74 research outputs found


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    This paper analyses monetary policy in Brazil, investigating why interest rates were so high and volatile from 1995 to 1998. We identify in monetary policy an overreaction to external shocks, where exogenous changes in international liquidity triggered sharp movements on domestic interest rates. We also show that the Brazilian policy response to these shocks was far more intense than in Argentina and Mexico. We argue that Brazil was caught in a high interest rates trap, which culminated in a currency crisis in January 1999.

    A quantum-resistant advanced metering infrastructure

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    This dissertation focuses on discussing and implementing a Quantum-Resistant Advanced Metering Infrastructure (QR-AMI) that employs quantum-resistant asymmetric and symmetric cryptographic schemes to withstand attacks from both quantum and classical computers. The proposed solution involves the integration of Quantum-Resistant Dedicated Cryptographic Modules (QR-DCMs) within Smart Meters (SMs). These QR-DCMs are designed to embed quantum-resistant cryptographic schemes suitable for AMI applications. In this sense, it investigates quantum-resistant asymmetric cryptographic schemes based on strong cryptographic principles and a lightweight approach for AMIs. In addition, it examines the practical deployment of quantum-resistant schemes in QR-AMIs. Two candidates from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standardization process, FrodoKEM and CRYSTALS-Kyber, are assessed due to their adherence to strong cryptographic principles and lightweight approach. The feasibility of embedding these schemes within QRDCMs in an AMI context is evaluated through software implementations on low-cost hardware, such as microcontroller and processor, and hardware/software co-design implementations using System-on-a-Chip (SoC) devices with Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) components. Experimental results show that the execution time for FrodoKEM and CRYSTALS-Kyber schemes on SoC FPGA devices is at least one-third faster than software implementations. Furthermore, the achieved execution time and resource usage demonstrate the viability of these schemes for AMI applications. The CRYSTALS-Kyber scheme appears to be a superior choice in all scenarios, except when strong cryptographic primitives are necessitated, at least theoretically. Due to the lack of off-the-shelf SMs supporting quantum-resistant asymmetric cryptographic schemes, a QRDCM embedding quantum-resistant scheme is implemented and evaluated. Regarding hardware selection for QR-DCMs, microcontrollers are preferable in situations requiring reduced processing power, while SoC FPGA devices are better suited for those demanding high processing power. The resource usage and execution time outcomes demonstrate the feasibility of implementing AMI based on QR-DCMs (i.e., QR-AMI) using microcontrollers or SoC FPGA devices.Esta tese de doutorado foca na discussão e implementação de uma Infraestrutura de Medição Avançada com Resistência Quântica (do inglês, Quantum-Resistant Advanced Metering Infrastructure - QR-AMI), que emprega esquemas criptográficos assimétricos e simétricos com resistência quântica para suportar ataques proveniente tanto de computadores quânticos, como clássicos. A solução proposta envolve a integração de um Módulo Criptográfico Dedicado com Resistência Quântica (do inglês, Quantum-Resistant Dedicated Cryptographic Modules - QR-DCMs) com Medidores Inteligentes (do inglês, Smart Meter - SM). Os QR-DCMs são projetados para embarcar esquemas criptográficos com resistência quântica adequados para aplicação em AMI. Nesse sentido, é investigado esquemas criptográficos assimétricos com resistência quântica baseado em fortes princípios criptográficos e abordagem com baixo uso de recursos para AMIs. Além disso, é analisado a implantação prática de um esquema com resistência quântica em QR-AMIs. Dois candidatos do processo de padronização da criptografia pós-quântica (do inglês, post-quantum cryptography - PQC) do Instituto Nacional de Padrões e Tecnologia (do inglês, National Institute of Standards and Technology - NIST), FrodoKEM e CRYSTALS-Kyber, são avaliados devido à adesão a fortes princípios criptográficos e abordagem com baixo uso de recursos. A viabilidade de embarcar esses esquemas em QR-DCMs em um contexto de AMI é avaliado por meio de implementação em software em hardwares de baixo custo, como um microcontrolador e processador, e implementações conjunta hardware/software usando um sistema em um chip (do inglês, System-on-a-Chip - SoC) com Arranjo de Porta Programável em Campo (do inglês, Field-Programmable Gate Array - FPGA). Resultados experimentais mostram que o tempo de execução para os esquemas FrodoKEM e CRYSTALSKyber em dispositivos SoC FPGA é, ao menos, um terço mais rápido que implementações em software. Além disso, os tempos de execuções atingidos e o uso de recursos demonstram a viabilidade desses esquemas para aplicações em AMI. O esquema CRYSTALS-Kyber parece ser uma escolha superior em todos os cenários, exceto quando fortes primitivas criptográficas são necessárias, ao menos teoricamente. Devido à falta de SMs no mercado que suportem esquemas criptográficos assimétricos com resistência quântica, um QR-DCM embarcando esquemas com resistência quântica é implementado e avaliado. Quanto à escolha do hardware para os QR-DCMs, microcontroladores são preferíveis em situações que requerem poder de processamento reduzido, enquanto dispositivos SoC FPGA são mais adequados para quando é demandado maior poder de processamento. O uso de recurso e o resultado do tempo de execução demonstram a viabilidade da implementação de AMI baseada em QR-DCMs, ou seja, uma QR-AMI, usando microcontroladores e dispositivos SoC FPGA

