186 research outputs found

    Selected correlates of successful performance in female track and field athletes

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of selected anthropometric and physiological variables to successful performance of female track and field athletes. These variables were also used to develop an equation to predict successful performance. [This is an excerpt from the abstract. For the complete abstract, please see the document.

    Motion stage for scalable imprinting of DNA nanowires

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 71).This thesis work examines the scalability of an imprinting stage utilizing parallel self-aligning mechanisms in a DNA combing and imprinting (DCl) process. Scalability is vital in developing efficient, low-cost and high-yield manufacturing processes, and improving the scalability of the DCI imprinting process will benefit biomedical research by enabling the affordable and scalable production of micro/nanoarrays for drug discovery, protein isolation, nanofluidics, and other applications. Previous work on the DCI process has primarily focused on the mechanics of the imprinting process rather than scale, and misalignments between the stamp and slide surfaces make it difficult to increase the scale without drastically increasing the complexity of the system, particularly when a 3 degree of freedom positioning device is used. Herein, a 1 degree of motion stage with 3 independent, passive self-aligning mechanisms is demonstrated to achieve high performance at 3 times the scale of previous devices. The influence of kinematic coupling repeatability, parallelism, and linear motion parasitics on the performance of the imprinting device was identified, and the device's performance was measured. The repeatability of the kinematic couplings and the magnitude of the parasitic motions were found to exceed the gage resolution of 12.7 [mu]m, and the initial parallelism variation of the stage is less than 140 [mu]m. A mathematical model to quantify the scalability of the device was also developed by examining its ability to handle misalignments in the stage, stamp, and slide alignment. Analysis with the model demonstrated the ability of the device to accommodate maximum misalignments ranging from 3.9° to 9.3°, confirming the minimal performance-scale tradeoff of a 1 degree of freedom motion stage. Through this analysis, this thesis demonstrates the effectiveness of parallel, self-aligning stamp mechanisms in a scalable DCI process, and provides a framework for future development of scalable imprinting stages.by John J. LaColla.S.B

    Yield response of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) to irrigation with saline water

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    Salinity causes yield reductions if threshold levels are exceeded, while it can cause the deterioration of some qualitative parameters and/or the improvement of others. Two years (2000-2001, 2006-2007) research was carried out to evaluate the effect of water quality on yield and quality of fennel, a vegetable very common in Apulia region. We compared two types of soil and two sodium absorption ratio of irrigation water obtained by dissolving in distilled water NaCl + CaCl2 (1:1) or only NaCl, and four electrical conductivity of water of 0.7 (control), 4, 8 and 12 dS m(-1). The soil type does not show any noticeable effect on the tested parameters. The salt type influenced the plant development and the total soluble solids contained in the bulbs. The plant height, the leaf and the bulb weight were, respectively, 6, 11 and 21% higher in NaCl + CaCl2 treatment as compared to NaCl one. The plant height, the leaf and the bulb weight dropped, respectively, by 33, 49 and 71%, shifting from 0.7 to 12 dS m(-1) salinity treatments. The dry matter content and total soluble solids increased with rising salinity. In fact, shifting from the control to the more saline treatment, the leaves and the bulbs dry matter increased, respectively, by 15 and 13%, and total soluble solids increased by 17%. Moreover, the increase in salinity favoured the production of flattened bulbs. The application of the Maas and Hoffman model to salinity response confirms the ranking of this species among moderately salt sensitive species, even though the critical threshold was the same for NaCl and NaCl + CaCl2 treatments (1.26 dS m(-1)), while the slope was higher in NaCl treatment (14.24% m dS(-1)) than NaCl + CaCl2 (10.39% m dS(-1))


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    En este número de Bold, entonces, lo social es fundamental, como lo demuestra el proyecto Agendas de la Identidad de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo; o las experiencias sobre las Capacitaciones a Cooperativas enmarcadas en el programa Argentina Trabaja del año 2015; o los trabajos de graduación con temáticas sobre la identidad y la memoria en relación con los derechos humanos. Es imprescindible formar a los graduados con una idea de desarrollo para una economía saludable, sostenible y que sea capaz de generar cada vez más empleo, productividad y cohesión social.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Tallin tarina- Kasarmista kampukseksi

