.In this study we examined the relationship between the preference of minority educational models and attitudes towards multiculturalism and assimilationism in four multiethnic communities in Croatia. A sample of 1568 students, aged 11 to 19, members of the Croatian majority and four national minorities (Czechs, Hungarians, Serbs and Italians) enrolled in model A of minority education (all classes are taught in the minority language), and 2000 of their parents participated in the research. Additionally, this is the first paper describing the major socio-demographic characteristics of students in minority education model A, as well as aspects of their language competence in Croatian and minority languages, the use of language in their families and their intentions to continue education in Croatia as opposed to their country of origin. The results have shown that the preferences of minority education models are slightly related to attitudes towards multiculturalism and assimilationism, but also that group status (minority or majority) and the multiethnic context the study has been conducted in are important determinants of attitudes towards multiculturalism and assimilationism


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    Anemija, posljedica kronične bubrežne bolesti, čija učestalost raste napredovanjem bubrežnog zatajenja, u završnom je stupnju kronične bubrežne bolesti zastupljena u čak do 95% bolesnika. Lijekovi izbora u liječenju bubrežne anemije su pripravci eritropoetina iz skupine lijekova za stimulaciju eritropoeze (LSE). Veliki napredak u liječenju je uporaba metoksipolietilenglikol-epoetina beta, kontinuiranog aktivatora receptora za eritropoetin (CERA). Cilj studije OPATIJA je usporediti postizanje ciljnih vrijednosti hemoglobina (Hb) kao i njegovu varijabilnost uz učinkovitost i sigurnost uporabe u dvije usporedne skupine bolesnika. U jednoj je skupini bolesnika učinjena konverzija s kratkodjelujućih stimulatora eritropoeze na doze CERA navedene na samom proizvodu, dok je druga skupina liječena alternativnim dozama prema individualnim potrebama bolesnika. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 79 bolesnika. Bolesnici su bili podijeljeni u dvije usporedne skupine ranije liječene kratkodjelujućim LSE, od kojih je 36 bolesnika bilo u skupini koja je izravno konvertirana na CERA prema preporučenom doziranju navedenom na samom proizvodu. Drugu su skupinu činila 43 bolesnika koji su konvertirani prema dozama prilagođenima prethodnom doziranju kratkodjelujućih LSE. Tijekom osamnaestomjesečnog razdoblja svakom bolesniku u razmacima od najdulje dva mjeseca evidentirani su laboratorijski parametri anemije – razine hemoglobina te parametara statusa željeza (serumsko željezo, TSAT, feritin). Prema navedenim vrijednostima, u slučaju potrebe, prilagođavana je doza CERA te primjenjivana supstitucijska terapija pripravcima željeza. Nakon završetka studije dvije je skupine činio ukupno 51 bolesnik, od kojih je 26 bilo u skupini koja je dobivala preporučenu dozu CERA-e, a 25 bolesnika u skupini koja je dobivala alternativnu dozu. U skupini bolesnika koji su primali preporučene doze CERA prosječna vrijednost hemoglobina tijekom studije iznosila je 104,41 g/L uz prosječne mjesečne doze CERA 104,33 mcg. U skupini bolesnika koji su primali alternativne doze CERA prosječna vrijednost hemoglobina iznosila je 105,33 g/L uz prosječne mjesečne doze CERA 113,08 mcg. U skupini bolesnika koja je dobivala alternativne doze CERA, u 33% slučajeva vrijednosti Hb bile su unutar uskog ciljnog raspona 110-120 g/L. U 30% slučajeva vrijednosti su bile 100-110 g/L, u 29% manje od 100 g/L, a u 8% slučajeva su prelazile 120 g/L. Prosječne vrijednosti Hb na početku i na kraju ispitivanja međusobno se nisu statistički razlikovale osim u skupini bolesnika s nepoželjnim vrijednostima Hb>120 g/L, gdje je 7% bolesnika u skupini s preporučenim doziranjem imalo takve vrijednosti, dok u skupini s alternativnim doziranjem nije bilo bolesnika sa Hb>120 g/L (P=0,017). Varijabilnost hemoglobina s odstupanjima ve im od 10 i 20 g/L zabilježena je u obje skupine uz trend manje pojavnosti u alternativnoj skupini doziranja CERA. U zaključku je preporučeno i alternativno doziranje ime se postižu i održavaju ciljne vrijednosti hemoglobina uz njegovu manju varijabilnost pri primjeni individualiziranog doziranja. Rezultati su potvrdili potrebu individualnog pristupa u liječenju anemije bolesnika koji boluju od završnog stupnja kroničnog bubrežnog zatajenja te se lije e postupcima hemodijalize sukladno najnovijim smjernicama nefrološke struke.Introduction: Anemia is a well-documented consequence of chronic kidney disease, its frequency increases with the progression of renal failure and occurs in up to 95% of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). Erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESAs) have become the standard of care in the treatment of renal anemia. The use of methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta, continuous erythropoietin receptor activator, represents an important beneit in clinical practice. Aim: The aim of the OPATIJA study was to compare the eficacy and safety of maintaining hemoglobin levels in dialysis patients and to assess its variability in a parallel-group design. Patients were randomly assigned to receive methoxy polyethylene glycolepoetin beta once monthly in “normal” dose