6,796 research outputs found

    A Girsanov approach to slow parameterizing manifolds in the presence of noise

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    We consider a three-dimensional slow-fast system with quadratic nonlinearity and additive noise. The associated deterministic system of this stochastic differential equation (SDE) exhibits a periodic orbit and a slow manifold. The deterministic slow manifold can be viewed as an approximate parameterization of the fast variable of the SDE in terms of the slow variables. In other words the fast variable of the slow-fast system is approximately "slaved" to the slow variables via the slow manifold. We exploit this fact to obtain a two dimensional reduced model for the original stochastic system, which results in the Hopf-normal form with additive noise. Both, the original as well as the reduced system admit ergodic invariant measures describing their respective long-time behaviour. We will show that for a suitable metric on a subset of the space of all probability measures on phase space, the discrepancy between the marginals along the radial component of both invariant measures can be upper bounded by a constant and a quantity describing the quality of the parameterization. An important technical tool we use to arrive at this result is Girsanov's theorem, which allows us to modify the SDEs in question in a way that preserves transition probabilities. This approach is then also applied to reduced systems obtained through stochastic parameterizing manifolds, which can be viewed as generalized notions of deterministic slow manifolds.Comment: 54 pages, 6 figure

    Bifurcations of periodic orbits with spatio-temporal symmetries

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    Motivated by recent analytical and numerical work on two- and three-dimensional convection with imposed spatial periodicity, we analyse three examples of bifurcations from a continuous group orbit of spatio-temporally symmetric periodic solutions of partial differential equations. Our approach is based on centre manifold reduction for maps, and is in the spirit of earlier work by Iooss (1986) on bifurcations of group orbits of spatially symmetric equilibria. Two examples, two-dimensional pulsating waves (PW) and three-dimensional alternating pulsating waves (APW), have discrete spatio-temporal symmetries characterized by the cyclic groups Z_n, n=2 (PW) and n=4 (APW). These symmetries force the Poincare' return map M to be the nth iterate of a map G: M=G^n. The group orbits of PW and APW are generated by translations in the horizontal directions and correspond to a circle and a two-torus, respectively. An instability of pulsating waves can lead to solutions that drift along the group orbit, while bifurcations with Floquet multiplier +1 of alternating pulsating waves do not lead to drifting solutions. The third example we consider, alternating rolls, has the spatio-temporal symmetry of alternating pulsating waves as well as being invariant under reflections in two vertical planes. This leads to the possibility of a doubling of the marginal Floquet multiplier and of bifurcation to two distinct types of drifting solutions. We conclude by proposing a systematic way of analysing steady-state bifurcations of periodic orbits with discrete spatio-temporal symmetries, based on applying the equivariant branching lemma to the irreducible representations of the spatio-temporal symmetry group of the periodic orbit, and on the normal form results of Lamb (1996). This general approach is relevant to other pattern formation problems, and contributes to our understanding of the transition from ordered to disordered behaviour in pattern-forming systems

    On the zero set of G-equivariant maps

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    Let GG be a finite group acting on vector spaces VV and WW and consider a smooth GG-equivariant mapping f:V→Wf:V\to W. This paper addresses the question of the zero set near a zero xx of ff with isotropy subgroup GG. It is known from results of Bierstone and Field on GG-transversality theory that the zero set in a neighborhood of xx is a stratified set. The purpose of this paper is to partially determine the structure of the stratified set near xx using only information from the representations VV and WW. We define an index s(Σ)s(\Sigma) for isotropy subgroups Σ\Sigma of GG which is the difference of the dimension of the fixed point subspace of Σ\Sigma in VV and WW. Our main result states that if VV contains a subspace GG-isomorphic to WW, then for every maximal isotropy subgroup Σ\Sigma satisfying s(Σ)>s(G)s(\Sigma)>s(G), the zero set of ff near xx contains a smooth manifold of zeros with isotropy subgroup Σ\Sigma of dimension s(Σ)s(\Sigma). We also present a systematic method to study the zero sets for group representations VV and WW which do not satisfy the conditions of our main theorem. The paper contains many examples and raises several questions concerning the computation of zero sets of equivariant maps. These results have application to the bifurcation theory of GG-reversible equivariant vector fields

