11 research outputs found
[Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among teenage offenders].
BACKGROUND: There has been a significant number of adolescents admitted to National Youth Service of Chile (SENAME) detention centers in recent years, specifically since the promulgation of a law reform on juveniles' penal responsibility for people aged 14 to 18 years (2006). AIM: To determine the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in adolescent male offenders aged between 14 and 17 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Kids and Adolescents (MINI-KID) was applied to 489 adolescents admitted to detention centers, to determine the presence of psychiatric disorders. (Hypo) maniac episodes, eating disorders, pervasive developmental disorders, tic disorders, and psychotic disorders were excluded. Furthermore, for purposes of analysis, 23 cases that used a substance of abuse or had signs of consumption the day of the interview were excluded. RESULTS: Eighty six percent of respondents had at least one psychiatric disorder. The most common were substance use disorders (76%). Among these, marijuana dependence disorder had the higher frequency (51%). Disruptive behavior disorders had also a high prevalence (38%), followed by anxiety disorders (27%), attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (26%), and affective disorders (21%). CONCLUSIONS: There is a high prevalence of psychiatric morbidity among teenage offenders which could undermine rehabilitation
[Factors associated with health promoting behaviors among Chilean adolescents].
BACKGROUND: Health-promoting behaviors are important to prevent diseases and prolong life in the population. People develop these behaviors throughout life. However, better benefits for health are obtained with an early development. AIM: To determine the prevalence of health-promoting behaviors among early adolescents and its associated factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cross-sectional survey performed in 1,465 students of high, medium and low socio-economic status, attending fifth to eighth grades of schools located in a small Chilean city. Participants answered a questionnaire that gathered information about frequency of health-promoting behaviors such as health responsibility and nutrition, physical exercise and stress management, life appreciation, social support and different personal, school and familial factors. RESULTS: A higher frequency of health-promoting behaviors was associated with better academic achievement, better school commitment, and higher perception of school membership. It also was associated with a better perception of health status and a higher conformity with physical appearance. CONCLUSIONS: Health promoting behaviors in these children are related to a better academic achievement and a higher integration with school environment
[Smoking and alcohol use among Chilean teenagers aged 10 to 14 years].
BACKGROUND: Smoking and alcohol use are risky behaviors that can start early in life. AIM: To determine the lifetime prevalence of tobacco and alcohol use in adolescents aged 10 to 14 years and related factors. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A survey about smoking and alcohol use was answered by 1,392 teenagers aged 10 to 14 years (46% women) from seven schools in a small city near Santiago. Personal, family, and school factors were evaluated through self-report scales. Smoking and alcohol use, as dichotomous dependent variables, were defined as having consumed any of these substances throughout life. Prevalence was calculated as percentages with 95% confidence intervals. Association analyses were conducted using multivariable logistic regression models. RESULTS: Six and eleven percent of participants reported having smoked and used alcohol in their life, respectively. Smoking was associated with age, having behavioral problems, mothers� smoking, perceiving that parents had drug problems, and not living with both parents. Alcohol use was mainly associated with age, having behavioral problems, perceiving that other students consumed drugs, alcohol use by both parents, and perceiving a lack of family support. CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco and alcohol use is highly prevalent in adolescents aged 10-14 years. There were common risk factors for smoking and alcohol use such as age and having behavioral problems, while other factors were more specific such as mothers� smoking, or parental alcohol use
Efectos del entrenamiento funcional y/o concurrente en sujetos con sobrepeso u obesidad, diabetes Mellitus tipo II y/o hipertensión arterial sobre la composición corporal, consumo de oxígeno, sensibilidad a la insulina y presión arterial. Una revisión de la literatura
57 p.El objetivo de la presente revisión de la literatura fue revisar los efectos de un entrenamiento funcional y/o concurrente sobre los marcadores cardiometabólicos de composición corporal, consumo de oxígeno, sensibilidad a la insulina y presión arterial en sujetos con exceso de peso y diabetes mellitus tipo II o hipertensión arterial. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos de PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus y Scielo de los últimos 10 años en idioma inglés, español y portugués. La selección de los estudios incluyó participantes de ambos sexos entre 18-60 años, que hayan sido intervenidos con un programa de entrenamiento funcional y/o concurrente. De un total de 3048 resultados encontrados, se seleccionaron 127 artículos de acuerdo con los criterios de inclusión para una revisión completa, resultando 9 artículos finales. Se observaron cambios significativos en 5 de los 7 estudios que midieron composición corporal y en los 3 estudios que analizaron la sensibilidad a la insulina. En todos ellos se realizaron programas de ejercicio de tipo funcional y/o concurrente con un mínimo de cuatro semanas de duración. Por lo tanto, el entrenamiento funcional y/o concurrente podrían ser beneficiosos en sujetos con exceso de peso y diabetes mellitus tipo II o hipertensión arterial, donde se apreciaron cambios significativos en parámetros de composición corporal y aptitudes físicas. Sin embargo, aún se requieren más estudios para ampliar el conocimiento de los efectos de estos tipos de entrenamiento. // ABSTRACT: The objective of the present literature review was to review the effects of functional and/or concurrent training on cardiometabolic markers of body composition, oxygen consumption, insulin sensitivity and blood pressure in subjects with excess weight and type II diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension. We searched the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Scielo databases for the last 10 years using English, Spanish and Portuguese. The selection of studies included participants of both sexes between 18-60 years, who have been intervened with a functional and/or concurrent training program. From a total of 3048 results found, 127 articles were selected according to the inclusion criteria for a complete review, resulting in 9 final articles. Significant changes were observed in 5 of the 7 studies that measured body composition and in the 3 studies that looked at insulin sensitivity. In all of them, functional and/or concurrent exercise programs were carried out with a minimum of four weeks' duration. Therefore, functional and/or concurrent training could be beneficial in subjects with excess weight and type II diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension, where significant changes in body composition and physical aptitude parameters were appreciated. However, more studies are still required to expand the knowledge of the effects of these types of training
Mentalización y regulación emocional en adolescentes chilenos con personalidad límite. Un acercamiento al estudio de trastorno de personalidad límite en adolescentes
Magíster en Psicología, Mención Psicología Clínica Infanto JuvenilIntroducción: Se ha encontrado una fuerte asociación empírica entre el Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad (TLP), la desregulación emocional y dificultades en la mentalización. Sin embargo, existen pocas investigaciones empíricas, tanto en Chile como en el mundo, que asocien el TLP en adolescentes con estas variables.
