1,159 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Students, Impartial Teaching and Optimal Allocation of Teaching Methods.

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    This paper addresses the issue of identifying optimal mix of teaching methods for an instructor when students are of heterogeneous types. The exact student type cannot be identified ex ante which forces the instructor to act impartially and allocate teaching methods according to some pre-designed plan. In a simple model of instructor-student interaction, we show that if the instructor acts benevolent and impartially towards preparing the initial teaching method plan, there exists a unique optimal mix of teaching methods. We calibrate the impartial teaching model with data on the teaching of Business and Economics related undergraduate and postgraduate units, and find that the characterized optimal teaching method mix differs significantly across different units.Active Teaching, Passive Teaching, Impartial Teaching

    Una etimologĂ­a en Gregorio de Nacianzo

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    Il bimillenario dell’acquedotto augusteo di Serino

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    Una galleria romana poco nota, posta in località Scalandrone (comune di Bacoli – NA), contiene un’iscrizione parietale che celebra l’apertura di un cunicolo di collegamento fra la galleria stessa ed un ramo dell’antico acquedotto augusteo di Serino. L’iscrizione riporta una data corrispondente al 30 dicembre 10 d.C. Si tratta del più antico riferimento ante quem relativo all’acquedotto augusteo. Grazie ad una collaborazione fra A.R.I.N. S.p.A (Azienda Risorse Idriche Napoli) e la Soprintendenza Speciale ai Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei, è stato ideato e realizzato un progetto comprendente l’esecuzione di un modello digitale della galleria e dell’iscrizione con tecnologie laser-scan ed a luce strutturata; dal modello sono state ricavate due copie su pietra dell’iscrizione, che sono state esposte nel Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei e nella sede di Napoli dell’A.R.I.N. Infine, il 30 dicembre 2010 è stato organizzato un evento-convegno di celebrazione del bimillenario, culminato nel taglio di una spettacolare torta-monumento. Gli autori hanno partecipato all’ideazione ed alla realizzazione del progetto in veste di consulenti operativi e scientifici.A little known roman tunnel is placed in the municipality of Bacoli (Naples, Italy), in an area historically called Scalandrone. Bacoli is part of the renowned Phlegraean Field, visited by thousands of foreigners as part of a Grand Tour in the XVI-XIX centuries. However, the Scalandrone tunnel was not mentioned in local guides and foreign reports. The tunnel contains an inscription which celebrates the opening of an Haustus (passage intended as a water catchment) connected to the Augustean aqueduct. The date of the event is reported as December 30th 10 A.D. So, on last December we celebrated the bimillennial birthday of the Haustus. Thanks to the cooperation between A.R.I.N. (Naples water resources company) and the Special Archaeological Superintendency of Naples and Pompei, an event was planned in order to celebrate the tunnel and the inscription at the same time. The on-field work was performed by the ASAstudio company, with laser-scan and structured light techniques. A digital model of the inscription was produced, together with a 3D model of the main tunnel. Finally, on December 30th 2010 the birthday celebration summed up with a monumental cake inspired to the renowned Piscina mirabilis. The authors acted as designers and promoters of the project; in the on-field work the authors acted as operative and scientific consultants

    Aquaporin 1 (Aqp1) expression in healthy dog tears

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    Aquaporins (AQPs) are a family of thirteen membrane proteins that play an essential role in the transport of fluids across the cell plasma membrane. Recently, the expression of AQPs in dierent ocular tissues and their involvement in the pathophysiology of eye diseases, have garnered attention. Considering that literature on AQP expression in the lacrimal glands and their secretion is scarce, we aimed to characterise AQP1 expression in the tears of healthy dogs using two tear collection methods (Schirmer tear strips (STS) and ophthalmic sponges (OS)). Fifteen healthy dogs, free of ophthalmic diseases, were included in the study. Tear collection was performed by using STS in one eye and OS in the other. After the extraction of proteins from the tears, the expression of AQP1 was analysed by Western blotting. AQP1 was expressed as a band of 28 kDa. In addition, dierences were observed in the expression of AQP1 and in the correlation between tear volume and protein concentration, in tears collected by the two dierent methods. Our results suggest that AQP1 has a specific role in tear secretion; further research is required to assess its particular role in the function of the ocular surface in eye physiology and pathology

