676 research outputs found

    Extracting black-hole rotational energy: The generalized Penrose process

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    In the case involving particles the necessary and sufficient condition for the Penrose process to extract energy from a rotating black hole is absorption of particles with negative energies and angular momenta. No torque at the black-hole horizon occurs. In this article we consider the case of arbitrary fields or matter described by an unspecified, general energy-momentum tensor TΌΜT_{\mu \nu} and show that the necessary and sufficient condition for extraction of a black hole's rotational energy is analogous to that in the mechanical Penrose process: absorption of negative energy and negative angular momentum. We also show that a necessary condition for the Penrose process to occur is for the Noether current (the conserved energy-momentum density vector) to be spacelike or past directed (timelike or null) on some part of the horizon. In the particle case, our general criterion for the occurrence of a Penrose process reproduces the standard result. In the case of relativistic jet-producing "magnetically arrested disks" we show that the negative energy and angular-momentum absorption condition is obeyed when the Blandford-Znajek mechanism is at work, and hence the high energy extraction efficiency up to ∌300%\sim 300\% found in recent numerical simulations of such accretion flows results from tapping the black hole's rotational energy through the Penrose process. We show how black-hole rotational energy extraction works in this case by describing the Penrose process in terms of the Noether current.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, version published in Phys. Rev.

    The Pattern of Correlated X-ray Timing and Spectral Behavior in GRS 1915+105

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    From data obtained from the PCA in the 2-11 keV and 11-30.5 keV energy range, GRS 1915+105 is seen during RXTE observations between 1996 May and October on two separate branches in a hardness intensity diagram. On the hard branch, GRS 1915+105 exhibits narrow quasi-periodic oscillations ranging from 0.5 to 6 Hz with ΔΜΜ∌0.2{\Delta \nu \over \nu} \sim 0.2. The QPOs are observed over intensities ranging from about 6,000 to 20,000 counts s−1^{-1} in the 2 - 12.5 keV energy band, indicating a strong dependence on source intensity. Strong harmonics are seen, especially, at lower frequencies. As the QPO frequency increases, the harmonic feature weakens and disappears. On the soft branch, narrow QPOs are absent and the low frequency component of the power density spectrum is approximated by a power-law, with index ∌−1.25\sim -1.25 for low count rates and ∌−1.5\sim -1.5 for high count rates (\gta 18000 cts/s). Occasionally, a broad peaked feature in the 1-6 Hz frequency range is also observed on this branch. The source was probably in the very high state similar to those of other black hole candidates. Thermal-viscous instabilities in accretion disk models do not predict the correlation of the narrow QPO frequency and luminosity unless the fraction of luminosity from the disk decreases with the total luminosity.Comment: ApJ Lett accepte

    XMM-Newton observations of two black hole X-ray transients in quiescence

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    We report on XMM-Newton observations of GRO J1655-40 and GRS 1009-45, which are two black hole X-ray transients currently in their quiescent phase. GRO J1655-40 was detected with a 0.5 - 10 keV luminosity of 5.9 10^{31} erg/s. This luminosity is comparable to a previous Chandra measurement, but ten times lower than the 1996 ASCA value, most likely obtained when the source was not yet in a true quiescent state. Unfortunately, XMM-Newton failed to detect GRS 1009-45. A stringent upper limit of 8.9 10^{30} erg/s was derived by combining data from the EPIC-MOS and PN cameras. The X-ray spectrum of GRO J1655-40 is very hard as it can be fitted with a power law model of photon index ~ 1.3 +/- 0.4. Similarly hard spectra have been observed from other systems; these rule out coronal emission from the secondary or disk flares as the origin of the observed X-rays. On the other hand, our observations are consistent with the predictions of the disc instability model in the case that the accretion flow forms an advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF) at distances less than a fraction ~ 0.1 - 0.3) of the circularization radius. This distance corresponds to the greatest extent of the ADAF that is thought to be possible.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Subordinated Langevin Equations for Anomalous Diffusion in External Potentials - Biasing and Decoupled Forces

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    The role of external forces in systems exhibiting anomalous diffusion is discussed on the basis of the describing Langevin equations. Since there exist different possibilities to include the effect of an external field the concept of {\it biasing} and {\it decoupled} external fields is introduced. Complementary to the recently established Langevin equations for anomalous diffusion in a time-dependent external force-field [{\it Magdziarz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 101}, 210601 (2008)}] the Langevin formulation of anomalous diffusion in a decoupled time-dependent force-field is derived

