1,050 research outputs found

    Interference Conditions of the Reconsolidation Process in Humans: The Role of Valence and Different Memory Systems

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    Following the presentation of a reminder, consolidated memories become reactivated followed by a process of re-stabilization, which is referred to as reconsolidation. The most common behavioral tool used to reveal this process is interference produced by new learning shortly after memory reactivation. Memory interference is defined as a decrease in memory retrieval, the effect is generated when new information impairs an acquired memory. In general, the target memory and the interference task used are the same. Here we investigated how different memory systems and/or their valence could produce memory reconsolidation interference. We showed that a reactivated neutral declarative memory could be interfered by new learning of a different neutral declarative memory. Then, we revealed that an aversive implicit memory could be interfered by the presentation of a reminder followed by a threatening social event. Finally, we showed that the reconsolidation of a neutral declarative memory is unaffected by the acquisition of an aversive implicit memory and conversely, this memory remains intact when the neutral declarative memory is used as interference. These results suggest that the interference of memory reconsolidation is effective when two task rely on the same memory system or both evoke negative valence.Fil: Fernández, Rodrigo Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Bavassi, Mariana Luz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física; ArgentinaFil: Kaczer, Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Forcato, Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; ArgentinaFil: Pedreira, Maria Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias; Argentin

    Selection of bioantagonistic bacteria to be used in biological control of Rhizoctonia solani in tomato

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    http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-97602011000100002&lng=es&nrm=isoBacteria from the rhizoplane and surrounding soil of healthy and Rhizoctonia solani diseased tomato plants, cropped in greenhouse of the V Region of Chile, were collected. The best bacterial strains, based on their ability to control development of three R. solani isolates (identified as belonging to the anastomosis groups AG-2-1, AG-4), were identified as B. subtilis (one isolate) and B. lentimorbus (two different isolates). All bacterial isolates resulted effective for the in vitro control of growth of all R. solani isolates, where the control mechanisms used by the bacteria do not involve the secretion of fungal cell wall hydrolytic enzymes. R. solani AG-2-1 was more sensitive than R. solani AG-4. On the other hand, all bacteria grew well in conditions similar to those that can be found at the field level (considering pH, salinity, Fe3+ and temperature) and showed a good capacity of tomato root colonization. These results suggest that the B. subtilis and B. lentimorbus isolates studied have an excellent potential to be used as biocontrol agents of R. solani in tomato greenhouses at the field level

    A system demonstration of Onoma, the online conjugator for Spanish verbs and verb neologisms

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    Presentamos Onoma, un conjugador en línea para conjugar y analizar tanto los verbos existentes como los neologismos verbales en español. Su desarrollo es el resultado de un importante trabajo lingüístico sobre el sistema verbal español a través de una metodología innovadora. Tanto las evaluaciones obtenidas como su popularidad confirman su validez e interés.We present Onoma, an online tool to conjugate and analyze Spanish verbs and verb neologisms. Its development results from of an important linguistic study in which the Spanish verbal system is approached with an innovative methodology. Both the evaluation and the noticeable success confirm its validity and interest

    Modeling Energy Communities with Collective Photovoltaic Self-Consumption: Synergies between a Small City and a Winery in Portugal

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    The recently approved regulation on Energy Communities in Europe is paving the way for new collective forms of energy consumption and production, mainly based on photovoltaics. However, energy modeling approaches that can adequately evaluate the impact of these new regulations on energy community configurations are still lacking, particularly with regards to the grid tariffs imposed on collective systems. Thus, the present work models three different energy community configurations sustained on collective photovoltaics self-consumption for a small city in southern Portugal. This energy community, which integrates the city consumers and a local winery, was modeled using the Python-based Calliope framework. Using real electricity demand data from power transformers and an actual winery, the techno-economic feasibility of each configuration was assessed. Results show that all collective arrangements can promote a higher penetration of photovoltaic capacity (up to 23%) and a modest reduction in the overall cost of electricity (up to 8%). However, there are clear trade-offs between the different pathways: more centralized configurations have 53% lower installation costs but are more sensitive to grid use costs (which can represent up to 74% of the total system costs). Moreover, key actor’s individual self-consumption rate may decrease by 10% in order to benefit the energy community as a whole.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Small perturbations in a finger-tapping task reveal inherent nonlinearities of the underlying error correction mechanism