    O atendimento especial do programa de ingresso seletivo misto (PISM) da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora: histórico, desafios e possibilidades

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    This dissertation was developed in the scope of Professional Master's degree in Management and Evaluation of Public Education (PPGP) of the Center for Public Policy and Evaluation of Education of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). The management case studied aimed to discuss which inclusive strategies the UFJF can adopt to improve the Special Service of the Mixed Selective Admission Program (Pism). The main objective defined for this study was to identify and analyze the inclusive strategies used by UFJF during the application of the Pism tests, aiming for contributing to the process of improvement and expansion of actions that goal to guarantee the entrance of students with disabilities in the institution. This objective was developed through the specific goals of describing the profile of candidates who request special assistance for the Pism tests; analyzing what needs to be improved during the application of the Special Service in Pism tests; and proposing actions to improve accessibility during the application of Pism tests at UFJF. It was assumed that the increase in the number of candidates who opted to the Special Service of Pism tests each year, coupled with the absence of studies in the area, reveals a growing need to improve its service in order to reduce "improvisations" that occur during the application of the tests. For that, the applied methodology was the exploratory research of qualitative nature of the case study type. From the data collected, it was possible to draw an Educational Action Plan (EAP) with nine proposals to improve accessibility during the application of the Pism tests at UFJF, based on problems identified. Thus, the present EAP was created based on the management tool 5W2H and is divided into five axes that need to be improved in Special Service of Pism, namely: special service management, training of specialized applicators, public notice, tests, and Declaration of Service Specialized. It is believed that the constitution of a commission to work with the Inclusion Support Nucleus (ISN) in Special Service of Pism is the first step to boost the development of the other proposals, since the great problem of managing Special Service of Pism occurs due to the lack of intersectoriality between the ISN and the other spheres of UFJF.A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação Pública (PPGP) do Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). O caso de gestão estudado buscou discutir quais as estratégias inclusivas que a UFJF pode adotar para aprimorar o Atendimento Especial do Programa de Ingresso Seletivo Misto (Pism). O principal objetivo definido para este estudo foi identificar e analisar as estratégias inclusivas utilizadas pela UFJF durante a aplicação das provas do Pism, buscando contribuir com o processo de melhoria e expansão das ações que visam a garantir o ingresso dos alunos com deficiência na instituição. Esse objetivo foi desdobrado nos objetivos específicos de descrever o perfil dos candidatos que solicitam atendimento especial para a realização das provas do Pism; analisar, a partir dos sujeitos educacionais, o que precisa ser aprimorado durante a aplicação das provas do Atendimento Especial do Pism; e propor ações para melhorar a acessibilidade durante a aplicação das provas do Pism na UFJF. Assumiu-se como hipóteses que o aumento do número de candidatos que buscam pelo Atendimento Especial do Pism a cada ano, aliado à ausência de estudos na área, revela uma necessidade crescente de aprimoramento do serviço por parte da instituição a fim de reduzir os “improvisos” que ocorrem durante a aplicação das provas. Para tanto, a metodologia aplicada foi a pesquisa exploratória de natureza qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso. A partir dos dados coletados, foi possível traçar um Plano de Ação Educacional (PAE) com nove propostas para melhorar a acessibilidade durante a aplicação das provas do Pism na UFJF, tomando por base os problemas identificados. Assim, o presente PAE foi criado com base na ferramenta de gestão 5W2H e está dividido em cinco eixos que precisam ser aprimorados no Atendimento Especial do Pism, sendo eles: gestão do atendimento especial, capacitação dos aplicadores especializados, edital, provas e Declaração de Atendimento Especializado. Acredita-se que a constituição de uma comissão para trabalhar junto ao Núcleo de Apoio à Inclusão (NAI) no Atendimento Especial do Pism seja o primeiro passo para impulsionar o desenvolvimento das demais propostas, uma vez que o grande problema de gestão do Atendimento Especial do Pism ocorre pela ausência de intersetorialidade entre o NAI e as demais esferas da UFJF.PROQUALI (UFJF

