253 research outputs found

    Actividad y construcciones de Ignasi Mas i Morell, arquitecto (1881-1953)

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    lgnasi Mas i Morell (1881 -1953) is know as an architect mainly for a collection of small works from between 1906 and 191 0 in towns such as Sant Pol de Mar, Sitges and Sant Joan Despí, which have always been classified as rnodernist. Nonetheless, a close look at these works shows that the autochthonous modernist elements, coming from European sources, especially from Vienna, and the noucentista popularisms observable rnerely constitute a formal code of standardized solutions, far from the desire for novelty. Ignasi Mas later work is prolific and is characterized above al1 by a professional redefinition which leads hirn to try take charge of every mornent of the process of production, through the creation of a building company and a company for making cement and pre-fabricated materials. The mechanisation of style, which we see in his supposedly modernist works, is again evident in an attempt to optirnisme formal results, while the progressive stylistic sirnplification inherent in this strategy takes him far away frorn modernism to a conventional classicism and finally to a deco rationalisrn. This article, then, taking lgnasi Mas as a generic rnodel, looks at a little-studied aspect of the history of architecture: the formation of a professionalist mentality and the use of style as a strategic mechanicm in the origins of the mass construction of thecity.Ignasi Mas i Morell (1881 -1953) és un arquitecte conegut sobretot per un seguit de petites obres realitzades entre els anys 1906 i 1910 en poblacions corn Sant Pol de Mar, Sitges i Sant Joan Despí, que han merescut sempre la qualificació estilística de (rnodernistes). No obstant aixo, un repas acurat d'aquestes obres ens dernostra que els elements modernistes autoctons, els procedents dels corrents europeus, sobretot de Viena, i els popularismes janoucentistes que hi són presents, ben lluny del desig de novetat dels models, s'entenen simplement corn un codi formal de solucions estandariditzades. El treball posterior de n'lgnasi Mas es caracteritza per una gran quantitat d'encarrecs, i, sobretot, per una operació de redefinició professional que el portara a I'intent d'assurnir tots els rnoments del procés de producció de les obres mitjancant la creació d'una empresa constructora, d'una empresa defabricació de ciment i prefabricats, etc. La mecanització de I'estil que observavern en les seves obres suposadament modernistes, es repeteix ara corn una possibilitat d'optimització dels resultats formals, mentre que la progressiva sirnplificació de I'estil que forma part d'aquesta estrategia el conduira dels llunyans records modernistes a un convencional classicisrne i, finalment, a un racionalisme (déco). L'article, doncs, agafant a n'lgnasi Mas corna model generic, intenta incidir sobre un aspecte poc estudiat de la historia de I'arquitectura: la formació de la rnentalitat professionalista i la utilització de I'estil corn a rnecanisme estrategic en els orígens de la construcció massiva de la ciutat

    Nota sobre els aeroports de Barcelona i Sevilla

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    Nota sobre los aeropuertos de Barcelona y Sevilla

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    Rossi Furioso. Nota sobre la "Autobiografia Científica" d'Aldo Rossi

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    La reforma de la catedral de Palma i la restauració política de l'església a Catalunya i Mallorca

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    Nota previa

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    300 palabras

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    Age and organ damage correlate with poor survival in myeloma patients: meta-analysis of 1435 individual patient data from 4 randomized trials

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    This is an open-access paper.-- et al.Thalidomide and bortezomib are extensively used to treat elderly myeloma patients. In these patients, treatmentrelated side effects are frequent and full drug doses difficult to tolerate. We retrospectively analyzed data from 1435 elderly patients enrolled in 4 European phase III trials including thalidomide and/or bortezomib. After a median follow up of 33 months (95%CI: 10-56 months), 513 of 1435 patients (36%) died; median overall survival was 50 months (95%CI: 46-60 months). The risk of death was increased in patients aged 75 years or over (HR 1.44, 95%CI: 1.20-1.72; P<0.001), in patients with renal failure (HR 2.02, 95%CI: 1.51-2.70; P<0.001), in those who experienced grade 3-4 infections, cardiac or gastrointestinal adverse events during treatment (HR 2.53, 95%CI: 1.75-3.64; P<0.001) and in those who required drug discontinuation due to adverse events (HR 1.67, 95%CI; 1.12- 2.51; P=0.01). This increased risk was restricted to the first six months after occurrence of adverse events or drug discontinuation and declined over time. More intensive approaches, such as the combination of bortezomibthalidomide, negatively affected outcome. Bortezomib-based combinations may overcome the negative impact of renal failure. Age 75 years or over or renal failure at presentation, occurrence of infections, cardiac or gastrointestinal adverse events negatively affected survival. A detailed geriatric assessment, organ evaluation and less intense individualized approaches are suggested in elderly unfit subjects.Peer Reviewe