170 research outputs found

    Motivasi Orangtua Beragama Muslim Menyekolahkan Anak di Sekolah Dasar (SD) Kalam KUDUS Pekanbaru

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    Education is one thing that is needed in todays modern times. Education consists of three kinds of formal, informal and non formal. Formal education is one of the fundamental things that must be taken by all children in Indonesia in accordance with the national education goals is for the intellectual life of the nation. In general, parents want their children to be smart and can be a source of pride for the family. In elections where his sosn was educated parents consider good schools and is considered to be able to educate their children well. Given the many standing in Pekanbaru international schools, religious schools, private schools and public schools. Muslim religious parent who prefer to send their children to primary school Kalam Kudus is one private school based on the teachings of religion is protestant Christianity. Therefor, the formulation of the problem in this research are : 1. What motivation causes parents who send their children to religious muslim kalam kudus elementary school ? 2. How socio cultural background of muslim parents who send their children to kalam kudus elementary school ? Subjects in this study were religious muslim parents who send their children kalam kudus elementary school in pekanbaru as many as five people. The method in this study ia qualitative research method, namely the outlines of the interview respondents. The results of this study is the motivation of parents who send their children to religious muslim kalam kudus elementary school is comprised of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation that parents want their children to be a smart kid and has a lot of knowledge and because elementary school is one of the holy word of school discipline and have the quality and the quality is very good whereas extrinsic motivation is that the distance is not to far away from school and wants to raise the degree of their social status. Socio cultural backgrouns of muslim parents who are different rom one another, and every parents wants only the besr for their childrens education. Keyword : Motivation Parents, Education, Religio

    Efek Pemberian Seduhan Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocererus Polyhizus) Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol Ldl Tikus Sprague Dawley Dislipidemia

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    Latar Belakang: Penyakit kardiovaskular merupakan penyebab utama kematian di dunia. Salah satu faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskular adalah dislipidemia yaitu abnormalitas profil lipid dalam darah. Pengendalian kadar kolesterol dapat dilakukan dengan mengkonsumsi pangan fungsional yang berpotensi menurunkan kadar kolesterol salah satunya adalah kulit buah naga merah. Kulit buah naga merah mengandung flavonoid, serat, antioksidan, dan fenol yang berpotensi menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL darah.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah true experimental dengan pre- post test randomized control group design terhadap 30 ekor tikus Sprague dawley yang kemudian dibagi secara acak dalam 5 kelompok. Keempat kelompok diberi pakan tinggi kolesterol, kecuali kontrol negatif selama 7 hari. Selanjutnya kelompok kontrol negatif dan positif diberi pakan standar, sedangkan kelompok perlakuan diberi seduhan kulit buah naga dengan dosis 200 mg/ml, 400 mg/ml, dan 800 mg/ml selama 14 hari. Kulit buah naga kering diseduh dengan air hangat (70-75˚C) selama 2-3 menit. Kadar kolesterol LDL diperiksa dengan metode CHOD-PAP dan presipitasi LDL. Data dianalisis dengan uji Paired t-test dan ANOVA serta uji Post- Hoc dengan LSD pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna sebelum dan setelah intervensi pada kelompok K(-). Namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok K(+), P1, P2 dan P3. Pada kelompok K(+) terdapat peningkatan LDL secara bermakna, sedangkat pada kelompok perlakuan dengan pemberian seduhan kulit buah naga merah selama 14 hari dapat menurunkan kadar LDL (15,36±4,20), (29,55±1,81), dan (41,18±4,78). Setelah intervensi terdapat perbedaan rerata kadar LDL antar kelompok p=0,000.Kesimpulan: Pemberian seduhan kulit buah naga merah selama 14 hari pada dosis 800 mg/ml paling efektif menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL pada tikus dislipidemia


