653 research outputs found

    Influences of precipitation and temperature trend on maize yields

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    Maize yield for three decade period of the last century (1961-1990) were in Hungary for 15% higher than in Croatia (means 3.81 and 4.39 t/ha, respectively) and this trend was continued in the 1996-2007 period. However, amplitude of maize yields (differences among year (for the 1996-2007) in Hungary were higher (from 3.60 to 7.56 t/ha) than in Croatia (from 3.86 to 6.92 t/ha). Aim of this study was testing maize yield, precipitation and air-temperature variations in four Counties (Croatia: Vukovarsko-Srijemska =VSC and Virovitiţko-Podravska =VPC; Hungary: Békés = BC and Fejér =FC). Mean yield in VSC for 1996-2007 period was for 16% higher than in VPC. Yields in three less favorable years (LFY: 2000, 2003 and 2007) were considerably lower (means 5.22 and 4.41 t/ha, for VSC and VPC, respectively) than in three more favorable years (MFY: 1997, 2002 and 2005) years (means 7.50 and 7.00, respectively). Precipitation (means of two sites: Osijek and Virovitica) in 3-months period June-August was in LFY for 58% lower than in MFY (129 mm and 305 mm, respectively). At the same time, air-temperatures were for 2.0°C higher (22.7 and 20.7°C, respectively). Mean yield in BC for 1996-2007 period was for 21% higher than in FC. Yields in three LSY were considerably lower (means 3.78 and 3.79 t/ha, for BC and FC, respectively) than in three MFY (means 6.13 and 7.30 t/ha, respectively). Precipitation (means of two sites: Békéscsaba and Székesfehérvár) in 3-months period June-August was in LFY for 51% lower (115 mm and 235 mm, respectively) and air-temperatures were for 1.9°C higher (22.1 and 20.2°C, respectively) than in MFY. Precipitation and temperature trends for LFY and MFY in two sites of both countries were similar with emphasis that in Hungary they were negligible lower

    Joining EU: Reflections on Croatian Food Foreign Trade Relations

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    The aim of the paper was to analyze the impact of joining EU to the agricultural foreign trade relations and trade shifting from traditional destinations to the EU. The most important part in total Croatian agricultural value has crop production, mostly cereals production, while livestock products contribute with 40% in the total value of agricultural production. Wheat and maize area sawn stagnate with mild descending in the 2000-2015 period, while annual production oscillates a lot. The situation in livestock production is characterized by lower production capacities of agricultural family farms. A number of livestock stagnate (cattle) or decreasing (pigs) in period 2000-2015. Croatian agricultural foreign trade negative balance is increasing, although the export-import ratio improves in the period 2011- 2013, probably as an effect of EU pre-accession trade benefits. Negative indicators in agricultural production are in direct connect to enormous import and negative foreign trade balance, while coverage of import by export is 57%. Joining EU shifted the trade from CEFTA countries (mostly Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) to EU because Croatian products have not got privileged free access. Croatian agricultural policy should urgently be addressed to the weak points if we want to sustain the sector and better position on the European scene. The CAP mechanisms correspond to the needs and offer solutions for solving the problems of Croatian agriculture and rural areas by implementing measures of rural development

    LU60645GT and MA132843GT Catalogues of Lunar and Martian Impact Craters Developed Using a Crater Shape-based Interpolation Crater Detection Algorithm for Topography Data

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    For Mars, 57,633 craters from the manually assembled catalogues and 72,668 additional craters identified using several crater detection algorithms (CDAs) have been merged into the MA130301GT catalogue. By contrast, for the Moon the most complete previous catalogue contains only 14,923 craters. Two recent missions provided higher-quality digital elevation maps (DEMs): SELENE (in 1/16 resolution) and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (we used up to 1/512). This was the main motivation for work on the new Crater Shape-based interpolation module, which improves previous CDA as follows: (1) it decreases the number of false-detections for the required number of true detections; (2) it improves detection capabilities for very small craters; and (3) it provides more accurate automated measurements of craters' properties. The results are: (1) LU60645GT, which is currently the most complete (up to D>=8 km) catalogue of Lunar craters; and (2) MA132843GT catalogue of Martian craters complete up to D>=2 km, which is the extension of the previous MA130301GT catalogue. As previously achieved for Mars, LU60645GT provides all properties that were provided by the previous Lunar catalogues, plus: (1) correlation between morphological descriptors from used catalogues; (2) correlation between manually assigned attributes and automated measurements; (3) average errors and their standard deviations for manually and automatically assigned attributes such as position coordinates, diameter, depth/diameter ratio, etc; and (4) a review of positional accuracy of used datasets. Additionally, surface dating could potentially be improved with the exhaustiveness of this new catalogue. The accompanying results are: (1) the possibility of comparing a large number of Lunar and Martian craters, of e.g. depth/diameter ratio and 2D profiles; (2) utilisation of a method for re-projection of datasets and catalogues, which is very useful for craters that are very close to poles; and (3) the extension of the previous framework for evaluation of CDAs with datasets and ground-truth catalogue for the Moon

    Dynamics of diatomic molecules on metal surfaces: O2/Ag(110) and CO/Ru(0001)

