439 research outputs found

    Predicting Poor Outcomes Among Individuals Seeking Care for Major Depressive Disorder

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate algorithms to identify individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) at elevated risk for suicidality or for an acute care event. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis among adults with MDD diagnosed between January 1, 2018 and February 28, 2019. Generalized estimating equation models were developed to predict emergency department (ED) visit, inpatient hospitalization, acute care visit (ED or inpatient), partial-day hospitalization, and suicidality in the year following diagnosis. Outcomes (per 1000 patients per month, PkPPM) were categorized as all-cause, psychiatric, or MDD-specific and combined into composite measures. Predictors included demographics, medical and pharmacy utilization, social determinants of health, and comorbid diagnoses as well as features indicative of clinically relevant changes in psychiatric health. Models were trained on data from 1.7M individuals, with sensitivity, positive predictive value, and area-under-the-curve (AUC) derived from a validation dataset of 0.7M. RESULTS: Event rates were 124.0 PkPPM (any outcome), 21.2 PkPPM (psychiatric utilization), and 7.6 PkPPM (suicidality). Among the composite models, the model predicting suicidality had the highest AUC (0.916) followed by any psychiatric acute care visit (0.891) and all-cause ED visit (0.790). Event-specific models all achieved an AUC \u3e0.87, with the highest AUC noted for partial-day hospitalization (AUC = 0.938). Select predictors of all three outcomes included younger age, Medicaid insurance, past psychiatric ED visits, past suicidal ideation, and alcohol use disorder diagnoses, among others. CONCLUSIONS: Analytical models derived from clinically-relevant features identify individuals with MDD at risk for poor outcomes and can be a practical tool for health care organizations to divert high-risk populations into comprehensive care models

    Maintenance of glucose-sensitive insulin secretion of cryopreserved human islets with University of Wisconsin solution and ascorbic acid-2 glucoside

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    Normal human islet cells are an ideal source for pancreas-targeted cell therapies, but the availability of human donor pancreata for islet isolation is severely limited. To effectively utilize such scarce donor organs for cell therapies, it is crucial to develop an excellent isolation, effective cryopreservation, and efficient gene transfer techniques for the transportation of isolated cells. In the present study, we investigate the effect of University of Wisconsin (UW) solution and ascorbic acid-2 glucoside (AA2G) on the cryopreservation of human islets. We also evaluate the gene transfer efficiency of a lentiviral vector expressing the E. coli LacZ gene, Lt-NLS/LacZ, in human islets. Human islets were isolated with a standard digestion method at the University of Alberta. Isolated islets were transported to Japan for 40 h and then subjected to cryopreservation experiments. The following preservation solutions were tested: UW solution with 100 mug/mL of AA2G, UW solution, 100% fetal bovine serum (FBS), and CMRL supplemented with 10% FBS. Following three months of cryopreservation, the islets were thawed and analyzed for viability, glucose-sensitive insulin secretion, proinsulin gene expression profile, and in vivo engraftment. The islets were also subjected to monolayer formation with 804G-cell-line-derived extracellular matrix (ECM), followed by Lt-NLS/LacZ transduction. The viability, morphology, glucose-sensitive insulin secretion, proinsulin gene expression, and monolayer formation efficiency of the thawed cryopreserved islets are significantly better maintained by the use of UW solution. When AA2G (100 mug/mL) is combined with UW, such parameters are further improved. The adequate engraftment of UW + AA2G-cryopreserved human islets is achieved in the liver of nude mice. Efficient Lt-NLS/LacZ transduction is identified in monolayered islets cryopreserved with UW solution with AA2G. The present work demonstrates that the combination of UW solution with AA2G (100 mug/mL) would be a useful cryopreservation means for human islets. Human islets monolayer-cultured with 804G-derived ECM are efficiently transduced with a lentiviral vector Lt-NLS/LacZ

    Comprehensive DNA methylation profiling in a human cancer genome identifies novel epigenetic targets

