412 research outputs found

    Oulujoen-Iijoen vesienhoitoalueen toimenpideohjelma 2016-2021 : Osa 1. Taustatiedot

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    Oulujoen-Iijoen vesienhoitoalueen toimenpideohjelman 2016–2021 osassa 1 on esitetty toimenpiteiden suunnittelun taustatiedot. NĂ€itĂ€ ovat muun muassa vesienhoidon keskeisimmĂ€t kĂ€sitteet, vesien tilaan vaikuttavat toiminnot, jo kĂ€ynnissĂ€ olevat vesien tilan parantamista edistĂ€vĂ€t toimenpiteet ja niiden ohjaus sekĂ€ pintavesien tilan arvioinnin periaatteet ja tulokset. LisĂ€ksi esitellÀÀn suunnittelussa kĂ€ytetyt aineistot ja menetelmĂ€t

    Carbon stock increase during post-agricultural succession in central France: no change of the superficial soil stock and high variability within forest stages

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    Forest development following agricultural abandonment concerns extensive areas including the Massif Central region of France where this study was undertaken. This land-use and land-cover change is expected to have effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services, including an increase of carbon sequestration—a major concern in the face of climate change. Nevertheless, uncertainties about carbon stock changes during successions are remaining, especially as to the total stock and the contribution of the different carbon pools. Our work contributes to this field by studying carbon stocks in multiple plots of different successional stages. We measured and estimated carbon stocks in aboveground and belowground vegetation, deadwood, litter and superficial soil, and surveyed plant communities and plot conditions (slope, aspect, soil characteristics). The average total carbon stock increased along the succession from 70.60 at stage 0 to 314.19 tC ha−1 at stage 5. However, the total carbon stocks at the young forest stage (abandoned for 74 years maximum) and the older forest stage (forested for at least 74 years) were not significantly different, and probably reflected strong local heterogeneity in the older forest stage. An increase of the carbon stock was found in all pools, except the soil pool that did not vary significantly between the successional stages. The aboveground carbon stock was found strongly related to the woody species cover, especially the macrophanerophyte cover. This case study supports the view that the succession dynamics of former agricultural plots participates in carbon sequestration, sometimes with great local variations

    The Psocoptera of Norway spruce (Picea abies) branches in northern Finland

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    The psocid fauna living on spruce branches was studied in northern Finland, both in urban areas near the industrial city of Oulu and in rural surroundings, during the years 1986-88. Samples of about 6000 psocids of 19 species were taken from old and young spruces. The psocid assemblage of the rural area of Taivalkoski differed significantly from other areas according to the pooled data of old spruces. Mesopsocus unipunctatus (MĂŒller), Caecilius burmeisteri Brauer and Trichadenotecnum majus (Kolbe) were most numerous in the most urban areas, Reuterella helvimacula (Enderlein) in the areas characterized by the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes

    Work-Family Interference: Nurses in Norway and Finland

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    The aim of the study is to investigate the level of work–family inter-ference (WFI) for part-time nurses in Norway and Finland. Part-time work is usually cited as a desirable way in which to facilitate work and family harmony. However, the opportunity to work part-time in professions may be associated with greater difficulties and challenges than commonly presumed. Part-time professionals are often stigmatized as being less committed to work and report fewer job rewards than colleagues in full-time positions. This study challenges the notion of the desir-able consequences of work hour flexibility concerning the integration of work and family. Part-time nurses in Norway and Finland report an equal level or even higher levels of interference than nurses in full-time positions. A disproportional distri-bution of inconvenient work schedules appears to be a central explanation for the results reported by Norwegian nurses, but to a lesser degree by Finnish nurses

    Navajo-kansan kulttuuriperinnön tuotteistaminen Monument Valleyn turistikohteessa

