179 research outputs found

    Are species occurrence data in global online repositories fit for modeling species distributions? The case of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Final Report of the Task Group on GBIF Data Fitness for Use in Distribution Modelling.

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    Primary Biodiversity Data (PBD) are defined as the basic attributes of observations or records of the occurrences of species. PBD is a fundamental concept of biodiversity informatics since it is substantial in quantity and provides the links to organize other large and independent bodies of data concerning species (= taxonomic information) and environments. In fact, PBD is at the core of the exploding field of biodiversity informatics, which in some sense now underlies biogeography, macroecology, landscape ecology and several other subdisciplines of biology. A principal - and rapidly growing - class of research that can be performed using PBD is the estimation of a species' environmental requirements and the projection of these in both environmental and geographic spaces to estimate niches or distributional ranges, generally by using models of ecological niches and species' distributions (often called ENMs or SDMs, respectively). The largest point of access to PBD in the world is the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and hundreds of papers have now used GBIF-mediated data to fit and apply ENM/SDM. Experience has shown that GBIF, like other aggregated data research infrastructures, holds a number of potential problems related to incomplete or difficult access to all the fields in its schema, inconsistent information among fields, or simply erroneous or incomplete data. These drawbacks complicate ENM/SDM analyses considerably, and detract from the enormous scientific value of this information storehouse. Three overlapping communities participate in GBIF's data process: providers (museums, herbaria, and observer's networks), users (scientists, analysts working for governments, NGOs or the private sector, the public) and the technical staff managing the huge databases, web services and servers at GBIF. Each can play a different role in fixing data issues of GBIF. Our main recommendations for the GBIF Secretariat are the following: GBIF.org should serve indicators of precision, quality, and uncertainty of data that can be calculated practically, and preferably "on the fly", as well as summaries and metrics of completeness of inventories, at scales and for regions defined by the user. The summaries should display maps and graphs of completeness by region, time-period and taxa. The implementation of the GBIF information resource should go beyond unique identifiers of queries (DOIs for downloads, including the capability to re-run queries, http://www.gbif.org/publishing-data/summary#supporteddatasettypes), and to include identifiers of the individual data that make up the queried data. GBIF.org should include applications or functionalities enabling users to annotate errors or problems, and communicate those changes directly to providers, as it may be practical and appropriate. This point may need to be discussed with providers. A procedure enabling users to make accessible versions of their databases that have been improved and annotated should be supported, but this functionality should not lose the vital tie back to the original data records and the actual data provider. GBIF should partner with and/or support initiatives to do more for training and guiding users on the proper use of the data; such initiatives should incorporate actual expert uses in ENM/SDM to assure that current best practices are followed

    Respostas do estrato herbáceo à adubação organo-mineral em planossolo háplico no município de Irauçuba, Sertão Cearense.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o incremento da produção de fitomassa e as mudanças na composição florística do estrato herbáceo da vegetação em um planossolo háplico, na região de Irauçuba, Ceará. Parcelas de 6,0 x 3,0 m foram demarcadas e receberam por sorteio os seguintes fertilizantes ou suas combinações: nitrogênio (N, 400 kg/ha), fósforo (P, 100 kg/ha), potássio (K, 60 kg/ha) NK, NP, PK e NPK. Foi também aplicado o equivalente 5,0 t/ha de esterco de cabra, interessando à metade de cada parcela. Os resultados indicaram que o capim panasco responde à aplicação de nitrogênio ou deste mineral associado ao potássio e ao fósforo, porém, não apresenta aumentos da produção de fitomassa com a aplicação de fósforo separadamente e de matéria orgânica. A erva de ovelha apresenta excelentes aumentos de produção de fitomassa, quando adubada com fósforo, matéria orgânica ou com a combinação destes dois fertilizantes. A adubação orgânica só ou associada a NPK pode ser usada na recuperação de áreas degradadas sob planossolo háplico, com resultados positivos sobre a produção de fitomassa, mudanças benéficas na composição florística, com possíveis incrementos na biodiversidade da vegetação herbácea. Responses of herbaceous organic-mineral fertilization in the municipality of Planosol haplic Irauçuba, Hinterland Cearense. Abstract: The paper deals with the determination of the increment on the phytomass production and changes on the botanical composition of the herbaceous cover of the vegetaion on haplic planossol in Irauçuba region, Ceará. Plots, measuring 6,0 x 3,0 m were staked out and recieved the following fertilizer or their mixture: nitrogen (N, 400 kg/ha), phosphorus (P, 100 kg/ha), potass (K, 60 kg/ha), NK, NP, PK and NPK. Goat manure was also apllied on half of each plot at a rate of 5,0 t/ha. The results indicated that panasco grass responds to the application of nitrogen or of this mineral combined with potass and phosphorus, but, it does not show increase of phytomass production with the application of phosphorus separately and of organic matter. Erva de ovelha presents excellent increases of phytomass production with the application of phosphorus, organic matter or with the combination of these fertilizers. Organic fertilization alone, or associated with NPK may be used to the recuperation of degraded areas on haplic planossols with positive results on the phytomass production, beneficial changes on the floristic composition and with possible increments on the biodiversity of the herbaceous cover

