863 research outputs found

    Stable isotope signatures reveal small-scale spatial separation in populations of European sea bass

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    Scientific information about European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) stocks in NE Atlantic is limited and a more accurate definition of the stock boundaries in the area is required to improve assessment and management advice. Here we study the connectivity and movement patterns of European sea bass in Wales (UK) using the stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) composition of their scales. Analysis of fish scale δ13C and δ15N values in the last growing season was performed on 189 adult sea bass caught at nine coastal feeding grounds. Fish >50 cm total length (TL) caught in estuaries had very low δ13C and this is characteristic of fresh water (organic/soil) input, indicating the primary use of estuaries as feeding areas. A random forest classification model was used to test if there was a difference in δ15N and δ13C values between north, mid and south Wales and whether it was possible to correctly assign the fish to the area where it was caught. This analysis was restricted to fish of a similar size range (40-50 cm TL) caught in open coastal areas (n=156). The random forest classification model showed that about 75% of the fish could be correctly assigned to their collection region based on their isotope composition. The majority of the misclassifications of fish were fish from north Wales classifying to mid Wales and vice versa, while the majority of fish from south Wales were correctly assigned (80%). Our findings suggest that two sub-populations of sea bass in Welsh waters use separate feeding grounds (south vs. mid/north Wales), and may need separate management

    Survival extrapolation incorporating general population mortality using excess hazard and cure models: a tutorial

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    Background Different parametric survival models can lead to widely discordant extrapolations and decision uncertainty in cost-effectiveness analyses. The use of excess hazard (EH) methods, which incorporate general population mortality data, has the potential to reduce model uncertainty. This review highlights key practical considerations of EH methods for estimating long-term survival. Methods Demonstration of methods used a case study of 686 patients from the German Breast Cancer Study Group, followed for a maximum of 7.3 y and divided into low (1/2) and high (3) grade cancers. Seven standard parametric survival models were fit to each group separately. The same 7 distributions were then used in an EH framework, which incorporated general population mortality rates, and fitted both with and without a cure parameter. Survival extrapolations, restricted mean survival time (RMST), and difference in RMST between high and low grades were compared up to 30 years along with Akaike information criterion goodness-of-fit and cure fraction estimates. The sensitivity of the EH models to lifetable misspecification was investigated. Results In our case study, variability in survival extrapolations was extensive across the standard models, with 30-y RMST ranging from 7.5 to 14.3 y. Incorporation of general population mortality rates using EH cure methods substantially reduced model uncertainty, whereas EH models without cure had less of an effect. Long-term treatment effects approached the null for most models but at varying rates. Lifetable misspecification had minimal effect on RMST differences. Conclusions EH methods may be useful for survival extrapolation, and in cancer, EHs may decrease over time and be easier to extrapolate than all-cause hazards. EH cure models may be helpful when cure is plausible and likely to result in less extrapolation variability

    Assessing methods for dealing with treatment crossover in clinical trials: A follow-up simulation study

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    Background: Treatment switching commonly occurs in clinical trials of novel interventions, particularly in the advanced or metastatic cancer setting, which causes important problems for health technology assessment. Previous research has demonstrated which adjustment methods are suitable in specific scenarios, but scenarios considered have been limited. Objectives: We aimed to assess statistical approaches for adjusting survival estimates in the presence of treatment switching in order to determine which methods are most appropriate in a new range of realistic scenarios, building upon previous research. In particular we consider smaller sample sizes, reduced switching proportions, increased levels of censoring, and alternative data generating models. Methods: We conducted a simulation study to assess the bias, mean squared error and coverage associated with alternative switching adjustment methods across a wide range of realistic scenarios. Results: Our results generally supported those found in previous research, but the novel scenarios considered meant that we could make conclusions based upon a more robust evidence base. Simple methods such as censoring or excluding patients that switch again resulted in high levels of bias. More complex randomisation-based methods (e.g. Rank Preserving Structural Failure Time Models (RPSFTM)) were unbiased when the “common treatment effect” held. Observational-based methods (e.g. inverse probability of censoring weights (IPCW)) coped better with time-dependent treatment effects but are heavily data reliant, and generally led to higher levels of bias in our simulations. Novel “two stage” methods produced relatively low bias across all simulated scenarios. All methods generally produced higher bias when the simulated sample size was smaller and when the censoring proportion was higher. All methods generally produced lower bias when switching proportions were lower. We find that the size of the treatment effect in terms of an acceleration factor has an important bearing on the levels of bias associated with the adjustment methods. Conclusions: Randomisation-based methods can accurately adjust for treatment switching when the treatment effect received by patients that switch is the same as that received by patients randomised to the experimental group. When this is not the case observational-based methods or simple twostage methods should be considered, although the IPCW is prone to substantial bias when the proportion of patients that switch is greater than approximately 90%. Simple methods such as censoring or excluding patients that switch should not be used

