456 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Nowadays people aware of the importance of health is growing, one of which is the increasing number of sports enthusiasts. Outdoor sports cycling is one of the activities which is in great demand by urbanites. In addition to health purposes, cycling is a mean to escape from the fatigue of daily routines. The emergence of cycling groups in urban communities is a reflection of the need for exercise while having recreation outdoors. To find out the type of motivation for cycling activities in urban communities, questionnaires were conducted on two cycling communities in Indonesia. They are TOC (Trifold Owner Community) and JGC–SCAM (Jaserco Gowes Club–Serang-Cilegon-Anyer-Merak). The results obtained urban cyclists’ characteristics and motivations. There are various kinds of motivations, ranging from exercise, traveling, reducing the effects of air pollution, saving fuel and avoiding congestion, seeking new experiences and challenges, friendships, to just look for self-actualization

    Recovery of fresh latent fingerprints on black clothing fabrics using Lumicyanoâ„¢

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    The importance of fingerprint evidence cannot be underestimated as it can provide valuable information pertaining to perpetrator of a crime. However, there is no recognised method for the enhancement of latent fingerprints on clothing fabrics. As a result, forensic laboratories rarely attempt to recover fingerprints from such substrates. Recently, new cyanoacrylate (CA) products such as Lumicyanoâ„¢ have been developed. This method incorporates a fluorescent staining dye powder 3-chloro-6-ethoxy-1,2,4,5-tetrazine (Câ‚„Hâ‚…ClNâ‚„O) and liquid ethyl CA into a solution. Therefore, Lumicyanoâ„¢ can develop fluorescent fingerprints in a one-stage fuming process without the need for an additional visualisation method apart from Forensic Light Source (FLS). The integration of fluorescent dye and CA into a mixture suggests that the fluorescent dye would selectively adhere to the polycyanoacrylate formed on the friction ridges of fingerprints. The readily visible fingerprints and the removal of the post-processing method indicate that Lumicyanoâ„¢ could potentially be used on fabrics. Thus, this preliminary study aimed at assessing the efficacy of Lumicyanoâ„¢ on recovering fresh latent fingerprints on black clothing fabrics. This was achieved by developing fresh latent fingerprints deposited on four different types of black clothing fabric materials; polyester, cotton, poly cotton, and nylon. The results showed that Lumicyanoâ„¢ is an effective method to develop fresh latent fingerprints on black clothing fabrics. Furthermore, an indirect comparison between Lumicyanoâ„¢ and silver VMD results obtained from another study was performed. The results suggest that Lumicyanoâ„¢ is a better enhancement method to enhance fingerprints on black polyester and poly cotton fabrics than silver VMD. The fibre material, thread count, weave pattern of the clothing fabrics, and the fingerprint donor were proven to be important in determining the quality of the developed prints. Keywords: Forensic science, Fingerprint evidence, Lumicyanoâ„¢, Fabric

    Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Emosi Dengan Penyesuaian Sosial Pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 20 Semarang

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    Siswa kelas VII merupakan siswa baru dalam Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Siswa mengalami transisi dari sekolah dasar menuju Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Siswa banyak dihadapkan pada tuntutan dari lingkungan barunya untuk bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan baik. Tuntutan-tuntutan tersebut tidak semua bisa dipenuhi karena adanya banyak hambatan dalam menghadapi berbagai Perubahan yang ditemui, yang bisa menjadi masalah dalam berinteraksi dan beraktivitas di lingkungan baru. Masalah ini bisa diselesaikan dan dihadapi dengan menggunakan kecerdasan emosi yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kecerdasan emosi dengan penyesuaian sosial pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 20 Semarang. Hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan yaitu ada hubungan positif antara kecerdasan emosi dengan penyesuaian sosial pada siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 20 Semarang. Semakin tinggi kecerdasan emosi siswa maka semakin baik penyesuaian sosialnya. Sebaliknya, semakin rendah kecerdasan emosi siswa maka semakin buruk penyesuaian sosialnya.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 20 Semarang sebanyak 256 siswa dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 64 siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan skala psikologi, yaitu Skala Penyesuaian Sosial dan Skala Kecerdasan Emosional. Skala Penyesuaian Sosial terdiri dari 31 aitem valid (=0,889) dan Skala Kecerdasan Emosional terdiri dari 30 aitem valid (=0,891) yang telah diujicobakan pada 64 siswa. Analisa data dilakukan dengan metode analisis regresi sederhana.Hasil analisis data menunjukkan koefisien korelasi rxy =0,660 dengan p = 0,000 (p<0,05). Artinya hipotesis penelitian ini diterima yaitu ada hubungan positif antara kecerdasan emosional dengan penyesuaian sosial. Sumbangan efektif kecerdasan emosional terhadap penyesuaian sosial yaitu sebesar 43,6%, sedangkan 56,4% berasal dari faktor lain yang tidak diungkap dalam penelitian ini


