117 research outputs found

    Morphology of first seven larval stages of the striped soldier shrimp, Plesionika edwardsii (Brandt, 1851) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pandalidae) from laboratory reared material

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    With the idea of starting a research program for the biological study of Plesionika edwardsii, eight ovigerous females were collected with artisanal bottom traps at 220 m depth in the Southwest of Gran Canaria island, north-western Africa (27º43.864´N 15º47.822´W), for laboratory larval cultures. The first seven zoeal stages of Plesionika edwardsii were obtained for 20 days after hatching at 23.4 ± 0.4ºC, 10ºC above adult habitat temperature. The zoeal stages are described and illustrated, constituting the first detailed larval description of the genus Plesionika. The larval morphology is compared with previous larval descriptions attributed to Plesionika spp. collected in plankton tows and with descriptions of the first stage of development of Plesionika acanthonotus reared in laboratory

    Pinging the brain with visual impulses reveals electrically active, not activity-silent, working memories

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    Persistently active neurons during mnemonic periods have been regarded as the mechanism underlying working memory maintenance. Alternatively, neuronal networks could instead store memories in fast synaptic changes, thus avoiding the biological cost of maintaining an active code through persistent neuronal firing. Such "activity-silent" codes have been proposed for specific conditions in which memories are maintained in a nonprioritized state, as for unattended but still relevant short-term memories. A hallmark of this "activity-silent" code is that these memories can be reactivated from silent, synaptic traces. Evidence for "activity-silent" working memory storage has come from human electroencephalography (EEG), in particular from the emergence of decodability (EEG reactivations) induced by visual impulses (termed pinging) during otherwise "silent" periods. Here, we reanalyze EEG data from such pinging studies. We find that the originally reported absence of memory decoding reflects weak statistical power, as decoding is possible based on more powered analyses or reanalysis using alpha power instead of raw voltage. This reveals that visual pinging EEG "reactivations" occur in the presence of an electrically active, not silent, code for unattended memories in these data. This crucial change in the evidence provided by this dataset prompts a reinterpretation of the mechanisms of EEG reactivations. We provide 2 possible explanations backed by computational models, and we discuss the relationship with TMS-induced EEG reactivations

    Description of the first five larval stages of Plesionika narval (Fabricius, 1787) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pandalidae) obtained under laboratory conditions.

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    The first five zoeal stages of Plesionika narval were obtained from 15 days of laboratory culture. All larval stages are described and illustrated in detail. Zoeal characters are compared with the previous described larvae of Plesionika acanthonotus and Plesionika edwardsii and with undetermined zoeas of Pandalidae from plankton samples

    Intervención en guarderías desde Terapia Ocupacional: en niños de 2 a 3 años orientado hacia el desarrollo sensitivo-motor para el correcto Desempeño Ocupacional en las Actividades Básicas de la Vida Diaria

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    Este trabajo versa sobre un plan de intervención dirigido a un grupo de niños de 2-3 años de una guardería, sin aparente retraso en el desarrollo psicomotor. Pretende incluir la Terapia Ocupacional para potenciar las habilidades y las destrezas necesarias para un correcto desempeño de las Actividades Básicas de la Vida Diaria (ABVD), y tratar de detectar precozmente cualquier indicio de retraso psicomotor. Se plantearan diferentes actividades para conseguir los objetivos propuestos para capacitar al niño en su autonomía personal de la vida diaria, esto lo llevaremos a cabo siguiendo una visión global del funcionamiento del niño. La intervención comenzaría con una evaluación inicial de los niños y reuniéndonos con la profesora y a posteriori realizar la intervención. Finalmente se reevaluaría a los niños para apreciar los resultados concluidos. Con este programa se espera que todos los niños al finalizar el curso hayan conseguido los hitos del desarrollo correspondientes para su edad, y tengan un correcto desempeño en las áreas de ocupacional (aseo, vestido y alimentación

    Distribución horizontal de las larvas de invertebrados alrededor de la isla oceánica de Gran Canaria: Efecto de la variabilidad de mesoescala

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    11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table.-- Published online 21 April 2009.[EN] In October 1991, the horizontal distribution of invertebrate larvae was studied in the waters surrounding the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). The cruise was typified by the presence of three recurrent mesoscale hydrographic structures: a cyclonic eddy southwest of the island, a warm lee region downstream of the island and the offshore boundary of an upwelling filament from the African coast reaching the southeast of the island. Decapod larvae were the most abundant group. In general, a rather high spatial variability was found. The horizontal distribution of the invertebrate larvae groups showed that the highest values of abundance occurred in an elongated zone around the island oriented in the overall direction of flow, leeward and windward of the island, while the lowest values occurred off the eastern and western flanks of the islands. On the other hand, Stomatopoda and Mollusca larvae showed a distribution associated with the boundary of the upwelling filament and decapod larvae of pelagic species were distributed around the eddy structure. Our results suggest specific retention mechanisms for the larvae of neritic invertebrate populations that are related to the particular physical oceanography around Gran Canaria.[ES] Se estudió la distribución horizontal de las larvas de invertebrados alrededor de la isla de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias) en octubre de 1991. La campaña se caracterizó por la presencia de tres fenómenos oceanográficos de mesoescala recurrentes: un remolino ciclónico al suroeste de la isla, la estela cálida a sotavento de la misma y el borde de un filamento proveniente del afloramiento africano situado al sureste de Gran Canaria. Las larvas de crustáceos decápodos fueron las más abundantes. En general, las larvas de los diferentes taxa estudiados mostraron una gran variabilidad en cuanto a su distribución espacial. La distribución horizontal de las larvas de los diferentes grupos de invertebrados mostró que las densidades más altas se registraban alrededor de la isla en la banda cercana y orientada hacia el suroeste, en la dirección del flujo, mientras que los valores más bajos se encontraron en el norte y en los flancos este y oeste de la isla. Por otro lado, las larvas de estomatópodos y moluscos presentaron una distribución asociada al frente del filamento, mientras que las larvas de decápodos pelágicos se distribuyeron en torno al remolino ciclónico. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la existencia de mecanismos de retención específicos para el mantenimiento de las poblaciones insulares, relacionados con los procesos físicos de mesoescala predominantes.This work was funded by the MAST 0031 project of the European Union and the ConAfrica project (CICYT, CTM2004-02319) of the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. JML was supported by a postgraduate grant (BES-2005-10960) from the European Social Fund.Peer reviewe