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    Time estimation is critical for survival and control of a variety of behaviors, both in humans and other animals. Time processing in the few hundred milliseconds range, known as millisecond timing, is involved in motor control, speech generation and recognition, and sensorimotor synchronization like playing music or finger tapping to an external beat. In finger tapping, a mechanistic explanation in terms of neuronal activations of how the brain achieves average synchronization against inherent noise and perturbations in the stimulus sequence is still missing despite considerable research. In this work we show that nonlinear effects are important for the recovery of synchronization following a perturbation (a step change in stimulus period), even for perturbation magnitudes smaller than 10% of the period, which is well below the amount of perturbation needed to display other nonlinear effects like saturation. We build a mathematical model for the error correction mechanism and test its predictions, and further propose a framework that allows us to unify the description of the three common types of perturbations and all perturbation magnitudes with a single set of parameter values. While previous works have proposed that multiple mechanisms/strategies are used for correcting different perturbation conditions (based on fitting the model?s parameters separately to different perturbation types and sizes), our results suggest that the synchronization behavior can be interpreted as the outcome of a single mechanism/strategy, and call for a revision of the idea of multiple strategies.Fil: Bavassi, Mariana Luz. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina;Fil: Tagliazucchi, Enzo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina;Fil: Laje, Rodrigo. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologia; Argentina; University Of California; Estados Unidos de América

    Biocontrol of root and crown rot in tomatoes under greenhouse conditions using Trichoderma harzianum and Paenibacillus lentimorbus. Additional effect of solarization

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    Indexación: ScieloTrichoderma harzianum 650 (Th650) and Paenebacillus lentimorbus 629 (Pl629) selected earlier for their ability to control Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani and F. oxysporum in vitro, were applied alone or combined with solarization (summer assay) and/or with methyl bromide (MeBr) (summer and winter assays) to a soil with a high inoculum level, for the control of tomato root rot caused by the complex F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici - Pyrenochaeta lycopersici - Rhizoctonia solani. Evaluations were also performed independently for root damage caused by P. lycopersici, and also for R. solani in the summer assay. MeBr decreased tomato root damage caused by the complex from 88.7% to 21.2% and from 78.4% to 35.7% in the summer and in the winter assay, respectively. None of the bio-controllers could replace MeBr in the winter assay, but Th650 and Pl629 reduced root damage caused by this complex in the summer assay. Treatments with bio-controllers were improved by their combination with solarization in this season. Independent evaluations showed that the positive control of Th650 towards R. solani and the lack of effect on P. lycopersici correlates well with the endochitinase pattern expressed by Th650 in response to these phytopathogens. Root damage caused by R. solani can be controlled at a similar level as it does MeBr in summer assays, thus representing an alternative to the use of this chemical fungicide for the control of this phytopathogen.Financial support: Fondecyt 1990785

    Response to perturbations as a built-in feature in a mathematical model for paced finger tapping

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    Paced finger tapping is one of the simplest tasks to study sensorimotor synchronization. The subject is instructed to tap in synchrony with a periodic sequence of brief tones, and the time difference (called asynchrony) between each response and the corresponding stimulus is recorded. Despite its simplicity, this task helps to unveil interesting features of the underlying neural system and the error correction mechanism responsible for synchronization. Perturbation experiments are usually performed to probe the subject's response, for example in the form of a "step change", i.e. an unexpected change in tempo. The asynchrony is the usual observable in such experiments and it is chosen as the main variable in many mathematical models that attempt to describe the phenomenon. In this work we show that although asynchrony can be perfectly described in operational terms, it is not well defined as a model variable when tempo perturbations are considered. We introduce an alternative variable and a mathematical model that intrinsically takes into account the perturbation, and make theoretical predictions about the response to novel perturbations based on the geometrical organization of the trajectories in phase space. Our proposal is relevant to understand interpersonal synchronization and the synchronization to non-periodic stimuli

    A articulação entre constitucionalismo e violência estatal : impunidade e responsabilidade do Estado na República Brasileira

