25 research outputs found

    Assessment of the basic psychological needs in physical education according to age, gender and educational stage

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    The aim of this study was to determine what happens to the basic psychological needs during elementary school, analysing these according to age, gender and educational stage. A total of 743 students from Primary (n = 311) and Secondary (n = 432), 333 children and 410 girls participated; Mage = 12.99, SD = 2.07. Statistically significant differences were found in the age factor in autonomy (p = .043), perceived competence (p <.001) and relation with others (p <.001). Results show a decrease in the AUT COMP and the RELAT in the passage from primary to secondary, as these variables are higher in boys than in girls. Based on these results, a reflection on the teaching practice and methodology used in these stages of PE should be made, because children have different needs and perceptions of being competent, of being autonomous and of relating to the in PE classes. Therefore, we must consider the approach of activities that do not promote excess competition, providing activities with different difficulties and different opportunities to choose the activities to be carried out, aimed at the development of these three basic psychological needs of students so that the perception of autonomy, competence and relationship, are increasedS

    Parental assessment of physical education in the school curriculum: A brief report on the influence of past experiences as students

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between parents’ past experience as Physical Education (PE) students and the importance they give to PE within the school curriculum. Parents of 1834 teenagers from Spain and Portugal participated in the study (1834 fathers and 1834 mothers). An 11 item questionnaire was used for data collection. The measures studied were: socio-demographic characteristics, parent´s past experience as PE students, and importance that parents gave to PE in the school curriculum. The results suggest that parents’ past experiences as PE student condition their evaluation of the importance that PE should have in the school curriculum. As the past experience as PE student deteriorated and as age increased, there was an increase in the probability that parents evaluate PE as deserving a less important status in their children’s curriculum. These findings can contribute to understanding how the parents’ past experiences as PE students seem to partially model the value judgements that they make later in life regarding the importance of the subject. IntroductionThe present study was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain with the project: "Diseño y desarrollo de un software para el análisis del rendimiento en fútbol" (DEP2016-75785-R)S

    Gender Differences on Motor Competence in 5-Year-Old Preschool Children Regarding Relative Age

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences on motor competence between 5-year-old boys and girls and to investigate the existence of Relative Age Effect (RAE) on their motor competence. A total of 232 preschool children were evaluated of whom 134 (57.8%) were boys and 98 (42.2%) were girls. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2) was used to collect data. The data show a main effect on gender factor; there was a main effect in total score of manual dexterity (MD; p = 0.010), in total score of balance (Bal; p < 0.001), in total test score (TTS; p < 0.001), and in total percentile score (TPS, p < 0.001). In the semester of birth factor, there were differences in aiming and catching (A&C, p < 0.001), in Bal (p = 0.029) and in total percentile score (TPS, p = 0.010). Girls perform better in MD, Bal, TTS, and TPS than boys. Preschool children born in the first semester obtain, in general, a higher percentage and a higher percentile than their peers born in the second one. RAE is present in A&C, Bal, and TPS, with higher scores obtained by preschool children born in the first semester compared to those born in the second oneS

    Playful traditions in the central portuguese way of St. James: bowling at the end of the way

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    Este estudio buscó determinar la existencia del juego de bolos tradicional en la parte final del Camino Central Portugués de Santiago (Oporto-Valença do Minho), hecho que nos permitió continuar con el estudio realizado en Galicia en el Camino de Santiago y que nos permite comprender la génesis de este juego popular y tradicional. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo e interpretativo, utilizando la entrevista como herramienta para la obtención de datos. La muestra del estudio estuvo formada por 27 personas: nueve técnicos deportivos de Cámaras Municipales, nueve docentes especialistas en Educación Física (EB2) y nueve docentes no especialistas en Educación Física (EB1). Se registró una escasa práctica del juego de bolos tradicional en los municipios por donde pasa el Camino Central Portugués, a excepción del municipio de Paredes de Coura, donde el Jogo do Chavelho se muestra como una modalidad exclusiva de esta localidad portuguesa.Este estudo procurou determinar a existência da modalidade de bolos tradicional na parte final do Caminho Central Português de Santiago (Porto-Valença do Minho), fato que nos permitiu continuar com o estudo realizado na Galiza no Caminho de Santiago e que nos permite compreender a gênese deste jogo popular e tradicional. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo, descritivo e interpretativo, que usou a entrevista como uma ferramenta para obter dados. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 27 pessoas: nove técnicos do desporto das Câmaras Municipais, nove professores especialistas em Educação Física (EB2) e nove professores não-especialistas em Educação Física (EB1). Foi registrada uma reduzida prática do jogo de bolos tradicional nos municípios onde passa o Caminho Central Português, com exceção do município de Paredes de Coura, mostrando o Jogo do Chavelho como uma forma única de prática nesta cidade portuguesa.This study sought to determine the existence of traditional bowling (Juego de Bolos) in the final part of the Central Portuguese Way of St. James (Porto-Valença do Minho), which would allow us to continue the study conducted in Galicia’s Way of St. James to understand the genesis of that popular and traditional game. We conducted a qualitative, descriptive and interpretive study using interviews as a tool for data collection. The study’s sample included 27 people: nine Municipal sports coaches, nine teachers specialized in Physical Education (EB2), and nine non-specialist Physical Education (EB1) teachers. There was little practice of traditional bowling in the municipalities crossed by the Central Portuguese way, with the exception of Paredes de Coura, where the Chavelho’s game was unique to that Portuguese town.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), PortugalFundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) no âmbito do CIEC (Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança da Universidade do Minho) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    4th, 5th and 6th grade elementary education student thoughts and attitudes toward physical education subject and teacher

