1,615 research outputs found

    Actividad y construcciones de Ignasi Mas i Morell, arquitecto (1881-1953)

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    lgnasi Mas i Morell (1881 -1953) is know as an architect mainly for a collection of small works from between 1906 and 191 0 in towns such as Sant Pol de Mar, Sitges and Sant Joan Despí, which have always been classified as rnodernist. Nonetheless, a close look at these works shows that the autochthonous modernist elements, coming from European sources, especially from Vienna, and the noucentista popularisms observable rnerely constitute a formal code of standardized solutions, far from the desire for novelty. Ignasi Mas later work is prolific and is characterized above al1 by a professional redefinition which leads hirn to try take charge of every mornent of the process of production, through the creation of a building company and a company for making cement and pre-fabricated materials. The mechanisation of style, which we see in his supposedly modernist works, is again evident in an attempt to optirnisme formal results, while the progressive stylistic sirnplification inherent in this strategy takes him far away frorn modernism to a conventional classicism and finally to a deco rationalisrn. This article, then, taking lgnasi Mas as a generic rnodel, looks at a little-studied aspect of the history of architecture: the formation of a professionalist mentality and the use of style as a strategic mechanicm in the origins of the mass construction of thecity.Ignasi Mas i Morell (1881 -1953) és un arquitecte conegut sobretot per un seguit de petites obres realitzades entre els anys 1906 i 1910 en poblacions corn Sant Pol de Mar, Sitges i Sant Joan Despí, que han merescut sempre la qualificació estilística de (rnodernistes). No obstant aixo, un repas acurat d'aquestes obres ens dernostra que els elements modernistes autoctons, els procedents dels corrents europeus, sobretot de Viena, i els popularismes janoucentistes que hi són presents, ben lluny del desig de novetat dels models, s'entenen simplement corn un codi formal de solucions estandariditzades. El treball posterior de n'lgnasi Mas es caracteritza per una gran quantitat d'encarrecs, i, sobretot, per una operació de redefinició professional que el portara a I'intent d'assurnir tots els rnoments del procés de producció de les obres mitjancant la creació d'una empresa constructora, d'una empresa defabricació de ciment i prefabricats, etc. La mecanització de I'estil que observavern en les seves obres suposadament modernistes, es repeteix ara corn una possibilitat d'optimització dels resultats formals, mentre que la progressiva sirnplificació de I'estil que forma part d'aquesta estrategia el conduira dels llunyans records modernistes a un convencional classicisrne i, finalment, a un racionalisme (déco). L'article, doncs, agafant a n'lgnasi Mas corna model generic, intenta incidir sobre un aspecte poc estudiat de la historia de I'arquitectura: la formació de la rnentalitat professionalista i la utilització de I'estil corn a rnecanisme estrategic en els orígens de la construcció massiva de la ciutat

    Nota sobre els aeroports de Barcelona i Sevilla

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    Nota sobre los aeropuertos de Barcelona y Sevilla

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    Rossi Furioso. Nota sobre la "Autobiografia Científica" d'Aldo Rossi

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    La reforma de la catedral de Palma i la restauració política de l'església a Catalunya i Mallorca

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    Structural analysis of adhesive performance in aircraft repair patches made with adhesive bonded joints

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    The components of an aircraft such as the frame, fuselage, wings, stabilizers, etc. are the so-called aircraft structures. They are usually made from a combination of materials including aluminum alloys, titanium, composites, and other advanced materials. The use of aluminum in aircraft allows for lighter, stronger structures that require less fuel to fly, resulting in improved performance and range and reduced operating costs. Aluminum alloys used in aircraft have high strength-to-weight ratios and good fatigue resistance, making them ideal for structures and fasteners. After construction, the structures undergo rigorous testing and inspection to verify their strength and durability, including static and fatigue tests that simulate the stress the structure will experience in flight. The focus of this thesis is on the static testing of a bonded joint used in aircraft construction. Bonded joints are a type of joining technique used in aircraft construction where two or more components are joined together by adhesive materials, often a type of epoxy resin. These joints help distribute stress evenly throughout the structure. However, in accordance with the results obtained in this project, the stress over a joint is not uniform. The static tests are performed using the software Abaqus CAE, which is based on Finite Element Analysis (FEA). In FEA, a digital model of the structure is created, and various loads are applied to see how it responds. In this research, the information from the static tests is used to evaluate the performance of the structure and identify potential areas of weakness or failure. As said, in this work, different simulations will be carried out for the single lap joint to find out how the adhesive responds when a tensile force is applied to the joined plates, as well as its homologue with rivets, as if it was tested in a universal testing machine, and how the adhesive acts in the case of peeling. In addition, a specimen that resembles a real patch, as it is made up of plates on plates, will also be subjected to these static tests. The results obtained indicate that the stress of the bond is not constant, neither along adhesive nor with rivets, and that the stacking of plates on plates helps to reduce the load in the area to be repaired

    El día a día del trabajo social en Salud: funciones y disfunciones

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    Este artículo aporta información sobre la Asociación Española de Trabajo Social y Salud, su Delegación en la Comunidad Valenciana y la jornada que celebró en noviembre 2009, cuyo lema era: 'El día a día del Trabajo Social en Salud: funciones y disfunciones' y su objetivo propiciar un espacio de intercambio, análisis, reflexión y proposición sobre la práctica diaria en el campo de la salud por parte de los trabajadores sociales, para una mejor praxis profesional, una mayor atención integral, una mayor eficiencia asistencial, una mayor satisfacción de los ciudadanos y una mayor rentabilidad social de la intervención social en el ámbito sanitario.This article describes the Spanish Association of Social Work and Health, the Valencian Community Delegation and the workshop that was held during November 2009. The meeting theme was: 'Everyday Social Worker's role within the Health System: Functions and Malfunctions', with the aim of creating a space of exchange, analysis, and ways of improving the Social Worker professional practice in terms of a much more comprehensive care, greater caring efficiency and, last but not least, raising citizen's satisfaction and achieving greater Social profitability of social intervention in the Health field

    Taking EU Equality Law to the next level: in search of coherence

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    EU employment equality law is the product of fifty years of law-making. This gradual evolution has led to fragmentation and differences in the protection afforded to protected grounds, often referred to as a ‘hierarchy of discrimination grounds’. This paper argues that human dignity is one of the underlying values of EU equality law, and therefore, the existence of a ‘hierarchy’ is not deliberate, but rather the accidental product of progressive waves of legislative evolution. It is thus submitted that EU equality law should keep evolving to achieve a coherent approach to address discrimination. This requires a legal framework that is logical, consistent and aligned with international human rights instruments. On this basis, the paper discusses two proposals to improve the coherence of EU employment equality law, namely, explicitly prohibiting gender identity discrimination and embracing reasonable accommodation for religious practices through a broad interpretation of the concept of indirect discrimination

    El trastorno del espectro autista en la etapa de Educación Infantil

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    Este trabajo se basa en el conocimiento, la evolución y las distintas características del Trastorno del Espectro Autista en diversos ámbitos, como son el educativo y el familiar. Por un lado se explica el concepto, la evolución, los síntomas y los distintos tipos de Trastorno del Espectro Autista para poder hablar también de ellos en el ámbito familiar y escolar. Por otro lado este trabajo, recoge los datos de un caso con posible trastorno del Espectro Autista, así como un cuestionario, realizado gracias a la colaboración de educadores de un centro público de educación infantil y primaria de Soria, donde se obtienen conclusiones acerca de los conocimientos de estos educadores sobre dicho trastorno.Grado en Educación Infanti