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    This study discusses the risks of murabahah contracts, as we all know that murabahah financing is in great demand by the public, especially in sharia-based multi-business cooperatives (KSU) - BMT Tanjung, this is because it is considered fast and easy in practice. This study uses a qualitative descriptive design with observation, documentation and interview techniques. This lesson takes place in a multi-business cooperative (KSU) BMT Tanjung, the results of this research are (1) where murabahah products are widely used as consumption payments and there is also capital used for business continuity, (2) the risks associated with murabahah a lot of payments, goods and collateral, (3) risk management is carried out by sharia murabahah multi-business cooperatives (KSU) sharia-bmt bandar loyal quite well in its management, it's just that there are some managements, especially those related to goods that are not quite right, namely murabahah contracts that made before the goods are placed in the hands of the Sharia Financial Services cooperative (KSU) sharia-compliant BMT Tanjung. The limitation of this study is the lack of risk associated with customers, because the Sharia Financial Services Cooperative does not have any risks associated with customer risk, but in this study researchers found a new risk, namely the risk associated with collateral.This study discusses the risks of murabahah contracts, as we all know that murabahah financing is in great demand by the public, especially in sharia-based multi-business cooperatives (KSU) - BMT Tanjung, this is because it is considered fast and easy in practice. This study uses a qualitative descriptive design with observation, documentation and interview techniques. This lesson takes place in a multi-business cooperative (KSU) BMT Tanjung, the results of this research are (1) where murabahah products are widely used as consumption payments and there is also capital used for business continuity, (2) the risks associated with murabahah a lot of payments, goods and collateral, (3) risk management is carried out by sharia murabahah multi-business cooperatives (KSU) sharia-bmt bandar loyal quite well in its management, it's just that there are some managements, especially those related to goods that are not quite right, namely murabahah contracts that made before the goods are placed in the hands of the Sharia Financial Services cooperative (KSU) sharia-compliant BMT Tanjung. The limitation of this study is the lack of risk associated with customers, because the Sharia Financial Services Cooperative does not have any risks associated with customer risk, but in this study researchers found a new risk, namely the risk associated with collateral

    Efek Pemberian Seduhan Kulit Buah Naga Merah (Hylocererus Polyhizus) Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol Ldl Tikus Sprague Dawley Dislipidemia

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    Latar Belakang: Penyakit kardiovaskular merupakan penyebab utama kematian di dunia. Salah satu faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskular adalah dislipidemia yaitu abnormalitas profil lipid dalam darah. Pengendalian kadar kolesterol dapat dilakukan dengan mengkonsumsi pangan fungsional yang berpotensi menurunkan kadar kolesterol salah satunya adalah kulit buah naga merah. Kulit buah naga merah mengandung flavonoid, serat, antioksidan, dan fenol yang berpotensi menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL darah.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah true experimental dengan pre- post test randomized control group design terhadap 30 ekor tikus Sprague dawley yang kemudian dibagi secara acak dalam 5 kelompok. Keempat kelompok diberi pakan tinggi kolesterol, kecuali kontrol negatif selama 7 hari. Selanjutnya kelompok kontrol negatif dan positif diberi pakan standar, sedangkan kelompok perlakuan diberi seduhan kulit buah naga dengan dosis 200 mg/ml, 400 mg/ml, dan 800 mg/ml selama 14 hari. Kulit buah naga kering diseduh dengan air hangat (70-75˚C) selama 2-3 menit. Kadar kolesterol LDL diperiksa dengan metode CHOD-PAP dan presipitasi LDL. Data dianalisis dengan uji Paired t-test dan ANOVA serta uji Post- Hoc dengan LSD pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna sebelum dan setelah intervensi pada kelompok K(-). Namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok K(+), P1, P2 dan P3. Pada kelompok K(+) terdapat peningkatan LDL secara bermakna, sedangkat pada kelompok perlakuan dengan pemberian seduhan kulit buah naga merah selama 14 hari dapat menurunkan kadar LDL (15,36±4,20), (29,55±1,81), dan (41,18±4,78). Setelah intervensi terdapat perbedaan rerata kadar LDL antar kelompok p=0,000.Kesimpulan: Pemberian seduhan kulit buah naga merah selama 14 hari pada dosis 800 mg/ml paling efektif menurunkan kadar kolesterol LDL pada tikus dislipidemia

    Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara Ujungbatu)

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    This research have done in PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara Ujungbatu, and the purpose of this research is to know the influence promotion mixed towards buying interest customers of PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara Ujungbatu. Promotion mixed as independent variable (X) while the customers buying interest as dependent variable (Y).The problem of this research is decline realization sales of PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara Ujungbatu then target unappropriate with realization sales. There has been seen from realization sales percentage which is fluctuated or up and down the purchase of motor cycle for last 5 years. Sample of this research is taken about 96 slovin formula. The data has been obtained from questionnaire and process next to making a test with statistic by SPSS program. The result of the calculation is the promotion mixed has positive effect about 72,5 % towards customers buying interest in PT. Capella Dinamik Nusantara UjungbatuKeywor: Promotio Mixed, Customers Buying Interes

    Pengaruh Corporate Gorvernance Preception Index (Cgpi), Struktur Kepemilikan, Dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan

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    This study aimed to examine the influence of Corporate Gorvernance Perception Index (CGPI) , ownership structure , and firm size on financial performance. CGPI is the result of the assessment and ranking of the application of corporategovernance in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) conducted by the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance (IICG). The population in this study are listed Company on Corporate Gorvernance PreceptionIndex (CGPI) 2010-2012 . By using purposive sampling obtained a sample of 60 companies . The data analysis technique used is Ordinary Least Square regression (OLS) . The results showed that the variables of Corporate GorvernancePerception Index (CGPI) and managerial ownership effect significant positive on the company\u27s financial performance. Meanwhile, institutional ownership and firm size is not effect significant positive on financial performance


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    The genre-based approach has been known to characterize pedagogical practices during the implementation of the 2006 school-level curriculum. Despite its prevalent use and overwhelming support by school stakeholders, the efficacy of this approach was nonetheless questionable. This paper aims to revisit the 2006 School level curriculum, its plausibility and compatibility with individual contexts and its bearing on EFL practices. It also discusses the Genre-based approach in terms of its underlying paradigms, and possible variables and contextual factors which might have impinged on its implementation. Some research findings on the adoption of the approach in Southeast Asia context are also presented to provide insights into how the Genre-based approach could be efficiently adopted. This essay concludes with some ideas for the amendment to the 2006 school- level curriculum and how the genre-based approach might still be relevant in the context of teaching writing skills at tertiary education.&nbsp

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Auditory, Intellectualy, Repetition (Air) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas Iva Sdn 032 Kualu

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    The problem of this research is the lack of students learning outcomes in science, it can be seen from students score, only 15 students (42,85%) who reached the KKM (Standard Minimum Criteria) from the total number of students which is 35 students. While the KKM of the school is 75, it means that there are 20 students (57,14%) who did not reach the KKM. Based on these problems, the researcher need to implement the action research Auditory Learning Model, Intellectualy, Repetition (AIR). In the first cycle of the first meeting, the percentage of teachers activity gained 79,1% in both categories, at the second meeting, the percentage increased to 83,3% in both categories. At the first meeting of the second cycle the percentage increased to 87,5% with very good category, at the second meeting of the percentage increased to 91,6% with very good category. Activities of students has increased, in the first cycle of the first meeting the percentage of the student activity gained 66,7% in average categories, at the second meeting of the percentage increased to 83.3% in both categories. At the first meeting of the second cycle the percentage increased to 87.5% with very good category, and at the second meeting of the percentage increased to 91.6% with very good category. The Average students achievement before the application is 69,28 and increased to 78,28 in the first cycle, and increase again to 85,57 in the second cycle. While the classical completeness in the second cycle is reached. This means that the Auditory, Intellectualy, Repetition (AIR) implementation can increase students achievement in science in fourth grades of SDN 032 Kualu