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación consistió en evaluar el pensamiento y actitudes hacia la educación física en escolares de 4º, 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria de centros escolares de Galicia. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo, analítico relacional comparativo, de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 375 niños y niñas de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia de entre 9 y 12 años (M = 10.92; DT = 0.792). Para recoger los datos se utilizó Cuestionario de Actitudes hacia la Educación Física (CAEF). El análisis estadístico muestra que existen diferencias significativas en función del factor género en dificultad de la educación física (p = 0.002) y en función del factor edad en las dimensiones: utilidad de la educación física (p = 0.036), empatía con el profesor y la asignatura (p < 0.001), preferencia por la educación física y el deporte (p < 0.001) y la educación física como deporte (p = 0.002). A la vista de los resultados, se observa una tendencia hacia actitudes menos positivas a medida que aumenta la edad. De forma específica se observa que tanto la percepción de utilidad de la materia como la empatía con el profesor disminuyen con la edad, mientras que la percepción de dificultad aumenta. Los resultados de esta investigación indican que independientemente de la edad o género, existe un pensamiento y una disposición favorable hacia la educación física, y que el profesorado debería aprovecharlos para la consecución de aprendizajes mucho más significativos y para fomentar estilos de vida activos generando una motivación hacia la participación en actividad física extraescolar.The present study was to assess the beliefs and attitudes toward physical education in Galician students from 4th, 5th and 6th grade of Elementary Education. A descriptive, comparative, comparative, cross-sectional analytical design was used. The sample was constituted by 375 children from Galicia aged between 9 and 12 years (M = 10.92; DT = .792). The Attitudes Toward Physical Education Questionnaire (CAEF) was used to data collect. The statistical analysis showed statistically significant differences in the difficulty of physical education as a function of gender (p = .002). Statistically significant differences were also located as a function of age in the following dimensions: physical education usefulness (p = .036), empathy with the teacher and the subject (p < .001), preference for physical education and sport (p < .001) and physical education as sport (p = .002). Furthermore, there was a trend towards less positive attitudes as age increases. Specifically, both the perceived usefulness of the subject and empathy with the teacher decreased with age while perceived difficulty increased. The results of this research indicated that, independently of age and gender, there was a favourable thought and disposition towards physical education and teachers should take advantage of it in order to achieve much more meaningful learning and to foster active lifestyles by generating a motivation towards the participation in out-of-school physical activity.S

    First aid teaching in physical education: a systematic review about the materials for its implementation

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    El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica centrándose en el análisis de los materiales utilizados en programas escolares para la formación en primeros auxilios. Se consideraron susceptibles de ser incluidos, aquellos artículos de investigación originales que contenían programas de enseñanza o intervenciones desarrolladas en el ámbito escolar, dirigidas a alumnos entre 6 y 18 años, en los que se trabajaba cualquier aspecto relacionado con los primeros auxilios. Fueron exploradas las principales bases de datos en inglés y español correspondientes a los ámbitos de la educación y la salud en sus versiones disponibles en línea en abril de 2018. Un total de 27 artículos fueron finalmente objeto de la revisión y se procedió a la síntesis de la información que contenían. Los materiales empleados en los diferentes programas formativos fueron muy variados. La mayoría de los programas optan por una combinación de materiales didácticos generales y específicos, siendo la opción más habitual la mezcla de material audiovisual con material no fungible, móvil, complementario y de medición. En conclusión, existe una enorme variedad de materiales a disposición de los maestros en educación física para llevar a cabo la enseñanza de los primeros auxilios, por lo que, a la hora de diseñar un programa formativo eficaz, deberían emplearse criterios didácticos para seleccionar y combinar los materiales a emplearThe aim of the present study was to undertake a systematic review with a special focus on the materials used in school-based first aid training programs. Eligible studies included school-based first aid interventions targeting students aged between 6 and 18 years. Major online databases in the areas of education and health were searched, for peer-reviewed publications available as at April 2018. A total of 27 journal articles were relevant to the review. The materials used in the different training programs showed a wide variety. Most programs combined general and specific teaching materials. The most common option was a mixture of audiovisual material with non-expendable, mobile, additional and measurement material. In conclusion, a wide variety of materials are available to physical education teachers to carry on first-aid training. Consequently, didactic criteria should be employed for material selection and combination when an effective training program is intendedS