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    206 p.This thesis concerns with theoretical modelling from first principles of dynamics of two gas-surface systems (oxygen on silver and carbon monoxide on ruthenium) that are relevant to the heterogeneous catalysis. An accurate potential energy surface is constructed for the interaction of molecular oxygen with the Ag(110) surface based on density functional theory calculations. Using this potential energy surface, the dissociative and molecular adsorption dynamics is studied by performing trajectory calculations. Accuracy of different approximations to exchange-correlation functional in density functional theory for the modelling of the oxygen-silver system is tested. Furthermore, laser induced desorption of oxygen from Ag(110) is studied. Dynamics of carbon monoxide adsorption and scattering on Ru(0001) is also studied by performing trajectory calculations on top of a density functional based potential energy surface. These simulations can explain the results of molecular beam experiments.CFM; DIP

    Planktic foraminiferal response to changing SE Atlantic oceanography

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    Kroon, D. [Promotor]Brummer, G.J. [Copromotor]Peeters, F.J.C. [Copromotor

    Magyarországi horvát nyelvjárások kutatása = Scientific Research in the Field of Croatian Dialects in Hungary

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    A kutatás eredménye egy dialektológiai szótár, amely a Mura menti kaj-horvát nyelvjárás szókincsét mutatja be. Az anyaggyűjtés elsősorban Murakresztúron, Molnáriban és Tótszerdahelyen történt. Ez a kaj nyelvjáráshoz tartozó helyi köznyelv sok magyar szót és állandósult szókapcsolatot adaptált, valamint számos tükörfordítással is találkozunk benne. Az anyaggyűjtés munkáját Đuro Blaľeka professzor irányította, a verifikációt rajta kívül Mijo Lončarić, Nyomárkay István, Gadányi Károly professzorok és Rácz Erika Phd végezték, a német jelentéseket Bańczerowski Janusz és Földes Csaba professzor ellenőrizte. Szerkesztők: Đuro Blaľeka és Nyomárkay István. A szótár tartalmazza az egyes címszavak fonetikai átírását, valamint standard horvát, magyar és német nyelvi megfelelőjét. Így válik a szótár hasznos forrássá a nemzetközi tudományosság számára. A munka a horvát dialektológiai kutatásokba illeszkedő jelentős mű, amely az érintett nyelvjárás alapszókincsét szinte utolsó pillanatban térképezi fel, így, teljesebbé teszi a kaj nyelvjárásról való ismereteinket, és további tudományos kutatások része lehet. | Das Ergebnis der Forschungsarbeit ist ein Dialektwörterbuch, in dem der Wortschatz der kroatischen Mundart der Murgegend dargestellt ist. Die Wortmaterialsammlung wurde in erster Linie in den Gemeinden Murakeresztúr, Molnári und Tótszerdahely durchgeführt. In dieser, zu dem kajkawischen Dialekt gehörenden Lokalsprache wurden außer zahlreichen ungarischen Wörtern auch feste Wortverbindungen ungarischer Herkunft adaptiert. Bedeutend ist auch der Zahl der nach ungarischen Mustern gebildeten Lehnwörter und Lehnübersetzungen. Unter jedem Lemma sind dessen phonetische Transkription, die Äquivalente in der kroatischen Schriftsprache so wie die ungarischen und deutschen Bedeutungen angeführt. Die Arbeit der Wortmaterialsammlung hat Professor Đuro Blaľeka geführt, die Verifikation haben Professor Mijo Lončarić , Professor István Nyomárkay, Professor Károly Gadányi und Erika Rácz PhD vollgeführt, die deutschen Bedeutungen haben Janusz Bańczerowski und Csaba Földes überprüft. Die Redakteure sind Đuro Blaľeka und István Nyomárkay. So kann das Wörterbuch zu einer nützlichen Quelle für die wissenschaftliche Öffentlickeit werden. Unsere Arbeit fügt sich an die Reihe der kroatischen Dialektforschung, insoweit sie den Wortschatz der betreffenden Lokalmundart, deren authentische Sprecher noch leben, in der letzten Moment erfasst, so kann sie unsere bisherige Kanntnisse über das Kajkawische vervollständigen, und damit ein interessanter Teil der Dialektforschnug werden

    Multi-domain active sound control and noise shielding

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    This paper describes an active sound control methodology based on difference potentials. The main feature of this methodology is its ability to automatically preserve “wanted” sound within a domain while canceling “unwanted” noise from outside the domain. This method of preservation of the wanted sounds by active shielding control is demonstrated with various broadband and realistic sound sources such as human voice and music in multiple domains in a one-dimensional enclosure. Unlike many other conventional active control methods, the proposed approach does not require the explicit characterization of the wanted sound to be preserved. The controls are designed based on the measurements of the total field on the boundaries of the shielded domain only, which is allowed to be multiply connected. The method is tested in a variety of experimental cases. The typical attenuation of the unwanted noise is found to be about 20 dB over a large area of the shielded domain and the original wanted sound field is preserved with errors of around 1 dB and below through a broad frequency range up to 1 kHz. © 2011 Acoustical Society of Americ