    Níveis de danos e perdas causadas por Pratylenchus zeae na cultura do arroz.

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    Perdas de produção na cultura do arroz são estimadas na ordem de 10 a 25% causadas por nematoides. Entretanto, os danos de Pratylenchus spp. em vários sistemas agrícolas são escassos. Portanto, o trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os níveis de danos e perdas na produção do arroz causadas por P. zeae

    In-flight Diagnostics in LISA Pathfinder

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    LISA PathFinder (LPF) will be flown with the objective to test in space key technologies for LISA. However its sensitivity goals are, for good reason, one order of magnitude less than those which LISA will have to meet, both in drag-free and optical metrology requirements, and in the observation frequency band. While the expected success of LPF will of course be of itself a major step forward to LISA, one might not forget that a further improvement by an order of magnitude in performance will still be needed. Clues for the last leap are to be derived from proper disentanglement of the various sources of noise which contribute to the total noise, as measured in flight during the PathFinder mission. This paper describes the principles, workings and requirements of one of the key tools to serve the above objective: the diagnostics subsystem. This consists in sets of temperature, magnetic field, and particle counter sensors, together with generators of controlled thermal and magnetic perturbations. At least during the commissioning phase, the latter will be used to identify feed-through coefficients between diagnostics sensor readings and associated actual noise contributions. A brief progress report of the current state of development of the diagnostics subsystem will be given as well.Peer Reviewe

    Avaliação da patogenicidade de diferentes populações de Pratylenchus zeae em linhagens e cultivares de arroz.

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    Danos e perdas econômicas têm sido causadas por Pratylenchus spp. em diversas culturas no Brasil. O cultivo de arroz de terras altas, tornou-se importante no cerrado, porém o arroz é hospedeiro de diversos nematoides, em especial da espécie de Pratylenchus zeae. Estudos sobre patogenicidade de P. zeae em plantas de arroz são escassos no Brasil. Baseado no exposto o trabalho, objetivou avaliar a patogenicidade de P. zeae em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco repetições

    In-flight Diagnostics in LISA Pathfinder

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    LISA PathFinder (LPF) will be flown with the objective to test in space key technologies for LISA. However its sensitivity goals are, for good reason, one order of magnitude less than those which LISA will have to meet, both in drag-free and optical metrology requirements, and in the observation frequency band. While the expected success of LPF will of course be of itself a major step forward to LISA, one might not forget that a further improvement by an order of magnitude in performance will still be needed. Clues for the last leap are to be derived from proper disentanglement of the various sources of noise which contribute to the total noise, as measured in flight during the PathFinder mission. This paper describes the principles, workings and requirements of one of the key tools to serve the above objective: the diagnostics subsystem. This consists in sets of temperature, magnetic field, and particle counter sensors, together with generators of controlled thermal and magnetic perturbations. At least during the commissioning phase, the latter will be used to identify feed-through coefficients between diagnostics sensor readings and associated actual noise contributions. A brief progress report of the current state of development of the diagnostics subsystem will be given as well.Peer Reviewe

    Back from a Predicted Climatic Extinction of an Island Endemic: A Future for the Corsican Nuthatch