    Perceptions of the body and body dissatisfaction in primary education children according to gender and age. A cross-sectional study

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    Body image (BI) is a trending topic of study since health problems derived from a negative perception of the body are increasing and affecting people of all ages, with an increasing incidence among children from the age of eight. The objective of this study was to evaluate the current perception of the body against the desired body and the degree of body satisfaction of Galician primary education students. A total of 355 students (167 boys (47%)) between 9 and 12 years old participated (mean = 10.53; SD = 0.84). Sociodemographic data (sex, age, height, and weight) were collected, and the Figure Rating Scale was used. There are statistically significant differences between boys and girls in the current perceived figure (p = 0.003) and in the desired figure (p < 0.001). Depending on age, the differences were in current (p = 0.010) and desired (p = 0.021) body perception. In conclusion, boys perceive themselves as having a larger figure than girls do, but this perception is far from reality according to the body mass index. For the desired figure, both boys and girls want to be slimmer, but girls want a slimmer figure. Regarding age, the current perceived figure size increases with age as it increases in those students dissatisfied with their bodyBody image (BI) is a trending topic of study since health problems derived from a negative perception of the body are increasing and affecting people of all ages, with an increasing incidence among children from the age of eight. The objective of this study was to evaluate the current perception of the body against the desired body and the degree of body satisfaction of Galician primary education students. A total of 355 students (167 boys (47%)) between 9 and 12 years old participated (mean = 10.53; SD = 0.84). Sociodemographic data (sex, age, height, and weight) were collected, and the Figure Rating Scale was used. There are statistically significant differences between boys and girls in the current perceived figure (p = 0.003) and in the desired figure (p < 0.001). Depending on age, the differences were in current (p = 0.010) and desired (p = 0.021) body perception. In conclusion, boys perceive themselves as having a larger figure than girls do, but this perception is far from reality according to the body mass index. For the desired figure, both boys and girls want to be slimmer, but girls want a slimmer figure. Regarding age, the current perceived figure size increases with age as it increases in those students dissatisfied with their bodyS

    Analysis of the methodological preferences of Galician Physical Education teachers in Preschool and Primary Education according to gender and years of teaching experience

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    La Educación Física presenta cierta diversidad de enfoques metodológicos por parte del profesorado que la imparte, dado su carácter eminentemente práctico. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la posible influencia del género y años de experiencia docente en las preferencias metodológicas del profesorado de Educación Infantil y Primaria que imparte la materia de Educación Física en centros educativos de Galicia. La muestra estuvo constituida por 205 docentes de los cuales 57 eran mujeres (27.8%). Se realizó una recogida de datos a través del cuestionario validado Estilos de Enseñanza en Educación Física (EEEF). Los resultados obtenidos mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el factor género en los estilos individualizadores (p < .001), cognitivos (p < .001) y creativos (p < .001). En cuanto a los años de experiencia docente, se han encontrado diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los estilos tradicionales (p < .001), en los individualizadores (p = .006), en los que fomentan la participación y socialización del alumnado (p < .001), en los cognitivos (p < .001) y en los creativos (p = .045). Se concluye que el profesorado con menos años de experiencia muestra una mayor preferencia por los métodos de individualización de la enseñanza, de socialización, participación del alumnado y enfoque metodológico que fomente la creatividad. Los métodos tradicionales son acogidos mayoritariamente en todas las etapas de experiencia profesional siendo más altos en la franja de profesorado con 6 a 11 años de experiencia. Por su parte, los profesores optan más por los estilos individualizadores, cognitivos y creativos que las profesoras, aunque en ambos casos emplean los estilos tradicionales. Estos resultados ayudan a mejorar los planes de formación de profesorado estableciendo estrategias que aborden diferentes perspectivas y enfoques metodológicos aprovechando así los beneficios de cada uno de ellos.Physical Education presents a certain diversity of methodological approaches on the part of the teachers who teach it, given its eminently practical nature. The aim of this study was to determine the possible influence of gender and years of teaching experience on the methodological preferences of Preschool and Primary Education teachers who teach the subject of Physical Education in Galician schools. The sample consisted of 205 schoolteachers, 57 of whom were women (27.8%). Data was collected through the validated questionnaire on teaching styles in Physical Education (EEEF). The results obtained showed statistically significant differences in the gender factor in the individualizing (p < .001), cognitive (p < .001) and creative (p < .001) styles. In terms of years of teaching experience, statistically significant differences were found in the traditional style (p < .001), in the individualizing style (p = .006), in the style that encourages student participation and socialization (p < .001), in the cognitive style (p < .001) and in the creative style (p = .045). It is concluded that teachers with fewer years of experience show a greater preference for methods of individualization of teaching, socialization, student participation and methodological approach that encourages creativity. The traditional methods are mostly accepted in all stages of professional experience, being higher when in the band of teachers with 6 to 11 years of experience. For their part, teachers opt more for individualising, cognitive and creative styles than female teachers, although in both cases they use traditional styles. These results help to improve teacher training plans by establishing strategies that address different perspectives and methodological approaches, thus taking advantage of the benefits of each