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    Susu Entrasol adalah suatu produk yang bermain di bisnis susu berkalsium tinggi. Entrasol memiliki 2 (dua) jenis produk untuk tingkatan usia yang berbeda, yang pertama Entrasol Activit untuk usia 19-50 tahun yang memiliki rasa mochacinno dan vanilla latte. Yang kedua Entrasol Gold untuk usia 50 tahun keatas yang memiliki rasa coklat, vanilla, dan plain. Entrasol adalah produk susu yang di produksi oleh PT. Kalbe Farma. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Swalayan Sarikat Jaya Gresik. Berdasarkan data TBI menunjukkan bahwa Susu Entrasol berada pada urutan paling akhir. Maka permasalahan dai fenomena tersebut adalah apa yang menyebabkan Susu Etrasol berjarak sangat jauh dengan kompetitornya.. Penelitian ini menggunakan Variabel threat emotion (X1), dengan 4 indikator, Perasaan takut (X1.1), Gelisah (X1.2), Apresiasi (X1.3) dan Amarah (X1.4), lalu menggunakan Variabel brand trust (X2), dengan 4 indikator, nilai yang di janjikan (X2.1), keyainan terhadap produk (X2.2), mengutamakan kepentingan bersama (X2.3) dan manfaat yang diberikan (X2.4). dan juga Variabel minat beli (Y), dengan 3 indikator, intensitas pencarin informasi (Y1), keinginan segera membeli (Y2), keinginan preferensial (Y3). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari menyebarkan kuesioner pada konsumen yang akan membeli dan mengkonsumsi produk Susu Entrasol di Swalayan Sarikat Jaya Gresik. Data skunder diperoleh dari data penjualan Susu Entrasol dari Swalayan Sarikat Jaya Gresik dan dri data TBI. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah PLS (Partial Least Square). Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian yang tlah dilakukan telah didapatkan bahwa: 1) Threat Emotion berpengaruh positif terhadap Minat Beli. 2) Brand Trust berpengaruh positif terhadap Minat Bel

    Imitation Game: Military Institutions and Westernization in Indonesia and Japan

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    This dissertation explains why and how some militaries are better than others at emulating the organization and doctrine of foreign armed forces. I define military emulation as the changes to a pre-existing military organization resulting from an imitation of another military\u27s structure or doctrine. The changes stem from the diffusion of military ideas from one polity to another. I call those ideas `theory of victory\u27 and `theory of corporatism\u27. The former explains the next mission a military needs to fight and how to win, while the latter details how intra-military institutions and their raison d\u27etres are designed, maintained, and defended in their relationship with the state and society. I am interested in explaining two ideal types of military emulation: maximalist and minimalist. In a maximalist emulation, we should see the transplantation of existing theories of victory and corporatism with foreign-based ones. The rapid, expansive, and thorough adoption of those theories is the hallmark of such an emulation. In a minimalist emulation, we should see a small number of changes to the military\u27s pre-existing theories of victory and corporatism. The diffusion process is likely to be slow, limited, and produce few similarities with the original model. This dissertation develops a new theory arguing the variation of military emulation depends on the interaction of: (1) the transmission pathway between the foreign model and the potential emulator supplying new theories of victory and corporatism, and (2) the quality of the emulator\u27s personnel infrastructure (career management and education systems) shaping the organizational capacity to interpret, adopt, and implement them. Some pathways have accelerative properties allowing emulators to obtain consistent and coherent theories of victory and corporatism while giving them agency to `localize\u27 those theories. The personnel infrastructure quality determines whether new career trajectories could emerge for officers trained in foreign theories of victory and corporatism, allowing them to become product champions, and ensure that the broader learning capacity is boosted. A higher learning capacity is necessary for senior officers to understand, adopt, and implement the new theories. A maximalist emulation is likely when there is: 1) an accelerated and coherent transmission of foreign theories of corporatism and victory, and 2) an organization capable of interpreting and adopting them. A minimalist emulation is likely when there is: 1) a decelerated and incoherent transmission of foreign theories of corporatism and victory, and 2) and an organization incapable of interpreting and adopting them. To assess the new theory\u27s analytical value, I present a systematic plausibility probe by comparing Cold War Indonesia (1950--1991) and Meiji Japan (1868--1912). For the former, I explain why and how the Indonesian military did not become ``Americanized\u27\u27 by the end of the Cold War, despite employing thousands of American-trained officers. For the latter, I explain why and how Meiji Japan managed to successfully emulate Western theories of victory and corporatism within a short period of time. I employ a comparative process tracing design integrating within-case analyses and cross-case comparisons. For each case, I examine archival materials, organizational documents, and historiographical sources. I also create two original officer-level datasets on the career patterns of the military elite in Cold War Indonesia and Meiji Japan. I use the qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate how well my theory could explain the empirical puzzles of the cases. I find that the diffusion of US theories of victory and corporatism to Indonesia was hindered by the fact that Washington viewed military education and training aid as a political tool to combat communism rather than a method to remodel the Indonesian military over its own image. Statistical analyses of the Indonesian Army\u27s career patterns show there was no significant correlation between `professional\u27 career markers, including US education and training, with successful retirements. Only around 16% of 677 Indonesian Army generals had some form of US education or training. The military\u27s educational institutions also focused on ideological coherence and non-military duties while officers valued higher-level education for its political and patronage effects. Consequently, we see a doctrinal stagnation in the 1960s and the limited and inconsistent application of US theories of victory in major operations. These findings suggest the Indonesian military achieved a minimalist emulation. For Meiji Japan, the diffusion of Western theories of victory and corporatism was facilitated by the commercial contracts the government signed with Western military trainers. They allowed the military to control and localize the diffusion process. The professional, merit-based career management created new career pathways for Western-trained officers. Statistical analyses of the career patterns show that, compared to other career markers, Western studies background was a significant predictor of whether officers retired as three or four-star generals and admirals. Roughly half of 684 Meiji generals and admirals had some form of Western studies background. The centrality of education as professional qualifications---the academies and war colleges emphasized military sciences, competitive examinations, and academic focus---helped senior officers understand, adopt, and implement Western theories of victory and corporatism. The organization-wide military Westernization by the Sino-Japanese War (1893-94) demonstrates Meiji Japan\u27s maximalist emulation. The arguments and findings have broader theoretical, empirical, and policy implications. They speak and contribute to the resurgence of diffusion studies across the social sciences. As military organizational change is rare, understanding when and how it occurs is important for a wide range of military and political outcomes. Military emulation speaks to the generation of military power and offers insights into how states respond to different challenges and opportunities within the international system. How Asian polities in particular engage in military Westernization speaks to a range of important political outcomes associated with various state building processes. Finally, understanding how emulation occurs illuminates a wide range of contemporary security policy challenges; from the changing nature of warfare to military education and training assistance programs