    Atmospheric monitoring in the mm and sub-mm bands for cosmological observations: CASPER2

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    Cosmological observations from ground at millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelengths are affected by atmospheric absorption and consequent emission. The low and high frequency (sky noise) fluctuations of atmospheric performance imply careful observational strategies and/or instrument technical solutions. Measurements of atmospheric emission spectra are necessary for accurate calibration procedures as well as for site testing statistics. CASPER2, an instrument to explore the 90-450 GHz (3-15 1/cm) spectral region, was developed and verified its operation in the Alps. A Martin-Puplett Interferometer (MPI) operates comparing sky radiation, coming from a field of view (fov) of 28 arcminutes (FWHM) collected by a 62-cm in diameter Pressman-Camichel telescope, with a reference source. The two output ports of the interferometer are detected by two bolometers cooled down to 300 mK inside a wet cryostat. Three different and complementary interferometric techniques can be performed with CASPER2: Amplitude Modulation (AM), Fast-Scan (FS) and Phase Modulation (PM). An altazimuthal mount allows the sky pointing, possibly co-alligned to the optical axis of the 2.6-m in diameter telescope of MITO (Millimetre and Infrared Testagrigia Observatory, Italy). Optimal timescale to average acquired spectra is inferred by Allan variance analysis at 5 fiducial frequencies. We present the motivation for and design of the atmospheric spectrometer CASPER2. The adopted procedure to calibrate the instrument and preliminary performance of the instrument are described. Instrument capabilities were checked during the summer observational campaign at MITO in July 2010 by measuring atmospheric emission spectra with the three different procedures.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Removing beam asymmetry bias in precision CMB temperature and polarisation experiments

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    Asymmetric beams can create significant bias in estimates of the power spectra from CMB experiments. With the temperature power spectrum many orders of magnitude stronger than the B-mode power spectrum any systematic error that couples the two must be carefully controlled and/or removed. Here, we derive unbiased estimators for the CMB temperature and polarisation power spectra taking into account general beams and general scan strategies. A simple consequence of asymmetric beams is that, even with an ideal scan strategy where every sky pixel is seen at every orientation, there will be residual coupling from temperature power to B-mode power if the orientation of the beam asymmetry is not aligned with the orientation of the co-polarisation. We test our correction algorithm on simulations of two temperature-only experiments and demonstrate that it is unbiased. The simulated experiments use realistic scan strategies, noise levels and highly asymmetric beams. We also develop a map-making algorithm that is capable of removing beam asymmetry bias at the map level. We demonstrate its implementation using simulations and show that it is capable of accurately correcting both temperature and polarisation maps for all of the effects of beam asymmetry including the effects of temperature to polarisation leakage.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Removing beam asymmetry bias in precision CMB temperature and polarisation experiments

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    Asymmetric beams can create significant bias in estimates of the power spectra from CMB experiments. With the temperature power spectrum many orders of magnitude stronger than the B-mode power spectrum any systematic error that couples the two must be carefully controlled and/or removed. Here, we derive unbiased estimators for the CMB temperature and polarisation power spectra taking into account general beams and general scan strategies. A simple consequence of asymmetric beams is that, even with an ideal scan strategy where every sky pixel is seen at every orientation, there will be residual coupling from temperature power to B-mode power if the orientation of the beam asymmetry is not aligned with the orientation of the co-polarisation. We test our correction algorithm on simulations of two temperature-only experiments and demonstrate that it is unbiased. The simulated experiments use realistic scan strategies, noise levels and highly asymmetric beams. We also develop a map-making algorithm that is capable of removing beam asymmetry bias at the map level. We demonstrate its implementation using simulations and show that it is capable of accurately correcting both temperature and polarisation maps for all of the effects of beam asymmetry including the effects of temperature to polarisation leakage.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    The History of Children\u27s Hearsay: From Old Bailey to Post-Davis

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    The papers in this symposium were originally prepared for the Section on Evidence of the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Law Schools
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