87 research outputs found

    Nuorisotoimen organisaatiomuutos: case Pieksämäki

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    Tämän kehittämistyön aiheena on nuorisotoimen organisaatiomuutos Pieksämäellä. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa konkreettinen organisaatiomalli miten nuorisotyö asemoituu sivistystoimeen. Kehittämisprosessin alkuvaiheessa nuorisotoimi kuului vapaa-aikatoimen organisaatioon ja oli vuoden 2013 alusta siirtymässä sivistystoimen organisaatioon tavoitteenaan tiivistää monialaista yhteistyötä koulutoimen kanssa merkittävästi. Tässä opinnäytetyössä kuvaamme muutosprosessia nuorisotoimen näkökulmasta Muutosjohtaminen oli tapa jolla muutosta Pieksämäellä käsiteltiin ja vietiin eteenpäin sekä organisaatio- että yksilötasolla. Muutosjohtaminen edellytti huolellista suunnittelua ja tilanneherkkää toteutusta sekä ennen kaikkea muutokseen vaikutuspiirissä olevien henkilöiden kuulemista ja osallistumista. Yksi muutoksen läpiviemisen keskeisiä menestystekijöitä organisaatiossa oli myös pedagoginen johtajuus. Muutoksen suunnittelussa käytimme apuna SWOT – analyysia ja kehittämiskeskustelujen kautta kartoitimme nuorisotyöntekijöiden pedagogista osaamista. Pieksämäen nuorisotoimen kehittämistyön teoreettinen tausta pohjaa vahvasti lapsi- ja nuorisopolitiikan kehittämisohjelman 2012 - 2015 strategisiin tavoitteisiin ja toimenpiteisiin. Kehittämistyön avain tavoitteet lähtevät lapsi - ja nuorisopoliittisen kehittämisohjelman strategioista kahdeksan ja yhdeksän. Strategiassa kahdeksan tuodaan esiin ennaltaehkäisyn tärkeys lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnin ylläpidossa ja strategia yhdeksän edellyttää yhteistyön voimistamista lasten, nuorten ja perheiden palveluiden koordinoinnissa ja toimijoiden osaamisen vahvistamista. Nämä tavoitteet sekä paikallinen lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointisuunnitelmatyö antoivat vahvan pohjan uuden organisaatiomallin luomiseen Pieksämäellä.The subject of this thesis is the organizational change of youth services in Pieksämäki. The objective of this development project is a specific model as to how youth work is positioned in the Education services. At the beginning of the development process youth services were moving from the leisure time board to the education board. The aim was to intensify the cross-sectional co-operation with the educational organization. In this thesis we describe the process of change from the perspective of youth services Management of change was the way the change in Pieksämäki was discussed and taken forward at the organizational as well as at the individual level. Change management careful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, the consultation and participation of the people who were affected by the change. One of the main success factors of change in the organization was the pedagogical leadership. A SWOT - analysis was used as an aid in the planning of the change and through development discussion the youth workers’ pedagogical competences were studied. The theoretical background of this development work is strongly based on the strategic objectives and measures of the child and youth development program 2012 - 2015. The key objective of the development work comes from a child - and youth policy development strategies, eight and nine. Strategy eight highlights the importance of preventive measures for children’s and young people's well-being, strategy nine requires closer cooperation, coordination and improvement of workers' skills in the services for the children, young people and families. These objectives provided a strong foundation for the creation of a new organizational model in Pieksämäki

    Radiographic and Ultrasonographic Findings in Three Surgically Confirmed Cases of Small Intestinal Ischemia Related to Mesenteric Volvulus or Intestinal Torsion in Dogs

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    This case report describes the radiographic and ultrasonographic findings of three surgically confirmed cases of mesenteric volvulus or intestinal torsion in dogs. In all three cases, ultrasonographic findings included segmental ileus and absent or markedly reduced peristalsis of the affected small intestine, and partial loss of wall layering with increased overall echogenicity of the intestinal wall, but with normal to mildly increased wall thickening. No blood flow was detected in the affected small intestinal wall when assessed with colour Doppler. A moderate amount of peritoneal effusion was also detected with hyperechoic omental and mesenteric fat tissue throughout the peritoneal cavity. Few reports describe ultrasonographic findings of small intestinal ischemia in small animals. In all three cases presented here, ultrasound was helpful in demonstrating typical intestinal wall changes and helped to obtain the correct diagnosis of ischemic disease of the small intestine.Peer reviewe

    Interpretative Repertoires of Roles of Family Social Workers’ in the Context of Lithuania

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    The aim of this study was to describe family social work through analyzing the roles of social workers. Qualitative research was carried out in three big cities of Lithuania: Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 family social workers. A discursive psychology approach was chosen. Family social workers’ interpretative roles repertoires appear among professional, public and organizational discourses. The results showed that family social workers categorise professional roles in relation to different everyday practices that depend on situated language use in the contexts in which they take place.KEY WORDS: roles, family social worker, social services, discourse psychological analysis.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/tbb.v78i1.175