Objetivos: Describir las características de la mentalización y la regulación emocional en adolescente chilenos entre 15 a 18 años con TLP, y compararlos con adolescentes sin ningún diagnóstico psiquiátrico.
Método: En un muestreo no-probabilístico intencionado, se entrevistó a 7 sujetos con TLP y 7 adolescentes sin TLP. Se les aplicó el Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview para Niños y Adolescentes (MINI-Kid), y el SCID-II para discriminar patología psiquiátrica y TLP. Además, se aplicó la versión española de la Película para Evaluar Cognición Social (MASC-SP) y la Escala de Dificultades en la Regulación Emocional (DERS-E) para medir mentalización y regulación emocional.
Resultados: Se observaron mayores dificultades en la mentalización y regulación emocional en el grupo con TLP en comparación al grupo sin TLP. Además, se observó que la hipermentalización es el error más frecuente en ambos grupo, con una mayor tendencia en el grupo con TLP.
Conclusiones: Los resultados, a pesar de las limitaciones, se condicen con otros estudios y marcan un positivo precedente para el estudio de los TLP en adolescentes en Chil
Psychoeducation Intervention in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Scoping Review
During the last decades, a great amount of research has been made on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Today we can say that exist more than one psychotherapeutic treatment with empirical evidence. Also, new findings support the efficacy of brief intervention for this condition. However, this kind of interventions require great amount of resources to be trained for clinicians, and also are time consuming for patgients. New findings suggest that psychoeducative interventions can make some improvements in BPD symptoms, and doesn't require exhaustive time for training. Although there have been several studies about Psychoeducation, it is not clear which is the state of the art of it. The aim of this study review is to synthetize the actual evidence of psychoeducational interventions about BPD within a systematic scoping revie
Mejora para el departamento de planificación de Metbus
Tesis (Ingeniero Civil Industrial)El Ausentismo laboral es un fenómeno de preocupación constante para las
organizaciones de hoy, tanto públicas como privadas y en los países
desarrollados y en vías de desarrollo. En este contexto, según el informe
“Human Resources Management Country Profiles”, que dio a conocer la
Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) en
diciembre del año 2012. Chile ocuparía el primer lugar con el mayor
ausentismo laboral por enfermedad en funcionarios públicos del país,
alcanzando un ausentismo promedio anual de 15,7 días por trabajador
durante el 2010, siendo el más alto para los estándares de la OCDE que
promedian 11 días por trabajador al año. Además, nuestro país posee la
semana laboral más larga de los países de la OCDE, con un promedio de 44
horas a la semana de trabajo y 2.048 horas de trabajo al año, muy por encima
del promedio de la OCDE de 1.745 horas.
Este ausentismo, genera fuertes costos económicos y organizacionales, pero
principalmente para METBUS. Para comprender el fenómeno del ausentismo
en los trabajadores de la empresa, el presente estudio descriptivo pretende
responder: ¿Cuáles son las características de tipo sociodemográficas, de
condiciones de empleo y calidad de la programación relacionadas al
ausentismo por licencias médicas, presentado por los trabajadores
pertenecientes a la empresa, durante el año 2016?
En el proceso de toma de decisiones, se utiliza la información como materia
prima, es por esto, que la información adquiere una gran relevancia y con ello
un gran valor.
Se necesita un gran esfuerzo y se destinan muchos recursos en la obtención de
datos, su manejo, análisis y visualización
Reponses to risk and climate change in informal settings in Latin America and the Caribbean : the importance of bottom-up initiatives and structured dialogue
Climate change action in Latin America and the Caribbean must be based on sustained dialogue and linked to a political agenda aimed at redressing social and environmental injustices. This report analyzes factors and conditions that support climate change initiatives from the bottom up, including women-led adaptation strategies. ADAPTO projects work in local/ neighborhood contexts engaging with local leaders and actors on the ground. Context and dialogue are key. Details of various projects are described as well as knowledge sharing workshops and feedback sessions. ADAPTO (2017-2021) initiatives work in the area of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate response in informal urban settings
Examining Crosstalk among Transforming Growth Factor β, Bone Morphogenetic Protein, and Wnt Pathways
Racismo en Chile: colonialismo, nacionalismo, capitalismo
Las migraciones no son un fenómeno reciente ni localizado. Hombres y mujeres abandonan sus países buscando trabajo y supervivencia empujados por la pobreza, las guerras, los conflictos civiles y las persecuciones que ponen en peligro sus vidas. Son personas expulsadas de sus países que provienen generalmente de poblaciones empobrecidas para devenir protagonistas de las migraciones, un fenómeno sin precedentes que actualmente se produce en un contexto de total explotación dada en un siglo de mundialización globalizada, que los somete a todo tipo de violencias. En este marco deshumanizador, miles de personas inmigrantes devienen cuerpos circulando en variados mercados que los buscan como mano de obra barata, disponible, traficable y presta a todo