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    The development of the shoe industry in Indonesia today raises new problems where the similarity of shoe designs between several brands is a new problem that arises. The shoe industry design rights holders which should be highly protected have not fully received strong legal protection and there are no regulations that discuss in detail about design imitation. This writing uses a comparative method, namely the author compares with the United States that has protected industrial design rights holders since 1989 and has proven successful in protecting industrial design rights holders, therefore this comparison is important so that regulations on industrial design rights in Indonesia can benefit rights holders.

    The Sporadic Customary Land Registration Problems

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    This research is aimed at the majority of the population of the Gubug District community, which has not yet obtained a land certificate. Because they still don't understand the meaning and function as well as land certificates, so the proof of land ownership uses the Village C/D letter. Based on Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration, this Government Regulation is the basis for conducting land registration. However, in reality there are still many who have not carried out the certification process. The problems studied are: the problems of sporadic implementation of customary land registration, obstacles and efforts in the implementation of land registration. The approach method used in this study is an empirical or sociological juridical approach. While the data analysis method used in this study is a qualitative method. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the process of implementing customary land registration has not been carried out in part by a sporadic system at the Land Office and PPAT and in the implementation there are still obstacles that are still considered difficult and expensive, the cost of land registration certificates and ignorance in the community. Meanwhile, the solution sought is to provide information and socialization so that the community understands more about the importance of land certificates


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    Abstrak Mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam pada jenjang SD merupakan ilmu yang mencari tahu tentang alam yang dilakukan secara sistematik untuk menguasai pengetahuan, fakta-fakta, konsep-konsep, prinsip-prinsip, proses penemuan, dan memiliki sikap ilmiah.Pembelajaran. Pada pengembangan media komik ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelayakan media komik pembelajaran, dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media komik pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas 5 SD Negeri Simokerto V-138 Surabaya. Pada pengembangan media komik pembelajaran ini digunakan model pengembangan dari Borg & Gall yang dikenal dengan sebutan Research and Development atau yang biasa disebut R&D yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu tahap penelitian dan memperoleh informasi, perencanaan, mengembangkan bentuk awal produk, uji lapangan awal, perbaikan produk utama, uji coba lapangan utama, revisi operasional produk, uji coba operasional, revisi akhir produk, dan diseminasi implementasi produk. Hasil yang diperoleh dari uji T menunjukkan nilai 1,66 < 2,18 yang berarti menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari penggunaan media komik pembelajaran ini. Kata kunci: pengembangan, media komik pembelajaran, getaran dan gelombang, IPA, Borg and Gall. Abstract Natural science courses at elementary level is a science that finds out about nature that is done systematically to master knowledge, facts, concepts, principles, process of discovery, and have a scientific attitude. Learning. In the development of this comic media aims to determine the level of feasibility of learning comic media, and to determine the effect of learning comic media in improving the results of 5th grade students of SD Negeri Simokerto V-138 Surabaya. In the development of comic learning media is used development model of Borg & Gall known as Research and Development or commonly called R & D consisting of several stages of research and obtain information, planning, developing the initial product form, initial field testing, product improvement main, major field trials, product operational revisions, operational trials, final product revisions, and product implementation dissemination. The result from the t test is 1,66 < 2,18 its mean there is a significant different from using this physics educational comic. Keywords: development, learning comic media, water cycle and its impact on earth, IPA, Borg and Gal
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