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    Os conceitos de Estado de Direito e de Constitucionalismo, que orientam muito do Direito Constitucional e da Teoria do Estado atuais, postulam uma limitação do poder de violência do Estado através do Direito. No entanto, no Brasil, se verificam múltiplos e repetidos casos de violência praticada pelo Estado fora da legalidade, em aparente contradição a essas premissas. Este trabalho visa compreender como é possível que haja uma aparência de normalidade constitucional simultaneamente com o exercício da violência estatal além dos limites legais. As normas jurídicas, constitucionais sobretudo, atuam como mediadoras de legitimidade simbólica do Estado, para além de suas funções deônticas. A partir daí, a hipótese é que, por meio de exceções à responsabilização de agentes estatais – exemplificadas, mas não limitadas, em normas de impunidade – o Estado consegue praticar violência além do juridicamente permitido, mantendo a validade jurídica das normas constitucionalistas e obtendo legitimação, mas sem concretizar uma limitação da violência à forma legal. A metodologia visa a uma desconstrução das categorias através da genealogia da violência de Estado e sua impunidade ao longo da história da República Brasileira.The concepts of rule of law and constitutionalism, which guide much of present constitutional law and state theory, propose a limitation through Law of a State’s violence power. However, in Brazil, multiple and repeated cases of state-practiced violence outside of legality are found, in an apparent contradiction with these premises. This work seeks to understand how it is possible that there is a semblance of constitutional normalcy simultaneously with the exercise of state violence beyond legal limitations. Legal norms, especially constitutional ones, act as mediators of the state’s symbolic legitimacy, beyond their deontic functions. Thus, the hypothesis is that, through exceptions to the accountability of state agents – exemplified in, but no limited to, impunity norms – the State is able to practice violence beyond legally permitted, maintaining legal validity of constitutionalist norms and obtaining the legitimacy, but not actualizing the limitation of violence to legal form. The methodology seeks a deconstruction of categories through a genealogy of State violence and its impunity throughout the Brazilian republic history

    Resistir ao estado de exceção : análise do direito de resistência como mecanismo institucional para a garantia dos direitos e preservação da ordem constitucional face às medidas tomadas em estado de exceção

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    O objeto desta dissertação é o estado de exceção. Mais especificamente, coloca-se a pergunta quanto à existência controles institucionais que possam contrabalancear o risco que o estado de exceção representa à ordem constitucional. Para responder a tal pergunta, partiu-se de um método genealógico, buscando as origens do estado de exceção. Assim, o primeiro capítulo percorre o desenvolvimento do estado de exceção, desde a dictadura na Roma antiga até a atualidade, com o surgimento do estado de sítio e dos poderes legislativos do Executivo. A partir daí são estabelecidas as discussões teóricas necessárias à compreensão do estado de exceção, para melhor colocar a pergunta quanto ao controle deste. A partir daí se coloca a hipótese de que várias práticas de controle constitucional seriam capazes de realizar papéis importantes no controle do estado de exceção para evitar seu abuso, mas o direito de resistência representa uma forma de controle institucional do estado de exceção especialmente capaz de evitar o desgaste da força normativa da Constituição e contribuir consideravelmente com o retorno à normalidade democrática. Desta forma, o segundo capítulo centra-se primeiro ao redor da discussão dos mecanismos de controle e, em seguida, na compreensão do direito de resistência através de uma genealogia deste instituto, desde o iustitium romano até as positivações constitucionais atuais. No último capítulo, a hipótese é confrontada na prática. Primeiro para apontar indicativos de como o direito de resistência pode surgir na realidade. Depois, busca-se defrontar a questão da resistência na realidade brasileira, por meio da análise de duas práticas de resistência selecionadas na história do país. A conclusão é de que o direito de resistência e sua positivação constitucional podem ser uma importante forma de controle vertical do estado de exceção, limitando os riscos que este gera ao quadro constitucional.The object of this dissertation is the state of exception. More specifically, the question arises as to whether there are institutional controls that can counterbalance the risk that the state of exception represents to the constitutional order. To answer this question, it starts from a genealogical method, searching for the origins of the state of exception. Thus, the first chapter covers the development of the state of exception, from the dictatorship in ancient Rome to the present times, with the emergence of the state of siege and of the legislative powers of the Executive. From there, the theoretical discussions necessary to understand the state of exception are established, in order to better place the question of its control. From this, the hypothesis is settled, that various constitutional control practices may be able to play important roles in controlling the state of exception to avoid its abuse, but the right of resistance represents a form of institutional control of the exception state that is especially capable of avoiding the erosion of the normative force of the Constitution and contributing considerably to the return to democratic normality. Thus, the second chapter focuses first on the discussion of the control mechanisms and then onwards to the understanding of the right to resistance through a genealogy of this institute, from the Roman iustitium to the present constitutional positivations. In the last chapter, the hypothesis is confronted in practice. First to present indicatives of how the right to resistance may arise in reality. Afterwards, it seeks to confront the question of resistance in Brazilian reality, through the analysis of two resistance practices selected in Brazilian history. The conclusion is that the right of resistance and its constitutional positivation can be an important form of vertical control of the state of exception, limiting the risks that it poses to the constitutional framework