    Erikoissairaanhoidon hoitoonpääsyn seuranta : Määrittelyt ja ohjeistus 2021

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    THL on kerännyt erikoissairaanhoidon hoitoonpääsyn seurannan tiedot vuoden 2007 joulukuusta lähtien. Vuonna 2013 tuli voimaan erikoissairaanhoidon hoitoonpääsyn systemaattisen tiedonkeruun ohjeistus, joka korvasi aiemmin kolme kertaa vuodessa lähetetyn erillisohjeen. Tämä päivitetty erikoissairaanhoidon hoitoonpääsyn tiedonkeruun ohjeistus on voimassa vuodesta 2021 alkaen ja korvaa vuoden 2013 ohjeistuksen. Ohjeistuksen tarkoituksena on erikoissairaanhoidon hoitoonpääsytietojen kirjaamisen ja poiminnan yhdenmukaistaminen ja se sisältää THL:een kerättävän tiedon tietosisällön, luokitukset, käsitemäärittelyt ja poiminnan ohjeistuksen

    Effects of thiol substitution in deep-eutectic solvents (DESs) as solvents for metal oxides

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    This study deals with an investigation of how substitution of an alcohol group by a thiol group in mixtures of choline chloride with a series of bio-sourceable molecules affects the physico-chemical properties of the mixtures and their ability to dissolve metal oxides. All of the thiol mixtures studied showed a higher affinity and selectivity for late transition metals and the physical properties of the mixtures were improved compared to their alcohol analogues (i.e. lower viscosity, wider liquid range). The metal solubility was assessed via determination of the final concentration of the metal oxides dissolved in thiol mixtures via inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The thiol function selectively improved the solubilities of the late transition metal oxides (i.e. copper and zinc), which are valuable metals often present as residue in industrial waste. The solubility of iron oxides was much lower than that of the valuable metals, which is a significant benefit in industrial applications. The different solubilization behaviour of metal oxides in the thiol and alcohol mixtures was further investigated via UV-vis absorption and infrared spectroscopy. This study allowed the potential of these deep-eutectic solvents for the selective recovery of metals to be assessed

    Lipid mediators in platelet concentrate and extracellular vesicles: Molecular mechanisms from membrane glycerophospholipids to bioactive molecules

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    Platelets are collected for transfusion to patients with different hematological disorders, and for logistical reasons, platelets are stored as concentrates. Despite the carefully controlled conditions, platelets become activated during storage, and platelet concentrates (PLCs) may cause adverse inflammatory reactions in the recipients. We studied by mass spectrometry the lipidomic changes during storage of the clinical PLCs, the platelets isolated from PLCs, and the extracellular vesicles (EVs) thereof. The release of EVs from platelets increased with the prolonged storage time. The molar percentages of arachidonic acid -containing species were increased during storage especially in the phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylserine classes of glycerophopholipids. The increase of these species in the membrane glycerophopholipid composition paralleled the production of both proinflammatory and proresolving lipid mediators (LMs) as the amount of the arachidonic acid-derived LMs such as thromboxane B2 and prostaglandin E2 also increased in time. Moreover, several monohydroxy pathway markers and functionally relevant proinflammatory and proresolving LMs were detected in the PLC and the EVs, and some of these clearly accumulated during storage. By Western blot, the key enzymes of these pathways were shown to be present in the platelets and in many cases also in the EVs. Since the EVs were enriched in the fatty acid precursors of LMs, harbored LM-producing enzymes, contained the related monohydroxy pathway markers, and also secreted the final LM products, the PLC-derived EVs appear to have the potential to regulate inflammation and healing, and may thereby aid the platelets in exerting their essential physiological functions.Peer reviewe

    Label-free characterization and real-time monitoring of cell uptake of extracellular vesicles

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have the ability to function as molecular vehicles and could therefore be harnessed to deliver drugs to target cells in diseases such as cancer. The composition of EVs determines their function as well as their interactions with cells, which consequently affects the cell uptake efficacy of EVs. In this study, we present two novel label-free approaches for studying EVs; characterization of EV composition by time-gated surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TG-SERS) and monitoring the kinetics and amount of cellular uptake of EVs by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) in real-time. Using these methods, we characterized the most abundant EVs of human blood, red blood cell (RBC)- and platelet (PLT)-derived EVs and studied their interactions with prostate cancer cells. Complementary studies were performed with nanoparticle tracking analysis for concentration and size determinations of EVs, zeta potential measurements for surface charge analysis, and fluorophore-based confocal imaging and flow cytometry to confirm EV uptake. Our results revealed distinct biochemical features between the studied EVs and demonstrated that PLT-derived EVs were more efficiently internalized by PC-3 cells than RBC-derived EVs. The two novel label-free techniques introduced in this study were found to efficiently complement conventional techniques and paves the way for further use of TG-SERS and SPR in EV studies.Peer reviewe