    The rp-process and new measurements of beta-delayed proton decay of light Ag and Cd isotopes

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    Recent network calculations suggest that a high temperature rp-process could explain the abundances of light Mo and Ru isotopes, which have long challenged models of p-process nuclide production. Important ingredients to network calculations involving unstable nuclei near and at the proton drip line are β\beta-halflives and decay modes, i.e., whether or not β\beta-delayed proton decay takes place. Of particular importance to these network calculation are the proton-rich isotopes 96^{96}Ag, 98^{98}Ag, 96^{96}Cd and 98^{98}Cd. We report on recent measurements of β\beta-delayed proton branching ratios for 96^{96}Ag, 98^{98}Ag, and 98^{98}Cd at the on-line mass separator at GSI.Comment: 4 pages, uses espcrc1.sty. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium Nuclei in the Cosmos, June 1996, Notre Dame/IN, USA, Ed. M. Wiescher, to be published in Nucl.Phys.A. Also available at ftp://ftp.physics.ohio-state.edu/pub/nucex/nic96-gs

    EMG amplitude in maximal and submaximal exercise is dependent on signal capture rate

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    This study analysed the effect of different electromyographic (EMG) capture rates during maximal voluntary contraction, submaximal and maximal dynamic cycling activity on EMG amplitude and signal characteristics. Ten healthy subjects participated in this study. Peak power output (PPO) and maximal isometric force output (MVC) were measured, followed by a progressive cycle ride on a cycle ergometer. Electromyographic (EMG) data were simultaneously captured during the MVC and cycling activities at frequencies of 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 and 1984 Hz. Significant differences in amplitude were found (p < 0.01) between MVC, submaximal (SUB) and maximal cycling activities (PWATT) for all capture rates. Asymptote values for IEMG amplitude occurred at EMG capture rates of 1604 ± 235.6 Hz during MVC, 503.1 ± 236.2 Hz during PWATT and 326.2 ± 105.4 Hz during SUB cycling activity and were significantly different (p < 0.01). No significant differences were found for force/EMG ratios between PWATT and MVC at 1984 Hz capture rates (3.8 ± 1.7 N/V vs 2.5 ± 0.9 N/V) while significant differences occurred at 32 Hz capture rate (6.2 ± 3.8 vs 16.0 ± 8.0; p < 0.01). Low correlations were found between EMG activity captured at 1984 Hz during PWATT and lean thigh volume (r = 0.36) and MVC (r = 0.32). Asymptote values found on this study suggest that data captured below 326 Hz for SUB, 503 Hz for PWATT and 1604 Hz for MVC are not reliable. Therefore apparatus capturing EMG data at low frequencies from these values cannot be used for quantitative data analyses

    Closed String Field Theory with Dynamical D-brane

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    We consider a closed string field theory with an arbitrary matter current as a source of the closed string field. We find that the source must satisfy a constraint equation as a consequence of the BRST invariance of the theory. We see that it corresponds to the covariant conservation law for the matter current, and the equation of motion together with this constraint equation determines the classical behavior of both the closed string field and the matter. We then consider the boundary state (D-brane) as an example of a source. We see that the ordinary boundary state cannot be a source of the closed string field when the string coupling g turns on. By perturbative expansion, we derive a recursion relation which represents the bulk backreaction and the D-brane recoil. We also make a comment on the rolling tachyon boundary state.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX2e, no figures. Typos are correcte