conversion according to the label of record or “low” or “alternative” dose conversion widely spread according to previous ESA doses. Subjects and Methods: A total of 79 patients were included in the study. The patients who had undergone continuous maintenance intravenous ESA therapy were divided into two parallel groups: group 1 including 36 patients directly switched to CERA according to the manufacturer recommended dosage; and group 2 including 43 patients that were switched by using “low” or “alternative” dose conversion widely spread according to previous ESA doses. During the18-month period, each patient’s anemia parameters, i.e. hemoglobin level, serum iron concentration, TSAT and ferritin, were monitored at intervals not longer than two months. According to hemoglobin levels, the dosage of CERA was adjusted if needed along with oirn supplementation. Results: At the end of the study, the two groups consisted of 51 patients: 26 of those treated with the recommended dose of CERA and 25 treated with the alternative dose. In the normal conversion group, the mean hemoglobin level during the course of the study was 104.41 g/L with the mean monthly dose of 104.33 mcg CERA. In the alternative conversion group, the mean hemoglobin level during the course of the study was 105.33 g/L with the mean monthly dose of 113.08 mcg CERA. In the alternative conversion group, 33% of patients had Hb levels in the tight recommended range of 110-120 g/L. In 30% of patients, Hb levels were 100-110 g/L, in 29% less than 100 g/L, and in 8% more than 120 g/L. The mean Hb levels at the beginning and the end of the study did not differ signiicantly, except for the patient group with Hb levels >120 g/L, where 7% of patients with recommended dosing and none of the patients from the alternative dosing group had such levels (P=0.017). Hemoglobin variability higher than 10 and 20 g/L was recorded in both groups, but less frequently in the alternative CERA dosing group. Conclusion: Both treatments with the recommended and alternative conversion dosing achieved and maintained target hemoglobin level. Study results conirmed the need of individualized approach in the treatment of anemia in ESRD patients receiving hemodialysis, resulting in less potentially harmful hemoglobin variability


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    Anemija, posljedica kronične bubrežne bolesti, čija učestalost raste napredovanjem bubrežnog zatajenja, u završnom je stupnju kronične bubrežne bolesti zastupljena u čak do 95% bolesnika. Lijekovi izbora u liječenju bubrežne anemije su pripravci eritropoetina iz skupine lijekova za stimulaciju eritropoeze (LSE). Veliki napredak u liječenju je uporaba metoksipolietilenglikol-epoetina beta, kontinuiranog aktivatora receptora za eritropoetin (CERA). Cilj studije OPATIJA je usporediti postizanje ciljnih vrijednosti hemoglobina (Hb) kao i njegovu varijabilnost uz učinkovitost i sigurnost uporabe u dvije usporedne skupine bolesnika. U jednoj je skupini bolesnika učinjena konverzija s kratkodjelujućih stimulatora eritropoeze na doze CERA navedene na samom proizvodu, dok je druga skupina liječena alternativnim dozama prema individualnim potrebama bolesnika. U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 79 bolesnika. Bolesnici su bili podijeljeni u dvije usporedne skupine ranije liječene kratkodjelujućim LSE, od kojih je 36 bolesnika bilo u skupini koja je izravno konvertirana na CERA prema preporučenom doziranju navedenom na samom proizvodu. Drugu su skupinu činila 43 bolesnika koji su konvertirani prema dozama prilagođenima prethodnom doziranju kratkodjelujućih LSE. Tijekom osamnaestomjesečnog razdoblja svakom bolesniku u razmacima od najdulje dva mjeseca evidentirani su laboratorijski parametri anemije – razine hemoglobina te parametara statusa željeza (serumsko željezo, TSAT, feritin). Prema navedenim vrijednostima, u slučaju potrebe, prilagođavana je doza CERA te primjenjivana supstitucijska terapija pripravcima željeza. Nakon završetka studije dvije je skupine činio ukupno 51 bolesnik, od kojih je 26 bilo u skupini koja je dobivala preporučenu dozu CERA-e, a 25 bolesnika u skupini koja je dobivala alternativnu dozu. U skupini bolesnika koji su primali preporučene doze CERA prosječna vrijednost hemoglobina tijekom studije iznosila je 104,41 g/L uz prosječne mjesečne doze CERA 104,33 mcg. U skupini bolesnika koji su primali alternativne doze CERA prosječna vrijednost hemoglobina iznosila je 105,33 g/L uz prosječne mjesečne doze CERA 113,08 mcg. U skupini bolesnika koja je dobivala alternativne doze CERA, u 33% slučajeva vrijednosti Hb bile su unutar uskog ciljnog raspona 110-120 g/L. U 30% slučajeva vrijednosti su bile 100-110 g/L, u 29% manje od 100 g/L, a u 8% slučajeva su prelazile 120 g/L. Prosječne vrijednosti Hb na početku i na kraju ispitivanja međusobno se nisu statistički razlikovale osim u skupini bolesnika s nepoželjnim vrijednostima Hb>120 g/L, gdje je 7% bolesnika u skupini s preporučenim doziranjem imalo takve vrijednosti, dok u skupini s alternativnim doziranjem nije bilo bolesnika sa Hb>120 g/L (P=0,017). Varijabilnost hemoglobina s odstupanjima ve im od 10 i 20 g/L zabilježena je u obje skupine uz trend manje pojavnosti u alternativnoj skupini doziranja CERA. U zaključku je preporučeno i alternativno doziranje ime se postižu i održavaju ciljne vrijednosti hemoglobina uz njegovu manju varijabilnost