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    Opinnäytetyömme aiheena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun opetusravintola Tallille markkinointihenkinen tarinamuotoon kirjoitettu julkaisu. Julkaisumme nimi on Tallin tarina – Kasarmista kampukseksi. Työn tilaajana toimi ravintola Talli. Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu ja Ravintola Talli sijaitsevat entisellä kasarmin alueella. Julkaisun sisällöstä oli tultava ilmi alueen historiaa, Ravintola Tallin nykytoimintaa sekä hahmottelua tulevaisuudesta. Työn tavoitteena oli saada julkaisusta helppolukuinen ja viihdyttävä, lähinnä asiakkaille suunnattu tiivis tietopaketti. Tavoitteena oli myös saada julkaisusta yksi markkinointiväline Ravintola Tallille. Sitä on tarkoitus jakaa Tallissa sekä erilaisissa tilaisuuksissa ja yritysvierailujen yhteydessä. Opinnäytetyömme raportissa perehdymme tarkemmin työmme taustaan ja tavoitteisiin sekä kasarmin alueeseen ja Ravintola Talliin. Teoriaosassa käsittelemme markkinointia ja sen eri muotoja. Lisäksi poh-dimme mainonnan ja julkaisun merkitystä markkinoinnissa sekä haastattelua yhtenä tutkimusmenetel-mänä. Lopussa käsittelemme julkaisumme työstämistä, jossa kerromme suunnittelusta ja aineiston ke-räämisestä. Kuvaamme julkaisun sisällön rakentamista sekä julkaisun ulkonäön tärkeyttä. Opinnäyte-työssämme on liitteenä valmis julkaisu. Opinnäytetyössämme oli mukana useita aiheeseen liittyviä henkilöitä, joilta saimme tietoa ja kokemuksia. Suunnittelimme itse julkaisumme sisällön sekä rakenteen. Ulkoasun sekä taiton suunnitteli ja toteutti Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulun markkinointisuunnittelija. Julkaisumme lopullinen versio ei ollut vielä tullut painosta opinnäytetyömme valmistumisen aikana, joten emme päässeet seuraamaan, miten paljon julkaisumme herätti mielenkiintoa.The goal of our thesis was to make a publication for Restaurant Talli. Our publication is supposed to market Talli and Talli´s services. The name of the publication is Tallin tarina – Kasarmista kampukseksi. The subscriber of the work was Restaurant Talli. The publication tells about the history of the area where the Restaurant is located. After that we tell about the Restaurant Talli´s history and its activities nowadays. In the end we tell about Restaurant Talli´s and the main campus future outlook. The goal of the publication was to make it simple and easy to read. It’s intended to be shared with Talli´s customers. The written document tells about the background and the goal of our job. The theory part handles the marketing and advertising. Then we take a look at how important publications are in marketing. After that we tell about our data collection and making of the publication. The final publication is an attachment at the end of thesis. We planned the content and the style of the publication. The visual outlook of the publication was made by the marketing designer from the Mikkeli university of Applied Sciences


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    Debo escribir con antelación el editorial de este número de Bold, debido a los tiempos editoriales y al desarrollo de la edición de la revista que estará lista para octubre. Es julio y se festeja el Bicentenario de la Declaración de la Independencia. Hoy más que nunca, cuando los poderes multinacionales dictan sus condiciones en todo el mundo, es cuando se necesita revalorizar la idea de independencia para no dejar que nuestra soberanía esté manejada por quienes no han sido elegidos para tal efecto.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    El documental de propaganda

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    EDITOR´S ABSTRACTIn this text, Enrique Lacolla, contrasts two forms of propaganda documentary focusing not only in its content but in the different uses of cinematographic language that each of them implies. The author proposes that, through analysis of this kind, it is possible to appreciate not only what images displayed but also the cultural and ideological guidelines that inform them and connect them with their time.We thank the author for his permission to publish this article.RESUMEN DE LOS EDITORESEn este texto, Enrique Lacolla, contrapone dos formas del documental de propaganda centrándose no sólo en su contenido sino en los distintos usos del lenguaje cinematográfico que cada una de ellas implica. El autor propone que, a través de análisis de este tipo, es posible apreciar no sólo lo que las imágenes exponen sino también los lineamientos culturales e ideológicos que las informan y las conectan con su época.Agradecemos al autor la autorización para publicar este artículo


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    Presentación del número actual.Facultad de Bellas Arte

    The effect of plant density with different row spacing on quality of the fatty acid composition and grain yield of sunflower

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    This research was aimed to assess the influence of density with different row spacing on sunflower crop in two different locations in southern Italy. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with four replicates. It involved the comparison of sunflower grown in the field on 25 m2-2), obtained by keeping a constant number of plants within the row (3 plants m-1) and varying the spacing between rows (0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 m). In the crops grown at the density of 7.5 plants m-2 (0.4 m row spacing) achene and oil yields were significantly lower as compared to the other treatments. Therefore, the mean values of the two trials did not show any statistical difference between the two densities of 3.75 and 5 plants m-2 (0.8 and 0.6 m row spacing, respectively). However, the superiority in the quality of the fatty acid composition was observed in the crops grown at lower density. Therefore, the row spacing of 0.8 m seems to be a good compromise between achene production and good acid composition of oil.Key words: Helianthus annuus L, plant distribution, plant density, achene yield, oil fatty acid composition


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    En este número de Bold, entonces, lo social es fundamental, como lo demuestra el proyecto Agendas de la Identidad de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo; o las experiencias sobre las Capacitaciones a Cooperativas enmarcadas en el programa Argentina Trabaja del año 2015; o los trabajos de graduación con temáticas sobre la identidad y la memoria en relación con los derechos humanos. Es imprescindible formar a los graduados con una idea de desarrollo para una economía saludable, sostenible y que sea capaz de generar cada vez más empleo, productividad y cohesión social.Facultad de Bellas Arte