    The origin and fate of short-period low-mass black-hole binaries

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    We present results of a population synthesis study for semidetached short orbital period binaries which contain low-mass(<1.5 Msun) donors and black hole (>4 Msun) accretors. Evolution of these binaries is determined by nuclear evolution of the donors and/or orbital angular momentum loss due to magnetic braking by the stellar wind of the donors and gravitational wave radiation. According to our model, the estimated total number of this type of black-hole binaries in the Galaxy is about 10000. If the magnetic braking is described by the Verbunt & Zwaan formula, the model predicts around 3000 transient systems with periods >2 hours and around 300 luminous stable systems with periods between 3 and 8 hours. Several dozens of these bright systems should be above the RXTE ASM sensitivity limit. The absence of such systems implies that angular momentum losses are reduced by a factor more than 2 with respect to the Verbunt & Zwaan prescription. We show that it is unlikely that the transient behaviour of black-hole short-period X-ray binaries is explained by the evolved nature of the stellar companion. A substantial fraction of black-hole binaries with periods >3 hours could be faint with truncated, stable cold accretion discs as proposed by Menou et al. Most of the semidetached black-hole binaries are expected to have periods shorter than ~2 hours. Properties of such, still to be observed, very small mass-ratio (q<0.02) binaries are different from those of their longer period cousins.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Three Additional Quiescent Low-Mass X-ray Binary Candidates in 47 Tucanae

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    We identify through their X-ray spectra one certain (W37) and two probable (W17 and X4) quiescent low-mass X-ray binaries (qLMXBs) containing neutron stars in a long Chandra X-ray exposure of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, in addition to the two previously known qLMXBs. W37's spectrum is dominated by a blackbody-like component consistent with radiation from the hydrogen atmosphere of a 10 km neutron star. W37's lightcurve shows strong X-ray variability which we attribute to variations in its absorbing column depth, and eclipses with a probable 3.087 hour period. For most of our exposures, W37's blackbody-like emission (assumed to be from the neutron star surface) is almost completely obscured, yet some soft X-rays (of uncertain origin) remain. Two additional candidates, W17 and X4, present X-ray spectra dominated by a harder component, fit by a power-law of photon index ~1.6-3. An additional soft component is required for both W17 and X4, which can be fit with a 10 km hydrogen-atmosphere neutron star model. X4 shows significant variability, which may arise from either its power-law or hydrogen-atmosphere spectral component. Both W17 and X4 show rather low X-ray luminosities, Lx(0.5-10 keV)~5*10^{31} ergs/s. All three candidate qLMXBs would be difficult to identify in other globular clusters, suggesting an additional reservoir of fainter qLMXBs in globular clusters that may be of similar numbers as the group of previously identified objects. The number of millisecond pulsars inferred to exist in 47 Tuc is less than 10 times larger than the number of qLMXBs in 47 Tuc, indicating that for typical inferred lifetimes of 10 and 1 Gyr respectively, their birthrates are comparable.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 13 pages, 7 figures (2 color

    A Population of Faint Non-Transient Low Mass Black Hole Binaries

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    We study the thermal and viscous stability of accretion flows in Low Mass Black Hole Binaries (LMBHBs). We consider a model in which an inner advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) is surrounded by a geometrically thin accretion disk, the transition between the two zones occurring at a radius R_tr. In all the known LMBHBs, R_tr appears to be such that the outer disks could suffer from a global thermal-viscous instability. This instability is likely to cause the transient behavior of these systems. However, in most cases, if R_tr were slightly larger than the estimated values, the systems would be globally stable. This suggests that a population of faint persistent LMBHBs with globally stable outer disks could be present in the Galaxy. Such LMBHBs would be hard to detect because they would lack large amplitude outbursts, and because their ADAF zones would have very low radiative efficiencies, making the systems very dim. We present model spectra of such systems covering the optical and X-ray bands.Comment: LateX, 37 pages, 11 figures; Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Black Hole and Neutron Star Transients in Quiescence

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    We consider the X-ray luminosity difference between neutron star and black hole soft X-ray transients (NS and BH SXTs) in quiescence. The current observational data suggest that BH SXTs are significantly fainter than NS SXTs. The luminosities of quiescent BH SXTs are consistent with the predictions of binary evolution models for the mass transfer rate if (1) accretion occurs via an ADAF in these systems and (2) the accreting compact objects have event horizons. The luminosities of quiescent NS SXTs are not consistent with the predictions of ADAF models when combined with binary evolution models, unless most of the mass accreted in the ADAF is prevented from reaching the neutron star surface. We consider the possibility that mass accretion is reduced in quiescent NS SXTs because of an efficient propeller and develop a model of the propeller effect that accounts for the observed luminosities. We argue that modest winds from ADAFs are consistent with the observations while strong winds are probably not.Comment: LateX, 37 pages, 7 figures; Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Resonances of the cusp family

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    We study a family of chaotic maps with limit cases the tent map and the cusp map (the cusp family). We discuss the spectral properties of the corresponding Frobenius--Perron operator in different function spaces including spaces of analytic functions. A numerical study of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions is performed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to J.Phys.