    Dynamics of nearly spherical vesicles in an external flow

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    We analytically derive an equation describing vesicle evolution in a fluid where some stationary flow is excited regarding that the vesicle shape is close to a sphere. A character of the evolution is governed by two dimensionless parameters, SS and Λ\Lambda, depending on the vesicle excess area, viscosity contrast, membrane viscosity, strength of the flow, bending module, and ratio of the elongation and rotation components of the flow. We establish the ``phase diagram'' of the system on the S−ΛS-\Lambda plane: we find curves corresponding to the tank-treading to tumbling transition (described by the saddle-node bifurcation) and to the tank-treading to trembling transition (described by the Hopf bifurcation).Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    The role of inertia for the rotation of a nearly spherical particle in a general linear flow

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    We analyse the angular dynamics of a neutrally buoyant nearly spherical particle immersed in a steady general linear flow. The hydrodynamic torque acting on the particle is obtained by means of a reciprocal theorem, regular perturbation theory exploiting the small eccentricity of the nearly spherical particle, and assuming that inertial effects are small, but finite.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Cross-sections of Andreev scattering by quantized vortex rings in 3He-B

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    We studied numerically the Andreev scattering cross-sections of three-dimensional isolated quantized vortex rings in superfluid 3He-B at ultra-low temperatures. We calculated the dependence of the cross-section on the ring's size and on the angle between the beam of incident thermal quasiparticle excitations and the direction of the ring's motion. We also introduced, and investigated numerically, the cross-section averaged over all possible orientations of the vortex ring; such a cross-section may be particularly relevant for the analysis of experimental data. We also analyzed the role of screening effects for Andreev reflection of quasiparticles by systems of vortex rings. Using the results obtained for isolated rings we found that the screening factor for a system of unlinked rings depends strongly on the average radius of the vortex ring, and that the screening effects increase with decreasing the rings' size.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures ; submitted to Physical Review

    Laboratory and Field Studies of Resistance of Crab Apple Clones to Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    Oviposition and larval survival of Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) varied significantly among fruit from 25 crab apple speciesand clones evaluated in field and laboratory studies. In general, the relative oviposition preference and larval survival was similar in fruit infested naturally in the field and fruit tested in the laboratory. Flies oviposited more in clones with larger fruit, although this relationship was more pronounced in laboratory tests when fruit was infested by laboratory-reared flies than in fruit infested in the field by wild flies. ‘Aldenhamensis,' ‘Fuji,' ‘Vilmorin,' Malus zumi calocarpa Rehd., and M. hupehensis (Pamp) Rehd. fruit was not infested in the field, but flies oviposited in fruit of all 25 species and clones in choice tests in the laboratory. Eggs hatched but larvae did not survive in fruit of ‘Henry F. DuPont,' ‘Frettingham,' ‘Fuji,' ‘Sparkler,' M. hupehensis, and M. zumi calocarpa. Larval mortality was very high in fruit from ‘Vilmorin,' ‘Sparkler,' ‘NA 40298,' ‘Henrietta Crosby,' ‘Golden Gem,' ‘Almey,' M. baccata L. (Borkh.), and M. sikktmensis (Hook.) Koehn

    Confined Quantum Time of Arrival for Vanishing Potential

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    We give full account of our recent report in [E.A. Galapon, R. Caballar, R. Bahague {\it Phys. Rev. Let.} {\bf 93} 180406 (2004)] where it is shown that formulating the free quantum time of arrival problem in a segment of the real line suggests rephrasing the quantum time of arrival problem to finding a complete set of states that evolve to unitarily arrive at a given point at a definite time. For a spatially confined particle, here it is shown explicitly that the problem admits a solution in the form of an eigenvalue problem of a class of compact and self-adjoint time of arrival operators derived by a quantization of the classical time of arrival. The eigenfunctions of these operators are numerically demonstrated to unitarilly arrive at the origin at their respective eigenvalues.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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