    Purposes of Physical Education in Secondary Education: A Bibliographic Review

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    [Resumen] El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue llevar a cabo una revisión de la literatura para conocer cuáles son los objetivos y finalidades de la asignatura de Educación Física (EF) en el currículo escolar de Educación Secundaria. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática a través del proceso PRISMA desde el año 2014 hasta mayo del 2020 (inclusive) en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus, ERIC y SPORTDiscus, empleando los términos «physical education», «purpose OR role» y «high school». Se seleccionaron un total de 38 artículos que cumplen todos los requisitos requeridos para su inclusión. Los artículos para la revisión fueron seleccionados bajo los criterios: (a) escritos en español, inglés o portugués; (b) publicados en una peer-reviewed journal; (c) que incluyesen como participantes a alumnado entre 12 y 16 años, profesorado o progenitores. Los resultados mostraron que en la mayoría de los estudios el principal objetivo de la EF era la categoría referida a la promoción de estilos de vida saludable (20); también se encontraron un buen número de estudios relacionados con la promoción del gusto por las actividades físicas (10) y del aprendizaje relacionado con la salud y el deporte (9). Las categorías con menos presencia fueron la promoción de la aptitud física (5), fines educativos generales (5) y promover la catarsis (3). La aplicación de los conocimientos actuales en la formación inicial y continua de los docentes, además de los currículos educativos, permitiría alinear la práctica con los modelos ecológicos que promueven estilos de vida saludables y activos.[Abstract] This paper aimed to carry out a literature review about the objectives and purposes of physical education (PE) in the school curricula of secondary education. It was conducted a systematic review process using the PRISMA protocol from 2014 to May 2020 (included) in the databases Web of Science, Scopus, ERIC and SPORTDiscus, using the terms «physical education», «purpose OR role» and «high school». As a result, a total of 38 items were selected that met all the requirements for inclusion. The articles for the review were selected under the criteria: (a) written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese; (b) published in a peer-reviewed journal; (c) to include students between 12 and 16 years old, teachers or parents as participants. The results showed how most of the studies propose the category referred to the promotion of healthy lifestyles as the main objective of PE (20); there were also several studies related to the promotion of the like for physical activities (10) and promotion of health and sport-related learning (9). as well as the integral formation of the individual through PE, inside the general education aims category. The categories with less presence were the promotion of physical fitness (5), the general education aims (5) and category of promoting catharsis (3). The application of current knowledge in the initial and in-service training of teachers, in addition to educational curricula, would make it possible to align practice with ecological models that promote healthy and active lifestyles

    Relation between motivation and enjoyment in physical education classes in children from 10 to 12 years old

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    There are serious warnings of sedentary lifestyles among children. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures from school, especially in Physical Education (PE) classes. One way to do this, it is paying attention to the motivational climate and enjoyment in PE classes because these two factors are related to the intention to be physically active by students. This research’s aim was to evaluate multidimensional motivation and enjoyment in PE classes and relations between these dimensions. The sample included 315 Primary Education Galician students (Spain), 145 boys (46%) and 170 girls (54%), with an age range between 10 and 12 years (M=10.92, SD=0.792). Data were collected by means of two questionnaires. One of them was the ‘Physical Education Questionnaire in Primary Education´ (CMEF-EP), and the other one was ‘Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale´ (PACES). The following results were obtained: Intrinsic Motivation (IM) (M=5.12; SD=1.14), External Regulation (ER) (M=3.61; SD=1.63), Amotivation (AM) (M=1.93; SD=1.46), Enjoyment (ENJ) (M=4.51; SD=0.55). Regression analysis shows that the IM can predict 42.1% of ENJ in PE classes. Therefore, students’ intrinsic motivation is a solid framework for enjoyment in PE lessons. Consequently, it should be taken into account by Primary Education teachers in their classrooms. They should take appropriate measures to encourage intrinsic motivation: methodologies of inquiry, positive feedback, variety of tasks and materials, flexible grouping and meaningful assessment