pri primjeni individualiziranog doziranja. Rezultati su potvrdili potrebu individualnog pristupa u liječenju anemije bolesnika koji boluju od završnog stupnja kroničnog bubrežnog zatajenja te se lije e postupcima hemodijalize sukladno najnovijim smjernicama nefrološke struke.Introduction: Anemia is a well-documented consequence of chronic kidney disease, its frequency increases with the progression of renal failure and occurs in up to 95% of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD). Erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESAs) have become the standard of care in the treatment of renal anemia. The use of methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta, continuous erythropoietin receptor activator, represents an important beneit in clinical practice. Aim: The aim of the OPATIJA study was to compare the eficacy and safety of maintaining hemoglobin levels in dialysis patients and to assess its variability in a parallel-group design. Patients were randomly assigned to receive methoxy polyethylene glycolepoetin beta once monthly in “normal” dose conversion according to the label of record or “low” or “alternative” dose conversion widely spread according to previous ESA doses. Subjects and Methods: A total of 79 patients were included in the study. The patients who had undergone continuous maintenance intravenous ESA therapy were divided into two parallel groups: group 1 including 36 patients directly switched to CERA according to the manufacturer recommended dosage; and group 2 including 43 patients that were switched by using “low” or “alternative” dose conversion widely spread according to previous ESA doses. During the18-month period, each patient’s anemia parameters, i.e. hemoglobin level, serum iron concentration, TSAT and ferritin, were monitored at intervals not longer than two months. According to hemoglobin levels, the dosage of CERA was adjusted if needed along with oirn supplementation. Results: At the end of the study, the two groups consisted of 51 patients: 26 of those treated with the recommended dose of CERA and 25 treated with the alternative dose. In the normal conversion group, the mean hemoglobin level during the course of the study was 104.41 g/L with the mean monthly dose of 104.33 mcg CERA. In the alternative conversion group, the mean hemoglobin level during the course of the study was 105.33 g/L with the mean monthly dose of 113.08 mcg CERA. In the alternative conversion group, 33% of patients had Hb levels in the tight recommended range of 110-120 g/L. In 30% of patients, Hb levels were 100-110 g/L, in 29% less than 100 g/L, and in 8% more than 120 g/L. The mean Hb levels at the beginning and the end of the study did not differ signiicantly, except for the patient group with Hb levels >120 g/L, where 7% of patients with recommended dosing and none of the patients from the alternative dosing group had such levels (P=0.017). Hemoglobin variability higher than 10 and 20 g/L was recorded in both groups, but less frequently in the alternative CERA dosing group. Conclusion: Both treatments with the recommended and alternative conversion dosing achieved and maintained target hemoglobin level. Study results conirmed the need of individualized approach in the treatment of anemia in ESRD patients receiving hemodialysis, resulting in less potentially harmful hemoglobin variability

    Multi-tracer analysis of straight depolarisation canals in the surroundings of the 3C 196 field

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    Context. Faraday tomography of a field centred on the extragalactic point source 3C 196 with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) revealed an intertwined structure of diffuse polarised emission with straight depolarisation canals and tracers of the magnetised and multi-phase interstellar medium (ISM), such as dust and line emission from atomic hydrogen (HI). Aims. This study aims at extending the multi-tracer analysis of LOFAR data to three additional fields in the surroundings of the 3C 196 field. For the first time, we study the three-dimensional structure of the LOFAR emission by determining the distance to the depolarisation canals. Methods. We used the rolling Hough transform to compare the orientation of the depolarisation canals with that of the filamentary structure seen in HI, and based on starlight and dust polarisation data, with that of the plane-of-the-sky magnetic field. Stellar parallaxes from Gaia complemented the starlight polarisation with the corresponding distances. Results. Faraday tomography of the three fields shows a rich network of diffuse polarised emission at Faraday depths between − 10 and + 15 rad m−2. A complex system of straight depolarisation canals resembles that of the 3C 196 field. The depolarisation canals align both with the HI filaments and with the magnetic field probed by dust. The observed alignment suggests that an ordered magnetic field organises the multiphase ISM over a large area (~20°). In one field, two groups of stars at distances below and above 200 pc, respectively, show distinct magnetic field orientations. These are both comparable with the orientations of the depolarisation canals in the same field. We conclude that the depolarisation canals likely trace the same change in the magnetic field as probed by the stars, which corresponds to the edge of the Local Bubble