56 research outputs found

    Endothenia oblongana and E. marginana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in Finland, with description of a new subspecies

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    The Finnish Endothenia sp. called E. gentianaeana (Hübner) for more than a hundred years is shown to be E. oblongana (Haworth), a species occurring also in the other Nordic countries. To our knowledge, E. marginana (Haworth) has a discontinuous distribution in Finland, Sweden, and East Karelia. On the basis of the distribution and differences in appearance a new subspecies Endothenia marginana tarandina ssp. n. is described, with data on its biology

    Habitual differences of Phyllonorycter salictella (Zeller, 1846 ) and P. heringiella ( Grönlien, 1932) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in two Finnish materials; a problem pair

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    From Phyllonorycter salictella (Zeller,1846) a sister species P. heringiella (Grönlien, 1932) is here extracted on the basis of the number and colour of costal strigulae at the tip of the wing and the brightness of the golden coloration of the forewing. P. salictella is reported from the Finnish biogeographical provinces AI, Ab, N, Ka, Ta, Kl, Oa, Tb, Om, Oba, and Obb and P. heringiella from Al, Ab, N, Ka, Ta, Sa, and Oba. It is assumed that the golden hue, which sometimes covers the normally white strigulae of the forewing, occurs in freshly emerged moths and disappears after first flying efforts

    Trichoptera in Finnish biogeographical provinces

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    The sum of Trichoptera found in Finland is 208 species, after we here report both Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) and Apatania stylata Navas, 1916 as new for the country. Out of the 21 biogeographical provinces there is now altogether 2520 finds, an increase of + 40.1% since the earlier paper dealing with the subject (Nybom 1960). Putting into a graph the latitude of the weighted geographical centre of a biogeographical province, and the sum of Trichopteran species found in it, and calculating a regression line, it comes up that in the north of Finland about 50 species less are found than in the south. In addition, when comparing the actual sums with this regression line, the three provinces with most incomplete investigation work are AI = Aland Islands, Oba = northern Ostrobothnia, southern part, and Ka = southern Karelia, in which the sum of finds are - 32%,- 21%, and - 19% below the regression line, respectively. Recently, the only determination key to Finnish caddisflies built up by the late J. Kyrki, Oulu University, was published in a book for fly fishers (Rinne et at. 1995)

    Radiographic scoring systems for psoriatic arthritis are insufficient for psoriatic arthritis mutilans : results from the Nordic PAM Study

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    Background Psoriatic arthritis mutilans (PAM) is the most severe phenotype of psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Purpose To describe the radiological features in PAM and explore whether existing scoring systems for radiological damage in psoriatic arthritis are applicable for PAM. Material and Methods Radiographs were scored according to the modified Sharp-van der Heijde (mSvdH) and the Psoriatic Arthritis Ratingen Score (PARS) systems for PsA. Results At inclusion, 55 PAM patients (49% women, mean age 58 +/- 12 years) had conventional radiographs of both hands and feet. A total of 869 PAM joints were detected and 193 joints with ankylosis. The mean total mSvdH score was 213.7 +/- 137.8 (41% of maximum) with a higher score for hands than for feet: 136.6 +/- 90.1 vs. 79.1 +/- 60.9. However, the total score was relatively higher in the feet than in the hands when compared to the highest possible scoring (47% vs. 38% of max). The mean total PARS score was 126.3 +/- 79.6 (35% of max). Scoring for joint destruction was higher than for proliferation (22% vs. 11% of max). Strong correlation was found between mSvdH and PARS (r(2) = 0.913). A significant correlation was found between scoring and duration of arthritis and the Health Assessment Questionnaire. History of smoking, BMI, and gender did not influence the scoring values. Conclusions The two scoring systems studied may not be ideal to indicate progression of PAM in advanced disease since they reach ceiling effects rather early. Therefore, reporting early signs suggestive of PAM, e.g. signs of pencil-in-cup deformities or osteolysis, is crucial. This would reveal the presence of PAM and might lead to improved treatment in order to minimize joint damage.Peer reviewe

    Comorbidities in a Cohort of 66 Patients With Psoriatic Arthritis Mutilans-Results From the Nordic PAM Study

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    Objective: Psoriatic arthritis mutilans (PAM) is the most severe phenotype of psoriatic arthritis due to excessive bone erosion causing joint destruction and decreased functional capacity. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of comorbidities among patients with PAM and the association between comorbidities and joint involvement. Methods: A total of 66 patients aged >= 18 years from the Nordic countries with past or present psoriasis along with at least one mutilated joint were included in the present study. Results: The median number of comorbid conditions per patient was 1 [interquartile range (IQR) 0-2] and 16.7% reported three or more comorbidities. The most frequent comorbidity was hypertension (36.4%). The median number of mutilated joints per patient was 3 (IQR 1-8.3; range 1-38). Conclusion: Two thirds of the patients with PAM reported comorbid conditions and the most frequent was hypertension which affected more than a third of the patients. However, this study was unable to detect any association between comorbidities and the severity of PAM.Peer reviewe