    Surto epidêmico de rubeola no Rio de Janeiro em 1974

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    The Thymus Is a Common Target Organ in Infectious Diseases

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    Infectious disease immunology has largely focused on the effector immune response, changes in the blood and peripheral lymphoid organs of infected individuals, and vaccine development. Studies of the thymus in infected individuals have been neglected, although this is progressively changing. The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ, able to generate mature T cells that eventually colonize secondary lymphoid organs, and is therefore essential for peripheral T cell renewal. Recent data show that normal thymocyte development and export can be altered as a result of an infectious disease. One common feature is the severe atrophy of the infected organ, mainly due to the apoptosis-related depletion of immature CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes. Additionally, thymocyte proliferation is frequently diminished. The microenvironmental compartment of the thymus is also affected, particularly in acute infectious diseases, with a densification of the epithelial network and an increase in the deposition of extracellular matrix. In the murine model of Chagas disease, intrathymic chemokine production is also enhanced, and thymocytes from Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mice exhibit greater numbers of cell migration-related receptors for chemokines and extracellular matrix, as well as increased migratory responses to the corresponding ligands. This profile is correlated with the appearance of potentially autoreactive thymus-derived immature CD4(+)CD8(+) T cells in peripheral organs of infected animals. A variety of infectious agents—including viruses, protozoa, and fungi—invade the thymus, raising the hypothesis of the generation of central immunological tolerance for at least some of the infectious agent-derived antigens. It seems clear that the thymus is targeted in a variety of infections, and that such targeting may have consequences on the behavior of peripheral T lymphocytes. In this context, thymus-centered immunotherapeutic approaches potentially represent a new tool for the treatment of severe infectious diseases

    Characterisation and expression analysis of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) cytokines: IL-1β, IL-6, IL-11, IL-12β and IFNγ

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    Genes encoding the five Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) cytokines; interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-11b, IL-12βc, and interferon (IFN) γ, were cloned and characterised at a molecular level. The genomic organisation of the halibut cytokine genes was similar to that seen in mammals and/or other fish species. Several mRNA instability motifs were found within the 3′-untranslated region (UTR) of all cytokine cDNA sequences. The putative cytokine protein sequences showed a low sequence identity with the corresponding homologues in mammals, avian and other fish species. Nevertheless, important structural features were presumably conserved such as the presence, or absence in the case of IL-1β, of a signal peptide, secondary structure and family signature motifs. The relative expression pattern of the cytokine genes was analyzed in several halibut organs, revealing a constitutive expression in both lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs. Interestingly, the gills showed a relatively high expression of IL-1β, IL-12βc and IFNγ. The real time RT-PCR data also showed that the mRNA level of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12βc and IFNγ was high in the thymus, while IL-11b was relatively highly expressed in the posterior kidney and posterior gut. Moreover, the halibut brain showed a relatively high level of IL-6 transcripts. Anterior kidney leucocytes in vitro stimulated with imiquimod showed a significant increase in mRNA level of the five halibut cytokine genes. The sequence and characterisation data presented here will be useful for further investigation of both innate and adaptive immune responses in halibut, and be helpful in the design of vaccines for the control of various infectious diseases