393 research outputs found


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    Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) is one of the most relevant Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives nowadays. Its most important characteristic is that corporate donation is conditioned by sales, that is, CRM ultimately depends on consumer behavior. In this paper, we focus on CRM programs and its application in a specific industry: distribution sector. Thus, our aim is to understand the fundamental features or the practice of these programs in the distribution sector in Spain, to study the role played by retailers and their possible influence on the consumer behavior, so that companies can better design these campaigns and achieve greater success. Hence, the paper is organized as follows. First, we review the CRM conceptual framework in which the theoretical development of this work is based. Secondly, and from a list of companies associated to the National Association of Large Distribution Companies (ANGED), the most representative retail association in Spain, we observe the Spanish situation and analyze the main campaigns carried out by these retailers during the last years. This information was completed consulting each retailer´s website, asking them for additional information by email, and with a general internet search. After that, we present and discuss the main results, and summarize the most relevant conclusions, as well as the theoretical contribution and managerial implications. One of the most important findings shows the retailer´s influence on consumer behavior and the key role of the retailers in the success of CRM programs. Finally, we also include possible limitations and further research.</p

    Floristic composition patterns of Mediterranean annual non-nitrophilous grasslands in Eastern Portugal

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    Helianthemetea guttati communities are pioneer spring and early summer ephemeral grasslands, dominated by nonnitrophilous therophytes. In Continental Portugal, these communities have not yet been fully investigated, and thus the objectives of the present study are: (1) to identify community types in therophytic grasslands; (2) to recognize those communities that configure the European priority habitat 6220* (pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals); (3) to establish environmental gradients underlying their spatial variation; (4) to assess how floristic composition is affected by land use factors. Vegetation sampling using phytosociological methodology was carried out on 80 grasslands. Modified Twinspan classification and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied for the classification and ordination of releve´s whereas partial CCA (pCCA) and variation partitioning were used to assess the relative influence of individual land use factors. Some 270 species were identified across 11 community types whose floristic patterns were mainly explained by environmental gradients related to altitude and soil type while land use variables could only explain a small part of the floristic variation. Based on biogeography and the determination of diagnostic species, four phytosociological new associations and a new subassociation are proposed: Holco-Brachypodietum distachyi, Holco-Micropyretum tenellae, Micropyro- Anthoxanthetum aristati and Leontodonto-Vulpietum bromoidis vulpietosum membranacea

    Data on recovery of 21 amino acids, 9 biogenic amines and ammonium ions after spiking four different beers with five concentrations of these analytes

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    A novel chromatographic method for the simultaneous analysis of nine biogenic amines, 21 amino acids and ammonium ions in beer has been recently described in “A UHPLC method for the simultaneous analysis of biogenic amines, amino acids and ammonium ions in beer” (Redruello et al., 2017) [1]. The present article provides recovery data of the 31 analytes after spiking four different beers with five concentrations of each analyte (15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 µM).This work was performed with the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R) and the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2013–2017 of the Principality of Asturias, which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (GRUPIN14-137).Peer reviewe

    The tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase like gene located in the tyramine biosynthesis cluster of Enterococcus durans is transcriptionally regulated by tyrosine concentration and extracellular pH

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The tyramine producer <it>Enterococcus durans </it>IPLA655 contains all the necessary genes for tyramine biosynthesis, grouped in the TDC cluster. This cluster includes <it>tyrS</it>, an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase like gene.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This work shows that <it>tyrS </it>was maximally transcribed in absence of tyrosine at acidic pH, showing a greater than 10-fold induction in mRNA levels over levels occurring in presence of tyrosine. Mapping of the <it>tyrS </it>transcriptional start site revealed an unusually long untranslated leader region of 322 bp, which displays the typical features of the T box transcriptional attenuation mechanism. The tyrosine concentration regulation of <it>tyrS </it>was found to be mediated by a transcription antitermination system, whereas the specific induction at acidic pH was regulated at transcription initiation level.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The expression of the <it>tyrS </it>gene present in the TDC cluster of <it>E. durans </it>is transcriptionally regulated by tyrosine concentration and extracelular pH. The regulation is mediated by both an antitermination system and the promoter itself.</p

    Lamium bifidum Cyr., subsp. Bifidum (Lamiaceae) en el occidente de España

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    En este artículo se estudia el comportamiento eológico, corológico y sintaxonómico de Lamium bifidum Cyr. subsp. bifidum en España. Se describe una nueva asociación y se adjunta un mapa de la distribución de este taxón en España.In this paper we have studied the e,cologic, chorologic and sintaxonomic behaviour of Lamium bifidum Cyr. subsp, bifidum in the Spain, A new association is described and also we enclose the distribution may of this taxon in the Spain

    A classe Cytisetea scopario-striati em Portugal continental

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    Giestais são a designação vulgar em português para as comunidades silicícolas que se inserem na classe Cytisetea scopario-striati e são dominadas por espécies de leguminosas dos géneros Cytisus, Genista, Adenocarpus e Retama. Esta classe tem o seu óptimo na Península Ibérica e representa normalmente as orlas ou etapas de regressão de bosques climácicos da Quercetalia roboris e da Quercion broteroi. No presente trabalho apresentam-se as diversas comunidades da classe Cytisetea scopario-striati que ocorrem em Portugal continental. Propõem-se os seguintes novos sintáxones: Ulici latebracteati-Cytisetum striati cytisetosum grandiflori, Cytiso multiflori-Retametum sphaerocarpae cytisetosum scoparii, Cytiso multiflori-Retametum sphaerocarpae cytisetosum eriocarpi, Cytisetum cabezudo

