494 research outputs found

    Seismic vulnerability of churches in Faial and Pico islands, Azores

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    Earthquakes represent one of the main cause of serious damage and loss of historic and architectural heritage. Interventions to preserve these building should start with a careful knowledge and assessment of their seismic vulnerability, in order to support any needed retrofitting and strengthening measures. This paper proposes a procedure to register and diagnose of the level of damage on churches after the occurrence of an earthquake, and also to assess the seismic vulnerability of this type of construction. This procedure was applied to sixteen churches in the Azores islands which were hit by the July 9th 1998 earthquake. Belfries of church towers are elements with a particular seismic vulnerability. For this reason, and based on the Italian methodology proposed by the Linee Guida (2006), it is applied to belfries of two churches from Pico (Azores), a simplified mechanical model for assessment of seismic vulnerability of this type of structures

    Seismic vulnerability assessment, damage scenarios and loss estimation: case study of the old city centre of Coimbra, Portugal

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    The evaluation of the seismic risk of built-up areas is associated to the level of earthquake hazard, building vulnerability and level of exposure. Within this holistic approach that defines seismic risk, building vulnerability is from all three variables, the one that assumes great importance not only because of its obvious physical consequences in the occurrence of a seismic event, but because it is the potential aspect, for which the engineering research can intervene, improve and even control seismic behaviour of existing buildings, reducing the level of vulnerability and consequently the level of physical damage, life loss and economical loss. Development of vulnerability studies in urban centres can be conducted aiming to identify building fragilities and reduce the seismic risk, therefore in the scope of the rehabilitation process of the old city centre of Coimbra, a complete identification and inspection survey of the old masonry buildings has been carried out. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the vulnerability assessment methodologies, particularly the first level approaches, by presenting a proposed method which determines previously the level of vulnerability, only then assessing physical damage and its relationship to seismic intensity. It is presented and discussed the strategy and proposed methodology adopted for the vulnerability assessment, damage and loss scenarios for the city centre of Coimbra, in Portugal, through the GIS mapping of the building stock of the project perimeter

    Metodologia para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica do património religioso: caso de estudo - Faial e Pico, Açores

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    Os sismos representam uma das grandes causas de danos graves e perda do património histórico e arquitectónico. Qualquer intervenção de reabilitação destes edifícios deve partir de uma cuidada avaliação e análise da sua vulnerabilidade sísmica, de modo a desenvolver, se necessário, estratégias de reforço sísmico adequadas. O principal objectivo do presente artigo é estudar a vulnerabilidade sísmica do património religioso das ilhas do Faial e do Pico, nos Açores. Para tal, numa primeira parte deste trabalho, é proposta uma metodologia para o diagnóstico e registo do grau de dano em igrejas após a ocorrência de um sismo, assim como para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade associada a estas. A partir da análise dos danos observados em dezasseis igrejas afectadas pelo sismo de 9 de Julho de 1998 nos Açores, é elaborada uma base de dados que, para além de reunir as características de cada igreja estudada, apoia o cálculo simplificado do índice de dano, vulnerabilidade e coeficiente de segurança global. O campanário das torres sineiras é um elemento particularmente vulnerável aos sismos, devido à sua geometria típica. Por um lado, a existência de grandes aberturas a certos níveis produz tipicamente elementos verticais muito esbeltos. Por outro lado, a elevada concentração de massa no topo das torres também contribui para esta vulnerabilidade. Assim, na segunda parte deste trabalho, é aplicada a metodologia italiana, proposta na Linee Guida per la Valutazione e Reduzione del Rischio Sísmico del Patrimônio Culturale, aos campanários de duas igrejas localizadas na ilha do Pico, com base num modelo mecânico simplificado para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade deste tipo de estruturas. Com o trabalho desenvolvido, pretende-se contribuir para uma sistematização de processos de inspecção e registo de informação relativa a igrejas, com vista a apoiar estratégias de intervenção quer em situações de pós-sismo, quer na mitigação do risco sísmico destas estruturas

    Coherent Hydrodynamic Coupling for Stochastic Swimmers

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    A recently developed theory of stochastic swimming is used to study the notion of coherence in active systems that couple via hydrodynamic interactions. It is shown that correlations between various modes of deformation in stochastic systems play the same role as the relative internal phase in deterministic systems. An example is presented where a simple swimmer can use these correlations to hunt a non-swimmer by forming a hydrodynamic bound state of tunable velocity and equilibrium separation. These results highlight the significance of coherence in the collective behavior of nano-scale stochastic swimmers.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Hydrodynamic Synchronisation of Model Microswimmers

