5,429 research outputs found

    A truthful online mechanism for resource allocation in fog computing

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    Fog computing is a promising Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm in which data is processed near its source. Here, efficient resource allocation mechanisms are needed to assign limited fog resources to competing IoT tasks. To this end, we consider two challenges: (1) near-optimal resource allocation in a fog computing system; (2) incentivising self-interested fog users to report their tasks truthfully. To address these challenges, we develop a truthful online resource allocation mechanism called flexible online greedy. The key idea is that the mechanism only commits a certain amount of computational resources to a task when it arrives. However, when and where to allocate resources stays flexible until the completion of the task. We compare our mechanism to four benchmarks and show that it outperforms all of them in terms of social welfare by up to 10% and achieves a social welfare of about 90% of the offline optimal upper bound

    Do cancer cells undergo phenotypic switching? The case for imperfect cancer stem cell markers

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    The identification of cancer stem cells in vivo and in vitro relies on specific surface markers that should allow to sort cancer cells in phenotypically distinct subpopulations. Experiments report that sorted cancer cell populations after some time tend to express again all the original markers, leading to the hypothesis of phenotypic switching, according to which cancer cells can transform stochastically into cancer stem cells. Here we explore an alternative explanation based on the hypothesis that markers are not perfect and are thus unable to identify all cancer stem cells. Our analysis is based on a mathematical model for cancer cell proliferation that takes into account phenotypic switching, imperfect markers and error in the sorting process. Our conclusion is that the observation of reversible expression of surface markers after sorting does not provide sufficient evidence in support of phenotypic switching

    Quantum chemical topological analysis of hydrogen bonding in HX…HX and CH3X…HX dimers (X = Br, Cl, F)

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    We present a systematic investigation of the nature and strength of the hydrogen bonding in HX···HX and CH3X…HX (X = Br, Cl and F) dimers using ab initio MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculations in the framework of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and electron localisation functions (ELFs) methods. The electron density of the complexes has been characterised, and the hydrogen bonding energy, as well as the QTAIM and ELF parameters, is consistent, providing deep insight into the origin of the hydrogen bonding in these complexes. It was found that in both linear and angular HX…HX and CH3X…HX dimers, F atoms form stronger HB than Br and Cl, but they need short (∼2 Å) X…HX contacts.The authors are grateful to FAPESP and FAPEMIG for financially supporting this research and for a scholarship (to R.A.C.), to CAPES for the scholarships (to F.A.L. and R.T.S.) and to CNPq for the fellowships (to T.C.R., M.P.F., E.F.F.C. and R.R.). J.A. also thanks Universitat Jaume I-Fundacio´n Bancaixa (Project P1.1B2010-10), Generalitat Valenciana for Prometeo/2009/053 project, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n for project CTQ2009-14541-C02 and Programa de Cooperacio´n Cientı´fica con Iberoamerica (Brazil), Ministerio de Educacio´n (PHB2009-0065-PC)

    Response modes and coordination in a traffic context, an experimental comparison of Chinese and German participants

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    This paper reports results of laboratory experiments about traffic behavior of participants with different cultural backgrounds. We conducted the minority game as an elementary traffic scenario in which human participants of a German and Chinese subject pool had to choose over 100 periods between a road A and a road B. In each period, the road which was chosen by the minority of players won, these participants got a payoff. The payoff in the majority group was 0. An important observation is that the number of road changes of a participant is negatively correlated with her cumulative payoff. The Chinese participants reacted differently to the payoffs of preceding periods than the German participants

    Joint 3D modelling of the polarized Galactic synchrotron and thermal dust foreground diffuse emission

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    We present for the first time a coherent model of the polarized Galactic synchrotron and thermal dust emissions which are the main diffuse foreground for the measurement of the polarized power spectra of the CMB fluctuations with the Planck satellite mission. We produce 3D models of the Galactic magnetic field including regular and turbulent components, and of the distribution of matter in the Galaxy, relativistic electrons and dust grains. By integrating along the line of sight we construct maps of the polarized Galactic synchrotron and thermal dust emission for each of these models and compare them to currently available data. We consider the 408 MHz all-sky continuum survey, the 23 GHz band of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe and the 353 GHz Archeops data.}{The best-fit parameters obtained are consistent with previous estimates in the literature based only on synchrotron emission and pulsar rotation measurements. They allows us to reproduce the large scale structures observed on the data. Poorly understood local Galactic structures and turbulence make difficult an accurate reconstruction of the observations in the Galactic plane. Finally, using the best-fit model we are able to estimate the expected polarized foreground contamination at the Planck frequency bands. For the CMB bands, 70, 100, 143 and 217 GHz, at high Galactic latitudes although the CMB signal dominates in general, a significant foreground contribution is expected at large angular scales. In particular, this contribution will dominate the CMB signal for the B modes expected from realistic models of a background of primordial gravitational waves