    Bacteriophages in Dairy Industry: PCR Methods as Valuable Tools

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    Under CC BY 3.0 license. © The Author(s).Microorganisms have been empirically used since ancestral times to produce fermented dairy products from milk. In the actual dair y industry, milk is subjected to large scale fermentation processes that involve microorgan isms mostly belonging to the Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) group. Bacteriophages that in fect LAB have been claimed as one of the principal sources of fermentation failure (spo ilage or delay) on the manufacture of many dairy products (Brüssow et al., 1998; Josephsen & Neve, 1998; Garneau & Moineau, 2011). Some estimates assume that virulent phages are the primary direct responsible of the largest-economic loss of dairy factories, since th ey affect negatively up to the 10% of all milk fermentations (Moineau & Levesque, 2005).This work was performed with financial support from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (AGL2010- 18430). B. del Río an d N. Martínez are beneficiary of a JAE DOC-CSIC contract (Spain). D. M. Linares is beneficiary of a FICYT contract (Asturias, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    Putrescine biosynthesis in Lactococcus lactis is transcriptionally activated at acidic pH and counteracts acidification of the cytosol

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    Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris CECT 8666 is a lactic acid bacterium that synthesizes the biogenic amine putrescine from agmatine via the agmatine deiminase (AGDI) pathway. The AGDI genes cluster includes aguR. This encodes a transmembrane protein that functions as a one-component signal transduction system, the job of which is to sense the agmatine concentration of the medium and accordingly regulate the transcription of the catabolic operon aguBDAC. The latter encodes the proteins necessary for agmatine uptake and its conversion into putrescine. This work reports the effect of extracellular pH on putrescine biosynthesis and on the genetic regulation of the AGDI pathway. Increased putrescine biosynthesis was detected at acidic pH (pH 5) compared to neutral pH. Acidic pH induced the transcription of the catabolic operon via the activation of the aguBDAC promoter P. However, the external pH had no significant effect on the activity of the aguR promoter P, or on the transcription of the aguR gene. The transcriptional activation of the AGDI pathway was also found to require a lower agmatine concentration at pH 5 than at neutral pH. Finally, the following of the AGDI pathway counteracted the acidification of the cytoplasm under acidic external conditions, suggesting it to provide protection against acid stress.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R) and by the GRUPIN14-137 Project, which is co-financed by the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias 2014–2017 and the European Regional Development Funds. The authors thank Adrian Burton for language and editing assistance.Peer Reviewe

    Notas briológicas de la provincia de Vizcaya. I. Estudio de las comunidades de esfagnos del Puerto de Urquiola

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    We have studied the sphagnum and the damp boggy comunities of the Puerto de Urquiola (Vizcaya). We have collected 10 species of Sphagnum,from these, 8 species are new records for Vizcaya. From the syntaxonomic study of the comunities, we describe for the first time Helodo-Sphagnetum Lemee 1937, Sphagnetosum crassicladisubas. nova.Hemos estudiado los esfagnos y las comunidades higro-turbosas del Puerto de Urquiola (Vizcaya). Se han recolectado 10 especies de Sphagnum, de ellas, 8 especies son nuevas citas para Vizcaya. Del estudio fitosociológico de las comunidades, se describe la subasociación Sphagnetosum crassicladi subas. nov

    Putrescine production by Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris CECT 8666 is reduced by NaCl via a decrease in bacterial growth and the repression of the genes involved in putrescine production

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    The reduction of NaCl in food is a public health priority; high NaCl intakes have been associated with serious health problems. However, it is reported that reducing the NaCl content of cheeses may lead to an increase in the content of biogenic amines (BAs). The present work examines the effect of NaCl on the accumulation of putrescine (one of the BAs often detected at high concentration in cheese) in experimental Cabrales-like cheeses containing Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris CECT 8666, a dairy strain that catabolises agmatine to putrescine via the agmatine deiminase (AGDI) pathway. The genes responsible for this pathway are grouped in the AGDI cluster. This comprises a regulatory gene (aguR) (transcribed independently), followed by the catabolic genes that together form an operon (aguBDAC). Reducing the NaCl concentration of the cheese led to increased putrescine accumulation. In contrast, increasing the NaCl concentration of both pH-uncontrolled and pH-controlled (pH 6) cultures of L. lactis subsp. cremoris CECT 8666 significantly inhibited its growth and the production of putrescine. Such production appeared to be inhibited via a reduction in the transcription of the aguBDAC operon; no effect on the transcription of aguR was recorded. The present results suggest that low-sodium cheeses are at risk of accumulating higher concentrations of putrescine.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-45431-R) and by the GRUPIN14-137 project, which is co-financed by the Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Principality of Asturias 2013–2017 and the European Regional Development Funds.Peer reviewe