    Kohti uusia maakuntia. Sote- ja maakuntauudistuksen toimeenpanon esivalmisteluvaiheen yhteenveto

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    Pääministeri Juha Sipilän hallitus on uudistamassa suomalaista sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestel-mää sekä aluehallintoa. Uudistuksessa kootaan noin 425 olemassa olevaa paikallis- ja aluehallinnon organisaatiota 18 maakunnalliseksi organisaatioksi. Samalla noin 215 000 henkilötyövuotta siirtyy uu-siin, perustettaviin maakuntiin. Uudistuksella on vaikutuksia kaikkiin hallinnon tasoihin sekä alueilla että valtakunnallisesti. Tämä raportti käsittelee sote- ja maakuntauudistuksen valmistelua ja toimeenpanoa. Raportin sisältö painottuu uudistuksen esivalmistelun ensimmäiseen vaiheeseen, joka päättyi 30.6.2017. Hallituksen heinäkuun alussa tekemän uuden linjauksen mukaan uudistuksen valmistelua jatketaan siten, että siirtyvien tehtävien järjestämisvastuu siirtyy maakunnille 1.1.2020. Maakuntien väliaikaishallinto aloittaa 1.6.2018. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kehittävää tutkimusta, jossa on pyritty tukemaan uudistuksen suunnittelua ja toimeenpanoa. Samalla on pyritty tuottamaan käytännönläheistä ja välittömästi hyödynnettävissä ole-vaa aineistoa uudistuksen kansalliseen ja alueelliseen valmisteluun. Raportin lopussa esitetään tutki-muskonsortion päätelmiä ja kehittämisehdotuksia uudistuksen toimeenpanon ja jatkovalmistelun terä-vöittämiseks

    Neuropsychological intervention of dyslexia has a positive effect on aspects of psychological well-being in young adults - a randomized controlled study

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    Effectiveness of individual- and group-based neuropsychological intervention on aspects of psychological well-being of dyslexic adults was evaluated. Dyslexic young adults (n = 120) were randomly assigned into individual intervention, group intervention or wait-list control group. Both interventions focussed on cognitive strategy learning, supporting self-esteem, and using psychoeducation. In group format peer support was also utilized. Cognitive and behavioural strategies, mood states, quality of life and self-esteem were assessed via self-report questionnaires at baseline, after the intervention/wait-list control time at 5 months and 10 months. Results indicated that the neuropsychological interventions had a positive effect on self-evaluated cognitive and behavioural strategies, especially in increasing success expectations and to a lesser degree in diminishing task-avoidance and in group intervention in diminishing social pessimism. The interventions also improved cognition-related quality of life and, to a lesser degree, self-esteem. These results indicate that structured neuropsychological interventions can positively affect self-evaluated psychological well-being, especially on cognitive and behavioural strategies. Considering the secondary consequences of dyslexia, support among young adults is often needed beyond the cognitive and reading-based challenges dyslexia poses.Peer reviewe

    Inflammatory biomarkers in saliva and serum of patients with rheumatoid arthritis with respect to periodontal status

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    Objective: To study prospectively the association of salivary and serum matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8, tissue inhibitor of MMPs (TIMP)-1 and interleukin (IL)-6 with periodontal and systemic inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We hypothesized that biomarker concentrations reflect inflammation. Methods: Fifty three early untreated RA (ERA) and 28 chronic RA (CRA) patients, underwent rheumatological and dental examinations at baseline and one year later after starting first conventional or biological disease modifying antirheumatic drug. We included 43 control subjects. Saliva and serum samples were analyzed for MMP-8, TIMP-1 and IL-6. Periodontal health was assessed by bleeding on probing (BOP), pocket depth (PD) and periodontal inflammatory burden index (PIBI); RA disease activity was assessed by disease activity score DAS28. Joint destruction was analyzed by the modified Sharp-van der Heijde (SHS) method. Results: Serum MMP-8 (p <.001; p <.001) and IL-6 (p <.001; p =.002) were significantly higher in CRA vs. other study groups during the study. Salivary MMP-8 (p =.010) and IL-6 (p =.010) were significantly higher in ERA vs. other study groups at baseline. Salivary MMP-8 was associated with periodontal parameters. Conclusion: Elevated serum concentrations of MMP-8 and IL-6 in CRA patients reflected chronic RA, while elevated salivary concentrations of MMP-8 levels in ERA patients reflected increased periodontal inflammation.Peer reviewe