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    We define a model microswimmer with a variable cycle time, thus allowing the possibility of phase locking driven by hydrodynamic interactions between swimmers. We find that, for extensile or contractile swimmers, phase locking does occur, with the relative phase of the two swimmers being, in general, close to 0 or pi, depending on their relative position and orientation. We show that, as expected on grounds of symmetry, self T-dual swimmers, which are time-reversal covariant, do not phase-lock. We also discuss the phase behaviour of a line of tethered swimmers, or pumps. These show oscillations in their relative phases reminiscent of the metachronal waves of cilia.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Topological reversibility and causality in feed-forward networks

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    Systems whose organization displays causal asymmetry constraints, from evolutionary trees to river basins or transport networks, can be often described in terms of directed paths (causal flows) on a discrete state space. Such a set of paths defines a feed-forward, acyclic network. A key problem associated with these systems involves characterizing their intrinsic degree of path reversibility: given an end node in the graph, what is the uncertainty of recovering the process backwards until the origin? Here we propose a novel concept, \textit{topological reversibility}, which rigorously weigths such uncertainty in path dependency quantified as the minimum amount of information required to successfully revert a causal path. Within the proposed framework we also analytically characterize limit cases for both topologically reversible and maximally entropic structures. The relevance of these measures within the context of evolutionary dynamics is highlighted.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Computational core and fixed-point organisation in Boolean networks

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    In this paper, we analyse large random Boolean networks in terms of a constraint satisfaction problem. We first develop an algorithmic scheme which allows to prune simple logical cascades and under-determined variables, returning thereby the computational core of the network. Second we apply the cavity method to analyse number and organisation of fixed points. We find in particular a phase transition between an easy and a complex regulatory phase, the latter one being characterised by the existence of an exponential number of macroscopically separated fixed-point clusters. The different techniques developed are reinterpreted as algorithms for the analysis of single Boolean networks, and they are applied to analysis and in silico experiments on the gene-regulatory networks of baker's yeast (saccaromices cerevisiae) and the segment-polarity genes of the fruit-fly drosophila melanogaster.Comment: 29 pages, 18 figures, version accepted for publication in JSTA

    Fragility functions for tall URM buildings around early 20th century in Lisbon. Part 1: Methodology and application at building level

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    The article proposes a procedure for the derivation of fragility functions for unreinforced masonry buildings considering the in-plane and out-of-plane response. Different approaches are considered for the generation of the corresponding fragility functions and for the evaluation of the propagation of uncertainties. The contributions for the dispersion of the fragility functions account for the variability in the definition of the capacity, the aleatory uncertainty in the definition of the seismic demand and the aleatory uncertainty in the definition of the modified/floor response spectrum, when the local mechanisms are located in the upper level of the building. In the end, the individual fragility curves are properly combined in order to define a single fragility curve for the class of buildings. As a case study, the procedure is applied to the assessment of one of the most vulnerable unreinforced masonry buildings constructed in the early 20th century in Lisbon, considering a typical prototype building with five storeys high. Results for a seismic event, as defined in the earthquake-resistant code for Lisbon, indicate that the typical building has about 50% probability of having heavy damage and about 30% probability of collapse.The first author would like to acknowledge the financial support of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Ministério da Educação e Ciência, Portugal) through the scholarship PD/BD/106076/2015 through the FCT Doctoral Program: Analysis and Mitigation of Risks in Infrastructures, INFRARISK- (http://infrarisk.tecnico.ulisboa.pt)

    Fragility functions for tall URM buildings around early 20th century in Lisbon. Part 2: Application to different classes of buildings

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    This article describes the application of the procedure for the derivation of fragility functions presented in the companion article entitled Fragility functions for tall URM buildings around early 20th century in Lisbon. Part 1: methodology and application at building level. The procedure, based on the execution of non-linear analyses, was developed to be applied to unreinforced masonry buildings considering both the in-plane and out-of-plane response. Different sources of uncertainty, both epistemic and aleatory, affecting the behaviour of these unreinforced masonry buildings are discussed and treated with a probabilistic procedure. The fragility curves determined for the different classes of buildings are compared and then combined to define the final fragility curves for these unreinforced masonry buildings. The results put in evidence the high seismic vulnerability of these buildings and the urgent need for the structural intervention and for the design of retrofitting measures in order to reduce potential losses due to future earthquakes.The first author would like to acknowledge the financial support of Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia, Portugal) through the scholarship PD/BD/106076/2015 through the FCT Doctoral Program: Analysis and Mitigation of Risks in Infrastructures, INFRARISK (http://infrarisk.tecnico.ulisboa.pt)