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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende analizar el perfil y las relaciones familiares de pacientes con trastorno mental grave ingresados en el Neuropsiquiatrico Nuestra Señor del Carmen de Garrapinillos (Zaragoza). Debido a que la mayoría de los pacientes son refractarios, muchos son derivados al centro como última red de recursos, tras haber agotado anteriormente todos los recursos existentes dentro de la comunidad. Por estos motivos, el trabajo con las familias es complejo y esencial. Para poder aportar una visión objetiva sobre el tema tratado, se han realizado entrevistas a varios profesionales del centro y se ha realizado una revisión exhaustiva de todas las historias sociales de cada uno de los pacientes. Los resultados muestran que los pacientes llevan un largo recorrido psiquiátrico que ha deteriorado en gran medida la comunicación con su familia y que, a pesar de que, en muchos casos, los familiares han cedido su protección a la administración, siguen proporcionándoles implicación emocional, material y médica y esta ha mejorado con la estancia en el centro.<br /

    Diminished modulation of preparatory sensorimotor mu rhythm predicts attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder severity

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    BackgroundAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by problems in regulating attention and in suppressing disruptive motor activity, i.e. hyperactivity and impulsivity. We recently found evidence that aberrant distribution of posterior α band oscillations (8–12 Hz) is associated with attentional problems in ADHD. The sensorimotor cortex also produces strong 8–12 Hz band oscillations, namely the μ rhythm, and is thought to have a similar inhibitory function. Here, we now investigate whether problems in distributing α band oscillations in ADHD generalize to the μ rhythm in the sensorimotor domain.MethodIn a group of adult ADHD (n = 17) and healthy control subjects (n = 18; aged 21–40 years) oscillatory brain activity was recorded using magnetoencephalography during a visuo-spatial attention task. Subjects had to anticipate a target with unpredictable timing and respond by pressing a button.ResultsPreparing a motor response, the ADHD group failed to increase hemispheric μ lateralization with relatively higher μ power in sensorimotor regions not engaged in the task, as the controls did (F1,33 = 8.70, p = 0.006). Moreover, the ADHD group pre-response μ lateralization not only correlated positively with accuracy (rs = 0.64, p = 0.0052) and negatively with intra-individual reaction time variability (rs = −0.52, p = 0.033), but it also correlated negatively with the score on an ADHD rating scale (rs = −0.53, p = 0.028).ConclusionsWe suggest that ADHD is associated with an inability to sufficiently inhibit task-irrelevant sensorimotor areas by means of modulating μ oscillatory activity. This could explain disruptive motor activity in ADHD. These results provide further evidence that impaired modulation of α band oscillations is involved in the pathogenesis of ADHD.</jats:sec

    A ventromedial prefrontal dysrhythmia in obsessive-compulsive disorder is attenuated by nucleus accumbens deep brain stimulation

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    Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has consistently been linked to abnormal frontostriatal activity. The electrophysiological disruption in this circuit, however, remains to be characterized. Objective/hypothesis: The primary goal of this study was to investigate the neuronal synchronization in OCD patients. We predicted aberrant oscillatory activity in frontal regions compared to healthy control subjects, which would be alleviated by deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Methods: We compared scalp EEG recordings from nine patients with OCD treated with NAc-DBS with recordings from healthy controls, matched for age and gender. Within the patient group, EEG activity was compared with DBS turned off vs. stimulation at typical clinical settings (3.5 V, frequency of stimulation 130 Hz, pulse width 60 ms). In addition, intracranial EEG was recorded directly from depth macro electrodes in the NAc in four OCD patients. Results: Cross-frequency coupling between the phase of alpha/low beta oscillations and amplitude of high gamma was significantly increased over midline frontal and parietal electrodes in patients when stimulation was turned off, compared to controls. Critically, in patients, beta (16-25 Hz)-gamma (110-166 Hz) phase amplitude coupling source localized to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and was reduced when NAc-DBS was active. In contrast, intracranial EEG recordings showed no beta-gamma phase amplitude coupling. The contribution of non-sinusoidal beta waveforms to this coupling are reported. Conclusion: We reveal an increased beta-gamma phase amplitude coupling in fronto-central scalp sensors in patients suffering from OCD, compared to healthy controls, which may derive from ventromedial prefrontal regions implicated in OCD and is normalized by DBS of the nucleus accumbens. This aberrant cross-frequency coupling could represent a biomarker of OCD, as well as a target for novel therapeutic approaches. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.This work was supported by Project grants SAF2015-65982-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to BS and PSI2014-58654-JIN to JGR, an FPI Predoctoral Fellowship (BES-2016-079470) to ST, and BIAL Foundation Grant 119/12 to BS. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ERC-2018-COG 819814)