    Dynamics and statistics of heavy particles in turbulent flows

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    We present the results of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of turbulent flows seeded with millions of passive inertial particles. The maximum Taylor's Reynolds number is around 200. We consider particles much heavier than the carrier flow in the limit when the Stokes drag force dominates their dynamical evolution. We discuss both the transient and the stationary regimes. In the transient regime, we study the growt of inhomogeneities in the particle spatial distribution driven by the preferential concentration out of intense vortex filaments. In the stationary regime, we study the acceleration fluctuations as a function of the Stokes number in the range [0.16:3.3]. We also compare our results with those of pure fluid tracers (St=0) and we find a critical behavior of inertia for small Stokes values. Starting from the pure monodisperse statistics we also characterize polydisperse suspensions with a given mean Stokes.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Stakeholders’ attitudes about the transplantations of the mediterranean seagrass posidonia oceanica as a habitat restoration measure after anthropogenic impacts: A q methodology approach

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    Anthropogenic impacts on Posidonia oceanica meadows have led to a decline of this ecosystem throughout the Mediterranean. Transplantations have often been prescribed as a compensation measure to mitigate the impacts caused by coastal maritime works. Here a Q methodology approach was used to investigate the stakeholders’ attitudes in four case studies of P. oceanica transplants realized in Italian waters. Twenty-two respondents were asked to score 37 statements, and the resultant Q-sorting was analyzed via an inverse PCA using the KADE software. Four discourses, corresponding to the significant axes in the factorial analysis were identified: science and conservation (F1), oriented at a rigorous scientific approach; engineering and industry (F2), oriented at the economic development; environmentalism and participation (F3), oriented at the conservation of seagrass meadows; and transplantation-oriented (F4), oriented at the realization of transplants as compensation measures. The main conflicts and agreements between discourses are assessed and discussed, based on the analysis of the distinguishing statements that contributed to consensus or disagreement among discourses. The benefits of the Q methodology in the identification and mediation of conflicts in the four case studies are discussed, and its potential as a powerful aid in the development of a good environmental governance is acknowledged

    Transnational strategy on the sustainable management and responsible use of non-native trees in the Alpine Space

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    Abstract Non-native tree species – defined as those species intentionally or unintentionally introduced by humans – have long been a part of the Alpine Space, providing numerous benefits, but also posing a potential threat to native biodiversity and related ecosystem services. Compared to the urban space where non-native trees comprise most tree species, the number of non-native trees in forests and plantations is relatively low. To evaluate potential risks and benefits of non-native trees in the Alpine Space, a transnational strategy for the responsible use and management of non-native trees is needed. The goals of the strategy are to tailor management practices for a sustainable and responsible use or admixture of non-native trees, to reduce the risks connected with the invasive potential of some non-native tree species, to help forests and urban areas to adapt to climate change, and to improve coordination and cooperation regarding best practices between different regions of the Alpine Space. A proposal was developed in a four-step process including expert-based assessment, stakeholder mapping, an extensive data review, and a public consultation. For implementing the strategy fully, strong collaboration among diverse stakeholders is anticipated and robust governance and an adequate long-term and fair funding scheme is needed

    Do State-Owned Banks Promote Growth? Cross-Country Evidence for Manufacturing Industries

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    This paper tests the efficiency of different structures of bank ownership in terms of its ability to target manufacturing sectors in need of credit. We find that state- owned banks do not play a significant role in the development of industries that rely more on external finance and/or that have less tangible assets to pledge as collateral

    Political Regimes and Sovereign Credit Risk in Europe, 1750-1913

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    This article uses a new panel data set to perform a statistical analysis of political regimes and sovereign credit risk in Europe from 1750 to 1913. Old Regime polities typically suffered from fiscal fragmentation and absolutist rule. By the start of World War I, however, many such countries had centralized institutions and limited government. Panel regressions indicate that centralized and?or limited regimes were associated with significant improvements in credit risk relative to fragmented and absolutist ones. Structural break tests also reveal close relationships between major turning points in yield series and political transformations