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    The Corsican Nuthatch (Sitta whiteheadi) is red-listed as vulnerable to extinction by the IUCN because of its endemism, reduced population size, and recent decline. A further cause is the fragmentation and loss of its spatially-restricted favourite habitat, the Corsican pine (Pinus nigra laricio) forest. In this study, we aimed at estimating the potential impact of climate change on the distribution of the Corsican Nuthatch using species distribution models. Because this species has a strong trophic association with the Corsican and Maritime pines (P. nigra laricio and P. pinaster), we first modelled the current and future potential distribution of both pine species in order to use them as habitat variables when modelling the nuthatch distribution. However, the Corsican pine has suffered large distribution losses in the past centuries due to the development of anthropogenic activities, and is now restricted to mountainous woodland. As a consequence, its realized niche is likely significantly smaller than its fundamental niche, so that a projection of the current distribution under future climatic conditions would produce misleading results. To obtain a predicted pine distribution at closest to the geographic projection of the fundamental niche, we used available information on the current pine distribution associated to information on the persistence of isolated natural pine coppices. While common thresholds (maximizing the sum of sensitivity and specificity) predicted a potential large loss of the Corsican Nuthatch distribution by 2100, the use of more appropriate thresholds aiming at getting closer to the fundamental distribution of the Corsican pine predicted that 98% of the current presence points should remain potentially suitable for the nuthatch and its range could be 10% larger in the future. The habitat of the endemic Corsican Nuthatch is therefore more likely threatened by an increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires or anthropogenic activities than by climate change

    Fishers who rely on mangroves: Modelling and mapping the global intensity of mangrove-associated fisheries

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    Mangroves are critical nursery habitats for fish and invertebrates, providing livelihoods for many coastal communities. Despite their importance, there is currently no estimate of the number of fishers engaged in mangrove associated fisheries, nor on the fishing intensity associated with mangroves at a global scale. We address these gaps by developing a global model of mangrove associated fisher numbers and mangrove fishing intensity. To develop the model, we undertook a three-round Delphi process with mangrove fisheries experts to identify the key drivers of mangrove fishing intensity. We then developed a conceptual model of intensity of mangrove fishing using those factors identified both as being important and for which appropriate global data could be found or developed. These factors were non-urban population, distance to market, distance to mangroves and other fishing grounds, and storm events. By projecting this conceptual model using geospatial datasets, we were able to estimate the number and distribution of mangrove associated fishers and the intensity of fishing in mangroves. We estimate there are 4.1 million mangrove associated fishers globally, with the highest number of mangrove fishers found in Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Brazil. Mangrove fishing intensity was greatest throughout Asia, and to a lesser extent West and Central Africa, and Central and South America

    Integração de dados de georeferenciamento e dados genéticos para o manejo da biodiversidade de recursos genéticos de ovinos no Brasil.

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    Existem relativamente poucas coleções de germoplasma/bancos de DNA de animais domésticos de produção distribuídos pelo Brasil. Estas coleções precisam de estudos básicos, a fim de atender as demandas futuras no país e até do mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma análise crítica de um Banco de DNA a partir de dados espaciais (dados georreferenciados) e genéticos em relação aos locais de origem a partir de 3518 amostras de DNA originados de 17 diferentes grupos genéticos ou raças de ovelhas do Banco de DNA e Tecidos localizado no Laboratório de Genética Animal da Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia. O georeferenciamento mostrou que nem todos os grupos genéticos têm amostras no banco e as coletas foram concentradas no núcleo de conservação. Apenas 21% dos estados com uma determinada raça têm amostras no banco de genes. O número médio de animais amostrados por coleta foi de 32, enquanto a distância média entre pontos de coleta e núcleos de conservação foi 550 km. A raça Somalis Brasileira foi coletada apenas no seu núcleo de conservação. Não foram coletadas amostras para a raça Cariri. Apenas duas fazendas e uma raça no banco são da região norte. Dos 27 estados brasileiros, 13 proveram amostras ao banco de germoplasma, o que mostra a necessidade de coletas em rebanhos fora do sistema oficial de rebanhos de conservação para garantir que os estudos realizados utilizando este germoplasma não são tendenciosos. Sugestões são dadas para a melhoria da quantidade e diversidade de amostras do referido Banco de DNA