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    Using a unique microarray platform for cytosine methylation profiling, the DNA methylation landscape of the human genome was monitored at more than 21,000 sites, including 79% of the annotated transcriptional start sites (TSS). Analysis of an oligodendroglioma derived cell line LN-18 revealed more than 4000 methylated TSS. The gene-centric analysis indicated a complex pattern of DNA methylation exists along each autosome, with a trend of increasing density approaching the telomeres. Remarkably, 2% of CpG islands (CGI) were densely methylated, and 17% had significant levels of 5 mC, whether or not they corresponded to a TSS. Substantial independent verification, obtained from 95 loci, suggested that this approach is capable of large scale detection of cytosine methylation with an accuracy approaching 90%. In addition, we detected large genomic domains that are also susceptible to DNA methylation reinforced inactivation, such as the HOX cluster on chromosome 7 (CH7). Extrapolation from the data suggests that more than 2000 genomic loci may be susceptible to methylation and associated inactivation, and most have yet to be identified. Finally, we report six new targets of epigenetic inactivation (IRX3, WNT10A, WNT6, RARalpha, BMP7 and ZGPAT). These targets displayed cell line and tumor specific differential methylation when compared with normal brain samples, suggesting they may have utility as biomarkers. Uniquely, hypermethylation of the CGI within an IRX3 exon was correlated with over-expression of IRX3 in tumor tissues and cell lines relative to normal brain samples

    Sars-Cov-2 Serostatus and Covid-19 Illness Characteristics By Variant Time Period in Non-Hospitalized Children and adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: to describe COVID-19 illness characteristics, risk factors, and SARS-CoV-2 serostatus by variant time period in a large community-based pediatric sample. DESIGN: Data were collected prospectively over four timepoints between October 2020 and November 2022 from a population-based cohort ages 5 to 19 years old. SETTING: State of Texas, USA. PARTICIPANTS: Participants ages 5 to 19 years were recruited from large pediatric healthcare systems, Federally Qualified Healthcare Centers, urban and rural clinical practices, health insurance providers, and a social media campaign. EXPOSURE: SARS-CoV-2 infection. MAIN OUTCOME(S) AND MEASURE(S): SARS-CoV-2 antibody status was assessed by the Roche Elecsys RESULTS: Over half (57.2%) of the sample (N = 3911) was antibody positive. Symptomatic infection increased over time from 47.09% during the pre-Delta variant time period, to 76.95% during Delta, to 84.73% during Omicron, and to 94.79% during the Omicron BA.2. Those who were not vaccinated were more likely (OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.47, 2.00) to be infected versus those fully vaccinated. CONCLUSIONS: Results show an increase in symptomatic COVID-19 infection among non-hospitalized children with each progressive variant over the past two years. Findings here support the public health guidance that eligible children should remain up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations

    Third WHO Global Consultation on regulatory requirements for xenotransplantation clinical trials, Changsha, Hunan, China December 12-14, 2018: "The 2018 Changsha Communiqué" The 10-Year Anniversary of The International Consultation on Xenotransplantation

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    After feedback from the working parties, the final session focused on drafting proposed revisions of the WHO documents, and resulted in the formulation of the draft “Third WHO Global Consultation on Regulatory Requirements for Xenotransplantation Clinical Trials, The 2018 Changsha Communiqué.” This draft was submitted to WHO in February 2019 for WHO and World Health Assembly consideration. If approved, the 2018 Changsha Communiqué will then be posted on the websites of WHO, IXA, and TTS, and published in Xenotransplantation. This report includes summaries of the various sessions, followed by the abstracts of invited speakers from the update sessions

    How Does Perceived Support Lead to Better Performance? An Examination of Potential Mechanisms

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    This is a postprint of an article published in Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 2009, Vol. 21, pp. 421 – 429 © 2009 copyright Taylor & Francis. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology is available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uasp20/currentUsing a high-performance sample of 118 golfers, we examined the relationship between perceived support and performance. Observed variable path analysis revealed that the beneficial effects of perceived support were primarily attributable to esteem support. High levels of esteem support were associated with appraising a competition as less of a threat. Esteem support was also positively associated with situational control, which was positively associated with challenge appraisals and negatively associated with threat appraisals. Challenge appraisals were associated with better performance and threat appraisals with poorer performance. These results highlight possible mechanisms underlying the relationship between esteem support and performance

    Job searching with a history of drugs and crime

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    This article explores the experiences and aspirations of offenders with histories of substance misuse in job searching. The analysis is based upon qualitative data from a localised study of 27 men and two women who were undertaking community-based court orders in Scotland. Their perspectives on job searching, job-readiness and aspirations for sustained employment including the role of self-employment are presented. The article concludes that with adequate support, greater tolerance and flexibility by employers and job searchers could contribute to reducing the vicious cycle of suspicion and dishonesty. Policy action needs to be sustained and possibly augmented to include enterprise training