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    Pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, miten Pohjois-Amerikan alkuperÀiskansoihin kuuluvan navajo-kansan kulttuuriperintöÀ tuotteistetaan Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park -nimisessÀ heimopuistossa Arizonan ja Utahin osavaltioiden rajalla. Kulttuuriperintö ja turismi ovat kietoutuneet vahvasti yhteen monissa turistikohteissa maailmanlaajuisesti. KÀsillÀ oleva tapaustutkimus sijoittuu kulttuuriperintöturismin tutkimuksen ja Pohjois-Amerikan alkuperÀiskansojen tutkimuksen kentÀlle. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu esitemateriaalista, jonka tutkielman tekijÀ on kerÀnnyt Yhdysvaltojen lounaisalueelta. Tutkielman aineistoon kuuluvat myös kenttÀmuistiinpanot, jotka ovat dokumentteja vuosina 2014, 2015 ja 2017 tehdystÀ etnografisesta kenttÀtyöstÀ Monument Valleyn heimopuistossa. Navajo-kansan kulttuuriperinnön tuotteistaminen ilmenee sekÀ aineellisella ettÀ aineettomalla tasolla. Aineellista tuotteistamista edustavat ravintolat ja matkamuistomyymÀlÀt, jotka tarjoavat mitÀ erilaisempia alkuperÀiskansoihin liittyviÀ tuotteita turisteille, sekÀ heimopuiston museot ja nÀyttelyt. Aineeton tuotteistaminen ilmenee aineellisen tason kautta. Opastetuilla laaksokierroksilla navajo-oppaat kertovat kulttuuristaan ja uskomuksistaan, ja turistit tulkitsevat nÀitÀ kertomuksia omien odotustensa kautta. Kulttuuriperinnön tuotteistaminen tapahtuu pitkÀlti maiseman kautta, ja maisema nÀyttÀÀkin olevan turistikohteen ensisijainen vetonaula. Autenttisuuden konstruoiminen on keskeinen vÀline, jolla kulttuuriperintöÀ markkinoidaan. Aineistosta nousee esille myös joitakin stereotyyppisiÀ piirteitÀ, kuten lÀnnen rajaseudun liittÀminen maisemaan ja navajojen kulttuuriperintöön. Rajaseutumielikuvat liittyvÀt paljolti elokuvateollisuuden vÀlittÀmiin representaatioihin VillistÀ LÀnnestÀ, ja Monument Valleyssa hyödynnetÀÀn nÀitÀkin teemoja. Heimopuiston voidaan nÀhdÀ tuotteistavan sekÀ navajojen ettÀ amerikkalaisten kulttuuriperintöÀ. Tuotteistaminen tarkoittaa navajo-kansalle tasapainottelua perinteisen maailmankatsomuksen ja modernin, amerikkalaisen elÀmÀntavan vÀlillÀ. AlkuperÀiskansojen kulttuuriperinnön tuotteistaminen on monimuotoinen ilmiö, jolla on yhtenevÀisiÀ piirteitÀ ympÀri Yhdysvaltoja ja myös maailmanlaajuisesti. Turismi on luonteeltaan hyvin materiakeskeistÀ ja visuaalista, mutta tÀnÀ pÀivÀnÀ turismissa on huomioitu myös kokemuksellisuus. Turistien odotukset vaikuttavat osaltaan siihen, miten kulttuuriperintöÀ tuotteistetaan

    Transfer pricing of intangible assets - Implications of Finnish intellectual property case law on valuation of intangible assets

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    Transfer pricing of intangible assets - Implications of Finnish intellectual property case law on valuation of intangible asset

    Invertebrate fauna of Norway spruce (Picea abies) saplings and its connection with the nitrogen, sulphur and phenolics concentration of the needles

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    The composition of the invertebrate fauna living on young Norway spruce (Picea abies) branches was studied in northern Finland both in urban and rural areas during the summer months of 1988. Attention was given to the total nitrogen, sulphur and phenolics concentration of the needles. The material consisted of 52627 invertebrates from 300 separate spruce saplings. Mites formed the majority of the invertebrates. Most numerous were Ameronothrus dubinini, Diapterobates humeralis and Ceratoppia bipilis. Springtails and spiders were also numerous. The invertebrate abundances were highest in the urban areas of Isko and Linnanmaa, where the sulphur and nitrogen concentration of the needles was high and the phenolics/nitrogen ratio low. The lowest invertebrate abundances were found in Rusko, the most urban area, and Taivalkoski, the most rural area. Nitrogen and sulphur concentrations were highest at Rusko and lowest at Taivalkoski. Possible reasons for the results are discussed

    PerÀmeren ympÀristötietokanta / Bothnian Bay Environmental Information Database

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    Alueelliset ympÀristöjulkaisut 368Kaksikielinen fi/en julkais

    Turvetuotannon kalastovaikutukset. Kirjallisuusselvitys

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