    Chemostratigraphy of Neoproterozoic carbonates: implications for 'blind dating'

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    The delta C-13(carb) and Sr-87/Sr-86 secular variations in Neoproteozoic seawater have been used for the purpose of 'isotope stratigraphy' but there are a number of problems that can preclude its routine use. In particular, it cannot be used with confidence for 'blind dating'. The compilation of isotopic data on carbonate rocks reveals a high level of inconsistency between various carbon isotope age curves constructed for Neoproteozoic seawater, caused by a relatively high frequency of both global and local delta C-13(carb) fluctuations combined with few reliable age determinations. Further complication is caused by the unresolved problem as to whether two or four glaciations, and associated negative delta C-13(carb) excursions, can be reliably documented. Carbon isotope stratigraphy cannot be used alone for geological correlation and 'blind dating'. Strontium isotope stratigraphy is a more reliable and precise tool for stratigraphic correlations and indirect age determinations. Combining strontium and carbon isotope stratigraphy, several discrete ages within the 590-544 Myr interval, and two age-groups at 660-610 and 740-690 Myr can be resolved

    The institutional shaping of management: in the tracks of English individualism

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    Globalisation raises important questions about the shaping of economic action by cultural factors. This article explores the formation of what is seen by some as a prime influence on the formation of British management: individualism. Drawing on a range of historical sources, it argues for a comparative approach. In this case, the primary comparison drawn is between England and Scotland. The contention is that there is a systemic approach to authority in Scotland that can be contrasted to a personal approach in England. An examination of the careers of a number of Scottish pioneers of management suggests the roots of this systemic approach in practices of church governance. Ultimately this systemic approach was to take a secondary role to the personal approach engendered by institutions like the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, but it found more success in the different institutional context of the USA. The complexities of dealing with historical evidence are stressed, as is the value of taking a comparative approach. In this case this indicates a need to take religious practice as seriously as religious belief as a source of transferable practice. The article suggests that management should not be seen as a simple response to economic imperatives, but as shaped by the social and cultural context from which it emerges

    Links2HealthierBubs' cohort study: Protocol for a record linkage study on the safety, uptake and effectiveness of influenza and pertussis vaccines among pregnant Australian women

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    Introduction Pregnant women and infants are at risk of severe influenza and pertussis infection. Inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) and diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine (dTpa) are recommended during pregnancy to protect both mothers and infants. In Australia, uptake is not routinely monitored but coverage appears sub-optimal. Evidence on the safety of combined antenatal IIV and dTpa is fragmented or deficient, and there remain knowledge gaps of population-level vaccine effectiveness. We aim to establish a large, population-based, multi-jurisdictional cohort of mother-infant pairs to measure the uptake, safety and effectiveness of antenatal IIV and dTpa vaccines in three Australian jurisdictions. This is a first step toward assessing the impact of antenatal vaccination programmes in Australia, which can then inform government policy with respect to future strategies in national vaccination programmes. Methods and analysis ' Links2HealthierBubs' is an observational, population-based, retrospective cohort study established through probabilistic record linkage of administrative health data. The cohort includes births between 2012 and 2017 (∼607 605 mother-infant pairs) in jurisdictions with population-level antenatal vaccination and health outcome data (Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory). Perinatal data will be the reference frame to identify the cohort. Jurisdictional vaccination registers will identify antenatal vaccination status and the gestational timing of vaccination. Information on maternal, fetal and child health outcomes will be obtained from hospitalisation and emergency department records, notifiable diseases databases, developmental anomalies databases, birth and mortality registers. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval was obtained from the Western Australian Department of Health, Curtin University, the Menzies School of Health Research, the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, and the West Australian Aboriginal Health Ethics Committees. Research findings will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals, at scientific meetings, and may be incorporated into communication materials for public health agencies and the public